Young woman looking for erotica wordsmith

Hey there, how’s everybody’s day/evening going? I suppose I should remember my manners and introduce myself… My name is Anna, and I’m on a search currently for the writer I’ve always dreamed of: this writer will be capable of telling an unbelievable and competing narrative, detailing every last bit down to the crack in the wooden floorboards. I’m looking for the best, and I know he or she is out there right now… Someone who can tell stories that could easily be the next Hollywood blockbuster, and stories that will keep a girl like me warm on cold nights with its detail.

I ask because I wanted to propose an idea… Basically we each give each other prompts for what we want the other to write, and then we send them later on. I have many romance ideas (with adult themes obviously) that I’ve always wanted to see brought to life in top notch quality and detail, and I promise I can deliver in return if you take a chance on me.

If you think you’re the writer I’ve been desperately searching for, send me a LONG private message explaining just WHY you’re the one… I look forward to your messages and urge you to be confident, never be shy about your writing ability. Thank you all again and happy writing! <3

***Also, included below is an excerpt from my own previous work… I want to make sure the brilliant writers out there know what I myself am capable of in return before answering me. To many times, this is a guessing game and that won’t be the case with my work…

Excerpt from “Take Two and Call Me in the Morning”

‘The light streamed through the windows, coaxing the sleeping Rachel to groggily open her eyes and shift around. She felt the weight of an arm around her midsection, the breath of someone on her neck. As she shifted around, she felt the weight of the cotton and the comforter that sat atop her delectably perfect frame. She rubbed her smooth legs together, feeling how soft they were and devoid of hair. Her foot touched upon the one behind her, feeling a bit of its coarseness against her softness. The sound of blankets hissed as Rachel continued to wake herself up, reveling in the nakedness underneath the sheets. Her hands felt her own taut midsection, the outline of his hand atop her sheets, and her soft womanly flesh. The man’s arm pushed down atop the blanket, creating a smooth contour of Rachel’s body underneath. The smell of musk and last night’s activities invaded her nostrils, but she knew in the meantime she would have a few minutes for work, so she opened her eyes, but remained where she was. Rachel found herself turning, her luscious locks splayed upon the pillow. She sorted them out, bringing them from behind her head, her bountiful flesh swaying a bit as she did so. She craned her body to see the form of the man behind her.

Rachel realized why she took him home. He had a chiseled jaw, shaved clean. His thin lips remained flat, his eyes still closed while he slept. His skin was of a light beige, a face like that of a serious man. She imagined he had a stare that would have made her melt, or made her bring him home. If she remembered correctly, his eyes were a common brown, but what he did with them was a completely different story. His current state of hair was a mess, but from what she remembered, his hair had a gentlemanly comb-over, its thickness suggesting an age of mid 20s or lower 30s. His powerful neck and shoulders lay in a pseudo flexed state as he slept on his side, their contour defined, as if someone took a chisel to them. His chest rose and fell powerfully, each breath was slow, deep, and commanding. Rachel turned around, the thoughts of the previous night flooding her memory now.’
