Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 13 [MF] [Fiction]

The room is dark when I open my eyes. Only a faint glow exists from the remnants of a fire from the remaining coals. I have the distinct feeling of comfort and peace as I become aware of myself. The extreme pain is gone and I am left in a euphoric state. I wonder what time or even what day it is as I try to stretch my legs out.

My stirring must have been noticed as an arm moves over me and a hand presses flat against my chest. I lift my hand and run my fingers over the flesh that is touching me. There is no mistaking who’s hand it is and I am instantly comforted. I let out a deep sigh as you snuggle closer, your body presses against my side. I’m grateful that you haven’t abandoned me, for having you by my side is healing in so many ways.

I turn and kiss your forehead to which you release a quiet moan, but don’t move. I realize that You’r out cold and I don’t dare wake you. I run my fingers up and down your arm to the rhythm created by your breathing. I know I have put you through so much anguish and pain and barely even know me. A sense of guilt creeps in as I think about the tears and the worry I have seen upon your face. All I ever wanted was to see you smile with pure joy. I wanted to show you how strong I was, to keep you safe. I didn’t want to show this weak creature that needs to be saved. My guilt makes me want to run away from this place. Running is what I have always done when faced with guilt, when I hurt those I care about. So why don’t I feel trapped with your arm over me? How torn and complex my emotions seem to be. I want to run this is true, but I want to run towards you.

I hold you for what seems like only moments, but I watch as the morning sun travels across the room bringing light to all I see, letting me know I have held you for hours. Finally there is a stir in you as you begin to wake. You take a deep gasp of breathe and open your eyes. I study you the whole time as your brain begins to process the new day. You sit up on your elbow and peer down upon me. Our eyes meet and a smile breaks across your face. “Good morning my Little Red.”

“You’re awake!” The astonishment in your voice and the brightness in your eyes shows true elation added upon your words. You sit up in the bed and your hands move from my chest to my face. I can’t help but smile at your reaction. Its as though you have seen me for the first time! You cup my cheeks and bend down and kiss my lips with excitement. Your lips are soft to mine chapped. Your taste lingers upon my broken lips. Its a taste I never want to forget.

“Yes I’m awake.” I don’t know how else to answer. You climb from the bed and your long night gown flows as you cross the room that is filled with the chill of early morning. I can tell its cold by how your skin reacts. You stir at the coals and add wood to the fire as it burns back to life, but you don’t wait to soak up any of the heat as you hurry across the room and open the drapes. The room becomes awash with the morning sun and I squint my eyes to the bright. “How long have I been sleeping?”

You walk to the edge of the bed and look down upon me with a look of relief in your eyes. “Way too long!” Is all you say. You pull back the covers and I feel the chill that has tensed up your skin. I feel my exposed nipples harden and the hairs stand up upon my skin. You pull the covers down to my waist and your warm hands move to the bandages on my side. You take off the bandages quickly as a yelp escapes my lips as hair is removed with the bandages. But the pain is quickly fleeting and I realize you have become professional at this as though you have changed these too many times. “You are healing nicely now, but I’m afraid there is going to be some scars”

Your fingers move over the scabbed flesh of my side with a sense of relief but with also a sense of remorse. I reach over and take your hand in mine causing you to look to my eyes. “These scars I will gladly bare to know that you are safe.”
