Clementina, Part VIII [erotic horror, monster, anal, lactation, MF, mild incest(m/s,s/s), exhibitionism]


As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

I appreciate all the kind words from folks about the story. I read every one of your comments, and I love them all – you are the reason I am continuing this story line. I especially am grateful to the comments from the ladies, you are beautiful.

This story assumes you have read all previous seven parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering. The previous parts will explain things like what the slime is about, the body types, the phallites, the lactation, etc…

This story begins immediately (seconds) after Part VII ends.


Clementina, Part VIII

Chapter 2: Symbiosis (begins)

“Before we start making any plans to turn anyone into a white queen, there’s something else we need to do,” I said, still treading water lightly in the deep end of the pool. Clementina, my mom and I were skinny dipping after our sexual romp. Ona was still tied up on the deck.

“What’s that?” Clementina asked.

“Eat!” I said. “I’m starved. You said you were having a dinner, what’re we having?”

“Ona made her specialty,” Clementina said.

We climbed out of the pool and I untied Ona. She rose and stretched, rubbing the red marks where the ropes had cut into her skin.

I slapped her ass.

“Go make us food,” I ordered. She nodded, smiled, and headed inside. My mom followed her and I started to head in as well but Clementina put a hand on my arm.

“Russel,” she said. “Do you have a minute to chat, just the two of us? It will take Ona a little bit to prep the food, we have a couple minutes, can we talk?”

“Sure, Clementina,” I said. I met her eyes, she had an odd look in them. “What do we need to talk about?”

“Us,” Clementina said, gesturing towards one of the deck chairs as she sat down.

“Us?” I asked as we took our seats.

“Yes, us,” Clementina said, looking downwards, brushing some random lint from between her breasts then staring off in the distance, across the fields beyond the pool. “Wow, this is tough. Um, well, I mean, there’s a difference between making love and fucking.”

“Right…” I said. “Go on.”

“What I’m trying to say is that when you and I have sex, we’re just fucking. When I have sex with your mom or Ona, we’re making love. When you touch your mom, I can tell you’re making love. But when you touch me, we’re just fucking. Do you understand what I’m saying.”

I leaned back in my chair.

“I do understand,” I said.

“And I am responsible for that,” Clementina continued before I could add anything further. “When I led you on that night you came over to fix the pipes, I made it as obvious and inviting as possible for you to spy on me. Then the first time we had actual sex it was because I blackmailed you. The next time was in the tub when you were driving the dark phallite from my body. Then you and I drove the dark phallite out of Ona. Then just a few minutes ago, I could tell, you were just fucking me, there was no love or passion in it. And there shouldn’t be, because I treated you like shit when I was under the influence of the dark phallite and I have done nothing to redress that.”

“Clementina, that’s not true,” I said. “You have given us a home when we were at risk of being foreclosed. You agreed to my request to put up a monument. I am so grateful to you. And you are an incredible lay, when we do have sex.”

“Then why is it you just fuck me, not make love to me like you do your mother?”

“She’s my mother, I love her. Are you saying I should love you like I love her?”

“No but I would like there to be some connection between us, and right now I feel nothing from you.”

She was right. I felt little emotional attachment to her. Honestly, I considered her more an acquaintance than a friend. That was wrong. We had been through too much together for me to have that attitude.

“Clementina, I’m sorry. You’re right.” I said.

“You shouldn’t be sorry,” she said. “I haven’t given you any reason to feel any way towards me except hesitance and skepticism. You probably are still expecting the other shoe to drop regarding your living situation, right?”

I had to nod.

“Yes, I am, truthfully,” I said.

Clementina leaned forward. Several wet strands of her long dark hair had come free of the band holding her ponytail in place and fell forward over her shoulders and her bare breasts. She put her hand on my arm.

“I want to show you I am sincere,” she said. “Let’s go on a date.”

“A date?” I said, laughing. “I’ve already fucked you in every serviceable hole, it’s kind of late for a date.”

She laughed, then slapped my hand lightly.

“No, I mean it,” she giggled. “Let’s have a romantic dinner somewhere, get to actually know each other, then we can make love, just you and I. Maybe even get a hotel room. And I mean make real love, like you make to someone you truly care about. How does that sound?”

I had to admit, it sounded good. I said so.

“But what about Ona?” I asked.

“What about her?” Clementina countered.

“You and your sister are lovers. You’re in love. Does that change things?”

“Not at all. I still love my sister more than anyone else. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love your mother too. She is a beautiful strong woman and I adore her. And I adore you, I saw such strength and courage in the face of the dark phallites that I can’t help but admire you. And I want you to feel something towards me more than another ass in your harem.”

“You ladies are not my harem,” I said. “I’m just the only guy around here with a phallite. You could recruit any other man you want – and they would probably take one on willingly once they had a good look at the three of you.”

“It’s not that simple…” Clementina said and trailed off.

“What do you mean?” I asked, but she waved me off.

“It’s just not, trust me. That is a discussion for another time, right now we are talking about you and I. When is our date?”

We decided to go to an Italian restaurant the following evening, and retire to a nearby Hyatt for the night afterwards. Our impending date dominated the dinner conversation, and while I had anticipated a negative reaction from Ona, none was received.

The next day I had chores and repairs to do around the house. I spent the morning pounding, hammering, sawing, and making fixes here and there. I didn’t see much of Clementina as she, my mom, and Ona had gone out to run some errands and do some shopping. I had the place to myself. I wrapped up my chores mid-afternoon, had a bite to eat and lay down for a nap, expecting a long night ahead of me.

I was awakened by three women standing around my bed, shopping bags in hand.

“We picked out what we are wearing tonight!” Clementina announced.

“WE picked out? WE are wearing?” I said, playing the grump after being rudely awakened.

“Yes!” exclaimed my mother. She pulled out a pair of soft gray khakis and a faded, blue button down shirt from a bag. “Voila! Wear this, shoes, and nothing else!”

“Um,” I said. “With the phallite onboard, I’m not sure having me go commando in public is a good idea.”

“Tonight it is,” said Clementina.

“So what are YOU wearing?” I said, trying to keep the grumpy sneer out of my voice and mostly succeeding. Mostly.

“This!” Ona jumped in and pulled out an outfit that made me catch my breath. It was a red, filmy silk dress. It had spaghetti straps that reached well below the shoulders, and the strips that covered the breasts were only a couple inches wide, plunging deep to the waist. There was no way those little strips would completely cover Clementina’s wide aureoles. The back was bare to the waist, and deep slits ran up the front and sides of the dress, almost meeting the waist. Anyone wearing that dress without anything underneath would be showing a lot to the world every time she moved.

My eyes were as big as saucers as I mentally placed Clementina in the dress.

“You like?” she asked tentatively.

“I fucking love it,” I croaked, finding my mouth unexpectedly dry.

“And nothing else but shoes!” Ona interjected.

“Wow,” I murmured. I could feel my phallite-laden cock stir in my shorts.

“How about a quickie before dinner?” I asked.

“Save it for later,” Clementina said, blowing a kiss my way.

Chattering, the three of them exited my room and I was left staring at the ceiling. This was going to be quite a night.

We arrived at the restaurant at 7:00. Clementina looked unbelievable. Clementina had the typical female phallite body – large breasts, big nipples, narrow waist, wide hips. A perfect mom body. The top of the red dress she wore was completely unable to cover her wide pebbly aureoles, and the edges peeked out the sides. Every step she took, the dress billowed, showing the world her tidy little bush and long, pink-brown labia. As for myself, Clementina insisted I wear my shirt untucked and only have the bottom two buttons buttoned, so I was showing some skin myself.

Clementina’s dress and the requirement that I go commando left me with a very large noticeable bulge in the front of my khakis as we entered the restaurant. I tried to position myself directly behind Clementina to hide it, but she forced me to stand right by her side. Trying to conceal a budding erection that was more than a foot long was impossible, and even as men’s eyes turned to Clementina, ladies eyed my growing hard-on as the waitress led us to a booth in a quieter section in the back of the restaurant.

I leaned forward and whispered.

“I am about to start dribbling slime down my leg,” I said. “And these khakis are going to get soaked.”

She giggled, reached under the table for a second and pulled her hand out. The fingers were webbed with slime.

“I know,” she said.

I took her hand in mine and was licking the slime from her fingers when the waitress arrived. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, then she introduced herself and we ordered a bottle of wine while we considered the menu.

The evening progressed smoothly. We drank a bottle of wine, told jokes, and chatted. Mostly, I asked her questions about her upbringing, her years when she and Ona were lovers, and what led her to leave that life behind. I had wanted to know more about her, I wanted to find things to admire so I could start to feel something towards her besides ambivalence.

And I did. I found out how she helped take care of her siblings when her parents grew ill. And about how she had single-handedly looked over the phallites during the years since the family had all either died or moved away. Her remaining behind at the farmstead had been less an act of being “an old-fashioned girl” – that was just the facade she put forth. It was really a sense of duty that kept her down on the farm. She had forsaken her relationship with her sister, given up on any hope of a husband, all so there would be someone looking after the phallites. She became the one to protect the world from the phallites and the phallites from the world.

When Ona became a dark queen, Clementina took that personally as a failure.

We were just about done with our meal and finishing our wine when we got to that part of the conversation. I stopped her.

“But wait,” I said. “You have no control over your sister. She does what she wants. You can’t force her to do anything.”

“I know, but I took on the responsibility for caring for the phallites. And I failed. And because of that, your father died. It was really my fault, not Ona’s.”

A tear crept from the corner of her eye.

I reached out and took her hand.

“Clementina, no, don’t talk that way. Ona did it what she did, you are not responsible for her.”

She looked down, she looked so sad, and I felt sad. And I felt admiration. I felt love.

“Feel better,” I said. “You’ve succeeded.”

“How have I succeeded?” she asked, looking up at me, eyes misty.

“I don’t think I can ever just fuck you again.”

She leaned forward. Our lips met. Her lips were soft and moist.

She was beautiful. She was perfect.

I felt my cock stir to life in my khakis, a dribble of slime slipped from the tip, dampening the fabric.

Our lips parted and I met her eyes, then looked down. Dribbles of phallite milk from her breasts had darkened the red fabric of her dress.

I glanced around the restaurant. I knew the moment we stood up to go, folks would start noticing.

I didn’t care.

We finished the wine and paid our bill, ignoring the looks as we stepped out into the night air. Clementina’s dress billowed in the light breeze, the top straps slipping free of her breasts. She tried to cover them back up, but her left nipple was still sticking out when we entered the hotel, a rivulet of milk trickling off the tip. Slime slipped down her legs underneath the dress, and I could feel slime sliding down the inside of my khakis.

We checked in and got our key, and as soon as the elevator door closed behind us I leaned forward and devoured her bared breast, licking and suckling at the milk that was now flowing from the nipple. It was sweet, intoxicating, and made the wine buzz even more intense. Clementina pulled my face from her chest and pulled my mouth to hers, kissing me, sucking a mouthful of her own milk from between my lips.

The elevator dinged and I pulled her out after me. Clementina had made the reservations, I knew nothing about the room. When I opened the door I caught my breath.

A four-poster bed stood in one corner, a heart-shaped hot tub in the other – bubbling away. A bottle of champagne sat on the counter of the kitchenette.

She had booked the honeymoon suite.

I turned to her but before I could say anything she planted another kiss on my lips, then moved past me into the room and pulled me with her.

The need I felt, and that I felt rising from her was hot and intense. I kicked off my shoes and stripped even as Clementina let her own dress fall to the floor. I reached out to her, she to me, we embraced, our bodies coming together, our lips coming together.

My cock was fully at attention and slipped between her legs as we kissed, pushing up against her thick lobes and growing clitoris that hovered between her thighs. Slime dribbled from the end of my cock and slime slipped from her vagina and ass, covering my swollen member in clear goop. Her thighs slipped slickly against my cock, and I gently slide my erection back and forth between her hips. The milk from her breasts smeared against my chest.

We separated, and Clementina put up a hand.

“Let’s slow down, just a tiny bit,” she said. Taking my hand she pulled me over to the hot tub.

We slid slowly into the bubbling, swirling tub, Clementina pressing her naked body next to mine. She turned sideways and put an arm around behind my back, pressing her large, pendulous, milk-laden breasts against my arm. Her nipples were hard and erect, the wide brown edges pulled slightly inward and tightened, a slow trickle of sweet milk sliding from the tip, only to be washed away into the swirling foam. She leaned her lips against my ear and whispered, slowly stroking my cock with her other hand.

“That morning in your kitchen after you drove out my dark phallite,” she murmured, barely perceptible above the hum of the tub. “I looked at you that morning and admired you. You were my hero, you pulled me free of the dark morass that my sister created for me. I just wanted your love and respect. I don’t care what kind of love it is, whether it’s sisterly love, or friendship love, or admiration love, or paternal love, or some other kind of love. All I want to know is, do you love me, somehow, some way, despite what I have done? And, knowing me as you now do, if you can’t love me at all, then I will be content to go back to just being your hot, forty-something fuck, and I will continue to worship you from afar.”

As she said this, she continued slowly stroking my cock. I was fully erect, my phallite-induced erection at its gargantuan maximum, the tip of my cock popping free of the swirling bubbles when Clementina pulled it upwards, the purple tip gapped widely and sluicing out a mixture of slime and pre-come.

I turned my head so I could look in her eyes and shifted my body on the bench so we were face to face. I ran my hands up her stomach, coming to her heavy breasts, caressing them, gently pinching the nipples to send streamers of sweet milk into the swirling froth.

“Clementina,” I said. “Yes, I love you. I admire you. I respect you. And I do love you. Tonight I can say, yes, I love you, and you will always have a special place in my heart.”

She leaned forward and our lips met again, our tongues intertwined. She moaned. I lifted her up so she kneeled on the bench, straddling me, and pulled her breasts to my face.

“They’re full for you,” she whispered as I licked the cleavage between her breasts then worked my way up to her left breast, the flesh hanging heavily and laden with sweet phallite milk. I licked the nipple, teasing her, working my tongue around the aureole, teasing, tasting. Clementina moaned again. “Suck it, please,” she cried.

I planted my lips around the long, hard, erect nipple and sucked. A flood of warm, sweet milk poured into my mouth. I swallowed and then sucked again greedily, filling my mouth again and again. I gently squeezed her breast, pushing even more into my mouth, then pulling Clementina’s lips down to mine and trickling her milk into her mouth. We swapped it back and forth two or three times before she swallowed. We kissed, then she lifted the tip of her other breast up and we both licked and sucked it, covering both of our chins and lips with the intoxicating sweetness.

The wine we had drank earlier mixed with the chemicals in her phallite breast milk and only made our arousal more intense.

I suddenly coughed, a thick glob of something lodging in my throat. For a moment I felt like I was going to choke, and unexpectedly I had a mouthful of slime.

“Are you okay?” Clementina asked.

I nodded. “I just had a weird glob of slime pop into my throat. I don’t know where that came from,”

“Oh, that,” she said. “I should have warned you. After you’ve had a phallite for a while you also get slime from your mouth when you’re turned on. You get used to it after awhile. And I expect pretty soon you’ll start getting slime from your ass as well. That piece usually takes guys longer than women.”

“From my ass?” I repeated.

“Yes, relax it’s pleasant. Your body is changing, if you relax and go with it – and open yourself to new ideas, you might discover you enjoy things you never thought you could. But don’t rush it, let it happen naturally.”

I was still processing what she had just said, but she didn’t give me much time to think. Clementina climbed out of the hot tub. The warm water trickled off her soft, hanging, jutting breasts and nipples, coursed around her slender waist and then raced down past her thick hips and dark, dangling lobes. She pulled me to the bed and pushed me down on my back, my foot-plus cock sticking straight up in the air, thick globs of slime gushing from the tip and sliding down the shaft.

She climbed onto the bed, positioning her thick, meaty pussy lips directly over my face while she perched her own mouth around the tip of my cock. I sucked on her dark labia, stretching the flesh out and sucking the thick slime that poured from her pussy and ass. As I licked I felt another glob of slime form in my throat. I spread her lobes and spit it into the pink gap beyond, mixing it with her own, then using my tongue to spread it up and down her labia. At the top of her slit, her clit was fully engorged, standing out from its hood. I kissed and licked it, teasing the underside, then sucked it, pulling it into my mouth and eliciting a gasp and a moan from Clementina.

Meanwhile Clementina was working her own magic on the tip of my cock. A steady stream of slime was pouring from the tip. She deftly ran her tongue around the end, teasing softly the tender spot just under the head, then planting her lips around the shaft and sucking a mouthful of slime from deep within my meat. She ran her hands up and down the shaft, using my slime and her own mouth slime as lubrication, and pushing more slime and pre-come up to the tip, which she then licked off. Finally she slipped my cock down her throat, three inches, six inches, nine inches and more, before she pulled back. This time it was my turn to gasp and groan.

Clementina climbed off me and re-adjusted her position. She hovered her pussy directly over my huge, pulsating erection.

“Tell me you love me,” she said. “And mean it.”

“I love you Clementina,” I whispered.

She pulled her dangling lobes apart and slipped my tip between them. Her slime and my slime mingled as she slipped her pussy down my long, thick cock. She squeezed her vagina muscles and I felt every single millimeter of flesh as it pressed down the seemingly endless shaft. I groaned as fresh loads of slime coursed out the end of my cock, only to mix with Clementina’s and to be forced out of her pussy around my shaft as she pushed me deeper and deeper into her body. I put my hands on her abdomen and felt my cock pressed against her stomach, still sliding deeper and deeper, past her waist, past her navel, and finally when she was fully resting on my hips, the tip of my cock was just below her breastbone. I squeezed her tits together and pushed them against my cock, pressing it inwards and sending a wave of pleasure shivering through my body and hers.

Clementina slowly lifted herself up and began sliding up and down my shaft. At first slowly, then increasing the pace. I squeezed her breasts, sending fresh squirts of milk across my face, tasting the sweetness. Clementina moaned as I felt the first threatenings of an orgasm course through her.

She increased her pace. Her tits shook and her ass jiggled as she bounced up and down my foot-plus pole. She groaned again, moving even faster. Her head leaned back, jutting her already substantial breasts even further far forward, her hard nipples sticking out like arrows.

“Do you love me?” she asked, breathlessly, almost gasping.

“I love you, Clementina,” I whispered.

I felt my balls tighten, then we came together in a resounding climax, thick ropes of my semen pouring into her cunt, mixing with her juices and slime, and sluicing out of her snatch around my cock. I groaned and felt Clementina’s pace slow – but not stop. She continued to ride my cock as I began to lose some of my erection.

“I’m not letting you off that easy,” she said, continuing to drive her pussy up and down my cock slowly. After a moment, I felt myself beginning to stiffen again. Clementina gave a few more bounces then climbed off me.

She walked to the curtains at the far end of the room and pulled them open. Outside was a balcony, and about a hundred yards beyond, another hotel facing ours.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Clementina whispered. She reached back, grabbed my hand and pulled me with her out onto the balcony.

It was a warm, sultry night. We were well lit by streetlights and a balcony light. Anyone looking in our direction would have seen us there, standing naked in the night air.

Clementina put her arms on the railing and bent over, hanging her substantial tits over the rail.

“Fuck my ass,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said. I gave my slimy cock a quick stroke. Looking down I gazed at Clementina’s ass. There was nothing in the world I had ever experienced like fucking the ass of a woman with a phallite. I savored the anticipation, but waited too long, because Clementina urged me on.

Slime was pouring from the end of my cock and from Clementina’s perfect, puckered ass. I didn’t need any more coaxing. I used my thumbs to stretch the sphincter in front of me, opening a deep red-pink tunnel, dribbling slime. Any remnants of softness from the fact I had just come a moment ago vanished. I ran a finger up her slit then slid it into her ass, then used a finger from the other hand to stretch her even wider. She groaned as a fresh shot of slime slipped from inside her.

I slipped my cock in her waiting ass.

“All the way, Russel,” she whispered. I didn’t waste any time. I slid all fifteen inches in, finally feeling my balls hit against her cunt that was now dripping a mixture of pussy juice, slime, and my come from our first fuck of the night. The mixture dribbled onto my balls, then shook off as I began to piston in and out of her ass.

“Fuck me, Russel. Fuck my ass now,” Clementina commanded. “Fuck it hard!”

I did, pouring everything I had into the motion as I pulled out and slammed back in, bouncing my balls against her soaked cunt, slime squirting out of her asshole with every stroke. I worked faster and faster, reaching around, feeling my cock sliding up and down her abdomen under the skin, then squeezing her tits, sending squirts of milk into the air beyond the balcony.

“Make me come,” she said. I pushed harder, feeling my balls tighten again, feeling her body stiffen as she approached climax.

“Tell me you love me Russel,” she said.

“I love you Clementina,” I said. I was just about to come, and I felt Clementina hovering on the edge. We were almost there. I pounded her ass even harder, pushing us both over the cliff.

“I love you, Russel!” Clementina screamed into the air.

“I love you, Clementina!” I shouted back as we both came. My seed poured into her pulsating asshole as she moaned and lowered her head onto the railing, almost weeping in ecstasy. I hugged her from behind as more and more juice shot from my member into her waiting ass.

We crawled back into the hotel room and sank onto the bed. Clementina lay with her head on my shoulders, her long black hair cascading on my chest.

We chatted lightly and softly as we drifted off to sleep.

