Kate Part 1, The Party

Just a little prelude to the story, there was a girl I spoke to frequently from college (for this story) named Kate. We started talking down the lines of sexual experiences and such and to my surprise she was rather innocent, yet open to trying new things. She even had some "fun" with one of her professors at university frequently. She would tell me about how she would go into his office between classes and he would pound the hell out of her while she tried to muffle her screams of pleasure from his office. Well being a cocky son of a bitch I told her that every single girl I have ever been with has ALWAYS told me I was their best orgasm. Not saying this was a lie or anything although it peaked her interests.

Fast forward six months and I am at a race track on one side of the state kicking back and watching the race with a couple co-workers. It was a balmy 90+ degree night with high humidity and the Bud Lights were going down smooth and fast. This race track allowed you to bring your own cooler so it was always a good time. Well get a few rounds in me and I start texting back and forth with Kate. Turns out she is at a party so she is also getting a little rowdy. After college we both moved to separate sides of the state although kept in touch through text and FB. I had broken up with my GF about a year ago at this point and was in quite the dry spell so I was almost desperate for anything at this point and the beers were not helping. One text leads to another and they start getting dirtier. She HIGHLY suggests I drive across the state to party with them.

Well here's the thing. Kate had this rule. Once she had any kind of intimate relationship with someone, she couldn't date, or get intimate with any friends. Freshmen year of University she got softcore frisky with one of my classmates that at one time I considered a friend. She had this hard limit. Nothing was going to happen… Nothing… Not even a chance in her responses towards me. With that said alcohol is like a master key and can unlock many hard limits so I was down to give a go. At the time I was a hard core racer myself, I debated getting up early the next morning to drive to that side of the state anyways for a race I wanted to partake in, so why not just head over that night? That is exactly what I did.

The race I was at ended at 11PM, I went home, showered, cleaned up, still buzzed from all the beer, got in my "race car" (not really street legal, open exhaust, huge turbo, sticky racing tires, you know the jist… but I still drove it on the street) and started my way across the state at midnight to this party. To add to it, it turns out this house they were partying at was in the middle of BFE off a dirt road. Less than ideal conditions for my car but I digress.

I get to the party; thankfully they are still raging hard. There is a girl puking in the yard with a guy holding her hair, loud music banging, people stumbling around, full out university level party! I walk in after setting my alarm 20 times on my car praying nothing happens to it and find Kate. She is about a dozen drinks in at this point and rather buzzed, I sit at the table she is hanging out at and start taking shots. A few shots in it rejuvenates the beer buzz from earlier and I am ready to go!

At this time I feel it’s appropriate to describe Kate. She was a beautiful young woman, 22 years old at the time. Blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'8'' tall, all legs, with AMAZING natural E cup breasts. She probably weighed somewhere around 150lbs, which considering her bust and curves she was right on track.

Anyways, it is now 4AM. I have to leave by 6:30AM to get to the race track for my track day that check in and vehicle check is at 7:30 and racing starts at 8.. Kate comes up to me and sits on my lap, she turns to me and says in a nice, sweet, seductive voice "let’s go to bed". So we find a couple pillows and a blanket, and find the only spot in a room that has floor space. In this room slept the sister of the person that owned the house and another person next to us on the floor. We whisper back and forth a few times as we start to spoon. At this point my hands are cupping her amazingly firm breasts and I start kissing her neck and ears. She turns to me with her eyes just glistening and we start making out. I slide my hand up her shirt and start having my way with her breasts and slowly working my way down to her pants. I start rubbing over her pants as she goes from rubbing on my rock hard dick to unfastening and pulling down her pants.

At this point we are doing everything in our power to stay quiet for the people sleeping in the room. I start to rub her clit as I am kissing her neck and ears and she starts breathing heavy. Thankfully the other people in the room were in a nice alcohol induced coma! I slowly work my way down as I part her legs like Moses parted the red sea and go to town on her. She is making soft moans at this point and gripping the back of my head as I feel her legs start to quiver as an orgasm rips through her. Let me add this little note here, Her vagina… Perfectly smooth shaven, fresh as could be, tasted AMAZING! Shortly after her whimpering subsides and I move back up towards her. I did not expect to get anything out of the deal but she insisted as she moved her way down and started to give me the most amazing blowjob I have had at this point in my life. Suddenly the door to the room opens!

A fairly wasted guy walks into the room, She has my dick in hand, drool on her chin, he looks and sees his sister in the bed and goes "thank god, that's where she is" then walks out… Without hesitation she goes back to town on my dick with the type of moves you would imagine in a porn flick. She sure did like to choke herself with the cock and made all those cute gargle noises you hear in a porn as more and more mess was made. Eventually I slime deep in the back of her throat as she swallows and finishes cleaning me up. Crawls back up to me and just cuddles right up against me as I wrap my arms around her trying to recover my breath. At this time it was 6AM and I drift off to about 20 minutes of sleep before I get up, hung over as hell, with drool all over my pants and dried vagina juice on my chin, get out to my car and focus as I drive to the race track. I received a message from her later explaining how hung over she was, and that she had a great time the night before. She also said she could possibly make an exception on the friend rule…

As for the race… well I didn't do well at all. It was another 90+ degree sunny day with high humidity and I was severely hung over and dehydrated. Add a helmet on my head and a roasting hot car and I felt like death as I drove back across the state to my house, thinking about how perfect her pussy tasted and how I was now hooked and needed more!

This is my second story total on here guys so bear with me if it’s a little weak. This is all true… There is a good 5-6 part to the story of Kate. The others might get better written although I might not include all our encounters.

Kate Part 2

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/35q7vz/kate_part_1_the_party


  1. All I can think is that you’re lucky you didn’t kill someone on your drink driving escapade.

  2. You and me both bud! Unfortunately at that time in my life I was somewhat of a pro at drink-driving… I am not proud of it. Not one bit… I dont do that anymore. With that said… I also hated having to stop every 30 miles to take a piss lol!

  3. > Unfortunately at that time in my life I was somewhat of a pro at drink-driving No one’s a pro at drunk driving. It’s like having sex without a condom. There’s luck until the luck runs out. edit: english

  4. I agree 100%. Anyone that does it is a MORON including myself. I chilled out after one of those races with a cooler full of cold ones that almost made me run my truck up a tree… I am fortunate nothing happened.

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