[MF] The Trade. Asexual exploration. Memory #9

This is quite lengthy but is a good glimpse into the mind of someone who I grew up with who is most definitely asexual.

I’ve have a female friend for 38 years. We met in grade school. She has been single all her life and is perfectly happy and content.


We’d been skateboarding on the island that morning as the surf was just dead flat. Both in Ronjon boadshorts, t-shirts and vans. If not for her boobs you would think my besty was one of us guys. Almost 6ft 140ish i guess. Short half shaved blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and inked up accordingly like the rest of us.

It was Summer just after senior year high-school. Waiting for the evening tide and some wind we were playing Nintendo at my little shit shack apartment on the bay. Super Mario 3 had just come out and we were set on finishing it. We are about 4 levels in.

Keep in mind this is pre internet/internet porn. We didn’t have instant access to sex and sexual information.

So… Out of nowhere through half a mouthful of cheetos she says..

Whats an orgasm feel like? Like for us not you guys?


Ummm how the fuck am I suppose to know? I’m a guy plus you have the equipment you mean to tell me you’ve not rubbed a few out?

Her.. Why would I?

Fair enough but where is this coming from?

I’m just asking. You know more about orgasms and sex than anyone I know. You were having sex with (incert my former best friends name)s mom for all those years. I’m like yeah but not because I wanted to. You know that wtf?

Still she interjected.. as I was trying to continue. You told me all the crazy shit you guys did.

She was one of 2 people who knew and would vent to because shes an actual friend who don’t run their mouth. Anyway I’m getting side tracked. Yeah yeah there is that.

Alright putting my controller down letting Luigi die. Spill it yo. What exactly are you getting at? Did you have sex with someone and it sucked or what?

Okay okay. So look.. I wanna feel it once but I don’t want it to be weird and have some guy liking and stalking me so I’m asking you.

Uhhh. Are you fuckin with me right now? For the first time ever she seems a little embarrassed. I go on. Alright alright.

A: It’s to late to not be weird.

B: I’ll do it but you so fuckin owe me for this weirdness.

C: Thats absolutely all this is right because I’m not loosing my best friend over this but I don’t wanna say no and force you to deal with someone else who might not get it right the first time.

She snaps back. Wait!? I’ll owe you what? like actual sex? Dude!

No.. Jesus H.. What is with you?

Now I’d wanted her old longboard forever but she wouldn’t sell it.. It was a classic.

So the deal was begrudgingly struck.

It then gets kind of awkward. And unfolds like this.

Me: How do you wanna do this?

Um you’re the expert man.. she quips.

Fine take your shorts off. Without even putting down the controller she stands up an wiggles out of her board shorts an sitting back down.

Ya gotta loose the panties and the vans too..

Wait.. With a big smirk I thought leaving shoes on is sexy..

Omfg not with vans like with high heel spikes.. will you stop? This is awkward enough.

So now shes on my couch half naked.

You need my t-shirt off too?

No I’m thinking this won’t take long.. Now scoot your butt out to the edge of the couch. I Drop down on my knees and am surprised. She has a dream vagina.. My dream vagina anyway. Like everything I look for.

Nice big clit just pushed out of a full long clitoral hood. Not super long labia but just enough to suck and pull in my mouth.

Not bad.. Not bad all I say without thinking.

Ha. Ha funny she said. I’m glad you can work with it smart ass.

I look up she’s still playing super Mario.

Oh for fuck sake pause it.

This was the first time I noticed she was getting nervous. She’d been cool as ice like always until now.

I um. It will help she stammered a little.

You sure you’re good and want this right?

Yeah I good sheesh. Shut up already dweeb. This is costing me my favorite board now get to it.

Such a smart ass this one.

I got right to it as per our agreement. Kissing her clit lightly then down her labia. She jumped at first. Swallowed hard exhaled and settled down.

I’m still kissing around thinking I’m teasing her.

My hair is grabbed and head pushed back.

Dude.. . Do I look like Chrissy?(My girlfriend an eventual first wife)

I don’t remember asking for sexy time. Were just making an orgasm here right?

Yeah you have a point and it’s called having an orgasm..

Whatever man..and goes back to working on the level.

As I continue I find something very interesting.
Unlike other girls I’d been with who would carry on telling me how it feels and over acting.. She seemed to be cognitively disconnected from what was going on with her body. Like what was happening to her was meh.. Just matter of fact. Seeing this..

I immediately sucked her clit between my lips rollimg my tongue over and over it. Her body however.. Legs twitching stomach was trembling wildly yet she sits otherwise perfectly still, stone faced and laser focused on the game.

I go for sliding in finger. Met with a slight recoil at first. Sliding it in slowly its obvious nothings been in here of size. A slight sight escapes her lips. Her feet prop up on the couch opening her legs really wide.

This is the first voluntary response I notice. Slowly and gently my finger slides in an out my tongue still roiling around her clit. The twitching is serious now her abdomen is just chaos. Yet her face and attention are totally unchanged.

Stopping for a sec. Well is this what you expected so far?

Without looking away from the tv she shooshes me finger to lip pushing her waist off the couch towards mouth.

Don’t stop yet I don’t think I’m done.

Pulling the entirety of her pussy in my mouth pushing the finger deep the first break in her facial expression appears. A shits getting real blowing exhale.

Stammering.. Think we might be getting clos.. Hah. Oh geez. as a twitch rocks her whole body.

Behind me I hear her Mario die. Then again The controller now laying on the couch. Her hands slide down instinctively spreading herself open.

Her breathing is now broken an heavy. Finally she looks down at me or herself but in total facination.

I think. Something is…

With that pushing hard against my face now making eye contact. A slight nod yes. Her first orgasm hits. I’m kneeling before an entire body in chaos.

Clit pulsating against my lips, tummy racked tight an legs pulling ever wider open. Her eyes just slits but still focused on me begind to open.

Still in mid orgasm voice raspy an broken.

Ohmy g ..this is it right?

Still sucking as she cums I didn’t reply.

How long with this las..

My heads pushed away.

Stop stop stop.


Super super touchy.

Is this normal?

Through a smile I reply. Nothing about this is normal but yep this always happens just after.

I blurt out the following.

Even though this wasn’t normal and a little awkward. Even if you don’t feel it. Just so you know you’re suprer sexy and if you eventually choose someone. They will be super lucky.

She sat there pulling her labia open and examined her still twitching vagina. Trying to ignore the praise but her face wasn’t just flushed from cumming and she couldn’t cover up the smile.

So what did you think?

I um thought you would have more control over your own body and when it will happen?

Um lol It kinda felt like I had to pee at first. So I got a little worried lol. Oh and that rush. Holy shit the rush went everywhere. I did NOT expect that. Pretty cool.

Now go wash your face lets finish..

Nervously I said.. The game right?

Yeah dumbass the game as she grabbed for her panties an shorts.

You gotta go do something do it. Its all you dude.

I quick hit the bathroom and ran one out in record time breaking the pent up tension. When I sat back down she kissed me smiled and said thanks man. It was solid you did that for me not expecting anything.

Uh hold on a minute there yo. You’re making with the longboard right? Deals a deal?

Fuck.. Right. Shit.

Back at it we went. 3 hours later we beat the game. The next afternoon she brought my board over and we hit the beach for some sunset action like nothing was different. We had this cool unspoken thing after that.

We’ve talked about it a couple times over the years. I even joked about making a service call once when we were half shit faced. She laughed an said yeah it only took once there is no mystery anymore. She’s the only person I know who is truly okays with herself and happy to be completely free.

One of the coolest people I know and I envy her life and the things shes done I haven’t been able to with a family. My part in her life is something which few other things in this life equal in terms of happiness.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/md22zf/mf_the_trade_asexual_exploration_memory_9

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