Blindfold pt 1

Your heartbeat quickens as you push the car door shut and begin to walk towards the hotel. 2:28, you were right on time, as long as don’t turn back. Luckily you received your room key yesterday so there is no need to go through the lobby. It takes a minute to get the side door open (because you nearly dropped the key) and you nearly jump when the door slams behind you (darn wind). The little envelope which had housed the key has ‘213’ written on it in black sharpie so you begin to climb the stairs. Each step has you wishing you hadn’t worn an outfit so tight. 
Slightly impressed with yourself you make it to the second floor without tripping. The beige door pulls back easily revealing a standard hotel hallway. Red and yellow flower patterns on the carpet, light brown walls which you can just see match the smallest detail in the floral arrangement beneath your feet. You pass the ice and vending machines before reaching room 213. ‘Very convenient to be near the ice,’ you think. The thought must have distracted you just enough to not realize that you had your hand on the door handle, brought the key to the reader, turned the handle, and walked inside without shaking or second guessing your decision.
The lights are already on but it is clear you are the only one inside. Looking around you notice that the suite was larger than you expected. There is a nice size sitting area in the first room with a two cushion couch, sitting chair,  two end tables,  and a large table that was covered with a towel. Your eyes trace over the hills and valleys indicating there are several items underneath.  You think you can make out a few items but refrain from disturbing the scene. 
The bathroom is a pretty standard for a hotel room. White walls,  single sink with a large mirror. The large bathtub catches your eye and you smile thinking about soaking in that later. 
Further into the room you find the master bedroom.  There lying on the king size bed is a large envelope with your name written beautifully across the front. Your smile returns as you reach for it. But just as your fingers almost touch it you hesitate. 2:35, you still have time to walk out and pretend this never happened.  No one would blame you. You turn around and sit on the bed,  your hand shakes as you bring it up to your cheek to think. The shaking draws your attention down towards your hand but you look through it.  On the floor lies a black piece of fabric. A moment passes before you bend down to touch it and discover how soft the material feels in your fingertips. You stoke the fabric gently and bravely slide your wrist into the hole at the end. ‘So soft,’ you think to yourself as you feel the restraint slide back and forth along your wrist and forearm.

Determined, you place everything how you found it on the floor and stand up to get your letter. 
‘Welcome,  I look forward to seeing you soon.  You however will not be able to see me. The rules are simple enough to understand,  we will see how well you follow through. 

1) the safe word we agreed upon is pineapple.  Write here if you wish to change that.
2) there is a bucket of ice on the table, fill it full.
3) Enclosed with these instructions you find a blindfold which you will put on and present yourself on the bed before I arrive at 2:45. 
4) You will not remove the blindfold at any point yourself. 
4) you are free to orgasm as often as you would like but you must count everyone out loud.

5) It’s polite to thank every time.’

2:41, better hurry.  Luckily the ice machine is next door. 
2:43, you fold your clothes neatly on the chair in the front room and go to grab the blindfold. The black velvet feels smooth between your fingers and you smile thinking about wearing one for the first time. 
A knock at the door breaks your daydream.  It’s 2:45. 
You manage to get on the bed and cover your eyes before the door opens. ‘How am I supposed to be?’ You think to yourself as you can’t remember what the more said. Acting quickly you lay on your back with your arms and legs tight against your body. 
Moments, minutes,  maybe hours pass as you lay there.  Too nervous or excited to breathe.  Too tense to relax your muscles. Mind racing with what is going on. 

You hear footsteps in the other room,  some shuffling of items, and then silence. You feel the sensation that you are being looked at.  Not just looked at, looked through.  Like your soul is exposed. You don’t know why but your muscles relax a little. 

A *clink* draws your head towards the center of the room, even though all you see is darkness and occasional shadow movement from the edges. *Pop* you know that sound, its the unclasping of a microwave. Three buttons follow slowly. Each tone sends a shiver down your spine. And each time you shiver, you worry that you were noticed and straighten back up. You don’t remember if you can move or not and want to please the shadow. After the last tone starts the familiar humming from the microwave. There is no other noise to distract you so you let it enter your ears and massage your mind. You find pleasure in the oscillations of the sound and feel your heartbeat slow and your muscles relax again. Then it ends. No beep, the noise just ends with a *click*. Then more silence. The passing moments make you unsure of where to look until the shadow appears again under the corner of your right eye. 

I haven’t written in awhile . Just testing the waters again. Working on part 2


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