Personal Trainer

I was near the end of my three month VIP personal training regimen and was finally starting to feel human again after thirteen years of having kids, getting them to school, washing their clothes, making their meals and in general having very little time for myself.

After my second and final child I left all thoughts of my own career behind and let my husband be the bread winner for the family while I made sure that the kids that we decided to bring into the world turned out to be decent humans. I don’t regret it, but it’s not for everyone. So the youngest was finally in grade school and I had some time that I could actually call my own and after taking a deep breath and looking hard into the mirror I realized how focused I had been on other people and not my own health. I decided to take some of the money that I set aside for making improvements around the house and improve myself.

I started looking for personal trainers at gyms and I realized that while I technically had the money I couldn’t fathom spending it on a place I didn’t like being and on a person who was the friendliest personal torturer that you could find. That’s where Jack came in. Jack was a personal trainer who hated gyms more than I did, he ran his training at a large piece of land with nothing on it but trails, a small farm house and what looked like an adult sized playground with random bits of junk lying around it. An uncle had left the property to him and instead of going to college Jack decided he would take the land and make enough to get by.

After a month of learning that what I saw as junk in the yard was Jack’s version of free weights and that flipping tractor tires and learning to vault fences is harder, and more satisfying, than it looks. I was feeling better, more awake. It also helped that after two hours of training muscles that I didn’t know I had the third hour of my twice a week training session was stretching and massage. Sometimes painful but always leaving me feeling like I hadn’t quite killed myself in the previous two hours. That was what the VIP package was and I was Jack’s first customer after he learned that almost half of his clients got a massage at least once a week and usually within 24 hours of his unique training sessions. He used his free time and the little extra cash that he had to get certified as a massage therapist and specialized in sports recovery.

It was on my second to last VIP session that I realized that I was doing things I never thought I would be able to do, not just since I had my kids but ever. I was proud of myself, I felt strong. I didn’t think I would feel quite comfortable in a bikini yet but I was getting there. It was amazing after only three months.

I made my way into the shower to rinse the sweat and grime off before the massage and ran my hands down the body that was changing so rapidly that I had only just started to notice it myself. I realized that my husband hadn’t run his hands around me like that for years, we still had sex but it was getting less often and less romantic every time. It was, by now, just a need he wanted fulfilled every so often and quickly done. With less and less thought for me. I don’t know that I blamed him, I hadn’t liked being naked with myself much, that was changing.

I toweled off thinking about my husband and maybe getting reacquainted with him soon and kept thinking of that as I put on a fresh pair of compression shorts and wrapped a thin sheet around myself to go lie on the table. Jack came in soon after and went to work on the knots that had started to form in the previous two hours of extreme exertion. My thoughts drifted around while I still thought about my husband making love to me the way he used to and I hardly noticed when my husband became Jack in my mind’s eye. At the beginning of each session there’s more stretching than massage and it’s the kind that hurts but you can tell that it’s alleviating bigger pain that would come later. And then it transitions into smooth relaxing melt you down but still firm hands that lull you into contentment.

It wasn’t uncommon for me to doze off near the end. Especially at the beginning of the program when I could barely stand after the two hours. This time I hadn’t fallen asleep but I was surprised out of my daydreams when Jack asked me, for the third time, to roll onto my back so that he could sooth my pecks, abs and quads. I smiled and turned keeping the sheet to my chest as he turned to add more lotion to his hands, and I suspect, to be polite. I laid back and Jack turned to smile down as he reached under my neck to smooth away the stress.

Near the end I had noticed that Jack had spent less time on my upper body than usual and had moved down to my legs and feet massaging away a minor but recurring pain with a foam roller. He coughed sounding embarrassed.

“Well that’s it for today”


“Heh, yeah, and your next visit is graduation”

“Yes! I’m so excited” Jack had planned a special session for graduation that was aimed at displaying you at your best to yourself. I had lost myself in wondering what it might be when Jack coughed again and looked at the floor completely red faced.

“Uhm, let me know if it’s too cold for you or something next time.”

“No, it was perfect” I watched him glance up at me not quite meeting my eyes, looking lower. I glanced down at the sheet covering my breasts and saw that my nipples where standing up through the fabric I felt the heat move up my neck and noticed that it left other parts of my body as it reached my scalp.

I jumped off the table and fast walked to the bathroom saying “thanks! See you next time!”

Jack saw that I was embarrassed as he was and left my post workout protein vitamin concoction on the side table on the way out with sharpie written on the side saying “next stop graduation!” It made me feel a little more comfortable as I got back in my car noticing that it wasn’t the only one in the shaded dirt driveway. I looked over to see Jack with a woman in very expensive workout clothes getting the first timer walk through. As I left he looked up to waved me off.

I went back and forth about calling the last session off after the embarrassing moment at the end of my last session. But finally, I decided that it was only one more session and maybe I could skip the massage. I had trouble in those two intervening days not having my newly re-awoken fantasies slip to Jack even while trying to get in closer to my more and more distant husband.

I thought it might be good to not return to Jacks odd outdoor gym after my graduation from his VIP program. Jack even said that most of the things that he taught were easy to recreate on your own, and they were. Jack just opened your eyes to the gym that was out everyone’s front door.

I summoned my courage and packed my extra clothes in a bag. I wore my best set of compression shorts and my expensive brook’s sports bra with a loose tee over the top.

When I got to Jack’s place he was waiting for me in his own best workout clothes, today would still be hard but probably not brutal. The first thing he had me do was stand in front of a full-length mirror with my pre-workout hydration drink as he told me to really look at the newly emerging me in the mirror as he read off a list of accomplishments of the last three months and a list of goals that I said I wanted to achieve and was that much closer to. It made me feel great! He looked me up and down and said how proud he was of his first VIP program pupil.

He cocked an eyebrow over the rim of his sun glasses and said; “want to try it without the t-shirt? It’s a hot one and it feels pretty great.”

He walked toward the door expecting me to follow him for the warm up run. I glanced in the mirror noticing my face going red and peeled off the shirt tucking it into my waistband to mop up sweat later.

I followed him outside and without seeming to look back he smiled and took his own shirt off and tucked it behind his back like I did and shot off up a trail I hadn’t been on before.

I was working hard to keep him in sight through the trees and brush as we climbed up a switchbacked trail. It seemed like we did nothing but climb for twenty or so minutes that seemed longer and shorter at the same time. I lost him over a ridge and when I crested the hill myself I saw him standing there smiling, barely breathing hard.

He pointed over my shoulder “you came all this way in just over twenty minutes.”

I turned around and saw the valley that Jack’s house was nestled in and saw the oversized jungle gym and carefully selected landfill articles sprawled below, I even saw my little car parked under a big tree out in front of the house.

“This is amazing!” I could barely speak around my short gasps, but I was speaking! I did it! “How far?”

“Just under two miles”

I turned to find a small table next to a taller longer one under a large canopy. “What’s this?” the table had a chilled bucket of wine and bottles of water.

“Graduation!” he handed me a glass of wine. “You’ve worked really hard and today you deserve a bit of a break and a little luxury. That’s my last lesson. You should enjoy yourself and the things that your body can do. The places your body will take you. Otherwise, what’s the point?” he grins almost boyishly at me over the bottle of water that he picked up for himself after handing me the wine.

“Oh, ok… that’s actually really nice.” I say a little flabbergasted. My body keyed up prepared for more punishment that usually comes with my trips to Jack’s.

He guided me down on the end of what I saw now was a portable massage table and started kneading my shoulders. I sipped the dry white wine while he worked his knuckles down my back and my breathing started to come easier and my adrenaline started to ebb. Jack worked on the top of my hips and moved around to the front of me and moved his hands up to my temples making gentle circular motions. I opened my eyes and saw that Jack had put his shirt back on and I looked down his length behind my sunglasses remembering what lied beneath the tight moisture wicking fabric

He wasn’t like a sculpted movie star, he still had hair on his chest and enough fat on his frame that you couldn’t make out the individual muscles of his abdomen, but you could see a lithe tight strength move under his skin when he turned. I wanted to see that again. The wine was pumping straight to my head after the run and I looked down where the hem of his shirt contrasted against the black fabric of his shorts.

“It is really warm today, you should really let the breeze cool your skin” I fingered the cuff of his shirt not looking up.

There was a long pause that seemed to last forever and his hands stopped moving on my temples. They moved away and reached down to pull the shirt over his head. Another long pause.

“You’re right, that is nice”

Hands returned but behind my neck now but making the same small circles with two fingers. This forced me to look up and I saw a little more color in his face than the run could be credited for. I drained the glass and set it behind me feeling the wine swirl in my stomach before spreading out to my limbs. Jack hardly missed a beat as I turned back around to face him.

His arms where almost fully extended reaching out behind my slightly spinning head, he stood in front of my closed knees and I could tell the calm face was straining. I parted my legs slightly forgetting everything but touch and feel and sight.

“Move closer, that looks uncomfortable” I whispered.

He took a tentative step forward not quite closing the distance, I couldn’t tell where he was looking but I had an idea.

“You said it yourself, it’s a warm day… but uhm” he nodded down.

My nipples were staining against my bra and I felt the heat flush into them. I looked up into his face and reached up to take off his sun glasses, his green eyes where boring into mine.

I stared back for eternal seconds and didn’t realize I had spread my legs open even farther. I knew I was bringing my legs around the back of Jack’s legs but it felt like someone else was doing it. His hands slid down my shoulders. He glided closer.

I could smell the fresh sweat and anti persperant, old spice I thought vaguely. His hands let go of my arms and reached around me unclasping my motion control sports bra. He kept his feet planted but leaned back taking me in with a questioning look. I just stared at his naked chest and reached out to feel the muscle under the thin layer of fat. He moved his hands under my bra using his strong hands to massage my breasts. Even with the bra unclasped he could barely reach under, so I let my fingers trail off around his navel to pull the bra over my head. He grasped harder catching my nipples between his first and middle fingers on each hand pinching slightly while his other fingers gently dug into my soft flesh.

I wasn’t thinking anymore I was just feeling, being, experiencing. It was something Jack had stressed in workouts that didn’t seem like they would ever end; just be, just do the next thing, don’t think about how much longer or how much you hurt just think about what’s in front of you and what’s around you. I did that now.

I felt something move against me from under his shorts and compressions when I gasped at my nipples being pinched. He leaned in circling me again with his arms sucking my ear lobe in through his teeth. I reached around under his arms feeling the muscles around his core. Oblique’s I knew because for the first few weeks I couldn’t laugh without them catching fire. I fingered the waistband of his shorts and found them loose enough to slip my hands down his spandex sheathed thighs under the shorts. His teeth moved to my neck and my hands slid around to grasp is firm glutes. His ass really was as defined as they looked under his loose shorts.

After a while I drew my fingernails up his spine and then around to his broad chest, digging my claws in I pushed him back. I got my knees under me on the edge of the table and didn’t have to look up to see his eyes. He took my sunglasses, which I didn’t realize I was still wearing, off my face. Taking my hands off his chest I planted them firmly on the edge of the table and kicked my legs back like I was doing those damned burpees he liked to torture me with. I completed the movement lowering my bare chest to the table. I reached out and grabbed his waist band pulling him towards me and then drawing his shorts down. They fell to the ground silently and I took a deep breath seeing his excitement straining against the skin-tight fabric. Glancing up I saw an intent, hungry stare looking back down at me and traveling over the mostly naked form stretched out at his waist before him.

I tugged gently at the elastic around his waist and uncovered inch by inch the object of my search. I finally pulled the snug shorts low enough for his sex to spring out and up and stand rigid pointing directly at my face. My eyes dilated and I reached forward to trace the bulging veins standing proud of the surface of his skin. It wasn’t gigantic but it wasn’t small, the length was enhanced by the lower than average body fat and its girth was distracting, I didn’t measure but it was certainly the only hard one I had seen in weeks.

Almost like I was looking at it from the third person I craned my neck out and darted my tongue out and around his circumcised head. Jack’s whole body tensed as I reached around his back and clasped each buttock in my hands pulling him towards me, his erect dick came slowly at my face as I leaned to the side letting it brush my cheek as it passed. I opened my mouth and bit down lightly on the tight skin at the base of him. He gasped and I looked up tasting the salt on my lips. He was still staring into my eyes. I looked back down and started tracing wet kisses up and down the shaft still grasping his ass and feeling it flex under my hands. I took my left hand off that firm cheek and used just my finger tips to lift the tip of his staff up and burry wet kisses at the base near his sweat slick sack. He moaned at this. He was still looking down at me but his eyes had shut at that and his cock pulsed in my hand.

Feeling like it was the correct next step in a dance I sucked the lower hanging left testical into my mouth licking the salty damp from it at the same time. I repeated this on the remaining organ and propped myself up on my elbows staring at the slightly quivering chest of the trainer in front of me. I bit down on his chest and trailed my lips down past his navel. At this I lay back down freeing my arms to tug the compression shorts down to his knees and quickly back up to those firm buns pulling him into my mouth.

I felt the head throb larger at the top of my throat he gasped and buried his hand into my hair pulling the last inch or two into my mouth and his engorged head down my throat cutting off my air. I clawed into his buttocks and pushed him back coughing and sputtering. He looked down apologetic and worried and it made me smile. I grasped my hand around the hard poll in front of me and sucked its head.

When he was trembling again I gently drew my teeth along the soft skin making him groan and his knees buckle a little. So I put my hands back on those wonderful cheeks and drew them apart as I drew him in again. And again. I heard a shout through the rushing in my ears and felt the hardness in my mouth jump. I pulled him as deep as I could as his hand reached out and pulled my head firmly down on his length. Thanking the wine for allowing me to relax enough for it I felt the hot gush of his pleasure shoot down my throat. His cock heaved in my mouth once, twice, three times and again. Each hot spurt accompanied by a guttural grunt. His knees where shaking and I needed to breath so I pulled my head back and he let go. I felt the stringy stickiness of his seed trail down my tongue as the last small spurts came out of his softening organ.

Please continue reading on my blog site!


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