Bash[f]ul girl loved being do[m]inated. (Long)

I've been a longtime lurker of this sub and I think it's about time I finally contribute. I am a man who likes a background story so this runs a bit long, but for those who just want to cut to the chase, look for the dividing line about halfway through the post.

Back in college, I was just beginning to find a strong passion for writing. I was a junior, had recently been dumped by my gf of 2 years (the long distance thing's legs finally gave out), and because I was so accustomed to staying in on weekends to avoid the temptation of cheating with some drunk coed, I found myself with plenty of time on my hands. So I would write. Then one day I came across a flyer for a university short story contest, I submitted one of my works, and lo and behold I won. Rather, I was one of a few winners. Fast forward a bit and I came to understand that it was actually kind of a big deal. All of the 'winners' had to attend this big white table-cloth dinner with the entire writing department and read their stories at a podium in front of the whole goddamn room. Luckily, I have never really had much trouble with public speaking and my recent dumping left me with a general glaze of apathy that proved to be quite useful. So overall the night went off without a hitch and that was that. I went home.

It was about 3 days later when I received a friend request on facebook from a seemingly random girl. She had very few pictures on her profile, but from what I could tell she was petite with medium length curly blonde hair and the most innocent face you've ever seen. Some small part of me thought I recognized her, but just barely. Shortly after accepting her request, she sent me a message. It turns out she was one of the other contest 'winners' and I had watched her read her story just as she had watched me. Unfortunately I didn't really remember her or her story, but she apparently remembered me because she went on to compliment my writing as well as my looks and asked me if I wanted to meet up with her sometime. Now, normally doing something like that wouldn't have quite been my cup of tea, but considering I was freshly dumped, I convinced myself there was really no good reason not to. Not to mention, with my self-esteem so low, I probably would've cleaned her apartment for a few more compliments. So I suggested we grab a drink.

The night arrived and I started my way towards the bar much more excited than I originally thought I would be. What had really got me going was that throughout our messaging to set things up, I could sense more and more that she really was as innocent and shy as her cute little face suggested. With every sentence I could practically feel her blushing, and it was a surprisingly huge turn on. This sweet little angel for me to corrupt.

I arrived at the bar and immediately spotted her at a small table. To my delight, she wore glasses and looked even more bashful in person and when I walked up to her, her face turned bright red. I could barely take it. I told her I would grab us a couple drinks from the bar and asked what she wanted. She turned red again and timidly admitted that she didn't drink. Normally I might have been a bit discouraged by an answer like that, but in this particular case, she quite simply seemed to be pure innocence incarnate and it was only making me want to defile her even more. I told her I had had no idea and apologized for suggesting a bar. I recommended we find a new locale to get to know each other. She told me I didn't need to apologize and then, seemingly unable to make eye contact for a moment, she suggested we just go back to her place which was just down the street. Admittedly I may have blushed at that one. Here was this cute little angel who doesn't even drink and she was fighting every bashful bone in her body to ask me to go home with her. I nearly tripped over myself saying 'yes'.

On the walk over I finally got a good look at the whole of her. She was a tiny little thing, probably 5'3", and with myself standing at 6'1" with an athletic build I couldn't help but imagine throwing her around her bedroom. She wasn't exactly 'sexy' by the college coed definition, but she had a tight runner's body with strong legs, a nicely formed ass, and from what I could tell small, but perky tits. I thought of it as meeting the sexy librarian archetype before she got her degree.

After chatting for a while and getting a decent look at her, we arrived at her place. It was a small studio apartment and I can't tell you how happy I was that she lived alone. As we entered I made sure to lag behind a bit as watching her try to take the lead was turning me on so fucking much. I wanted to give her all control to see just how much courage she had. After an awkward yet adorable tour of the tiny space, she sat down on her couch and I sat next to her. I gave it a second to see if she would try to break the tension by turning on the TV or some music or something, but my little angel stayed strong and just sat there blushing. So I decided to start up the conversation.

We sat for a while and just talked. She was a very intelligent and sweet girl, so despite temporarily reigning in my more carnal urges I was genuinely enjoying our time together. After a while, she seemed to settle herself a bit and was finally getting comfortable, so I decided it was the right time to start pushing. I waited for an appropriate lull in conversation and then began to lean in towards her, eyes locked. Being the smart girl she was, she knew exactly what I was doing and so immediately turned bright red once again, but didn't pull back at all.

And I kissed her. Softly at first, I just let it sit to see how she would react and after a few seconds she began to kiss back. We made out for a while and I couldn't help but think about the funny way her kissing almost exactly mirrored our earlier conversations. The way she tried to put on a mask of confidence, while underneath she was still cripplingly shy. For the first few minutes, I kept my hands at bay, only touching her face or neck. But as she seemed to be revving up a bit, I began to explore. I started with her strong thighs. She was wearing short jean shorts and so I was able to run my hands pretty far up her bare skin. I would occasionally start kissing and biting her neck and seeing as she was wearing a deep v-neck, I would lightly stretch the neck of the shirt down far enough to kiss all over her chest. After some time we had progressed far enough that I was fully squeezing her beautiful little tits under her bra and rubbing her pussy through the denim of her shorts. And up until this point, she hadn't tried to stop me, or even slow me once. But at the end of the day, I like to consider myself a gentleman so I made sure to mentally check myself and I reminded myself that, as much as it turned me on, this was still a very shy and seemingly innocent girl and I had to be ready to shut myself down upon her inevitably stopping me. No sooner had I thought that though, she hopped up and straddled me. She began grinding down hard on my lap and without prompting, pulled off her shirt and unlatched her bra in seemingly one magical motion. I immediately began to kiss and suck on her perky little b-cups and she continued to grind me harder and harder, now in nothing but jean shorts. The more I buried my face in her tits, the rougher she grinded so I decided to start lightly biting her nipples. This drove her wild and she began to moan quite loudly, now grinding her hips without mercy. Now, don't get me wrong, I was loving every minute of this, but my fully erect dick was still in my pants and had a very energetic young girl grinding it against two layers of denim, so I needed to switch things up a bit. I grabbed her petite little body by the waist, lifted her up and threw her back down on the couch. I stared at my little angel for a moment, her curly blonde hair now completely disheveled, bite marks all over her tits, and I pulled my shirt off and unbuttoned my pants. At this point I should tell you that I was born lucky enough to have about 9 inches below the belt, and up until now I had just been with my one girlfriend, so I was really looking forward to pulling myself out in front of this innocent little creature, praying that I would get to see her blush again. Also, I knew I had to try and enjoy the reveal especially, because having been with my also petite gf, I knew that while it seems awesome having a big dick in theory, if you're with a small girl, having a large cock is actually quite a frustrating hindrance when it finally gets down to the fucking.

So I pull myself out and and walk towards her a bit, hoping she'll beg for it, but sure enough she looks up at me and immediately says that she promised herself she wouldn't sleep with me the first night considering we just met. Having prepared myself for that exact moment, I reigned myself in for a second and told her it was completely alright and that we didn't have to go any farther than she wanted to. But, considering my dick was still throbbing, I quickly asked her what she was thinking in terms of how far she wanted to go. She blushed again and almost apologetically said that she also couldn't blow me because she kind of felt that oral sex was even more intimate than normal sex. At this point, she could not have looked any sadder. I could tell that she felt she was disappointing me and while I was admittedly let down a bit, I knew from the start that this was a sweet, innocent girl and I as much I as wanted to defile her, I wouldn't go beyond her boundaries. So I reassured her that everything was completely fine and that I was having a great time and she smiled. She quickly added that she still really wanted to make me cum and I asked her what she had in mind. She stood up, led me to her bed, and told me to lay down. Once I was on my back, she pulled off my pants and then slipped out of her shorts and laid next to me, both of us now completely naked. We made out for a while, me rubbing her clit and her stroking my cock, when she told me that she really wanted to watch me work myself. Having never taking such a request, I found it a bit strange, but it's important to try new things, right? So laying there next to her I began to stroke my dick while she stared at it and fingered herself. Her eyes remained glued on my cock and she started writhing harder and harder on her own fingers. I, myself, was enjoying the show but was intentionally holding back because as happy as I was to oblige her, I was really hoping the night wouldn't end with me simply jerking myself off. I could've done that at home. After a few more minutes of her writhing and staring, she finally came all over herself and laid panting for a moment.

She looked over at me and thanked me and from the look in her eyes I could tell that that first orgasm only got her running even hotter. She immediately spit in her hand and started working my cock like a professional, which seemed to come out of nowhere considering all signs thus far pointed to her being some inexperienced little shy girl. But I was not complaining. She kept working me and working me and every time she felt things get a little dry, she would spit in her hand again and resume. She seemed to be getting just as worked up as I was. After a while she started spitting directly on my cock and each time she did it, it was with her mouth slightly closer to the tip. And every time she did it, it seemed like she had to fight to pull herself away, like she was aching to put it in her mouth. I tried my best to keep from cumming, hoping that she would eventually just wrap her lips around me, but as she looked more and more desperate to swallow my cock, I found it harder and harder to hold off, until finally I could feel the inevitable. I told her that I was just about to cum and she excitedly told me to cum all over her tits. I barely had a chance to lean over before I exploded all over her body, some of my cum hitting her under her chin, some of it all over tits, and some of it still all over me. While I was barely even conscious during my insanely intense orgasm, I couldn't help but notice how much she moaned while I was cumming. Once I caught my breath, I asked her and she confirmed that she came again the moment my hot cum hit her chest. We both laid there in ecstasy.

After catching our breath a bit, I noticed her playing with my cum on her stomach. I assumed she hadn't seen much of it being such a sweet, bashful girl, so watching her run her fingers through it was getting me slightly hard again. She picked some of it up between her thumb, index, and middle finger and continued toying with it. And then, giving me a sight that I will undoubtedly remember for the rest of my life, this sweet, angel-faced girl looked me dead in the eye, smirked, and licked her fingers clean. She then ran her finger through another puddle on her chest and immediately sucked it down. She continued doing this with increasing enthusiasm, grabbing more and more at a time. It seemed like she couldn't eat it fast enough. Eventually she had completely cleaned herself and I was fully rock hard again, so she gave me another quick look and began licking up the cum that was still on my stomach and hips. As her head got nearer and nearer to my cock, I kept telling myself I wouldn't do it. I had a firm grasp on her head full of hair and was watching her lick up my cum and I was pleading with myself not to do it. But then she saw she was about to clean the very last drop, so she tilted her head, looked me straight in the eyes and licked it all up. Fuck it. I grabbed her by her hair and shoved my cock in her mouth. She had literally told me just an hour or so before that she didn't want to blow me, but I was no longer a rational human begin. I was a fucking animal and I was bobbing this sweet girls head on my dick. After the initial rush of the moment, I consciously realized what I was doing and couldn't believe myself. And sure enough, once I let up on the primal grip with which I held her head, she coughed and pulled her mouth off of me. She coughed a couple more times, her eyes watering like crazy and I felt a rush of guilt run over me. She caught her breath, looked up at me with tears running down her face and told me, "You can go harder if you want to."

I nearly came on the spot.

So I tightened my grip on her hair and forced her mouth back down on my cock. A couple times I held her down on it, wanting to hear her gag, and then would let her catch a moment of air before doing it again, but after a while I decided to get some more leverage. I pushed her off of me and told her to lie on her back. Still gasping for breath, a good deal of mascara running down her face now, she obeyed and I positioned myself right above her face. At this point, there was no stopping me, and having not had many opportunities in the past to dominate, I was taking full advantage. I told her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue. She followed her orders and I slapped her face with my cock a few times before slapping it down on her tongue and ramming it down her throat. I began to pound away at her face and she took it without a word. Every so often she would stop me to catch a quick breath, but then she would grab my ass and force my cock back into her mouth. I continued fucking her throat and listening to her gasp for breath until I finally felt myself about to blow. Without stopping, I told her that I was going to cum and she writhed beneath me, dug her fingers into my ass cheeks and pulled me into her mouth as hard as she could until I exploded down her throat. I pumped load after load into her, but considering the sheer dominance I was feeling, I made sure to pull out of her mouth before completely finishing so that I could shoot the last of my cum on her face. She was gasping for breath as I fell onto the bed next to her and we both laid there for a while.

After about 20 minutes, we decided I should go, but that I would come over the following night to continue. So I put on my clothes, gave her nipple one last little bite, and left, my cum still all over her face.

Needless to say, this was not the only time I fooled around with this girl, but I think this epic is long enough as it is. Perhaps if this first installment is received well, I will journey forward. Until then, I hope you enjoy.



  1. Thank you for the story. I like the long posts. And yours is well written with a lot more than just the act. I like the extra story elements

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