Update #11 – I [M] fucked my uptight roommate [F]

Sorry, I know I said I was going to write this yesterday and technically I did but I just got distracted and never got round to actually posting it. Also, this first part isn’t really "gone wild" but you seem to mostly want to know about the state of our relationship so that's what I’ll write about first. It's been a little while since my last update so I can't write about ever interaction that we've had but I'll include the important details.

This actually happened a couple of weeks ago now. I had been out and got back quite late and I thought that the girls had both gone to bed, so I decided not to contact Bernice. But then I heard someone else come back and I could tell from which room she went into that it was Bernice. I sent her a text asking if she wanted to join me and she came through almost straight away. We gave each other a look – like we know what's going to happen and we didn't need to say anything to each other. I was lying on my bed and she got on top, so that she was straddling me and we started to make out. Soon I was rubbing her chest and she was rubbing mine and everything seemed like it was going the way it normally does but when I tried to take her shirt off she pushed my hands away. She did the same thing when I tried again so I asked her if she was okay and we then had a conversation that went a bit like this:

Her: do you like me?

Me: yeah, of course I do

Her: I feel like you only like me because I give you convenient sex

I'm shit about talking about feelings but I do like her more than that and I do care about her and so I did tell her that. We talked for a bit then she told me that she didn't think she could do this anymore if we weren't monogamous and I told her I'm okay with that – I am willing to try a real relationship. I know the replies to my last post were telling me this is what she wanted but I still found it a little hard to believe she would sleep with her ex if that is really what she wanted and I said that to her. Well, that was a mistake because she then got mad at me for mentioning it and that she had already told me she felt guilty. I wasn't going to be turned into the bad guy for bringing it up, especially when she was the one who originally told me about it – as we were having sex. We had another stupid argument, as we had both been drinking we were probably both being a bit stupid and petty but it ended with her storming out.

Anyway, the next day she was the first one to text me and was the first one to apologise. That night we talked again and basically resulted in us officially being in a relationship – I'm not going to lie, I do have some worries that it's moving faster than I would like but that's probably me being a typical scared-of-commitment guy. We have talked about making sure we give each other space if we need to and I did tell her that if she has a problem about something she needs to talk to me instead of having a stupid outburst. Though, there are some really nice advantages to living with your girlfriend, the sex is even more regular than it was when we just fwb. I guess it is also nice now that there is no ambiguity about what we have so we can just be open about it and go out and stuff, also, she cooks for me and we haven’t really argued, yet.

So yeah, that's the update I've been getting so many requests to write and all you're interested in is the state of our relationship then you can stop reading now but I guess I should include some "gone wild" stuff too. One time that was really hot happened on Friday night when we were out together, with some of her friends from work who I didn't know that well. We were all squashed up together in one of those booths and everyone was nice enough but when you're with a bunch of people you don't really know it can get a little boring. As we were squashed up so close to each other I started rubbing Bernice's leg. I thought she might push me away but I actually felt her spread her legs a little so I rubbed a little higher up, gently brushing over her underwear.

We all stayed talking normally as I continued rubbing between her legs then she suddenly turned to me and said "shall we go and get some drinks?". We went to the bar and she was the one that went for it, wrapped her arms around me and started to kiss me. I guess she must have been pretty turned on because it’s not really like her to be that forward, especially in public but I definitely enjoyed it. We stood there kissing for quite a long time until we both realised we were probably getting a bit too carried away. Then she said to me “I know Ellie won’t be at home tonight so can be as loud as we want”, giving me a really sexy smirk before going to sit back down again.

Well that sure made me want to leave right then but I had to go and join the others and pretend I was enjoying myself when all I wanted to do was go home to fuck. She was totally enjoying being such a fucking tease and now was the one subtlety rubbing my leg and batting her eyelashes at me. Also, she was wearing this shirt and I could tell that she had got no bra on underneath as I could see her nipple piercing so every time I looked at her I was getting more and more turned on. It got to a point where I couldn’t deal with the teasing anymore so I made some lame excuse that Bernice and I had to leave. In the taxi we were all over each other and I was so horny and she was being such a tease – rubbing my crotch, that I could have fucked her right there.

When you first get in to our flat her bedroom is the first you get to so as soon as we got in I practically carried her in and as we were kissing as I pushed her against her dressing table thing. All the teasing and kissing had got me so turned on and I could tell by the way she was acting that she was too. I was grinding up against her pussy as she tried to unzip my jeans, I think one of the reasons the sex is so good is that we do seem to know what each other wants without having to say it. I pushed her skirt up and I stared straight at her as I started to fuck her – it’s so hot to watch her face.

She put her hands on my face and we started to kiss as I pushed my hand up her shirt and as she wasn’t wearing a bra I got a good feel of her tits, which I roughly rubbed between my fingers. When I was getting close I started to fuck her harder and I could hear the table banging against the wall and I don’t know why but I found that quite fun and since she said we could be as loud as we wanted I decided to see how loud I could go. When I did cum the banging was really loud so I hope we didn’t annoy the neighbours haha. So after all the build-up it was over kind of quickly but it was for sure a great fuck. We both lay her on her bed for a little while to get our breath back, then she went to the bathroom to clean up.

When she got back we cuddled and talked for a bit but then things got going again and we started to take each other’s clothes off. We were fumbling around a bit like teenagers – feeling each other up, she started to give me a handjob and I fondled her tits, squeezing them and playing with her nipples. We then rolled over so that I was on top, her legs spread and my dick was gently rubbing over her pussy. We started making out again as I rubbed her clit with my fingers and as I moved down and began kissing her neck I pushed my fingers inside her. I fingered her wet pussy until she started moaning “fuck me” right into my ear.

I didn’t need asking twice and she wrapped her hand around the back of my neck as I started to fuck her. Her hand on my neck felt like she was trying to pull me in deeper so I tried to get as deep as possible by pulling nearly all the way out then pushing back in as hard as I could and the moans she made each time were so fucking hot. She dropped her own hand down to her crotch and began rubbing her clit as I continued to pound away. I grabbed hold of the head board to try and give me a bit more force to fuck her with. She suddenly said “fuck, right there” – I guess a change in the angle hit a good spot so I tried to keep it going in the same way as she rubbed her clit even harder. She then got all tense, started swearing even louder and from the way she threw her head back I’m pretty sure she was cumming. It was really hot to watch her face – it was almost like she couldn’t stand it and seeing her like that made me cum again. After, I think she wanted to cuddle a bit but I just feel asleep almost immediately but it is nice to wake up to the view of her tits in the morning.

Sorry I was slow with the update but having a live-in girlfriend has given me a lot less time to write and she can be quite distracting haha . I feel like this will probably be the last update because what you all wanted has happened – we’re officially together so there isn’t really much more to keep writing about and the stories are probably already getting a bit repetitive. Also, if it gets serious I might delete the stories as someone has already recommended but I am flattered in a weird way that there was this following to this interesting part of my life.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/35rbuh/update_11_i_m_fucked_my_uptight_roommate_f


  1. woohoo just logged onto this sub and this post is 2 mins old! my timing couldn’t be better! now time to read this :)

  2. Really enjoyed the stories, thanks for the entertainment. Congrats on the live-in girlfriend!

  3. > That night we talked again and basically resulted in us officially being in a relationship – I’m not going to lie, I do have some worries that it’s moving faster than I would like but that’s probably me being a typical scared-of-commitment guy. You’ve been living together and having sex for at least three months and you’re worried about things moving too fast. Oh, males of the species, you do amuse. (Congrats, by the way!)

  4. And my patience of 3 months has finally paid off. Congrats and I wish you two the best of luck. Just don’t stop bugging her and prodding her nerves a little like you used to or else you’ll get bored. Now you have to promise that if you guys get married we get an update called ‘I fucked my uptight wife #1?’ Kthxbai.

  5. You maybe moving too fast and the ex-boyfriend incident is confusing as well. Anyway, good luck.

  6. Yay! Happy endings are the best. Good luck to you guys. I hope I never see you in TIFU.

  7. *slow clap* take a fucking bow man. This is like watching the last episode of that show you love so much. Thanks for the stories bro!

  8. Happy for you both! Thank you for sharing, really enjoyed how it all played out. :)

  9. My only question is whether you are going to start cleaning up after yourself?

  10. I hope monogamous means you get to bareback her all day every day :) Congrats

  11. Life has made me cynical – my first thought was "now let’s see how long it takes for routine to kick in and sex to dwindle". :(

  12. > Her: I feel like you only like me because I give you convenient sex This is the gameover moment for lots of folks

  13. To think, it feels like it was just yesterday you were complaining about her being so damn uptight too. Been reading since the first part – so happy for you! And yet, kinda sad that this is the end of the posts. Well, best of luck!

  14. I’ve been lurking on this almost the entire time. Just want to say that I am really happy for you two! I think we would all really appreciate it if once all this is over whether breakup or marriage that you post one last time and let us know how it ended!

  15. Somewhere I feel Andrew Hussie is reading this thread while giggling to himself about Quadrants and spades. Congrats OP! Hope it all works out well for you.

  16. Did you sleep with her exclusively the whole time? Since she didn’t…

  17. Your story is one of the main reasons I check out this sub forum. Congrats and keep us posted on any major changes.

  18. Quality Submission like always. Also happy about you guys hooking up. Keep us posted man!~

  19. This was great. I’m glad you took us along this journey with you.

  20. so this is what ‘the notebook’ sounds like to women. Goodluck, bro. *fistbump*

  21. Man, and to think, you used to think she was an uppity bitch. Well, cheers to you. Now don’t fuck it up. She seems nice enough.

  22. >Just don’t stop bugging her and prodding her nerves a little like you used to or else you’ll get bored. I think the main message here is just to be yourself. Don’t feel that you have to be a completely different person for her. She wanted **you**, and that probably shouldn’t change too much. That said, I bet cleaning up every now and then wouldn’t hurt ;) /u/aussami, thank you for letting us in on this part of your life. I’m sure that the vast majority of us are passive readers who have never commented or voted before, but we appreciate it all the same. If this really is the last update then we totally understand and respect your decision, but if you ever feel a whim to give us a even a quick update months down the line, we’d be grateful. Regardless, enjoy yourself, have fun, and all the best of luck.

  23. Big yay! This has been the best series ever, it’s like the love story of the century. Really happy it led to a proper relationship and wish you guys all the best. Kinda sad we’re not gonna be seeing more from you but as others have said, any update on how it all turns out would be very well received! Until then, happy fucking!! Or rather, lurrrve-making ;)

  24. You know what? I really didn’t need to see that with my dick in my hand

  25. I got on here tonight to read something and get my rocks off, but thanks to this wonderful ending, I just got my emotions off. Seriously though, I saw "Update 11" and I squealed like a girl, and I’m a dude. Congrats. Don’t fuck it up, and let us know how it really ends, whether it be marriage or a break up because I’m too emotionally invested to never hear about this again

  26. I discovered this tonight. I got to read all 11 updates over the course of an hour. It’s just like a Netflix marathon. A Reddithon if you will. My favorite part of this was that by update five I stayed for the storyline.

  27. I think an update about your first passionate love-making session would be appreciated. Up until this point, its just been fucking, but now that you’re in a relationship, your sex might change and include making love, which is even hotter and makes for better stories. Just a thought.

  28. /u/Bayeux has summed up most of the sentiments here perfectly I think. I get the sense that a lot of visitors to this sub were very very interested in how this experience turned out, and I think most of us were rooting for the exact direction that it took. Congratulations Aussie guy. Take it easy.

  29. OP, lots of us have been following this evolution and I’m glad it turned out great. But. I seem to recall you mentioning once that she would flip her lid completely if she knew you were posting these updates. If this is the case, you obviously know that you’re going to have to delete everything. It will be a pity because I think you’ve gained a following but I fear that your girl will never speak with you again if she finds out about this. This fellowship for the last 3 months has been an experience for you and most of us here. But I think most of us will understand if you have to delete these specific accounts/updates in order to maintain your life as it is now. Good luck my friend.

  30. > /u/aussami, thank you for letting us in on this part of your life. I’m sure that the vast majority of us are passive readers who have never commented or voted before, but we appreciate it all the same. If this really is the last update then we totally understand and respect your decision, but if you ever feel a whim to give us a even a quick update months down the line, we’d be grateful. Regardless, enjoy yourself, have fun, and all the best of luck. Pretty much exactly how I feel, too!

  31. Hey, just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean the gonewild has to end. Keep that sexy spark alive and best of luck to you two crazy kids! I think I speak for us all in saying that we expect invitations to the wedding!

  32. Haha I promise but I don’t think that will happen for a very long time.

  33. yeah ;). We actually had an adult talk about STDs and both got tested.

  34. Like I said when all this started: easily a contender for Top Post(s) of the year. Great balance of erotica and real life. Thanks so much for sharing. Good luck man!

  35. I was looking 2 days ago for an update. Congrats. Better than 50 shades of grey. 11/10

  36. perfectly said, exactly what I was thinking! First time I’m commenting but was hooked from the first post. Thank you /u/aussami and have fun!

  37. Oh thank god!! I was waiting and checking religiously for the last two weeks for this. I’m so happy to read that you are officially committed! Congrats and good luck!!

  38. Congrats to you both, and thank you for taking us with you on this crazy adventure you guys went through to get together!

  39. OMG I WAITED SO LONG <3 THANK YOU. Good on you though. Its great to know that reddit can be good for something. I wish you guys all the best in the future!

  40. Well… I’m happy. Good luck mate, I wish you two the best of luck! Enjoy the journey together

  41. Congrats. Now if you both can compromise between her being uptight and you being less sloppy and more responsible, you might have the winning formula.

  42. What do you mean it’s getting cancelled? Can’t we get FOX or Spike to pick up the next season?

  43. If I can offer my analysis and please do correct me if I’m wrong people…. But it seems like this girl was treating you and others the way she was as sort of a defense mechanism. It was also making her conflicted that she had an attraction to you and since she also seems like a control freak…she was annoyed that she couldn’t control her attraction to you. She also hated admitting that she loved sex with you and that she was having feelings. So, she kept throwing her worst at you for months and you just held your ground until she let her guard down, just caved, and just accepted that she wanted you. That advice you got in one of your posts was awesome. But now that you’ve dealt with the storm, you’ll get more of her best and you’ll probably see a much softer side to her. I kind of dealt with this with another girl but I didn’t have the patience to wait until she put her guard down.

  44. If only there was some kind of *best of* for this subreddit. This is the most remarkable set of stories I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. It’s a damn shame they’ll likely all be deleted. They stand out as among the absolute best ever contributed to this subreddit. After following all your updates this whole time, and being gradually drawn into your story, this pretty much renders my entire gonewildstories experience complete. What’s left to do now? It was genuine. It had heart. It was hot. And now it has a happy ending, and a new beginning. Totally amazing and thank you so much for sharing. I wish you both the best.

  45. Congrats!!! I’ll be sad because every time I come here before I masturbate I look for an update from you! Please come back time to time and update us!

  46. I read that as, "thanks for posting the nose drip one" so I sat and watched it for 30 seconds before realizing.

  47. Dedication bro, one wonders if she actually did sleep with her ex or if she was just testing you. Maybe you will find out another day.

  48. Congrats you crazy kids! Thanks for taking us along for the ride, ifyouknowwhatimean.

  49. So if she gets to sleep with her ex and still carry on with you, regardless of how "official" the relationship was before or is now, does that mean you get a pass now to sleep with one of your exes? Because that *absolutely, positively* is how it should be. You’ve got a free one coming to you.


  51. Haha I don’t think I can ever tell her about this, part of me does want to but I’m 99% sure she would kill me.

  52. I don’t want to even talk to any of my exes so no way do I want to fuck any of them.

  53. Understandable. You’ve still got a free pass with somebody coming to you.

  54. Great stories! I hope to read more of your other crazy past sexual adventures…

  55. I was browsing TIFU when I had a thought about finding good NSFW confessions stories, so I got on this subreddit and was enjoying myself. My boner was happy and all was well, until I found your series of short stories. My boner was not ready for this feels trip. CONGRATS MAN!

  56. Not exactly. He had it kind of easy, since she fell for him and he actually liked her. It was more a matter of being sincere.

  57. Things like that still don’t happen every day though. At least not where I’m from

  58. Yeah, well. Unfortunately in some countries most of the people still think that being open about their sexuality and about their tastes is bad or immoral or whatever bullshit like that

  59. Congrats to both you guys and your relationship but for the rest of us Archive his posts like damn we need something to hold on to before he deletes it all

  60. Dude, where in Australia do you live, its so exciting to know that this could be so close to me not in the states like every other story!

  61. We definitely need to know if you end up marrying her or if you break up. You got to give us that one last up date when the time is right please.

  62. Hey /u/aussami I signed in just to comment: communication is key :D People always think it means, "Oh gawd we have to talk all the time now?!" Nah :) it’s more about getting to know the person you’re with, why they are *the way that they are*. Eventually, you’ll be able to look at them and read them like you would a book. They might even become your *favorite* book. As time passes you’ll appreciate the book in ways you could *never* have imagined in the beginning, and you’ll know that if you lost that book and couldn’t read it and that with time you might forget the words and your favorite passages it would break your heart. Cheers.

  63. Holy shit. I Just found this reddit, binged it like netflix, and now the feels :( And I missed the pics RIP Good luck to you both though.

  64. Just started reading your stories OP, and all I can is that it’s about damn time! Good luck to you two, and continue having some of the hottest, most passionate sex it has ever been my pleasure to read

  65. If you could supply a picture of you and her that would be awesome :) loving the story though

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