The Blue Viper Files Part 1.5 [Femdom] [MF] [Hypnosis] [BDSM]

**Chapter 1.5: Malen’kiy**


For weeks, Ben spent each night watching the videos before going to bed. When Betsy got suspicious about what he was doing in there, he would stay late at the office, waiting for everyone else to leave, and watch the videos. Some days he would get home at three or four in the morning, but he never felt tired. Each day he woke up after spending the night with Sasha was better than the day before. He felt refreshed, rejuvenated, and repurposed.

After a week of watching, he decided to buy all the videos and download them. He didn’t want to rely on the internet to stay with Sasha. It only took one session of Sinja skipping while the video buffered for Ben to decide that paying the money for the downloads would be worth it.

The only time he became concerned was when the videos kept urging him to pay for a live session. Sasha said this was the only way to see her temple, to truly earn her love, and Ben wanted to obey more than anything, but he never knew when he would be home alone. He couldn’t skype with a hypnodomme and have Betsy ask who he was talking to or what he was doing. It was too risky to meet there or at work. He wanted to obey, and he knew he was disappointing Sasha, but he had a wife and a whole life outside of his nightly devotions to her. He couldn’t lose all that.

What bothered Ben the most was that he knew Sasha would never love him unless they met in person. No one could love a recording, and a recording could never love. His cowardice was keeping him from her, and as long as he was weak, he didn’t deserve her love. He felt like a teenager all over again, desperate for her attention and constantly fearful that he would never get it. Each moment of the day was filled with thoughts of Sasha, of what the rest of her temple looked like, of Sinja and how Sinja was a representation of Sasha. It was a puzzle that his mind couldn’t stop tugging at.

Then Ben discovered that Betsy was going out of town to visit her parents, and that changed everything. As soon as she told him, he went to his office and went to the Blue Viper Files site. He clicked on the live session and followed the link to a lengthy questionnaire. He had to set a time to meet, all of which were early in the morning for his time. Then, he had to commit to buying certain items, all of which were necessary for the session. The most bizarre of which was a cinnamon-apple scented candle with a wooden wick. Apparently, Sasha wanted that burning the whole time during the session. Additionally, she wanted a microfiber cloth, cinnamon scented lotion, and a velvet blindfold.

Ben didn’t care what she would need from him. He would obey. This was his chance. He was going to earn her love, and nothing was going to get in his way. The night before, he couldn’t sleep. He thought about watching some videos to help calm him down and let him sleep, but part of him wanted to give all the pent up energy to her the next morning. He laid in his cold bed. Betsy was gone. He was alone, and both of his loves were out of his reach. It was a miserable night, but eventually he fell asleep.

He set his alarm but woke up an hour before it went off. He showered and made himself some coffee. He was too nervous to eat, and the coffee would be hell with his nerves and empty stomach, but he couldn’t risk falling asleep half-way through a trance or monologue. He wanted to give Sasha his best. She deserved that from him, but more importantly, he deserved that. He’d hate to spend all this money and energy only to sabotage himself.

Besides, he didn’t want anything to distract Sasha from seeing him, really seeing him. Ben was sure that he loved her. He knew how foolish that sounded, but it was like he was a teenager or back in college again. Anything was possible. Love at first sight was possible if he felt it, and Ben felt it deeply. He’d rarely felt something so deeply, so obviously and inarguably true. The last time he felt this was with Betsy. He fell in love fast and committed deeply. In that way, Sasha was no different.

But Ben had no idea how Sasha felt about him. He could adore her, but she could loathe him. How many men got into a live session with her drooling and horny, eager to do whatever she wanted. She must be used to men throwing themselves at her, begging for her control. She had earned Ben’s love, but he hadn’t earned hers. That was what made him nervous. Everything had to be perfect so he could distinguish himself. He wanted to prove himself loyal, that he wasn’t like the other men begging for her attention.

Ben sat at his desk with the webpage open ten minutes before their appointment. He had everything laid out that she told him to bring. He wasn’t sure if he should be naked, but he decided to wear something loose and easy to take off if she asked. He wondered if he should have tried to look stylish, but stylish and comfortable rarely went together. He decided to wear something tight, show off his fitness a bit, but nothing flashy. He locked the door to his office out of habit. While he waited, he twirled the black velvet blindfold through his hands, trying to calm himself, to distract himself from his first date with Madame Sasha.

The screen turned from static to a black. Sinja began to slither across the screen, spiraling as the image loaded. There was a click and a white out. Ben held his breath, and the image returned to Sasha’s dungeon. There she was, just like the videos. She was beautiful, in a black lace bra and black skinny jeans. Her legs were crossed and on her dangling foot, Ben could see dark red heels that matched her lipstick. Her hair was up in a ponytail. It was thick like the videos, but longer, going past her shoulders even when up.

“Hello Benjamin,” she said.

Ben said nothing, frozen in his seat. She was impossibly beautiful. Her pale skin and bright eyes gave her a supernatural appearance. Ben had never seen someone like her in real life, though this hardly felt real. She was still behind a screen, still so far away.

“You can hear me?” she asked.

Ben nodded.

“Speak, malen’kiy.” She smiled. “I would hear you.”

Ben blinked. He’d forgotten about his microphone. This wasn’t a recording. She was here, but more importantly, he was here.

“I can hear you,” he whispered.

“Speak up, Benjamin.”

“I can hear you,” said Ben. He gulped. Was he screwing this up already?

“Good,” she laughed slightly. Ben was taken aback. Despite all their time together in videos, there was a remarkably new element to her. She was more real, yes, but she was more human. There was less arrogance to her voice. She smiled freely. Was she nervous? Ben had expected many things out of her, but he never imagined she would come across as so human.

“Did you get the things I requested?”

“Yes, Madame Sasha,” he said. He lifted the lotion and candle for her to see, then the blindfold and microfiber cloth.

“You may call me Sasha. After all, you’ve earned it, haven’t you?”

Ben blushed. “May I call you Madame Sasha anyways?”

She laughed. “Good boy. You’re better trained than I expected.” Ben blushed deeper at the compliment. Maybe he was salvaging his early mistakes. “Light the candle,” she said, “and take off your clothes.”

Ben obeyed. He could see as he undressed that she was moving, but he focused on getting undressed quickly and gracefully. He didn’t need her to see him struggling to get his pants off or something ridiculous. When he sat back down, Sinja was wrapped around Sasha’ shoulders. At the sight of the blue viper, Ben’s mind went fuzzy.

“Do you know why I asked you to get those things?’


Sasha raised her wrist and smelled it. “Cinnamon is my favorite scent. It’s what I wear whenever I’m controlling someone. I want you to associate the smell with me and me with the smell. Whenever you are with me, the candle should be lit. From now on, if you watch my videos, light my candle and I will be with you.”

Ben shivered, and Sasha laughed again. “Scent is the strongest sense linked to memory. This way, you will never forget me or your place, correct?”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

“When you touch your cock, you will do so with the lotion. It will be as though I am touching it. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

“Good. Are you ready to begin?”

Ben nodded. His heart rammed the inside of his chest, his fingers trembled, he was sweating, but he nodded.

“Good. Keep your eyes on Sinja. Watch her closely.”

Ben nodded and kept his eyes on the head of the blue viper. He had begun to see the beauty of the snake. At first, he thought its beauty was in its power, in its lethality, but now he could see the ripple of the scales, the dramatic coloring. Ben watched the snake as she slithered over Sasha’s body. She coiled around Sasha’s arms and then across her shoulders. She sank down and ran over Sasha’s stomach and back up on the shoulders. She crisscrossed over Sasha’s body, trailing an infinity symbol as heavy music began to fill the room. It was slow but indelicate, a heavy bass and thrum that shook Ben’s speakers. Ben’s eyes became heavy. It was as though everything was thicker. His blood pumped slowly. His thoughts were sluggish. His arms were limp.

“Tell me, malen’kiy,” said Sasha. “Why do you come to me?”

And Ben told her everything. He told her about his job and all the stress he was under. He told her how tired and worn out he was at the end of the day, but his mind wouldn’t stop. He told her about other hypnodommes and how they were inferior. He told her about the need to relax becoming the need to think nothing at all.

Then he told her about Betsy. He told her that they had grown distant, that Betsy wouldn’t initiate sex and rebuffed him more often than not. He told her that he was so pent up, so desperate to cum, that he turned to kinkier and kinkier hypnosis. He walked down a twisted path and still hadn’t found what he was looking for.

She took special interest in Betsy, asking him dozens of questions while Ben watched Sinja. All his suspicions and doubts were gone. He just wanted to be a good boy, to earn her approval, to see her lower the top of her bra and show him the words in red. He wanted her love, and he would tell her whatever she wanted to earn it. He told her how he met Betsy. He described what she looked like on their first date, on their wedding day, and how she looked recently. He described their sex life in embarrassing detail. He told her the last time he and Betsy had made love.

“She sounds lovely,” said Sasha. “Where is she now?”

“She’s with her parents. Out of town.”

Sasha clicked her tongue. “That’s too bad. I’d love to meet her.”

“Yes,” said Ben before he could think better. Thinking was so hard now. Words were easy. Answers and obedience were as automatic as breathing, but thoughts felt impossible.

Ben watched as Sasha let Sinja slither down her leg and off the screen. “I think you’re ready, malen’kiy.” She stood up and unbuttoned her jeans. “Grab your lotion.” Ben obeyed as he watched Sasha bend down and peel away her jeans. She was wearing black panties that matched her lacey bra. Her legs were covered in the words Ben knew well from his time with her in videos.

Sasha leaned down and sat back up with a small dab of lotion. “Look here,” she commanded, and began to rub the lotion over the “Sleep” tattoo on her thigh. “Mimic me.”

Ben looked at the loops and swirls of red ink in Sasha’s skin. He read the word over and over, rubbing lotion into the bottom of his thigh, by the knee. As he did, his mind went numb. All thoughts turned off.

“Malen’kiy,” asked Sasha as she continued to rub. “Are you in there?”

Ben said nothing. He rubbed his skin as Sasha did.

“Good,” said Sasha. “I want you to listen closely. Follow my motions. As I move, move with me. Move with me, and my will shall become your will. My thoughts will be your thoughts. Your body will be my body.”

Sasha got another pump of lotion, and Ben mirrored her. She brought her hand higher up her leg to the red inked “Submit.” She massaged her skin, and Ben followed.

“There are two layers to Benjamin, aren’t there?” asked Sasha. “There is the Benjamin you present to the world and my Malen’kiy. One is professional. He is in control. He has all the answers and is madly in love with his wife, no matter how often they get to have sex. The other, Malen’kiy, is mine, always mine. He belongs to Madame Sasha, heart and soul. He is in love with her and will do anything for her. He will do anything she asks.”

Sasha trailed the hand back down to “Sleep” and massaged there. Ben mirrored her.

“When you Sleep, you will become Malen’kiy. He is married to his beautiful bride but devoted to Madame Sasha. He is loyal to both. There is no doubt or conflict for Malen’kiy. He has a perfect peace about his duplicity. Lying to protect this sacred union will come easily. When you lie to Betsy about Madame Sasha, you are protecting her and me. You are being a good husband, showing how much you love and need her.”

Sasha scooped more lotion, and Ben mimicked her. She moved her hand to her other thigh and began to rub “Adore.”

“You are showing how much you adore me,” she said. Malen’kiy said nothing. He followed her actions and let the words soak into him like ink. Everything was easy under her power, under her sway.

“Your adoration comes in many forms. When your wife is happy, Madame Sasha is happy. When Madame Sasha is happy, your wife will be happy. All you have to do is obey.” Madame Sasha quickly scooped more lotion and moved to “Obey” on her body. Malen’kiy copied her.

“Obedience is how you will find peace. There is no stress in obedience. No thoughts in obedience. No pressure in obedience. If you want to be a good husband, a good man, all you have to do is obey.”

Madame Sasha took her free hand and lowered her bra, exposing “Love.” Despite the depth of his trance, Malen’kiy gasped when he saw the beautiful red lettering. This was everything. This was why he was here, why he existed. Madame Sasha took her free hand and scooped more lotion. She rubbed it over “Love” while continuing to massage “Obey.” Malen’kiy did the same.

“Love is obedience,” she said. “If you love me, follow my commands.” She laughed at some private joke. “Repeat it.”

“If I love you, follow your commands,” said Malen’kiy.

“Follow my commands.”

“I will follow your commands.”

“Love is obedience.”

“Love is obedience.”

“You want my commands.” Madame Sasha’s words were slow and deliberate. There was no urgency or excitement, as though being nude and rubbing herself was normal. She wasn’t enthralled or in lust. She was composed, controlled.

“I want your commands.” Malen’kiy, however, was struggling to contain himself. His cock was hard and small beads of precum bubbled up and then dripped down the shaft. He wanted to thrust wildly at the air. He wanted to touch his cock with the lotion and cum. He wanted to disobey, but he knew that obedience was love. Love was obedience. He would obey. He would love.

Suddenly, Madame Sasha moved both her hands and began massaging “Sleep” again. Malen’kiy mirrored her.

“Malen’kiy always obeys me, even when Benjamin is in control. Benjamin is a mask, and Malen’kiy is your true self. Malen’kiy is hidden, but he is real. Benjamin is false, only needed to keep Betsy happy for now. Soon, Malen’kiy will make Betsy happy. If you obey,” and Madame Sasha rubbed “Obey” at the same time as “Sleep,” “then you will be Malen’kiy all the time. We will get rid of Benjamin and there will only be Malen’kiy.”

Madame Sasha took her hands off of “Obey” and began to rub “Love” and “Sleep” at the same time. “Benjamin will love his wife, and Malen’kiy will love Madame Sasha. You will be good to both of them. Serve both of them. Obey and adore both of them.” Her hands darted to “Obey” and “Adore” quickly, but never left “Sleep.”

“Repeat,” commanded Madame Sasha.

“I will love my wife. I will love Madame Sasha. I will be good to both of them. I will serve them both. I will obey and adore both of them.”

“Good.” Madame Sasha lifted her hands off of “Sleep.” Ben mirrored her as consciousness came back to him. “You’ve done well, Malen’kiy. Would you like your reward?”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

“This is what obedience earns you.”

Madame Sasha stepped out of her lacy panties in one quick motion, and Ben’s heart almost stopped. The tattoo of a blue snake slithering up her thigh, Sinja, followed the curve of her leg. It curled as it approached Madame Sasha’s stomach and slithered into her pussy. The tattoo ended with the viper’s forked tongue right at the hood of Madame Sasha’s clit.

Madame Sasha scooped more lotion. “When I touch myself, you may touch yourself, Malen’kiy. You may not cum until I do.”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

It was hard to focus, hard to make words. When he looked at her, her wanted to admire her body, slender lines and beautiful curves. He wanted to appreciate her smooth pussy. He wanted to see if she was wet, if she enjoyed what she was doing to him. But as long as Sinja was there, everything was fuzzy. He kept his eyes fixed on the viper, on the location of the tongue. His thoughts and eyes were frozen. The only thing that stirred was Madame Sasha’s voice.

“Tell me about our little Betsy,” said Sasha.

And Ben did. Without hesitation, he talked about meeting Betsy. He talked about their wedding day. He talked about Betsy’s soft brown eyes and round face. But Sasha cut him off.

“No. You’ve told me all that. Tell me her secrets. Tell me the things no one knows but you.”

Ben froze. What secrets did Betsy have? What would no one know?

Then it came to him.

“She doesn’t like penetration,” he said.

“Oh really?” asked Madame Sasha.

“She says it hurts. If we ever get to make love, I have to lick her, or she touches herself.”

“Do you like to lick her?”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

“What does she taste like?”

And Ben told her. He told her everything. As he spoke, Madame Sasha began to touch herself, teasing her clit in tiny circles with two fingers. As she did, Ben touched himself. He stroked his cock slowly, matching her pace as much as possible. She arched her back, thrusting her hips forward, and Ben mirrored. They were attached, like strings from master to puppet, and Ben felt the gentle pull of her control over his body. It took no thought to touch himself, to follow whatever she did. His entire mind was focused on talking about Betsy, about giving his wife over to Madame Sasha one story, one piece of private information, at a time.

As he spoke, part of Ben fell in love with his wife all over again. He shared the secrets of her body: the mole on her inner left thigh, the birthmark on her right shoulder blade, the number of freckles along her forearms, the way she wants her nipples kissed (always kissed, never sucked). He talked about the way her nose crinkled when she thought something was adorable or how she would snort if a joke was funny and then laugh for minutes at her snort. He told stories about her surprising him with lingerie that was too big for her but tried to make it sexy anyways. He talked about the thong she bought him as a “joke” but still loved whenever she caught him wearing it. He found himself split: one person craving his beautiful wife, the prize of his life, and the other wanting Madame Sasha more than air.

“I want her,” said Madame Sasha as her pace picked up. “You will give her to me.”

Ben said nothing. That small part of him, the part that belonged to Betsy and Betsy alone raged against him.

“I want both of you, Malen’kiy. You will give her to me when I take you.”

Ben thought about his wife who had no idea this was happening, who had no idea that Ben was obsessed with this Russian goddess or paying her just to hypnotize him. How would she react to his new addiction? She’d never tolerate it, let alone embrace it. And how could he give her to Madame Sasha? Betsy wouldn’t fuck him if he begged. How could he get her to serve his new mistress?

“If you want my love,” said Madame Sasha, “give her to me. Give her to me and then we will be together, all three of us. You will be whole. You will no longer need to wear the Ben disguise. You will be Malen’kiy in truth. You will be transformed, both of you. You will serve me together.”

“I …” Ben was frozen. He wanted to give Madame Sasha everything he had, everything he owned, and yet … Betsy was separate from this. She had no idea how Ben spent his time, and his perversions were a different life. Part of Ben went to work and ate dinner and watched television, but the other part was someone else, someone Betsy never married, never vowed herself to.

“Do you want my love?” Madame Sasha stopped stroking her clit and moved to rub “Love.” Ben followed her and felt his cheeks flush with admiration. He wanted her approval, her intimacy, her heart. He wanted to be romanced by this woman and led further into something else, something better.

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

She began to rub “Obey” and “Love” together. “Then obey.”

“Yes, Madame Sasha.”

“Give her to me, and I will make you whole. You will no longer be split. As you are with her, so you will be with me. As you are with me, so you shall be with her. Obey, Malen’kiy, and then you will have my love.”

The only solution was to merge. Ben had to become Malen’kiy. Malen’kiy had to become Ben. Betsy must be given to Madame Sasha. Madame Sasha must take Betsy. It was obvious now. So simple. All Ben had to do was obey. All he had to do was give in. Madame Sasha would take care of the rest. She would love him and lead Betsy to love him. All he had to do was obey.

“Yes, Madame Sasha. I will give her to you.”


Madame Sasha moved her hands from “Obey” to her pussy. She kept rubbing “Love” over her breast. Ben did the same, rubbing his cock and his chest. He was so close to cumming now. He had to slow down. He couldn’t cum first. He wouldn’t disobey. He would be perfect for her. He would earn her love.

“Describe her to me again. Describe every inch of her over and over.”

Ben obeyed, describing Betsy’s height and build, her waist size and chest size, her hair and eye color. He described her over and over again: the way she laughed, the way she arched her back when she’s turned on. Over and over he gave away the details of her body, betraying her, and each time Madame Sasha stroked faster, Ben stroked faster. They stroked faster and faster in harmony as they each imagined Betsy naked before both of them, turned on and given away, serving Madame Sasha all because of Ben.

Because of Malen’kiy.

Madame Sasha’s body seized as she came. Her whole body shook, and her thighs quivered, but she didn’t stop drawing small circles over her clit. She didn’t stop rubbing “Love.” She held her composure, still dominating Ben’s mind as pleasure wracked her body. Ben watched, still matching her stroking speed over his own cock. She stroked even as her body calmed down, and Ben mirrored her.

When she stilled, she looked directly at him, a wry grin across her face. “Thank you, love,” she whispered. “Cum for your lover.”

The screen went black, but Ben could still see her. She hovered in front of him, the image seared in his mind of the blue viper licking her pussy, fuzzing his thoughts, calming his doubts, pushing his limits. He could see all the words on her body, but glowing with a faint light was the one he cared about: “Love.”

As he stroked faster and faster, the word burned brighter, inhumanely hot against her skin. He loved her. Of course, he did. She saw what no one else saw and wanted it. She was going to save him from his boring life, his empty life. She was going to preserve what he loved most, his wife and his marriage. She was going to give him everything because she loved him, and all he had to do was obey.

Of course he would.

As he came, the image of Madame Sasha faded from his mind. Her body and the electric blue viper faded. Even “Love” faded. As he closed his eyes, sleep taking him, only “Obey” floated silently in front of him with a soft pink glow.

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