[MF]That time I stuck my dick in crazy

I’ll tell you now, this isn’t the sexiest story, but it’s one I get a kick out of telling and the lesson I got out of it.

This happened when I was 23, i’ll be going by Paul, i’m mixed black/white but I can blend in anywhere outside of east asia. I’m 6’3, 205 lbs, and I have a naturally muscular frame, I constantly get asked if I workout, and while I try to on a regular basis, its not substantial enough for this type of growth. The crazy chick is Maria, she’s latina, about 5’3, maybe 105 lbs, small b cups.

After moving back to my parent’s place in a resort town away from the metropolis, I decided to go back to school and started doing temp work for hotels and catering and whatnot. At the time, we had a packed house, my parents who didn’t get along, my sister and her fiancee, my youngest sister and like 6 dogs. It was a 4 bedroom house but money still got tight. As I was the only one regularly working, tensions flew high. Nearing the end of the semester, work started to really pick up, between that many hours and a grueling class schedule, I broke down and went on a county mental health sponsored retreat. I wasn’t their usual case, a bit too high functioning, most of the others were dual diagnostics, drug abuse and mental problems. We never got into the details of other peoples business, was rude.

Anyway, this is where the story truly begins. After being on the retreat for a few days, we had a newcomer, Maria. She had been found by police passed out in the bushes covered in wasp stings. After she recovered from that, she came to stay in the complex. I initially paid her no mind, she was just another person trying to put themselves back together. She took an interest in me, and in my clouded mental state, that made me take an interest in her. She was cute, but this was on a retreat away from the city, so no one had makeup or hair products. These were also not the people that took the best care of themselves, so she stood out quite a bit. After speaking with her, she said she was a former heroin addict (red flag), she had 5 kids (another major red flag, even more so that fact she was 27 at the time), and to top it off, her first kid was a product of rape/incest (alarm bells should be going off, but all I can say is pussy). I know what you must be thinking by now, what the fuck is wrong with this guy, why can’t he see the signs, blah blah blah, etc., etc. Yeah, wasn’t the most clear headed at the time, in retrospect, totally fucking horrible idea, but again… pussy.

So, to continue, we started spending more time together and the staff took notice of this, and asked us to separate, saying that getting involved with someone in looked down upon as it interferes with recovery, I was dealing with stress at the time, so I politely told them that we are both consenting adults and to kindly fuck off.

She started to wake me up at night for walks, we started making out and eventually, in a low lit area away from the complex, she jacked me off a few nights in a row. She was suprised by it’s size, i’m no braggart, but I fall in the goldilocks zone, maybe a little thicker. I asked her to use her mouth, but she thought we would get caught that way, so I settled for a handjob.

One morning, she decided it was time for her to check out. After learning this, I arranged for my own departure. I called a ride and headed back home. We met up the next day and I noticed she didnt have a lot of clothes, so I took her thrift shopping. This was the first time I saw her topless and I was so determined to fuck her, I was blinded. The next day, it all started to fall apart. She was jonesing bad for a fix, I was against her starting to use again. She convinced me by straddling me, grinding on top of me, deep kissing me, and then lick my ear while whispering that after I took her, we would have sex. My decision making time was brief, I hopped into my car and drove her a few towns over to get to her connect. I waited in the car for about 15 mins, she came back and had this look in her eye, this serenity, I knew she had gotten what she needed. On the way back to my place, she reached over and started rubbing my cock. She then undid my jeans and pulled my cock through my boxer briefs and began to blow me. It was so unexpected, I began to drift on the freeway a bit. I debated between rushing home and fucking her, or continue to enjoy the blowjob. I decided to go at a leisurely pace, settling half way between the options.

The big moment arrived, we were in my bedroom. We stripped down naked and she began to blow me again, once I was hard and close to cumming, I began to eat her out. She wasn’t a fan of having her pussy eaten, so I began to reach for a condom before she stopped me and said she had had her tubes tied, so no protection necessary (given her past, I probably should have been more cautious, but I had not had sex or masturbated to completion in about two weeks. Again, for the final time, pussy). As I finally entered her, I could feel how tight she was, given her small frame, this is to be expected and she also didn’t want me to go down on her, so I couldn’t loosen her up easily. Once we got comfortable, I began to thrust with abandon. I just pounded away over and over again. She began moaning and speaking in Spanish, I could only make out ay papi at the time, and that made me even harder! I felt her thighs shudder as she orgasmed, but I didn’t slow down, I felt myself beginning to cum. I unloaded two weeks worth of spunk into her pussy, it felt like it lasted for 5 mins (more like 30 secs, but that’s a lot in jizz time). I rolled off of her, and went to open a window while she went to the restroom to clean up, she was genuinely surprised at the amount of cum I produced (it was a proud moment for me, my first time giving a girl a creampie).

She began to stay with me for the next few days, we’d wake up, she would suck my dick and swallow. We would go out and buy her things, and come back and eat dinner with my family. My dad told me to make her leave after a few days, so she went to stay with her brother. It was a few more days until I saw her again, I got dropped off at her brother’s with the intent to spend the night. I got there and she was… different. I realized that she was pretty strung up at this point and was having mood swings. She was mean to me and then promised to fuck me that night. As the day wound on, I went with her to her mom’s house to pick up some clothes, at the same time, constantly berating me and putting me down. We got back to her brother’s place where she, her brother and his girlfriend started shooting. I had no interest and smoked a joint I had in my pocket. Eventually I got fed up and gave her ultimatum, either she quits talking shit right now or i’m breaking up with her and walking out the door. She called me bluff. I looked at her hard and opened the door, began to walk out, but looked behind me and wished her brother good luck on his music, finished walking out and shut the door. I walked for a bit before she started calling me. I picked up the phone each time and told her it was over. I called for a ride and headed back home.

I last saw her a few days later. She came by with one of her friends to pick up her stuff that she had left at my place. I had taken the liberty of putting it all in a trash bag for her. All she did was have to grab it and leave, which she did. Luckily, there were no lasting complications to that brief relationship, but I did learn a valuable lesson: DON’T STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY!!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5x5tl1/mfthat_time_i_stuck_my_dick_in_crazy


  1. I stuck my dick in crazy before, one of them was actually named Maria. yours seemed way crazier though.

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