It’s good to be your Master

I pull up to my driveway. My car glimmering in the setting sun as the engine winds down. What a day at work it seemed anybody’s problems were solely mine. Letting out a sigh I approach the front door. Everything looks pristine in my perfect neighborhood. Manicured lawns and houses all in a row. Little would anyone know what’s behind my door. As I walk in the door the hard oak slab shut behind me. There you are resting on your calves your tight ass almost touching heels. Your legs spread with your red panties poking through your milky thighs. Your hands are resting face up on each smooth surface.. Your head is down, eye contact being strictly avoided. Your chest, barely covered by your bra and nighty. The rises and falls your breath occasionally catching in your throat. Seeing you there ready for me i barely retain control of myself. Setting down my briefcase with a clack I start to slowly walk around you for inspection. Assuming my intention your entire body tenses. You want to gaze up and tear my cloths off. You’ve been edging yourself all day by my direction. Every hour from the time you woke up you were to get yourself right to orgasm then stop. When ive done my full circle I notice a puddle of your sweet juices on the floor. A small smile twinges my lips. The first one ive had all day. I come around to your face and take your chin in the cup of my hands. I touch your plump lips to mine softly against mine. Not a full kiss but just enough to get a feel for the shapes of them when they part. As i pull away you lean toward the kiss yet remember yourself right before and resume your pose. Breath i whisper im your ear as you noticeably reorient yourself. Your barely covered chest rising with your breath. I run my fingers through your hair feeling the waves they make I take a handful and give just the smallest of tugs. You love you’re hair pulled letting out a moan to signal your pleasure. Get up I command. You rise gracefully and without hesitation. I can see you eyeing me with the question in your gaze. You may take off my cloths i state. With that you get to work on your labors. Unbuttoning my shirt from top to bottom. As my shirt parts you see the prominent bulge under the slacks holding back your desire. Giving my belt a yank you pull my belt out of the loops in one fluid motion. Your ass still tingles from where I spanked you this morning. You trust that i have a fair yet firm hand. You done this time and time before in fact meeting me like this it is our ritual. I live to dominate and you to submit. With your labors done you move back into your standing position. “Wait for me in the bedroom” i command. i see you swing into the bedroom feet barely making a sound. Your thighs swishing from left to right just begging for my attention. I turn out the light as I follow and the door way is bathed in darkness once more. Yes it’s good to be your Master.
