[M]y fetish in college [f]or smelly vaginas

A lot of it has to do with my burgeoning desire to perform oral sex once I got to college. I didn’t have the guts to really try going down all that much before that point. If you read some of my previous posts, you’d know I was quite the late bloomer, having never even kissed a girl by the time I got to college.

However, my sophomore year of college I overcame my fear or rejection and showing my inexperience. The first time I kissed a girl I got my first blow job! The only reason I didn’t go down on her was because she was on her period. But the second girl I hooked up with, I did go down on her. It’s probably deeply psychological, but I think because this girl had a rather musky, even gamey, pussy odor, it kind of conditioned me to appreciate the stronger smelling varieties of vagina. Beyond the erotic smell, she had a huge triangle of black hair that I found sexy and womanly. Like, ‘Yepp, this is a lady’s vagina, not some little girl, she’s ready for you to lick it all over.’

I loved eating her out so much, I was hooked! Now whenever I would got the chance to hook up with a girl, I would attempt to go down on her. And, fortunately, for me, the girls at my school were more often than not WILLING. (I can probably count 4 times when I was turned down (usually due to periods)). Anyhow, if a woman smelled, I knew it as soon as she spread her legs as I took her panties off. Unphased, I’d next part their labia with my thumbs and forefingers, and invariably there will be physical evidence of this particular smell as whenever I got that initial waft, I always found whitish curds within the opening and between the labia minora and labia majora. Here and there I found tiny fragments of toilet paper, which didn’t turn me off because I would think, ‘at least she wipes after she urinates.’ (I was very asset-based when it came to women who would let me lick their vaginas.) As I spread the labia and got my nose even closer, the smell would amplify, but rather than lose my erection or get turned off, I had the opposite reaction. I would always think, “Wow, how could she not know what she smells like? She’s either so horny for me to lick her pussy that she just doesn’t care or she’s so sexually confident she wears it like a pink badge of courage.” That boldness always turned me on, and I always vied to last longer and give multiple orgasms.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mfl1z1/my_fetish_in_college_for_smelly_vaginas

1 comment

  1. I can relate, to a degree. I’ve never been with a woman that had a literal stinky pussy. They’ve all had different aromas but never the cliché fish odour.

    I love it when my gf doesn’t shower after a day out and let’s me go down on her. It doesn’t happen that often because she’s self conscious no matter how often I tell her it’s a turn on.

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