Step Sister Corruption Part 99 – Day 64 Charging (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I woke in my bed in my room alone with four issues.  One was I was starving, completely forgetting I hadn’t eaten shit yesterday….well I did have breakfast before I went over to Dr. Braxter’s place.  But after that I hadn’t eaten jack all day only answering one need.  And it was kind of busy yesterday though I don’t remember a fucking thing about the majority of the day.  Still after my little operation of ‘Dominate my females so my solider will fucking deflate’ had been a huge success causing me to pass out for the second time of the day.  The girl’s had graciously coaxed me out of my slumber long enough to help me upstairs and into my own bed…..after they were able to gain movement in their legs that is.

Another issue was I was fucking thirsty as all hell.  I refer to my other issue as to why I’m thirsty.

My other issue I could semi handle now that I was home alone.  I mean if I really want to do something about my urge I could call Karinna or Mia seeing how Kel was out of town for a volleyball meet and shouldn’t be back until late tonight.  Summer had dropped Kel off at the college to catch the bus early this morning before she was off to work and would be at work until I think 7pm doing a double shift today….and I think tomorrow as well.  Plus I think Karinna and Mia were working the morning shift until 11ish I believe.  Essentially I could wait, it wasn’t like yesterday where my lower appendage and the twins were throbbing so much the only way to deal with it was some deep hard female spelunking…..that or go to the hospital.  I went with female spelunking over having a needle rammed into my veins on my third leg to relief the trapped blood stuck in my engorged member.

I was kind of bummed that neither girl woke me up with a good morning something. A good morning blowjob or good morning fuck. But Kel had to be at the college to board the bus for the out of town meet at 4:30 am which I knew drove Kel crazy because she’s not a morning person. And Summer had to be at work at 6am.

So they got up and was out the door early WAY too early to give a good morning anything saying either act would make Kel late and Summer didn’t want to waste the gas to take her come back for a quick fuck then immediately haul ass back into town for work.

Can’t blame them but I still could be bummed.

My MAIN issue was I needed to use the restroom.  More accurately I had to destroy the toilet.

I looked for my phone before I went into the bathroom and couldn’t find it sitting on the charge pad I had next to my bed.  I lightly thought of where it was and remembered that I had left my phone in my pants.  The same pants that was on Kel’s bathroom floor.  It was probably dead again as I was only able to charge it while I was on my drive home only getting it at 12% before I brought it into the house without putting it on the charger before the girl’s insisted I go shower off the nasty taste that was apparently on my lower member.  I wouldn’t know but I’ll trust their word.


I grabbed my tablet as a constellation prize so I wouldn’t be forced to read products descriptions as I sat on the toilet.

I sat there waiting for the inevitable to happen as I started testing the sturdiness of the porcelain structure.

I unlocked my tablet and went into the cloud to see what exactly my phone was able to upload before it died.

I quickly found the photos I took from my phone finding that photos looked really grainy on my tablet as I had zoomed up on my phone’s camera which wasn’t exactly the highest but was still impressive.  Still the zoom capabilities of the camera left lackluster.  Still I was able to make out Brynn’s figure and Dr. Braxter’s figure in the photos along with their alluring outfits but that was about it.  There wasn’t much detail that could be gleaned from the photo as to how see thru their outfits were.

Then there were some photos after that.

I clicked on the first photo after my world went black.

The first took a second to download onto my tablet before it displayed but with my wifi the download was almost instantaneous.  The photo showed up and it was Brynn in much more detail.

In the photo it showed an obvious passed out me and my pants were still on but my shirt was missing.  Brynn was over me straddling me still in her full suit frilly lingerie showing exactly how see thru her green fabric was showing her tattoo.  She had her arms up and hands going through her long brown hair with a shit eating grin.

The next photo came in and once again the same thing this time Brynn’s upper half was on display in full detail including the metal shining from her buttons.  Once again that smile was on display.

The next photo but now my pants had disappeared only boxers and Brynn’s garment was missing and I could see another tattoo I missed on her left side more specifically on her rib cage but couldn’t quite make out the design other than lines and some weird ass design.  The tattoo probably had more meaning to Brynn than me cause it made no sense to me.  She had her hand over her mouth miming that she was shocked but not overly embarrassed her clothes had mysteriously disappeared.

The next photo this time was Dr. Braxter over me where Brynn was.  My pants were still missing.  Dr. Braxter had this sultry look on her face as she held her hair up.  Her robe was flaring open revealing her red one piece full suit.

Just from the photos I was able to glean a lot of information between the mom and the daughter.  Such things like the good, or in this case the perverted, Doctor had a more ample chest.  Wider hips.  But it was obvious Dr. Braxter put in a lot of hard work to maintain her body…much like my mother had.

I lightly wondered the difference between my mom’s body maintaining regimen compared to Dr. Braxter’s because their bodies were almost eerily maintained almost identical.

I shook my head at my thought trying to not think of my mom’s nude almost succulent…..

Crap there I go again.


I moved to the next photo.  Much like Brynn, Dr. Braxter had opened her suit to reveal her fun bags.

Then the next was almost like Brynn’s, Dr. Braxter’s garments were missing showing off her body.

Was I looking at some weird ass photo shoot that I had completely missed out on while the girl’s posed over my blacked out body?

I closed the photos finding the weird ass photo shoot was a bad idea as my member was pushing against the cold porcelain as I tried to destroy the toilet.

Instead I switched to a game and sat there waiting for my body to finish it’s process and hoped my soldier deflated or getting off the john might be painful.

A few levels later on my game and an obvious stench in the air, a quarter of a can of air freshener, and a flick of the switch to turn on the fan later I exited the bathroom.  I was kind of thankful that the girl’s weren’t here for that.  Though if I’m honest those two girls can definitely demolish a bathroom between what I just did and their tornado effect they do when they want to beautify themselves.

With my major need taken care of I moved onto the next *need*….thirst and hunger.  This was going to be a double effort.

But first, my phone.

I walked downstairs and into Kel’s room ignoring the disaster that was Kel’s room.  I entered into her bathroom to find my discarded clothes and quickly found my phone in the front pocket right where I left it.  I walked out of Kel’s bathroom with the intent of ignoring the war zone and the aftermath of *my* or *our* leftover mess stained on Kel’s sheets.

I shook my head at the wanna be Picasso painting that was Kel’s sheets with our combined fluid mixed into the sheets and left the room.

I walked into the kitchen where there was a spare charging mat and placed my phone on it to see my phone was at 2%.  Still not enough to go through the fucking thing.

With my phone charging out of the way I made my way over to the refrigerator and opened it.

I looked inside wondering what I should have for dinner.  As my stomach growled like a starved lion I just grabbed food not caring what it was.

I opted for two bananas, a fruit bowl, a couple of greek yogurts, a plastic jug of apple juice from the fridge.  I pulled out bread and threw it into the toaster to make some toast.  I pulled out the electric kettle filling it with water and plugging it in.  I pulled a bowl out along with a couple of packets of thick cut oatmeal.

I was going all out.  I was that starving.

I lightly munched on the bananas as I waited for the water to boil so I could drown that dry oatmeal flakes.

The toast popped just as the kettle started to whistle.  I devoured that dry as I poured the lava water on the oatmeal and mixed in the flavor packets.

I sat down at the table and began to gluttonously devour my meal and drank from the jug not giving a shit if I used a glass or not.

I was out to satisfy my hunger.

After the copious amounts of food disappeared into my stomach I finally felt full after hardly eating yesterday.

I proclaiming my meal a success with a loud and long triumphant belch to no one in particular.

I looked at my devastation and decided I should clean.

I picked up the remains and lightly cleaned up my mess as I went to check on my phone.


I went over to the sink and cleaned my bowl before depositing it into the small dishwasher my step father went cheap on.  I trashed the remains of the bananas, the yogurt, the plastic bowl that contained the fruit cup and the oatmeal packets.  And I walked over to the fridge’s digital readout of items that we were out of and added greek yogurt and the last fruit cup I ate.  So now the list had a couple dozen items needed that would be sent out to our apps that was connected to the fridge so when we went to the store it would read out what we were missing and what we had.

Summer took a full day entering into the fridge a list of items that we had and each item that we took all we had to do was hit the minus sign next to it so it showed exactly how many we had left.  Which was nice and brilliant…..that’s if ALL of us adhered to Summer’s fantastic idea.  One guess who always forgets to do this….that’s right the gorgeous slob otherwise known as my step sister lover called Kel.  After the first few times Summer gave up on this endeavor and we just added what was needed and a wish list of items we’d like to have occasionally.  Granted mom has been very generous to include our items when she goes shopping but not always.  Apparently Jason told my mom now that we technically are living on our own we should fend for ourselves aka get our own fucking groceries.  Though my step dad has so far paid the rest of the bills.

Now that I got the kitchen cleaned up, I moved over to my phone.

16%….well fuck.

I lightly picked up around the place trying to avoid the disaster zone but knew either myself or Summer was going to break down and clean Kel’s room because she never fucking did.  I swear if mom or I never cleaned Kel’s room when WE all lived under one roof Kel’s room would have all sorts of nastiness flung all over the damn place.

Yes Kel did do the occasional clean up but it was half assed.  The only things she kept in order and meticulously clean was her hidden items and her work out gear and clothes.  Oh and also her beautification regimen.  The rest was a complete and utter disaster.

Sigh if only she could transfer those OCD tendencies from those small aspects to the rest of her life she would be the perfect woman…..almost.  There was still room for Kel to grow.  Like cooking.  And not spending so much fucking money when she shops though she’s not using MY money so I really don’t care.  And let’s not mention her slut game has risen significantly where any guy would be a fool to let her go.  

I slightly wondered now that Kel was so much a part of my daily life if I could give her up?  Could I?

I know I couldn’t get rid of Summer if I tried.  I would have to royally fuck up for Summer to consider leaving me.  Especially how she has admitted that she loves me and that I complete her.  Also she has admitted if my hunger for her didn’t help her push her own game then she would have left me from the start.  Now I think she’s a little addicted to me.

Who was I kidding, I was addicted to Summer as well.  Though I’ll never admit that to her.

Still haven’t said the *L* word to her or Kel.  Just ‘you too’s’ and ‘same’s’ and ‘dittos’.  

I went back to my phone and saw it was at 22%.

I growled at the charging gods.

Why is it when you charge a fucking electronic device the first 40% was always so painstakingly slow but the next 50% was so fucking fast?  And that’s not even counting the last 10% was stupidly slow.


I growled and frustrated as I spoke, “God damn it.”

And I walked into Kel’s room to tackle the formidable beast otherwise known as Hurricane Kelly.

I raked off the covers, sheets, and the other elements from Kel’s bed throwing them into the washing machine.  I had to start with the cover because that had absorbed the blunt of ‘Operation: Deflate my fucking solider’ from last night.  And the washing machine wasn’t so large it could accept ALL of the bed coverings.

Then I threw all of the clothing I found on the floor from both the bathroom and bedroom into the conveniently placed often missed laundry basket.  I would say always missed but Kel did throw her workout clothes into the laundry basket.  Odd that was the things she concerned herself with was her fucking workout gear…..oh and her sexy clothing.  Not that her behind the ass zipper pants would be considered as a sexy piece of clothing which I found on the fucking floor.  Or the overly tight oddly placed rips top would be considered a piece of sexy clothing because that was laying right next to the pants.


Still I picked up.  I wasn’t sure what was clean nor what was dirty.  And I sure as hell wasn’t going to play the sniff game with either girl’s clothing.  Especially their missed workout attire.  I may do it to mine but their’s…..OH HELL NO!  During my pick up I even had to use MY fucking laundry basket for all of Kel’s and oddly enough Summer’s fucking clothing as Kel’s basket was so over flowing clothes were just falling.  

With the floor cleaned….finally.  I moved both baskets next to the washer for their turn to be cleaned.

I mildly wondered how in the holy hell can two girl’s who normally wore work out clothes for EVERYTHING can go through so many clothes.

But then I remembered I couldn’t remember for the life of me when was the last time either of them did laundry.

I did mine on a weekly basis.  But both of them.  I just couldn’t remember.

Which is weird because Summer became a weirdly all the time person who just about lived with us she claimed she was a neat freak. But I had been keeping her spare time occupied with my cock in either her pussy or mouth.

But still you would think she’d pick up Kel’s room. Though she did help keep my room tidy and the main house pretty much clean.

It was just Kel’s room that was always a disaster.

I wonder if Kel talked to Summer about her room being hers?

With Kel’s room modestly looking somewhat presentable I exited to check my phone.


It was at respectable level for me to check out what was on my phone because after looking at my tablet Dr. Braxter and Brynn obviously did something.  If nothing else the note flatly TOLD me they had done something.

I pulled my phone off the charging pad and walked over to the sofa.

Time to see what was here as I held the ON button.




  1. As always another fantastic chapter. Thank you for keeping the daily uploads going. This is becoming my nightly guilty pleasure when I get home from work.

  2. Don’t know if we needed such detailed descriptions of his daily routine…

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