(f/?) Jealousy is a Fickle Mistress.

Story 3/5

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I'm in my second month of college and already I am struggling with my classes. This is a new experience for me because in high school I never had to study or even try to get straight A's. My dork sister on the other hand is just doing great. She just got a 90 something on her first exam and already has a new boyfriend who is of course insufferably cute.

On top of that it's been a little while since my and Kim's little incident and I've done my best to just pretend it didn't happen, but the tension built up between us is intensely thick.

Thank god it's finally the weekend. I am just going to get totally drunk and have some fun tonight at this party one of my classmates invited me to at the dorms.

I text Kim to see if she'll go with me because she's basically my best friend now and she is incredibly fun to be with.

Of course since she is awesome she says she'll come with =)

So I'm on my way home to change into some sexier party clothes, and I bump into my sister's new boyfriend who totally thinks I am Lauren lol. I felt like being kind of a bitch so I decide to play along a bit and give him a little smack on the butt.

As I giggle and run away I yell out "Tell my sister I said hi". I glance back and he is full on face palming. What can I say? I have a gift for making things as awkward as possible.

This is going to be an awesome night I can tell already!

So I get home and of course Lauren is pissed at me for "tricking" her boy-toy, but I don't even care because honestly it was hilarious and totally worth it. So I just apologize and get poor Ryan off the hook saying I instigated it and he was just confused.

I pick out my little black dress and put it on even though the party isn't for like 2 more hours. I screw around on my laptop for a while trying to be productive and not fail out of school and stuff until Kim gets home so we can go have fun.

begrudgingly I am studying and then Kim gets back, but she's got some guy with her who I have never met.

She introduces us, his name is Tim and I have to give Kim some credit here because it is amusing that their names rhyme. Allegedly they are 'friends' from high school but he is pretty cute so I kinda doubt that's the end of it.

Kim goes and gets ready and leaves me to talk to Tim. We chit chat a bit and I start to see why Kim likes him so much. He is really quite charming and witty.

Kim is taking a super long time so I barge in to check on her and see she is like half naked still and can't decide what to wear. I can tell she obviously wants to look hot for Tim which is important and all but the party started like a half hour ago already and there is only so fashionably late you can be you know! So I try and help her but her sexy body is really distracting me. I start having naughty thoughts about last time and before you know it I am getting turned on.

Finally Kim is dressed and I have to say she looks super cute. So we grab Tim, do a pre-game shot, and head on out to the party, finally!

On the way to the party the two im's are already getting handsy and I start feeling a little jealous which was stupid because I don't even like girls remember?

The two lovebirds and I arrive at the party and theres like a bazillion people there. The Music is way too loud to have any kind of verbal communication so we all just start drinking and dancing. There were a few guys who looked promising but then their stupid girlfriends showed up. There I am third wheel spinning out by myself and I look over to see Kim and Tim pretty vigorously making out on the futon. I am not nearly drunk enough to be having fun in this situation so I go to go get another beer (ok more like 3). As I'm dancing there with this guy who seems nice enough but is really way too drunk to be of use, I can't help but glance over at Kim and wish it was me over there making out with her.

This goes on for another hour or so. I have completely struck out. my last hope for some sexytimes was just too drunk to even go there and my wingwoman Kim basically has ditched me for some stupid boy and I'm feeling pretty awful. It's no fun being alone, drunk, turned on, and jealous all at the same time. So there I am thoroughly defeated sitting down very unladylike in the hallway when Kim and Tim come collect me to go home. I can tell they're just having a great time but Kim is obviously feeling bad about basically abandoning me the whole night so she pulls me up and gives me a big hug which made me feel a lot better. Especially when she whispered in my ear sincerely, "It'll be okay Katie kat" We stumble home and with a little assistance I even get up the stairs without breaking anything.

I was just ready to faceplant on my bed and try to go to sleep, or maybe cry about how awful my life was to my sister but guess who had another freaking note on the door?! I almost just went in anyway but decided I already made an ass of myself earlier, couldn't really do it twice in one day…

I turn around to see Kim and Tim were making out again in the living room and I had nowhere I could even go to get away from it. I just flopped over on the couch pulled a blanket over my head and started crying.

I guess Kim banished Tim to her bedroom and came and sat next to me.

I was like full on sobbing at this point but Kim started rubbing my back and it calmed me down some after a little while. Then she picked me up and cuddled with me to help me stop crying.

In my sniffly state I ask her, "why did you ditch me tonight I needed you"

She just said, "I thought you wanted to go find some guy to be with?"

I say without thinking, "No, all I wanted was you."

Immediately I realize I have made a huge mistake and try and backpedal. But Kim sees right through it and is now smiling, "Ohh I thought you didn't want to go there again, huh?"

I'm speechless and try to think of something to say but before I know it she is whispering in my ear. "you knooww… there is still a way that could happen tonight." I whisper back with narrowed eyes, "but what about Tim? what would you even tell him to get him to leave?"

Kim gets this huge grin on her face and while squeezing my inner thigh says deliberately "he wouldn't" The naughtiness of the suggestion was pretty hot to me but I don't know if I am going to be able to go through with it.

Kim saw I was entertaining it and suggested that we just have Tim not do anything with me. I start mumbling, "I dunno Kim… i mean.." and she just interrupts me with a big kiss and a hand down my panties.

she breaks off the kiss and says, "you don't want this?"

I give into my raging hormones and say "fuck me, please"

She withdraws her hand from my now wet panties, pulls me to my feet and leads me into her bedroom where a very confused Tim is sitting on the bed.

I go into full blown shy mode now only looking at the floor and feeling insanely awkward.

Kim tells Tim, "ok, Katie here is having a really bad night and sometimes we help each other out when we're having a tough time so she is going to join us here if that's okay with you."

I didn't see Tim's expression because I was still in full blown shy mode with my head pointed at the floor almost hiding behind Kim but I imagine it was one of astonishment. He just said, "sure, whatever you girls want"

Kim added, "only rule is you can't touch Katie unless she asks you to, got it?"

Tim replies, "of course."

So I'm still hiding behind Kim holding her hand when she turns around, picks up my chin with her index finger, and gives me a little peck.

I was expecting another big naughty kiss so I giggled, then Kim starts tickling me in front of Tim and I can't stop laughing. I am completely embarrassed and exposed to this basically stranger guy who is wide eyed at what is happening in front of him.

I try to retaliate but freaking Kim has been like trained to not respond to tickle attempts. It's totally not fair. I can't even get a reprieve until she relents and just starts making out on top of me on the bed giving Tim a really nice view up our short dresses.

I have no idea who taught kim how to kiss but they are probably about my 3rd favorite person on the earth right now.

While Kim and I are rather furiously making out and groping each other. Tim takes his pants off and starts stroking himself.

Kim gets off me and pulls her panties off. I sit up, but she comes back and pushes me back down and says with a mischievous grin, "You got to be first last time, remember?" She beckons to Tim and he hurries over. she climbs on top of me and puts her ass right in my face giving me access to her.

I start slurping away and I hear her sucking on Tim.

This whole thing was super hot and I was just about as turned on as the first time Kim seduced me. Kim was dripping all over my chin so I got her off me and took my dress off not wanting to wreck it. Then I pulled hers off too and she got on the bed and got me up on her face.

She is just so much better than I am at eating pussy. I swear it's like she has a robot tongue that knows just what to do. I'm entranced in the moment and I feel kim bring her legs up into my back and wonder why, I look back and Tim is right there putting it in her.

Kim kicked up the intensity and started bringing me real close just as Tim started fucking her. I could feel her move and squirm as she got pounded and it made me go crazy. I was right on the edge but Kim was getting distracted by that pesky dick in her.

I guess the whole experience is just too much for tim because after only about a minute he pulls out to cool down for a bit. Guess we're just too sexy for one man to handle.

I was totally okay with it even if Kim let out a whimper.

I start grinding my pussy into Kim's tongue, so close to finishing.

Kim pulls me down and puts me on my back with only like a few moments of licking stoppage. She gets on all fours and puts two fingers in me It doesn't take her long to make me cum harder than I had in my entire life.

I guess Tim was all ready to go after having to tag out early and got back behind Kim and started fucking her again. Kim pushed my legs up and crawled up on top of me so she could kiss me. I became aware that my pussy was right up next to hers and started thinking how sexy it would be to get fucked while Kim made out with me.

Kim pulled out of a kiss to let out a moan and I whispered to her if it'd be ok if I fucked Tim. She started giggling and said, "of course silly, just tell him to and he'll do it."

We continued making out until Kim came and then I whimper out a shy request "could you fuck me Tim?"

He looks at Kim and she gives him a nod and he puts on a new condom and slips his dick into me. I have to say that getting fucked by a guy and making out with a girl really is the best of both worlds. It was like sensory overload I kind of forgot how to do anything while it was going on. Kim started pinching my nipples and ravishing my neck with deep kisses and it didn't take long for me to come again.

Tim was being a trooper and brought both of us through and finally could go no longer. He pulled out of me took the condom off and came all over my and Kim's backsides.

I was content to just go to sleep with his cum all over me because I was exhausted but Kim dragged me out of bed and into the shower with her and we washed each other off. When we got back Tim had already changed the sheets for us and said he had better get going. Kim whined at him to stay but I guess he had to work in the morning or something.

After he was gone we got into bed and cuddled for a bit. I told Kim, "thanks for being so sweet to me."

She just said, "oh Katie you are so adorable how could I not be?"

http://redd.it/35utsz for the next story

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/35unnl/f_jealousy_is_a_fickle_mistress


  1. If you notice any formatting/grammar errors feel free to let me know. Reddit posts are infuriating to format.

  2. So darned hot, the shyness and emotional vulnerability takes it to the next level of cuteness and hotness all at once. Brilliant and thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks, wasn’t my proudest moment but it does make for a pretty good story that I’ll never get to tell to 99.99% of people i know haha.

  4. I love the way you two just ordered Tim around and of course – like any guy – he did whatever he was told. He’s like your sex accessory. Which I’m sure he was totally happy with haha. What guy wouldn’t be? Hot stuff as always!

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