[MF] My Reddit Hall Pass Part 4

Thank you for reading [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lt5wk3/mf_feels_like_the_first_time_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m3r0ck/mf_reddit_hall_pass_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m78bz1/mf_my_reddit_hall_pass_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of this tale of debauchery.

Once Sara and I cleaned up we got nice and comfy in bed. That was it for that day sexually. We were both spent. However, it was time to discuss Saturday.

During our chats about that weekend we had decided Saturday was the day for the long play. We didn’t mean stay naked in the room and fuck all day. We were going to enjoy the day with the plan to play that afternoon/evening and enjoy room service in.

That was easier said that done now that we were together. We woke up spooning, my morning glory nestled between her lovely ass cheeks. One arm under her head and the other around her cupping a breast.

Willpower! I needed willpower. I wanted nothing more that to wake her by teasing her succulent nipples. I already had her breast cupped after all.

Luckily, I was saved by a knock at the door.

D: Room service!

I had scheduled our breakfast in an effort to keep us from oversleeping. Neither one of us wanted an alarm, but we also didn’t want to waste the day.

That woke Sara from her slumber and made me get out of bed. I grabbed my robe and did my best to hide the erection trying to poke through…again. I tipped the person with the cart and bid him good day. He took a moment to realize I had done so and thanked me.

I didn’t realize why, until I pulled the cart into the room and closed our door. Sara had made her way to the chair from the night before in her birthday suit. It was easily seen from the door. Our delivery person got a nice eye full.

I crossed the room and transferred our breakfast from the cart to the table. I poured us each a nice cup of coffee and juice before dropping my robe and sitting down.

We talked over our plans for the day but surprisingly didn’t bring up the fun later. We finished up our breakfast and got cleaned up. Again, there was a fair amount of “incidental” contact between us. Sara seemed to enjoy my naked brushing as much as I did hers.

We got dressed and head out into the complex. During our walk last night we’d spotted a greenhouse garden on the facilities grounds. That was going to be stop number one for the morning.

We ended up spending more time there than we had planned. It was rather large and overall, not very busy. It allowed us some nice quality time and the opportunity for a little to kiss and and be publicly affectionate.

By the end of our time there our willpower was beginning to wane. It was time to change things up before our hormones ruined our plans. We headed back to the room to change.

It was time to go swimming. Some cool water would do us both good. Plus. Sara told me she’d bought a suit just for this occasion.

Sara disappeared into the bathroom as I got my trunks on. When she came out, she was wearing this lovely striped bikini. It looked eerily like one I’d seen her post before but there was something different about it.

We robed up and headed down to the pool and hot tubs. I needed a nice cold soak, or shower…

We found some chairs to drop our things. I made sure to follow Sara. She was exaggerating her hip sway with each step toward the pool.

We reached the edge of the pool and I lowered myself it. The cool water was nice and brisk. I turned back to Sara and lowered her into the pool as slowly as I could.

She gave me a quick kiss before submerging herself into the pool. I felt tease my front of my suit briefly before moving away. When she came out of the water there was a hair flip like you see in the movies.

She was deeper now though. I dove under and swam towards her. She sat there waiting for me patiently. As I opened my eyes under water, I could see what didn’t look right about that bathing suit. It was completely see through in the water. I surfaced sooner than planned in surprise.

Sara had a wicked grin on her face. She knew by my reaction I’d found her surprise. She had not disappointed.

S: Like my suit.

M: You went all out beautiful.

S: I got this just for our weekend.

M: Thank you, it’s quite the shocker.

With that, I caught the eye of one of the staff. Apparently, they served mimosas late in the morning. I grabbed us two in plastic champagne flutes. Sara wrapped her legs around my waist and drank as she floated weightless.

I enjoyed the grip of her thighs and the view in front of me. The server must’ve noticed something too. He made certain to check on us more often than I would’ve expected.

Once we’d has a few glasses Sara decided it was hot tub time. She needed to warm back up. We swam to the edge of the pool with the closest hot tub and climbed out. Sara made sure I got a nice view as I helped her out of the pool.

She didn’t cover up as we walked too the hot tub. The couple sitting in it were facing away from us and lost in conversation.

I asked if we could join them as we approached and that consented without looking back. We made out way to the other side to get in. Their conversation came to an abrupt halt as Sara climbed in. Their eyes locked on her beautiful body and sheer suit.

We sat back and relaxed for a bit not really paying them any mind. The cold to the hot was a nice shock to the system.

After a few minutes the couple got back to their conversation. Sara now concealed under the water next to me.

Sara broke out silence first. Chatting up the couple. They were there on a getaway. First time since they’d had their first child.

She made up some story for us. I mostly just relaxed and listened. Nodding along as I needed to with what she was saying.

The two ladies continued chatting as I felt Sara’s hand tugging at my swim shorts. I did my best to adjust without giving away what we were up to.

I resettled and stretched. I should be on Broadway I’m such a good actor. As I settled, Sara’s hand found my soft cock.

She mostly just teased and touched me. Never fulling gripping my shaft or stroking me. Her movements lost in the churn of the water. I relaxed and enjoyed.

By the time I was nice and hard our friends had hopped out of the tub to go cool off in the pool. Sara took the opportunity to kiss my neck and slowly stroked my cock.

S: Open your mouth.

I did as I was told. How could I say no to the woman currently stroking my cock in a hot tub?

I nearly choked when Sara’s wet bathing suit bottoms were put into my mouth. I sputtered and coughed for a second as he bottoms floated on top of the water. She quickly snatched them as I created a bit of a scene and had several people in and out of the water looking our way.

M: When did you do that?

S: When they were getting out.

M: Oh. I hadn’t noticed.

S: That was the point.

She is a wicked one.

We just sat there for a moment and let the other guests return to their previous activities. Sara’s hands still stroking my cock under the water the entire time. I settled back in and just enjoyed the warm water and the feeling of her hand squeezing and stroking me.

Sara motioned for our favorite server to come over with her free hand. She ordered us some drinks, all the while still stroking my cock. This was the life.

Apparently, this wasn’t enough for her. After our drinks arrive Sara, decided she needed a little affection too. She proceeded to sit in my lap. She did so ever so delicately.

She was at least making the attempt to keep the rest of the guests from knowing she was sitting on my cock. I’m not sure how successful she was as I helped guide myself into her.

I won’t say it was the most comfortable position, but with the help of the water she sat across my lap with my cock nestled deep inside of her.

We kissed and cuddled in the warm water. Her breasts now floating on the top of the water. Her nipples and areola could easily be seen through her sheer top.

I slid a hand down between her parted thighs and began to return the favor. I gently rubbed her erect clit with my fingers as we lightly kissed and cuddled.

Sara did her best to hide her moans in our kissed by as she grew closer to orgasm that became difficult. I waved our friend over again.

His eye grew wide as he approached. Sara’s breasts were floating for him to see. Her face buried in my neck as I talked to him about lunch options.

Sara was now quivering against me. I hadn’t let her cum. I had begun teasing her as I talked to the server.

I felt her teeth on my clavicle as I finished ordering our lunches. Finally getting her ever so close are at least I thought so based on the contractions of her muscles around my cock.

She came as the server began to walk away. Pulling my face to her. Her moans muffled only by our kiss and the rumbling water of the hot tub.

Once she settled, I helped her slide her bottom on to a point and then lifted her off my cock so she could pull them up. She in turn helped me get my trunks up.

The couple we had chatted with earlier arrived as we were getting out of the pool. Both getting an eyeful as we first sat on the edge. I handed Sara her towel as I grabbed mine.

Both Sara’s top and bottom here sheer. They could easily see her breasts and bush from their seated locations. His wife also seemed to enjoy the tent currently in my trunks.

We sat and chatted for a bit, until my erection had gone down. Then we got up and headed to a table nearby when our lunch was ready.

I hadn’t realized how long we’d been in the hot tub. Between the alcohol and the fun, we both needed to cool down and hydrate.

Sadly, as we ate Sara’s top became opaque. I could still make out her nipples and areola but, I could not longer see them clearly. We debated getting back in the pool but decided to sit and relax poolside.

We found a few lounge chairs and laid back. Our serving friend made sure we had plenty of water. I believe Sara had tipped him fairly well. She’d left him with a positive impression.

As we were grabbing our things to leave Sara called the server over one last time. She stood up and kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for being so helpful. Then gave with a hug that lasted a bit too long.

When she released him, I put her robe on her and led her back to our room.

The trip back to our room was relaxed. The hot tub and alcohol had relaxed us both and now we need to some quiet time.

We stripped and showered off the pool and hot tub water once we were back in our room. We air dried snuggling naked together in our bed. Sara felt wonderful in my arms.

I’m not certain about Sara but I nodded off for a bit. When I woke up neither of us had moved and it was beginning to get dark outside. I lightly stroked Sara’s hair as I laid there in the quiet of our room.

Not the most action-packed piece to this story but it was a fun part for the two of us. Saturday evening will make up Part 5 and then there will be a final Part 6 Sunday before we left. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of your week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mbnkfl/mf_my_reddit_hall_pass_part_4

1 comment

  1. Yummy, yummy, yummy!!

    Do these bikinis really exist? I need one!

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