The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapter 23 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my site (link in my Reddit profile). If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 5.5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 6.5](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10 part 1](

[Chapter 10 Part 2](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

[Chapter 13](

[Chapter 14](

[Chapter 15](

[Chapter 16](

[Chapter 17](

[Chapter 18 Part 1](

[Chapter 18 Part 2](

[Chapter 19](

[Chapter 20](

[Chapter 21](

[Chapter 22](

Something wasn’t quite right. Madison woke up on New Year’s Day with the distinct memory of celebrating the new year in several different ways. Was that what happened when you got drunk? But she’d only had a little champagne. She remembered the thrill of kissing Daniel as the clock struck midnight. How amazing, he really was into her. But then, somehow, she had also spent midnight making out with her friend, Brittney. And then she’d also had several boring celebrations in the living room. Each moment was as real in her memory as the next one.

Several other people woke that day to the same confusion. Penelope rolled away from her still snoring husband. She was giddy, because Daniel had chosen her to spend midnight with on New Year’s. But then she remembered he’d gone off with other women and she’d been left at that boring party several times. How had both happened?

Daniel had heard that mysterious clock signal midnight while he spent time with several women. He was grateful for all of it, but especially that he got to share that special moment with both his sister and his mom. They were, after all, the two most important people in his life. He knew the house had bent space and time for him. That’s what he got for being friends with Day Star, he supposed. Were they friends? Partners? He took a deep breath and got out of bed. Daniel threw on jeans and a t-shirt and headed downstairs.

There were still discarded cups and party hats on the stairs. But it didn’t look too bad. He sighed, and turned toward the kitchen to grab a trash bag. Being the first Anderson up meant he’d bag some garbage so the others would wake to a cleaner house. Daniel paused. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He slowly turned to the right and his mouth fell open. Someone had stepped on Khadra’s salt salamander drawing last night, and it was nearly unrecognizable on the floor. Above it, the door to the locked room stood wide open.

“Shit.” Daniel walked at a snail’s pace toward the room. A quiet settled over the house. Not even the great clock so much as ticked. The steady metronome of his pulse beat in his ears.

Upstairs, Penelope stopped daydreaming, sat up in bed with a start, and jumped onto the cold floor. She threw on a sweatshirt and raced out of the spare room, leaving her sleeping husband behind. Something was wrong and the house needed her.

“Hello?” Daniel couldn’t see into the room from his angle, but a trapezoid of orange, flickering light fell across the hall. “Is someone there?” His bare feet padded closer and closer. He walked up to the open doorway and looked in. The great bear stood in its corner, still in a fearsome pose. The last man Daniel expected to see sat in the armchair near the back wall wagging a finger at Daniel. “Mr. Samatar?”

Maxamed said nothing and didn’t move but for the finger that continued to admonish Daniel. He wore one of his dark suits, with a red tie. A small rivulet of crimson ran over his dark forehead, snaked around his right eye, and dripped off his cheek.

“Um … Are you okay?” Daniel looked around the room. Everything else was as he remembered it. The sideboard, the bottles, the sofa, the oil lamp, were all in place. When Daniel looked back at the bear. It had moved a foot closer to the door. Now, its glass eyes were trained on Daniel. “We need to go, Mr. Samatar.” Daniel held out his hand and blinked. During the fraction of a second his eyes were closed, the bear moved another couple feet. A frozen snarl had spread on its face, further exposing its yellowed canines.

A deep frown etched itself on Maxamed’s face. He kept wagging his finger.

“Danny?” Penelope’s voice carried down the stairs.

“I’m here.” Daniel looked toward the stairs and then back into the room. The bear had moved closer, standing still as a statue in the middle of the room, partly obscuring Daniel’s view of Maxamed. The dead animal looked very angry. “Shit.” Daniel widened his eyes, trying his best not to blink. “Come on, Mr. Samatar. It’s now or never. Let’s get you out of there.”

Maxamed gave no indication of having heard Daniel. He sat reclined in the armchair, his finger waving back and forth.

“Daniel, no.” Penelope’s feet hit the bottom of the stairs. Goosebumps broke out on her bare legs. She sprinted over to the room, pulled Daniel by the shirt away from the doorway, and slammed the door shut. The last thing she saw of the room was the giant, brown bear mere inches away, its claws outstretched. The crack of the slamming door echoed around the hall and the entryway. Penelope put her hands on her knees and sucked in air. “That’s a bad … room, Danny.” She looked over at her eighteen-year-old brother-in-law.

“Yeah …” Daniel gathered himself. “Wait, Mr. Samatar is still in there. We have to get him out.”

“There’s no one alive … in there.” Penelope caught her breath.

“How do you know?” Daniel reached for the knob on the door. He tried to turn it, but it was locked.

“I have some connection … to that room.” Penelope straightened up.

Daniel wanted to ask her questions about it, but that would have to wait. A troubling thought occurred to him. “Mrs. Samatar said she’d trapped Mr. Palmer in there. So, he’s out. What’s he doing now?”

“Upstairs,” Penelope said.

“Upstairs,” Daniel said at the same time.

Together they turned and raced up the stairs. They didn’t know who Frederick would target, but Khadra, Brad, Brittney, Julie, and George were all asleep and vulnerable.


“This is where I welcomed those destined for the sacrifice.” Frederick Palmer sat in an armchair and waved his hand to encompass the small room. A massive stuffed bear stood to his right. A sideboard rested to his left. “I would pour them a drink from there. And they wouldn’t wake up until the ceremony.”

“Sacrifice?” George sat on a comfortable sofa, a tumbler in his hand. Ice clinked in the glass as he held it up to regard the amber liquid. “What did you do to those people?”

“I shed blood, Mr. Anderson.” Frederick smiled. A thin white line formed under his black mustache. He pushed back his hair from his forehead and tugged at his perfectly tailored suit. “It gave me clarity of purpose. But that was so long ago, and the world has darkened since. To change the course of things, He needs more offerings. But they are so few and far between now.”

“You are an abomination before God.” George couldn’t get the tremor out of his voice.

“You misunderstand me. I did this *for* God.” Frederick eyed George’s tumbler. “*And when the days of her purifying are completed, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the tent of meeting a lamb a year old for a burnt offering, and a pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering.*” He paused to see the effect on the other man. “But the sins of our species compiled, and God asked for greater and greater pledges. He needs our blood to wash away our sins. I did as he asked, ever the humble servant.”

“You did this for God?” George dropped his drink to the richly colored carpet on the floor. It spilled, ice fanning out from the impact.

“Are you not His servant, too?” Frederick leaned closer to George. “Do you not want to atone for our sins?”

“This is a nightmare.” George slid to the other side of the sofa. “This isn’t my house. This is a perversion.”

“Let’s talk about perversion, Mr. Anderson.” Frederick’s smile widened.


Women fell before Daniel. Julie watched them fall in her dream. For some reason she reveled in it. She saw wives give up on decades of fidelity for a chance with her son. Just like Julie had herself. She delighted in each conquest. In her dream, Julie could see Daniel’s seed spread about their city like an infection. No, that wasn’t right. He moved throughout the city like a cure stamping out disease. He would root out the sickness of a false hegemony.

But something reached out to him. Something sought Daniel from the dark. It desperately wanted to cut his wick before he could burn brightly. Something so very black. And it was in the room with Julie. She opened her eyes, sat up, and screamed.

Crouched on the other side of the bed was a large man Julie recognized. He leaned his head right next to George’s ear, whispering something Julie couldn’t hear. Frederick’s black eyes darted up to her when she woke, but his lips continued working.

“Leave … please …” Julie croaked.

“I will not leave my house.” Frederick smiled cheerfully, and straightened to his full height.

Daniel and Penelope burst in the door behind Frederick.

Despite Julie’s scream, George continued to snore.

“My own room cannot hold me. That was a foolish endeavor. There once was a prison of thorn and vine.” Frederick stuck an arm behind him and knocked the onrushing Daniel to the side. Daniel hit the floor and slid until the wall stopped him near the bathroom door. Penelope rushed the phantom and met the same fate, sliding on the floor until she came to a stop next to Daniel. They groaned in a pile at the other end of the room.

“Danny!” Julie screamed.

“She kept me there for decades.” Frederick’s voice carried an unnatural calm and measure. “Thorn and vine, thorn and vine. But her order depended too much on entropy. When she couldn’t ensnare the pathetic and corruptible, her power ebbed. And He gave me what I needed. Thorn and vine. Thorn and vine.”

Julie looked down at her sleeping husband. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing I haven’t done before.” He took a menacing step toward Daniel and Penelope where they lay on the floor. “But it wasn’t me that donned the poor man’s horns. You made a mockery of him.”

“I … I …” Julie hugged her bare breasts and shrunk into her mattress.

“Begone demon.” Khadra, dressed only in her panties, stepped into the room holding a box of salt and a fiery demeanor. She poured a half circle of salt on the floor around Frederick, but faltered when he fixed her with his dark stare. How could she get behind the creature without stepping too close to him?

“Look at what a harlot you’ve become.” Frederick spat the words. “Your head uncovered. Your dark globes exposed to man. Men who are not your husband …”

As he talked, Eloise improbably crawled from under the bed behind him. She stood and made eye contact with Khadra. The pregnant woman in Victorian dress nodded to the box of salt. Frederick did not see his wife behind him.

“My offer is not forfeit,” Frederick continued. “I can reunite you with your husband.”

“Don’t.” Daniel looked up at her. “Mr. Samatar is dead, I think. I saw him. I think Mr. Palmer killed him.”

Fury spread on Khadra’s face, contorting her pretty features into something almost unrecognizable. She looked back and forth between Daniel and Frederick. Khadra then dropped the box of salt in front of her and kicked it right through Frederick’s spread legs. Eloise stopped the box with her foot, picked it up and finished the circle around her husband.

“You took my husband?” Khadra stepped toward Frederick as he stood frozen.

Frederick did nothing more than wink at her.

“Goodbye, dearie.” Eloise waved her hand through Frederick’s chest. The apparition fragmented and evaporated.

“Is he gone?” Daniel moved Penelope off him and sat up with his back against the wall. He rubbed the back of his head.

“For now.” Eloise stepped over to the naked Khadra and took her into an embrace. “Thank you. I did not know he had come by a sacrifice. He’s stronger than I thought. I am aggrieved at the loss of your husband.”

“Is he …?” Tears rolled down Khadra’s cheeks. She let herself be drawn into the cold, demonic embrace. Had she really made allies with one of their kind? “Is he really gone?”

“It seems so.” Eloise patted her back. “Frederick hid it from me. I couldn’t see.” She led Khadra to the bed and sat her on the edge. Eloise looked down at George as he continued to snore.

“Is my husband okay?” Julie looked on at the strange scene. A tightness pulled at her chest.

“That was a fine trick orchestrated by our friend here.” Eloise rested her pale hand on Khadra’s dark shoulder. The binary stones on her wedding ring shone in the first rays of sunlight peeking through the window. “Mrs. Samatar and I pushed Frederick and his influence some distance from us. But watch your George closely. If he seems to wander astray, it may be wise to move him from the house for a while.”

“What did he mean by thorn and vine?” Daniel stood up and helped Penelope to her feet.

“My partner and I once tricked my husband after his death into a prison of his own making just outside the house.” Eloise pressed her lips together. “But we didn’t have the strength to keep him there.”

“But you’re getting stronger?” Daniel walked over to the bed, sat next to Khadra, and put his arm around the crying woman, trying to comfort her.

“I am.” Eloise nodded. “But if we were to try and lock him away again, for good, we would need more strength still.”

“I’ll do what I have to,” Daniel said. “We’ll all do what we have to.”

Julie, Penelope, and Khadra all nodded at this. George continued his soft snores.

“Very good.” Eloise smiled. Warmth emanated from her freckled face. And she told them how they could raise the energy needed to deal with Frederick and his troublesome God once and for all.


Days passed and Frederick stayed away. Khadra put another ward in front of the locked room, but she doubted he was in there. She searched her feelings to see if Frederick had spoken true about her husband. Had her departed Maxamed somehow fallen under the evil man’s spell? Khadra couldn’t find his spirit, but such tasks were difficult without her dreamstone.

The twins continued to console and comfort Khadra with their bodies. It became clear Daniel had successfully planted his seed inside the dark woman as her belly swelled. That meant he was going to be a father four times over. At the least.


It was inevitable that Julie would find the twins together. It happened late one cold night. She put on a lace bra and panties and threw a long robe over her lingerie. The house was so chilly whenever the temperature dropped near zero. She looked back at her sleeping husband. He’d done so much better in the last few weeks. Julie hoped that the poor man would continue to keep his focus on the house and lead his charmed, unsuspecting life. She wondered what would happen when George finally finished his work on the house. Would they actually sell it? Even with the threat of Frederick’s return, Julie didn’t want to leave.

Julie slipped out of the room and padded down the hall toward Daniel’s room. The night before, she’d visited Brittney. So, now it was her son’s turn to share in his mother’s body and soul. A fire burned inside Julie. She needed the twins more and more every day. When she wasn’t with them, she often caught herself daydreaming about the pleasures they gave her over and over again.

The great clock tick-tocked, echoing off the old walls. Julie arrived at Daniel’s door and let herself in. She closed the door behind her and turned toward his bed. She froze when she heard a soft moan, and then her eyes caught sight of Brittney’s small frame slowly undulating on top of her brother. “Oh, my.” Julie put her hand to her mouth. “I … I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Brittney turned her elfin face toward her mother and smiled. “It’s okay, Mom. We … uh … uh … like having you here.”

“Yeah.” Daniel had a dreamy smile on his face with his head on the pillow. “Remember what we talked about?”

“You mean …” Julie’s eyes widened. “You’re doing her without a condom right now?”

“He is,” Brittney purred. “And he’s already … oooohhhhh … cum in me once tonight.” She made slow circles with her hips.

“Oh, my.” Julie’s pussy flooded at the thought of what she was witnessing. “In your vagina?”

“In her pussy, yeah.” Daniel gripped Brittney’s hips and ground her down on him with a little more force.

“In her pussy,” Julie whispered. “You’ll get her pregnant for sure.”

“He probably already has.” Brittney lost focus for a second and her eyes rolled as Daniel’s long cock moved around some of her organs. She refocused on her mom. “It’s good, Mom. Danny and I have always been … close. Now we’re even closer. I’m going to have his baby.”

“We’re all having Danny’s babies, aren’t we?” Julie rubbed her legs together. “Okay, I’ll let you two have some space.” She put her hand on the doorknob. She needed to rub her pussy.

“No, Mom. Stay.” Brittney leaned back a little, pushing her large breasts away from her chest. She put her hands behind her on Daniel’s thighs. “What’s … oooohhhhhh … under the robe?”

“Oh … um … Danny likes when I wear sexy underwear for him.” Julie took her hand off the doorknob.

“I bet I’d … ugh … like it, too.” Brittney looked her tall mom up and down. She was so sexy. “That’s no fair that you only show Danny.”

“You’re a girl … so I didn’t think … I didn’t think you’d like that stuff.” Julie took a deep breath and dropped the robe to the floor. “Do you like it, pumpkin?” Julie spun a slow pirouette for them.

“Damn, Mom.” Brittney’s eyes glazed over. “You are so hot.” The lingerie had clearly been purchased after Julie had taken her deal, because the bra somewhat fit. But even so, her boobs spilled over the top, and her panties looked skimpier than intended under her bulging belly. “Did my dumb dad buy that for you? And now … ah … it’s for us.”

“Don’t you start up on your father too, Britney.” Julie frowned at her writhing daughter. “He’s fragile right now. I don’t want to talk about him that way.”

“Come on, Mom.” Daniel laughed and lightly smacked Brittney’s right boob. “Dad practically handed you over to us. His own teenagers. He’s pretty stupid when it comes to protecting his wife.”

Julie felt her face go hot with embarrassment. They were only eighteen and George had let her fall for them. Of course, the twins were right. George was a fool. There was no other explanation.

“Come on over, Mom.” Daniel could hear his sister’s pussy squelch with all their combined cum as she slowly rode him. A sound as sweet as music.

“Okay.” Julie reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She let it fall, and her heavy boobs dropped out of confinement. She hooked her thumbs in her panties and slowly shimmied them down her legs, very aware of the show she gave the humping twins as her breasts hung down in front of her. She tossed her panties aside and walked slowly toward the bed. “Are we really going to do this? All three of us, together?”

“Come sit on my face.” Daniel beckoned her over, his smile spreading.

“Really?” Julie felt so clumsy climbing onto the bed and straddling her son’s handsome face. She was so much bigger than they were. Julie’s brown eyes locked on Brittney’s blue ones as Daniel’s tongue found Julie’s slit. “Oh, Brit, he’s really wonderful, isn’t he?” Julie wasn’t sure what to do with her hands, so she held them in the air awkwardly as she watched her daughter’s lust-filled face.

“He is. And so … aaahhhhhh … are you. You’re both … ugh … the best.” Brittney approached another climax. “Grab my tits, Mom.”

“Tits?” Julie reached out and hefted her daughter’s boobs. She rolled the puffy nipples gently between her fingers. “Oh, Danny. You’re already … going to … make me …” Julie’s shoulders twitched as her pleasure built.

“Mmmppphhhhhh.” Danny relished the moment. His first time with the both Anderson women. Penelope would go wild when he told her all about it.

“Cummmiiiinnnnnnggggg.” Brittney tossed her head back and forth, her senses completely overrun with ecstasy. If she wasn’t already pregnant, she hoped that night would be the night. How perfect to get to share that moment with her mother.

A couple hours later, Daniel worked his way toward his fourth and final orgasm of the night. His mother was on her stomach on the bed, and Brittney lay on Julie’s back, hugging her. Both Anderson asses were on display for Daniel, and he alternated between his mother’s pussy and ass, and his sister’s pussy. The room had the rich tropical scent of his cum. So strong that it overpowered their sweat. Sperm matted Brittney and Julie’s hair, and dried on their skin.

“Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh.” Julie let another orgasm rip through her as Daniel pounded her butt. Her daughter’s sweet voice was in her ear, telling her what a good mom she was to do them both. When Julie’s orgasm passed, Daniel’s huge thing pulled out of her butt. She felt her daughter tense on top her.

“No, Danny. No, no, no. It won’t fit.” Brittney squirmed on top of her mom, her pussy now rubbing a little on the small of Julie’s back.

“Mom takes it back there all the time.” Daniel’s dick was coated in cum and he knew it would slide in without too much effort. He rubbed the wide head on her cute, little asshole.

“She only … ow … she only gave her butt to you so you wouldn’t knock her up.” It didn’t actually hurt yet, but every nudge back there gave Brittney the expectation of pain.

“That’s true, Brit. But then she liked it. Obviously, we still do it even though she’s pregnant.” Daniel pushed just a little so that the very tip of the head opened her up ever so slightly. “Tell her, Mom.”

Julie still panted from her orgasm. Her face pressed into the sheets. She turned her head to the side to talk. “I … do like it … I never thought I would … but …”

“See?” Daniel pushed a little more.

“It doesn’t really hurt.” Brittney’s muscles clenched and unclenched. “Do you really like it that much, Mom?” Brittney pushed her brown hair to the side and then brushed her mom’s hair off her face so she could see her.

“I do.” Julie nodded. Electric sparks still played with her nerve endings. “But … you have to do … what you feel … comfortable with.”

“Um …” Brittney knew this was a pivotal moment. If she went forward with this, Daniel would completely resize her. But, much to her surprise, having the tip stretching her felt good. Different and good. And why shouldn’t she let him try it? She’d given him everything else she had to give. “Go slow and stop if it hurts.”

“Sure.” Daniel applied a bit more pressure.

A mother wasn’t supposed to experience such moments. Julie could feel Brittney trembling on top of her, and her daughter’s grip tightened on her mother. Heck, twins weren’t supposed to experience such moments together. But there they all were.

“It’s okay … it’s okay …” Brittney shuddered. It hurt a little, but nothing like what she would have thought. She let him push further. “Is it … all in?

“You’re a champ, Brit.” Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off his disappearing dick. He was certain the deal was responsible for the way her butt allowed him in. “But we’ve got a long way to go.”

“Oh, gosh.” Julie could hear her daughter’s sharp intake of breath as Daniel explored her guts. “Give it up to him, Brit.” Julie gripped the sheets with her fists, full of empathy for Brittney. “Give him your butt.”

A few minutes later, Daniel hit home, fully buried in his sister. A minute after that, he settled into a nice rhythm. He supported his weight with his hands pressed onto the top of Brittney’s butt. He hoped it wasn’t too much pressure for his mom’s pregnant belly. “How … is it?” He was getting close. Her butt was so tight, and her squeals so sweet. Having their mom underneath was sublime.

“It’s good … I think … I like it.” A new kind of pleasure surged through her. “Oooooohhhhhhhh. I … do … like it.”

“That’s my girl … Brit.” Daniel wanted to spare his mom a full pounding. He tried to take it easy.

“Cum in her, Danny.” Julie was beside herself. There was no training manual for motherhood. But even if there had been, there certainly wouldn’t have been a chapter on what was happening in Daniel’s bedroom that night. “Go ahead. Put your seed … in your sister’s butt.” She looked over her shoulder to see Brittney’s teeth clenched and her eyes gazing at nothing.

“Gggggggppppphhhhhhh.” Brittney experienced her first anal climax.

Hearing his sister cum sent Daniel over the edge, too. His soft grunts filled the room, and his cum filled Brittney.

When he finished, he rolled off them and lay next to the women he loved. Brittney slid off her mom in between Julie and Daniel. She put her arm around Daniel and snuggled close. Julie turned on her side, pressed her boobs into Brittney’s back, and threw her arm over both twins. Together, they drifted off to sleep.


A knock on the door woke Daniel, Julie, and Brittney. They all sat up quickly on the bed. The room was a mess and the three of them were a mess. The smell in the room was unmistakable. Bright morning light streamed through the windows.

“Danny, you awake?” George knocked again.

“Yeah, Dad.” Daniel looked at his mom with a questioning eyebrow. What should he say? Julie shook her head, her eyes very wide. Brittney covered herself back up with the blanket. “What’s up?”

“Can I come in?” George sounded tired.

“Did you lock the door?” Daniel whispered to Julie.

Julie shrugged. She honestly didn’t remember. She’d been so surprised to find Brittney humping Daniel last night. Should she get up and get dressed quickly? Pretend she was just checking on her son? She looked down at her exposed boobs covered in dried cum. And then she looked at Brittney. They were all a mess. They couldn’t let George in that room.

“Sorry, Dad. I’m naked.” Daniel expected that would keep him out.

“Well, have you seen your mother?” There was a little thump as George leaned his head on the door. “I woke up and she was gone. I couldn’t find her.”

“Um …” Daniel wasn’t quite sure how to handle this. Then he remembered it was just his dumb, old dad. He could misdirect. “Give me a couple minutes and I’ll help you look. She’s probably fixing something in the house or something.”

“I didn’t see her in the laundry room,” George said.

“There are other rooms that need fixing, Dad,” Daniel called through the door. “Why don’t you go check the first floor and I’ll be down in a minute?”

“Sure.” George walked off toward the stairs.

Daniel got up and threw on some clothes. He was still a smelly mess, but he didn’t have time to shower. “I’ll go take care of Dad.” He kissed his mom and sister on their cheeks. They looked a little tense. “You two hit the showers. When we hear the showers running, I’ll tell him he must have just missed you in the bathroom.”

“He’ll believe that?” Julie got out of bed, picked up her lingerie, and put on her robe.

“Probably.” Daniel shrugged. “If not, we’ll make up some other story. I feel a little bad gaslighting the old man, but it’s better than him finding out. Right?”

“Yeah.” Julie said.

Brittney nodded her agreement. She got up and threw on the first clothes she found, some of Daniel’s pajamas.

“Okay.” Daniel opened the door and checked the hall. “He’s gone.”

Daniel left the room and went to find his father downstairs. The women headed for the showers.


“I married the wrong Anderson brother.” Penelope smiled up at her skinny, sweaty brother-in-law. She looked down between her breasts to where her blond pussy was, but all she could see was her swelling belly. The thought hit her hard, Brad didn’t deserve to raise Daniel’s child. “So, what happened after your mom came in?”

“It was so hot, Pen.” Daniel plowed Penelope on her marital bed, his hands clasped her ankles, holding her long, pale legs wide open. He could see his dick exploring her pussy quite clearly. He loved their afterschool visits. He told her all about giving his sister her first anal with their mother lying beneath them.

“You fit in her little butt?” Penelope squealed as Daniel hit a pleasure point deep inside her, and she thought of the holier-than-thou Anderson women giving themselves completely to Daniel.

“Yeah.” Daniel smiled and slammed her harder. He’d already cum in her pussy and was in no hurry to fill her up again.

“And you’re going to give her a baby? Both of them are having your babies?” Penelope pressed her head back into the mattress. Thank God the house chose her to be part of this hedonism. It had become the central pillar to her life.

“And Mrs. Samatar and Mrs. Haskins.” Daniel used Penelope’s soft calf to wipe sweat off his forehead.

“But you got me pregnant first, right?”

“No, I think that was my mom.” Daniel shook his head, his blond hair stuck to his forehead.

Penelope couldn’t bring herself to frown, she felt too good. “Well, I was second, right?”


“I’ll take good care of your baby, Danny.” Penelope put her hands on her belly. “I promise.”

“I know you will. You’ll be the perfect mom.”

“Oh, Jesus.” A tide of ecstasy pushed at the shores of her mind. “You’ve turned me into so many things. And now you’ve made me a mother.” She closed her eyes, fondled her belly, and came on his giant dick.

A while later, they lay in bed together, Penelope brushing her fingers over Daniel’s meager chest. Cum slowly spilled out of her pussy and stained the sheets below. “What would you say if I told you I wanted to leave my husband?”

“Really?” Daniel sat up a little, leaning his head on the fabric headboard. “Wow. I don’t know. I mean … Brad is kind of a dick.”

“He is,” Penelope whispered. She so desperately needed Daniel’s support.

“Is this because of me?” He looked into her pretty, blue eyes.

“Well, of course.” Penelope nodded, running her fingers down his flat belly. “And the baby.”

“I thought you were going to raise the baby with Brad.”

“Do you want Brad raising your baby?” Penelope’s slight smile was hopeful.

“Well, no.” Now that he thought about it, Daniel didn’t want Brad near any of his babies.

“Neither do I.” She reached down and squeezed his soft cock. It was so much bigger than Brad’s. It was almost like the two brothers were different species.

“So, what are you going to do?” Daniel’s mind raced. His mom was not going to be happy with him for breaking up his brother’s marriage.

“Well, I’ll think it over for a few days. And then I’m probably going to tell him I want to separate. And I’ll give him the house.” She squeezed his cock a little more urgently. It pushed back at her. This conversation was going about as well as could be.

“Wow.” Daniel frowned. Would she move back home with her parents? “Where will you go?”

“I’m going to talk to your mom about moving in with you.” Penelope stroked her hand up and down, leaned forward, and kissed the head of his cock. Her boobs hung and draped themselves on Daniel’s stomach.

“What?” Daniel watched her expertly take care of his dick. “I mean, it’ll be tough getting my mom on board. She’s gonna be pissed about Brad.”

“You’ll need to back me up, Danny.” She kissed the head again, her wedding ring pressed against his cock flesh.

“I’ll do … uh … what I can.” Daniel would like having her around the house all the time.

“Thank you. We have about an hour before Brad comes home. One more time? I’ll let you have my butt like your mom and sister.” Penelope took him into her mouth. He was now fully hard. She pushed him slowly down her throat.

“Yeah, Okay.” Daniel wound his fingers in her silky, blond hair.


A week later, Daniel found Julie in his room collecting laundry. “Hey, Mom. Do you have a minute?” He admired her round ass, outlined beautifully in her dress as she bent over to pick up some of his socks.

“Not if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Julie straightened, smiled, and looked at the lump in his pants. How could he keep going and going? With Khadra, Brittney, and Julie the sex had been almost constant in their house. It was a wonder they’d been able to keep it secret from George. “I need to get some laundry done. Your father volunteered to do the wash a while ago, but he hasn’t been getting it very clean.” She picked up her laundry basket, put it on her hip, and headed for the door.

“It doesn’t always have to be about sex, Mom. Sometimes I just want to talk.” He followed her out into the hall and down the stairs.

“I’ve got your number, mister.” Julie chuckled to herself. It was nice to know she could still set boundaries with him. “If you want to talk, what’s up?”

“Can I carry that for you?” Daniel liked watching her go about domestic chores, but she was pregnant and maybe it wasn’t good to carry around a heavy basket. He didn’t know for sure.

“Yes, thank you, pumpkin.” Julie stopped on the stairs and handed him the basket. She then continued downstairs.

“Have you heard from Brad or Penelope recently?” Daniel couldn’t help watching her butt sway as he followed her.

“Not for a little while. Did you hear something?” Julie looked back over her shoulder at him. They walked down the hall past the kitchen.

“No, just wondering.” Daniel descended the basement stairs right after Julie.

“You haven’t been sneaking over to see Penelope, have you?” Julie stepped next to her son in the basement and playfully bumped him with her hip as they walked. “You don’t need to answer that. Of course you have.”

“You’re not mad?” Daniel waited as his mom opened the door to the laundry room.

“Why would I …” Julie opened the door and looked into the unfinished part of the basement. “Oh, my gosh.”

“What is it?” Daniel stared through the doorway with wide eyes. “I’m not sure what I’m looking at.” What was once a mostly empty space with a few utilities and pipes, was now a maze of blue and red PEX piping. The room was webbed with the stuff from floor to ceiling. There was barely enough room to move in there. It looked like an obstacle course.

“Danny?” The color drained from Julie’s face. “Where’s your father?”

“I think he’s taking a nap.” Daniel dropped the laundry basket at his feet with a thud.

“This is what he’s been doing down here?” She tried to trace just one pipe with her eyes to see where it went, but lost it in the chaos. “We … um … we need to give him a break from the house.”

“Agreed.” Daniel nodded. “This is nuts.”

“Yes.” Julie put her hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “Your dumb father has gone a bit crazy. Let’s go pack his things.”

They turned together and headed for the stairs.

*This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my site (link in my Reddit profile). If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*


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