“Not Proud of Banging the Forbidden”

All of my stories are written and posted with the inspirations approval. This is for you, Princess.


Every woman has a slut inside of her waiting to be awoken. For you, it took nine months of dating your boyfriend, Mark, and considering yourself fulfilled until you realized you were only content. Settling, instead of thriving.

But everything changed in one night. All it took was hearing your friend and roommate, Lisa, in the throes of her own orgasms from the room across the hall. Her boyfriend, Andrew, was over that night, and up until now you hadn’t thought much about him. He was your boyfriend Mark’s best friend, who you had set up with Lisa a few months previously. You never thought anything sexual about him, but tonight it felt like a switch got flicked on your brain. A little voice that whispered in your ear “Why does she get to moan like that? Why didn’t I make those sounds just now while having drunken sex with my boyfriend?”

And once your hand found it’s way to your clit and you felt how wet you were, that right there was the moment your inner slut woke up.

Most guys don’t understand that the physical aspect is only a small part of your sexual appetite. It’s the mental angle that really gets the fires burning.

And it is that exact reason why the sound of Lisa moaning made you imagine her boyfriend, Andrew, making you scream just like that. Leading you to subconsciously start rubbing your little clit and discovering how wet you were becoming, quickly glistening your lips with your cum soaked fingers.

It was at that moment that you realized, even with just making out and taking your boyfriends load in your pussy, you were getting much more turned on listening and rubbing yourself than your sleeping boyfriends dick had made you feel.

And once your mind made that crystal clear connection that yes, you were getting so much more wet right now listening than you did only a little while ago actually getting fucked by Mark… That is when your mind was made up; Your inner slut had woken up, after lying dormant inside of you for so long. And there was no denying her now. She was there all along, quietly getting more and more bold without you even knowing she was in there until it was too late.

She was in control now, the sexual goddess buried inside of you for so long was finally free and demanded to be given the reigns.

The little tug-of-war in your mind was over, and a victor was declared. Your pussy and fingers slick with your juice, your conscious locked away, you got out of bed and began to take your first steps into your new role in life; the perfect slut.

You’re standing in the bedroom naked, your boyfriend fast asleep on the bed and your inner thighs and hand shining with your cum. The gears in your head are firing on all cylinders; you’ve never felt this mixture of nervousness and unbearable horniness. Even after fucking your boyfriend and touching yourself, you can’t shake the image in your mind of you being the one screaming in ecstasy as Andrew pounded into you, and you don’t want to shake it. In fact, you are doing everything in your power right now to make that a reality as fast as possible.

The new voice in your head whispers a simple fact to you; “He’s not coming in here to fuck you, you have to go to him.”

You nod your head in agreement and look around the room. You know you have your own outfit strewn about the floor, but in the darkness you can only make out your boyfriends shirt laying next to him on the bed. For a brief moment your conscious breaks free from it’s lockbox and you think to yourself “Can I really wear his shirt while I do this?” And right on que, the louder, more in control voice tells you “It’s even *better* it’s your his shirt.” You won’t be able to completely forget him behind on your journey out of the bedroom, he would be coming with you to help give you support. And in some ways, his shirt was like a safety blanket, a reminder that should anything go sour in the next few hours you’ll always have your reliable, gentle, boyfriend to fall back on.

You grab the t-shirt and pull it up over your head, covering your chest and letting it rest hanging over your belly just barely covering your ass from sight. You glance in the mirror to admire your form in the moonlight when you notice a different kind of wet sensation. You’ve been standing long enough that gravity has started to take its toll, and you feel your boyfriend’s load from earlier starting to leak out of you.

With no time to spare, you take a deep breath and open the door into the hallway, looking both ways to make sure the coast is clear and briskly walk into the bathroom across the hall, quietly shutting the door behind you. You sit down on the cold toilet seat and start working Mark’s cumshot out of your body, something you’ve done a hundred and one times before and never thought anything of it.

But that was the old you, and the fresh new slut that occupied your mind had other ideas. Much more dirtier ideas. As you sit on the porcelain seat and listen to the tiny drips of cum splashing into the water, you think to yourself “It’s like my body is physically preparing me for the main course.” Your uterus could feel your his load trying to slip in past your cervix, but your body was having none of it. It needed to make room for something bigger, something superior, and it needed to do it quickly while things were still going according to plan. It had only been forty five minutes since your boyfriend and you had sex, only twenty minutes since you started masturbating to the sounds of your Lisa getting fucked by her boyfriend Andrew, and every second that passed was another moment you weren’t shaking in orgasm.

After a few minutes of wiggling your bum and spreading your labia, the last few drips of your boyfriend leave your vagina and end up in the toilet. It’s not unusual, in fact every load that your boyfriend has dumped inside your pussy the past nine months have ended up in the sewers eventually. Technically speaking, so did all the loads you swallowed, and so did the few he’s left behind in your asshole. This little dance has played out numerous times to no audience or applause, yet you couldn’t deny the fact that there was something fundamentally different about the act tonight. As you stood up and wiped the last remaining globs of your boyfriend still desperately clinging onto you onto a piece of toilet paper and deposited it into the toilet, you couldn’t help but smile. Looking down at the mess you made, that voice, louder and much more sure of herself boldly declared “With any luck, that is the last time my boyfriend has exclusive rights to my pussy. This is the last load of his that had total control. The last time he got to fuck me as his committed, monogamous girlfriend… The last time, and he was drunk and pumped into me three times before he unloaded and fell asleep! If only he knew what lies ahead, maybe he would have taken his time and enjoyed me like I wanted to be treated.”

You couldn’t help but look at yourself in the mirror and frown. “Who was this talking in my head,” you think. “I’ve never had thoughts thoughts this depraved before…”

“You’ve never been this turned on in your nineteen years on this planet, just because you’ve never done something like this doesn’t mean it’s scary or wrong. It’s just a new experience to be explored.” Your inner slut was getting more vocal, more reasonable too. “Yes, that does make sense…” You can’t help but agree, and with that you flush the toilet and do one last inspection of yourself in the mirror. Running a finger down between the lips of your pussy and bringing your finger up to your face, you do a quick smell and taste check on yourself. “Tastes good to me” you think, and with a smile you turn to the door and open it, taking a few steps towards the door where you last saw your roomie and her boyfriend enter over an hour ago.

You’ve taken two steps, three steps, four steps now towards their door and your mind is racing like crazy. Thoughts of how you’re going to seduce Andrew, what you’re going to say, how you’re going to look, how you’ll even get him away from your roomie and all to yourself, all these thoughts push past each other to be the dominant question to tackle first. You’ve arrived at the door and realize you’re drawing a blank entirely, when the answer appears right beside you.

You hear movement next to you and look down the hall into the kitchen. There he is, Mr. Perfect-Cock himself, standing next to the fridge gulping down a glass of water in nothing but his boxers. You had been on a double date earlier that evening with you, your boyfriend Mark, your roomie Lisa, and Andrew. That whole event seemed like a life time ago by now, but you distinctly remember looking at him throughout the night and not thinking anything special about it. It wasn’t until later on, when you heard what kind of service he can provide a lucky lady that you began to think of him differently. And now here he is, standing in front of you putting the glass down in the sink and probably wondering why you haven’t said anything to him yet. And just like that, you open your mouth and say the first thing that comes to mind;

“Hi.” You immediately chastise yourself in your head. “Hi? Hi???” That’s what you came up with? Holding back your shame, you blink and look up at him and see with relief he is making eye contact and smiling down at you, a smile that was so sincere you could feel the warmth radiating off of his lips standing a few feet away.

You start to blush and can’t help but glance down, making direct eye contact with the pair of boxers in front of you and what secrets hide behind that thin fabric. Noticing your gaze, he blushes too and says “Sorry about that.” “No problem.” you replied, unsure if he was talking about his current indecency or the much louder one he shared with your roomie earlier.

You decide to steer the conversation in the direction your mind has been fixated on for the past half hour. “I just wanted to make sure my Lisa is ok.”

“She’s fine, just passed out right now.” He says, his eyes still fixed on yours while your eyes continue to trail off and explore his almost naked body on display. Another glance down at his boxers and you notice a definition to them that wasn’t there before. “Oh my god, he’s starting to get hard!” You think, followed by “I’m glad she is sleeping that off, she deserves it if she got pounded as rough as it sounded.”

And just like that, there you two were, standing there together in the kitchen like two star-crossed lovers finally reuniting after far too long apart. The kitchen was getting warmer somehow, and every millisecond that passed was another of silence that was getting thicker and thicker with the sexual tension that only two horny people about to do something they shouldn’t do can create.

You look from his eyes, down to his abs and follow the trail of hair down his groin. You’ve made your decision. Feeling the anticipation building up inside of you, without breaking eye contact with his boxers you put on your most innocent voice you can muster and ask “Is that the cock that made her a moaning machine?”

The moment the words left your lips, butterflies erupted in your belly, fluttering in every direction as you tried to catch your breath and look back up into his eyes for his answer. His face, which was once so sure of himself standing there being all sexy in the kitchen, suddenly has a look of bewilderment. Worried for a moment, you think you may have fucked everything up… when you notice his boxers start to twitch on their own. Each of you become hyper aware of the way you’re breathing; long, slow and deep breaths in and out like you’re trying to drink the thick sexual energy in the air through a straw.

Five seconds go by without a verbal answer, but two things are undoubtedly happening; the first, much more noticeable to everyone, is the man in front of you begins to adjust his boxers slightly, as the quickly enlarging member hidden inside begins taking up too much room for it to be comfortable. Luckily, your body produces the solution to his problem;

You remember you aren’t wearing panties, and can feel yourself getting nice and slick watching his hard on come to life before your eyes.

Ten seconds go by, time feels still beyond all reason, and just when you can’t take it anymore, Andrew looks you dead center in the eyes and whispers “I guess so.”

Your body practically jumps at the slightest bit of approval of the situation. With that answer that barely counted as a ‘Yes’ but definitely didn’t count as a ‘no’, your rational brain has completely shut off leaving just your instincts in charge.

“You guess so, or you know so?” You ask definitively, taking one final step closer towards him and erasing any personal space you both had until you two are practically touching, your head only reaching up to the level of his large and well toned chest. Your right hand reaches out and makes contact with his boxers, feeling how hard his cock is straining to contain itself behind the fabric, aching to be released and make your acquaintance.

A low guttural moan from above your head breaks your concentration from the cock in front of you. One hand gently squeezing the tip of his manhood, you glanced back up confidently, a mischievous look in your eye, and saw on his face a smile slowly spreading from cheek to cheek. “Pretty sure.” He finally answers, and with that humble admittance of his talents, your fates are sealed. You came this far, and you weren’t backing out now. Without hesitating, you stand on your tip toes, which slightly raises your shirt up to reveal your bare pussy in front of him, and whisper in his ear “Follow me.”

Your heels touch down on the kitchen floor and you gently spin around, letting your Mark’s t-shirt slide back down your body resting comfortably below your waist again, shrouding your beautiful garden from his sight. You walk back towards the hallway, and he follows closely behind you, transfixed on the little peek he is getting of the bottom of your butt, slightly revealed to him with every step, his saliva pooling in his mouth as he’s craving to see more again. You can feel his eyes digging into your body and cant help but smile as another silly thought crosses your mind; “Hehe, my boyfriend’s shirt is like the last line of defense he has from seeing me completely naked. It’s like my his last ditch effort to shield me from this big strong sex machine.”

You both reach the middle of the hallway, your boyfriend snoring away in your room on your left, your roommate asleep in hers on the right, and the bathroom further down the hall. As you pass by your room, you catch a glimpse of your Mark through the crack sound asleep in your bed. He must think you’re curled up next to him, satisfied and sleeping off the alcohol and sex you two shared together, the creampie you two made resting comfortably inside you like it usually would be on any other night. “This is your last chance, if you want me to yourself come and get me.” you say to yourself in your head. But with every step you take getting closer to the bathroom door, you didn’t hear a sound from anyone else other than your rapid heart beating in your chest and the deep, eager breaths coming from the tall handsome man behind you. Your hand reaches for the handle and pushes the door open quietly. The two of you slip inside and he closes the door, louder than you anticipated. You give him a stern look as if to say “Shhh, don’t be loud! They might wake up!” But the look on his face is impossible to mistake. He followed you, cornered you like a starving animal hunting his prey, trapping you with him in this small space with the only exit, and your blissfully unaware boyfriend, behind him. Not a trace of Lisa was on his mind as he flicked the lights on and ate you up with his eyes. You were his whole world right now; exactly what you had wanted from the moment your inner slut was set free.

And here she was, finally uncaged and allowed to spread her wings. Glancing in the mirror you no longer saw the same girl from before. The homely girl, nine months deep into a committed relationship, on the straight and narrow. Standing in the mirror in front of her Mark’s best friend was a perfect little slut, his favorite new toy, ready to serve and please her new master. You found yourself back in the bathroom for the second time this evening, but there was one key difference; your first visit was to dispose of an unwanted creampie. The second, you are determined not to leave the room without a fresh one inside of your eagerly awaiting body. The voice in your head that started as a whisper is now shouting at the top of her lungs, doing naked cartwheels over and over, jumping for joy. You listened to her, and now you were about to get your reward for giving in and embracing that carnal desire you felt erupting from writhing you as you fingered yourself listening to your roommate’s screams of joy. And now your prize stood in front of you; his 6’4 frame made the bathroom seem even smaller in comparison. But something much bigger was about to make his debut.

Eyes locked, you sank to your knees. The floor on your bare skin felt cold to the touch, and you shivered ever so slightly. You needed something to warm you up, and you knew exactly what. Your hands gripped his boxers once more with determination and you quickly slipped Andrew’s cock out into your bare hands. He was 6″ big, perfect for your tiny frame, and you were immediately struck by just how hard he was. Your boyfriend was usually good in bed and had an average sized dick too, but there was something about the penis in front of you that demanded a double-take. You could feel his cock twitching in your hands as you held it. There was something about it that required more thought. “Kiss it,” the voice in your head commanded. And you did.

From above you heard a quiet “Oh, fuck…” as your lips kissed the tip of his throbbing cock. Not wanting to break contact, your kiss begins to get deeper as your mouth gently opens to take him inside of you. Already pools of saliva had gathered in your mouth and you gently used your tongue to help spread it all around him. “It’s even warmer in my mouth…” you think to yourself as your rhythm begins to quicken. Your hands finally let go and explore his stomach as your mouth works on fitting as much of him inside of you as you can manage. With each dip of your head, his breathing above you gets deeper and quicker. You can feel your bare pussy start to throb, trying to imagine how good you’re making him feel, and you look up to meet his gaze. His head is tilted back and his grip on the bathroom sink is strong and unbreakable. His other hand is resting on your head, guiding your blowjob just to his liking…

… maybe to much to his liking, because at that moment you realized what it was about his dick you couldn’t quite place. Even though he had already fucked your roommate Lisa just a little while before, his cock knew just how badly you wanted him and was aching to release. His grip relaxed slightly as he just barely managed to whisper “I’m gonna…” and you quickly reassured him with a look that said “It’s ok.”

And with that, both his hands gripped your head of hair tightly as he unloaded in your mouth. You felt ropes of warm, salty cum hit the back of your throat, and you gently eased off of him. The last few spurts dribbled down your face onto your chest, a few drops landing to rest on your boyfriends t-shirt. Both of you caught your breath for a second. Your mind was racing; it was exhilarating for sure, having just swallowed some of your boyrfriends best friends cum. But as you sat there on the bathroom floow wiping the cum off of you, reality began to sink back in and you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. You had only been in the bathroom a little over three minutes, and only half of that was spent actually doing what you came for. The fantasy slowly winding down, he whispered “Sorry about that.” as you stood up. “Don’t worry about it,” you replied. “That was fun, but I have to clean up now.”

You pushed past him and turned the water on in the shower to hot, then gently removed your Mark’s t-shirt and folded it up tightly. “I’ll wash it later,” you think to yourself as you set it down and turn to meet your boyfriend’s best friend’s gaze. “Want to join me?” you ask, pulling back the shower curtain and inviting him in. He didn’t need to be asked twice, watching your naked body standing there slowly getting wet as he stepped into the tub with you. It was a tight fit with his tall frame, but luckily you were small enough to make it even. He stood back and marveled at you as the hot water ran down your body, taking in every inch of your naked form in front of him. You smiled wide and began to lather up your body, taking your time rubbing your soapy nipples in front of him and using your thumb and pointer to gently roll your nipples back and forth. This lasted a few minutes as he watched you intently, and you really enjoyed seeing the lust in his eyes. Now that you’re chest was all clean and free of any of his sperm, you figured you would good enough and clear of any evidence to dry off and end the fun.

As you reached past him to turn the water off, he gently grabbed your hand and placed it on his chest instead. When your hand met his wet chest, you couldn’t help but smile again as you felt a slight tingle in your waist. He guided your hands further down his wet body, past his stomach and abs until you were once again gripping his dick. And to your surprise, it started to grow in your hands! Excited at the prospect of the night continuing, you looked up at him as he leaned down to kiss you. Your lips met and you felt a surge of electricity pulse through your body from your lips down to your toes. He was a great kisser, and as your tongues explored each other you felt his dick getting harder and harder in your hand until you needed both to hold it steady.

With the water running, the bathroom was starting to get hot and steamy. But more importantly, the gentle hum of the shower meant you two could talk above a whisper. In between your kisses, he started to confidently talk to you in a normal sounding tone. “You’re such a good girl.” More kissing… “Fuck, you taste so good.” You could feel yourself soaking wet, and not from the water you two were under. “You’re my little slut. My secret little slut.” You started to moan back, unable to put into words just how sexy you felt. Your insides were on fire, and he wrapped his arms around you to pull you in closer to his body. His hard cock pressed firmly against your belly, you could feel every inch throbbing against you as he told you “This is the cock my tiny slut deserves. Mark can never fuck my little whore like I can.”

Only the slut inside of you remained, and she needed him inside of her, now. Andrew knew it too. His hands reached down and grabbed your ass hard as he bent you over and pressed the tip of his cock against your red hot pussy. “Are you on birth control?” He asked and you vigorously nodded your head yes. “Even if I wasn’t, I’d still fuck his brains out right now!” the voice in your head cheering you on.

Your nod was all the go ahead he needed, and without hesitation he dipped inside of you, quickly filling up your aching hole and finally giving it that sense of relief you were craving all night long. You couldn’t help but call out “Oh, fuck!” as he started pushing deeper inside of you, one slow continuous motion forward until your butt was resting comfortably against his abs, his cock completely enveloped by your receptive body. Luckily you remembered to be quiet though, at least you thought you were. Hard to remember when you’re in the middle of such an intense feeling. One of his hands on your shoulder, the other on your ass, Andrew gripped your body tight and held you down as he slid himself gently out and back in, getting a nice pace going as you gently rocked back into him with each thrust.

“Take it, you little slut. You were made for me to fuck.” he says in your ear. Your boyfriend never talked dirty to you, this was completely foreign and it drove you wild hearing him say what you knew was true. With every wet slap of your skin making contact, you could practically feel your pussy pulsating with each stroke. It was even better than you had imagined, the pleasure running through your body like you’ve never felt it before. The only thing keeping you standing and riding him was how badly you wanted to please him and make him happy.

Finally after a few minutes, he leans in close and says “I’m so close, can I drop my seed deep inside your slutty cunt?” It was like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Waves of euphoria, starting in your ears from the words he said and traveling all throughout your body until it reached the inner most center of your vagina. Your pussy, higher on cloud 9 than ever before, answered for you; “Please.” And just like that, his grip tightened against your skin as you two humped harder and harder until his voice grew in volume and he practically shouted “Oh, FUCK!” You could feel it every time his semen shot out of him and hit the back of your pussy as you drained him completely. “Not so loud!” was all you could blurt out, but before you could double down, you got caught up in the beautiful sensation of being properly bred and began to whimper and shake as your own orgasm snuck up quickly on you, completely overwhelming your tight wet body and sending your mind into a frenzy of fireworks.

Both thoroughly satisfied beyond words, you felt his cock slowly begin to soften inside of you, breaking the tight seal you two had created to keep his cum from leaking out. He slowly backed out of you, and even above the noise of the shower you both could hear a wet “Pop!” as your pussy unclenched from him. You both stood under the water for another moment, admiring each other’s naked and blushing bodies, before finally turning the water off. Both grabbing towels and stepping out of the tub, Andrew dried off first and gave you one last kiss before putting on his boxers and quietly slipping out of the bathroom. Alone again, you wiped the fog off the mirror and looked at yourself in the mirror once more.

“I feel like a goddess.” you think to yourself. Your inner slut agreed, and you were shocked to find it was your own normal voice saying such grand things. Maybe the two weren’t so different after all. All part of the same beautiful woman staring back at you in the mirror. Naked and all dried off, you glance over at the toilet and remember the load still buried inside of you, the last remaining evidence that proved you were somewhere other than sound asleep next to your boyfriend. You consider cleaning up and even take a step towards the toilet, but you hesitate. “What if this is the only time this happens? Do I really want to get rid of my one keepsake of this night?” you think to yourself. It’s risky, but your mind has been made up. You earned that cum fair and square, and you wanted to enjoy it as long as you could. So with that decided, you did a quick look around to make sure everything was where it should be and flicked the lights off, quietly slipping out the door into the hall.

The door to Lisa’s room was closed. Andrew had snuck back inside and managed to infiltrate her bed without any fuss. She hadn’t woken up, and he got away with it. Knowing that made you squirm a little bit. “How can I still be horny after that?” you think and laugh to yourself. The lights were all off and you could hear the gentle snoring of your boyfriend from your room next door. Quietly you sneak inside and close the door behind you.

Everything was the same from when you left it over a half hour ago. The only physical thing missing was the shirt you were wearing when you left, but there was something else that was not here before either. This room had been like an egg to you, it was in this room that you first indulged the ideas of becoming a true slut. You nurtured and fed into that desire as you gently played with yourself listening to your roommate get railed across the hall, and once you stepped out that door to pursue that same good fucking there was no going back. The egg had cracked and broken, a beautiful new being strutting out to greet the world. You were a slut, his ‘tiny little slut,’ and you had the proof slowly leaking out of your freshly fucked pussy. You did it, you really fucking did it and you couldn’t help but be proud of yourself for your accomplishment.

Mark rolled over in his sleep, giving you a little more space on your bed as you yawned and stretched your arms high above you. It suddenly hit you all at once just how tired you were; all that sexual energy and tension building up put your body into overdrive, and after the amazing orgasm you had against the wall in the shower you were surprised you could even stand up straight. Your bed never looked more inviting.

Pulling the sheets over you, you slide in quietly and make yourself comfortable next to your boyfriend, his back against your side. You lay there, slowly breathing and listening to the gentle creaking of your bed and your boyfriends deep breathes. Your heart starts slowing down back to a normal resting rhythm, but your mind is buzzing with energy. Flashes in your mind of Andrew’s cock springing from his boxers, giving you your first look at your brand new favorite toy. The way he quickly came in your mouth, but then fucked your hungry pussy right after. You couldn’t help but smile and think to yourself “I must either be really good at giving head, or he really wanted to cum in me!”

You place a hand gently on your body, resting between your breasts and slowly began to stroke your tummy in little circles, thoughts of digesting his load and giving your body his nutrients exciting you. But that wasn’t the only cum you had within you. Your hand begins to creep lower still, until your finger tips pass over the smoothly shaven skin and brushes against your clitoris. Still sensitive, you decide to give the girl a rest and dip your hand lower still. You can feel between the slick folds of your labia that you’re still a little wet yourself, but there’s no denying that this is thicker than your usual love juice. Slowly you rub your fingers up and down the outside of your pussy, teasing yourself. You know if you just dipped a finger inside, you’d be greeted by his warm, sticky gift to you. But you want to savor the sensation as long as you can. Normally you would have cleaned up by now, but that wasn’t even an option in your mind at this point. Andrew had given you his cum, it was yours now, and just in case this was all a crazy wet dream that you were about to wake up from, you wanted to hold on to it as long as you could.

“Still, why not just one more little taste?” you say to yourself. Gingerly, you dip your finger into your body and swirl it around the sensitive opening of your vagina. Closing your eyes and savoring the moment, you reached your hand back up and brought it out above the sheets to meet your eyes. His glistening cum bubbled up around your finger nail, the strong scent of sex suddenly noticeable in the air around you and your boyfriends heads. Aware that he could wake up right now and notice, you quickly pop your finger into your mouth to hide your little secret and begin gently sucking. After a blissful minute or two, you swallowed the last little bit as you slipped your wet finger out between your lips and kissed them a final time. You wish you could be kissing the real thing, but this will have to do for now. One more big yawn and you roll over onto your side facing your Mark’s back. As your eyes start to sink closed, you sigh in content and reach over to gently caress his back with your hand still slightly wet with saliva.

“I guess you don’t want me all to yourself after all, huh? That’s good, because I really loved being all his for tonight.” A last lovely thought crosses your mind as you finally drift off to sleep. Sometime during the night, your boyfriend rolled over in his sleep and gave you a squeeze, as if to subconsciously reassure himself that you were still there, still his. One hand came to rest on your belly button. Unbeknownst to him, just mere centimeters deep within your warm, soft flesh, two thick loads given to his girlfriend by his best friend were hard at work. One was being thoroughly digested by your tummy, passing into your small intestine to be absorbed into you, forever making a little part of you, his. The other was doing everything in its power to slip deeper inside of you, desperate to reach your cervix and firmly plant his seed to grow. A tempting thought, but a child would only ruin all the fun you were thinking of now. Hours passed, the house remained quiet.

Everything had gone perfectly to plan.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mfa0mb/not_proud_of_banging_the_forbidden

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