Registered: Follow the main Character [M] his slave [F] and his business partners [F and M] in a world where slavery is not only allowed but advocated and managed by the states.

**Chapter 1**

*”A friend once asked me what I wished for, as crazy as it may be. I had to think long, not because I didn’t know, no, it had already come to my mind after a few seconds…”*

*A look at a city reveals a lot, but not that what happens in the narrow alleys,* he thinks to himself while looking over the roofs of the city. Skyscraper after skyscraper as far as the eye can see, or not, because the plain white or light grey buildings with huge windows don’t let you see further than one kilometer. The sky on the other hand is so clear that one can see countless stars. Like a mirror image, a reflection of the lights in the windows of the skyscrapers. *But to think about that would be a waste of time. There is no poverty, no racial conflicts, drugs are sold directly through pharmacies and finding a job for a normal life is the easiest thing in the world. How bad people must have lived back then was always the most interesting part of history lessons.* He turns away from the terrace railing and walks past the plants that are everywhere back towards the crowd. *Maybe it’s too easy to be happy by now… But what am I thinking?* He grins slightly. *What could be better?* Picking a way through the shrilly dressed crowd, he continues walking towards the elevator. Past the exuberantly dancing people. Mirrors on the walls left and right make the spotlights and lasers in the club dance surreally. The floor is made of white marble, but the dirt the dancing people have brought in has affected it in many places. Around the bar a never ending crowd has formed. *I wonder what life was like before, what it must have felt like before we made the technological leap.* The button for the ground floor is pressed, but not before another glass of free champagne is gratefully received from the waiter standing next to the door. *We probably have much more time compared to the unbalanced generations, nobody needs more than five hours of work.* After a few seconds, the 270 on the scoreboard has become a zero. *We don’t have wars either anymore, well, wouldn’t be efficient anyways.* He gets into one of the self-driving cars in front of the door, puts his palm on the display and chooses his home as his destination.

As the car starts to move, he drifts into thoughtlessness, watching the passing lights. There are many shops on the left and right, offering everything that is needed for life, from food and toys to technology and replacement organs.

The people on the street are only fleeting figures on a fast ride. One person is shriller than the other and they blur with the colourful advertisements on the house facades.

Finally arrived, the elevator takes him to the 342nd floor. He gets off. Pushing past a couple wearing the same bright red hats and under the thick layer of make-up they are both hardly recognizable. Only by the cursing voices, why he is in such a hurry, the man and the woman can be distinguished. Smiling a little, he walks on, along the corridor covered with pictures. *Some people do weird things.* He stops at his door. On the doorbell is the first thing that is given to a person after their birth, *the most wonderful invention of all, names, not unique and they are stamped on a person by their parents like a stamp and then everyone expects to be remembered by everyone.* He shakes his head slightly at the thought of it. There is a QR code under the name. *And here is my personal id, just for me alone, about four thousand characters arranged just for me… beautiful.*

He opens the door by the touch of his hand. “Theresa come here,” he shouts as he steps over the threshold*. Anyone can do what they want.*

A young woman with long blonde hair, a striking face and red lips comes towards him through the door at the end of the corridor. She smiles when she sees him.

*Just like Theresa here.*

“On your knees” he says calmly. Her short skirt fans out far above her thighs as she sits down on her knees in front of him. Despite her average bust size, he has a good look at the décolleté in the skintight t-shirt.

*She has sold herself, ceded her human rights to the person who offers the most. Or in her case to the only one, me.* He recites in his head what happened a year ago while pulling his belt out of his pants Theresa smiles brightly at him and playfully bites her lower lip. He walks around her, swings out. The end of the belt slams into her back. A suppressed moan comes back in response. Then he strikes out again.

Thanks for reading the first chapter. You can find the next chapters here depending on your language:

[German Version with almost 1000 Reads (12 Chapters)](

[English Version (3 Chapters translated)](

After a lot of good feedback for the german version, I’m currently having it translated piece by piece depending on how much the people like it. I’m not as good at English book writing myself so if a native speaker could give feedback on the translation I paid for maybe I’d love to hear it.
And I guess I don’t need to say this but all rights are reserved to me.
