Undressing and making out with her [F]or the first time in a crowded hot tub [Group], slowly building to sensual [MF] outer course.

We were both tall and slim with a dusting of freckles, her skin slightly olive, mine slightly tan. Heather had rich tresses like ebony and I, dirty blonde locks. She had lips somehow full yet thin, and inscrutable, long, languid, half lidded eyes like a cat.

We had been on a date, but hadn’t started to date, when she invited me to a raver house party. There were introductions, libations, intimations. I met Dave, an older old friend of hers who thought I should get out of my shell. Ashley, the hostess, came by to say hello to her and to introduce herself to me. She asked if I knew how fortunate I was to be in attendance in the company of someone so lovely and modelesque. I assured Ash I was, and was favored with a warm, full body bear hug, and a stage-whispered review to Heather: “He smells nice…”

Unzipping an animal onesie to reveal how much she wasn’t wearing beneath, Ashley invited us to join her in the hot tub if we wished, And we did.

I changed to black board shorts, her to a lime and lemon bikini, just a hint too small, which perfectly set off shapely breasts that were neither small, nor large, and which only tenuously encircled hips, thighs, and cheeks of devastating proportions.

We slunk into the warm water, cozying up to about a dozen friends, old to her, new to me, only half of them sporting any stitch of swimwear. We made small talk and told stories, and people paired off and curdled up. She made a point of perching in my lap to politely clear up space for the others.

It obviously stood out to Ashley that Heather’s were the only breasts still covered, and so Ash asked permission to help her out of her top. I wasn’t sure how she’d react.

Perhaps a “no thanks”?

But in fact, “Sure!”

And Ash got a devilish gleam in her eye.

She gingerly tugged at the top with her teeth, the triangles raveling away from perfectly proportioned little breasts, held at the perfect angle with a slight arch of the back in slightly nervous glee.

It was the first time I’d seen heather undressed, Aqua ribbons of light bouncing up from steamy water, describing the underside of her curves, and of Ashley’s rapturous smile. Ash whispered a “may I?” and she hummed a yes please.

Ashley’s little smile descended on pert little nipples, and slightly puffy, tiny aereolas, the shade of oiled chestnut wood with just a faint hint of plum. As her tongue danced about Heather bit her lip in delight. I was about to ask permission to help out when her brow furrowed, she let out something between a whimper and a sigh, and she placed hands on Ashley’s shoulders: “enough!”

Ash’s lips popped off of her nipple, now a shade darker, glistening, and delightfully stiff in response to all the attention that it was getting. The arrows had nearly disappeared beneath the cute little nipple, all taut like a button.

“I’m sorry, was that too much?”

Heather thought a long moment… “No. Just… enough.”

She flopped down in my lap with a sigh, pressing the her long back against me, rather than perching like before. I wrapped my arms around her, fingertips on her ribs, forearms resting just below where the underbust of her top used to sit.

The tone in the tub adjusted as you might imagine. Ash coiled herself up into Dave’s lap and they began to kiss. Across the tub, a girl with a sad smile and delightfully big, sensitive looking nipples adorning small, pointy breasts found someone to knead them. Everyone enjoyed watching and being seen, tuned into each other’s comfort zones and reading them, largely wordlessly, unless words were needed.

You could sense one guest was a bit more… aggressive than the general tone, and that many of us had an eye open for that, even as we lost ourselves in our partners arms. Eventually, I think he sensed that he was on a different page and took his leave, and the tone relaxed even more. Heather took my hands and placed them on her breasts, which had been bobbing on the water above them FAR too long for her liking at this point.

I gave them a squeeze, Ash’s eyes em widened in approval. I traced fingertips gently round her nipples, my lips at the nape of her neck, seeing how she responded, and what she liked. I don’t know if we’d even kissed yet, but here I was learning the kinetic language of what her chest enjoyed with an audience. Her hips gently pressed into mine as I explored, the feedback unmistakeable. I loved watching the others explore each others bodies across the tub, reflecting how free I’d become from the religious body shame that had characterized my youth.

My neighbor to the right, Carrie, was middle aged, old for me, with warm, sweet eyes, and glorious breasts that floated on the surface of the water. We’d had a nice chat earlier, and now made eye contact that expressed a huge sigh of contentment, like a verbal hug. Her eyes coyly fell to what I was up to with Heather’s breasts, as she sighed and subtly danced in my lap. Mine trailed down to Cartier’s breasts, freckled, with pale nipples that were barely contained within her tan lines. I imagined them constantly on the edge of peeking out of her swimsuit, and wondered how they’d respond to a kiss or a touch. They were the sort with huge areolas and subtle nipples that would probably crinkle up delightfully if I sucked on them.

Tempted to ask, but not wanting to break my rhythm with my date, we instead found eye contact again with a wink, and basked in the warmth of openly, respectfully, yet lustfully enjoying each others’ person and persona.

The crowd gradually thinned to just Dave, Ashley, Heather, and I. I finally needed a restroom break, and wandered off in a blissful daze.

When I finally returned, Ashley had gone, Dave was reclining satisfiedly with a beer, and I noticed that Heather’s bikini bottoms had joined the top on the side of the tub. She was reclining in the tub. Her long, elegant torso stretched out beneath the water, an unbroken stretch of skin like a marble column beneath the waves.

“I TOLD her she’d have a better time without them,” Dave smirked as he stood to take his leave.

She gazed up with a smirk, 2/3rds cocky, 1/3 shy, and made a little nod down to convey that I was more than welcome to look.

Beneath the teal ripples, I could tell she was sporting a full shave, and that her parts were more prominent than tucked away. But I couldn’t see more from that distance.

I whisked my now cold shorts off in one motion and settled into the water. She floated over my lap, legs together, lifting hips close to the surface. They were unbelievably big in the best of ways, paired to a slim but solid waist. Her legs were together, hiding most of her lips, just the start of her cleft and a subtle flush of color showing above her thighs. I adore the slow, progressive reveal and excitement of lady parts, and my mind was racing, imagining how she might look, and what state she might be in.

We made eye contact, laser focused, full of anticipation. She bit her lip and I felt her knee come to rest on my side as she parted her legs. I glanced down to see full, pouty inner lips, flanked by slim, subtle outer ones, just a hint darker than the rest of her complexion. A prominent hood stood out from her mound, lovely and pink. I got the impression, later proven that she wasn’t even THAT excited yet, and that these things were always on display for her. I wondered how much fuller and rosier her vulva would grow with the proper attentions.

All that only lasted a moment, she cackled madly and snapped her legs back together, plopping down in my lap, being sure she only rested her cheeks against my lap for now.

She looked back over her shoulder at me devilishly, and she didn’t have to place my hand on her breast this time. She started to sigh and hum with pleasure as I played with her more firmly,checking to see if Dave had disappeared around the corner yet. Once he had, her lips locked with mine, our tongues dancing as I rolled one of her pert little nipples beneath my rough fingertips.

She swept away from me to the far side of the tub; I held her nipple as long as I could, breast stretching for a moment before springing free. She sneered and then turned to perch on her knees, mock-admiring the view, as if she’d forgotten me. Her stance widened, and she looked back over her shoulder with a beckoning smoulder.

I swept in behind her, my thighs embracing hers. She flopped down against the stone edge of the hot tub at the touch, hips pressing back towards me. I don’t know that we’d even kissed before this night, certainly hadn’t discussed sex, and it didnt feel like a moment for words. I decided on a course of action, and perched both my knees between hers, spreading her thighs with mine, her pussy hovering just above me. I let my cock tuck between my legs out of the way.

As soon as she felt my legs, she collapsed even further on a moan, waist arching down, hips pitching back in full display, listless and drenched in a sense of “take me”

There’s no other way to describe it, her hips were like a snow shovel, stunning in their size and form and proportion to her waist. My fingers wrapped it’s arches, digging just deep enough into her supple skin. She opened further to me, like a flower.

I slowly and firmly rose up to press my pelvis into hers. The position let me thrust without hurting myself, and I could press my lower abdomen full and hard into the bouquet of her lips, pressing the entirety of her firmly and evenly. She moaned and melted, then dragged her pussy down over me. She must’ve shaved a few days ago, her sharp stubble delightfully abrading my skin, contrasting the soft curls of my own pubes. I felt myself swell in response.

And if you think I was frustrated, I think you’re crazy. There’s nothing to complain about where I found myself, and there would be plenty to come later on. And being sexual in the water is incredible. Penetration? Less optimal.

I snapped my waist into a thrust, slapping against her bits, making her moan louder. Found a slow, heavy, languid rhythm, setting the water ripping in time, the right rhythm for the tone of the moment. I fucked her like that for a spell, not using my cock, just the wall of my pelvis slapping against her lips, loving the sensation of her against me, as the sky got less dark.

But i was getting slightly sore from the stubble, and I desperately wanted to feel her inner lips and clit a bit better. I was tempted to slide a hand down, but decided to save that for our next encounter, delaying the gratification. I shifted to the side, so that one leg ran beside her, the other beneath her. My cock popped to attention, grazing her ass.

She gripped it instantly, and sank down on my other thigh. Her lips parted luxuriously over me, slippery at first from how wet she was, quickly growing in friction as the water rinses it away. I imagined how amazing it’d feel to touch her frictionless and slick some other time. She stroked me in synch. She bucked her hips forward, and I reveled in feeling the prominence of her huge clit digging into my leg. I thought how much I’d love to suck it. She felt me swell more in her grasp in response.

I adore that parallel, her small stiffness compared to my large one. The simultaneous contrast and similarity between the most physically different feature of the sexes.

We finally parted after a few more strokes, gathering our things, and making our way to the car. We drove home as the sun drenched the sky and the car’s silver finish in gold and tangerine, arcing over overpasses, satisfaction and tension mingling in the air between us.

We parted for the morning with a chaste little kiss, and below the belt, a brazen grab of each other’s still excited parts, tasting the sec on each others’ breath as we kissed, anticipating the next time…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mggc3s/undressing_and_making_out_with_her_for_the_first

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