[m/f] My real Thai porn debut part III



Jake had managed to stay rock hard, I came over to him turned around so he could see my big ass, facing the camera I guided his cock with one hand inside of me. I had become a bit dryer during the break, but after a few bounces up and down on his big hard cock it started to reawaken my pussy and I became wet again, my pussy juices dripping down his cock and balls. It was a very difficult position to support myself and ride his cock while keeping my legs spread open, this was the first time throughout the scene where I was given a position of slight control, the whole shoot in this case is supposed to be me getting pounded by him, so I enjoyed for the time being an element of control. This position really had me exposed fully, Jake was behind me and only really his legs and cock could be consistently seen, whereas for me could fully see the whole front of my body, a hard cock spreading my pussy open, my boobs bouncing up and down and my face showing pleasure and anguish of taking such a big cock, while my mouth would let out gasps and groans of pleasure each time I landed down on his cock. We kept this position for quite some time, the camera would navigate around us, sometimes or rather mostly close ups of my pussy riding his cock, my face with pleasure, boobs bouncing.

In the final position I was on the chair, on my knees, facing away, Jake stood behind me so I had to hold on to the top of the chair as he fucked me once again from behind, this was only a quick final position, so Jake was now groaning uncontrollably as he prepared to get ready to cum again, he was holding onto my waist with an extraordinary powerful grip, and he really thrust in and out of my little pussy with his huge cock, really treating me as a pure object of pleasure and nothing more. Having a cock as big and strong as his pounding deep inside of me was hurting more than pleasurable, I clenched my jaw shut and would let out high pitched squeals as he fucked me. Connor who was watching and filming the whole thing shouted out for me to be ready to jump down from the chair to receive his cum shot. It was only a moment later Jake pulled out of me, as he did this he pulled at me to get off the chair and onto the floor. I land almost exactly on my knees with my face just below his cock, he is rubbing it slightly, sweat dripping down his body, im looking up at this huge cock, blinded almost by everything else because of the lighting, I hear Connors last instruction ‘mouth open, tongue out’ I follow his command obediently and without thought. Jake groans almost furiously as he begins to cum once more over my face, it seemed he came even more this time than the first, I felt the first shot powerfully ricochet off my cheek and over my shoulder, his next shots though absolutely covered my face, tongue and into my mouth, I dribbled most of it out as I sucked the last dripping cum out of his cock. He left the scene as I was filmed smiling blinded by cum.

Connor called cut, I was handed a towel and cleaned off my face, still naked, with plenty of cum on my boobs and elsewhere, Connor congratulated me, not sure exactly on what, having sex? But in fairness it felt right at the time. Told me to go take a shower, id earned it. In the bathroom, Jake was just in the shower, returning to the normal guy he was before the shoot, rather than the dominating horny man he was during it. We were very relaxed around each other now, though now the passion had gone, there was a shyness and avoided making eye contact. As he left I showered, when I came out, most of the crew had already packed the items away. Connor told me to get dressed again, reapply my make up as we need to shoot the beginning storyline. I just went along with it, I know filming things get cut and edited and altogether moved around, so are not always filmed in sequence, but I still felt it was weird to film the beginning at the end. The filming now was just Connor, Jake and myself, I was to go outside the hotel entrance, walk in and over to Jake, meet him for a minute, before the both of us walk to the hotel room, with Connor filming it. I think the concept was I was an innocent horny girl coming to meet an older guy. We filmed it easily and quite quickly, the hotel was almost deserted, which is probably why it had been chosen. I was happy it was quiet as I was wearing the same very revealing outfit outside the front entrance, in the lobby and walking to the hotel room.

After that was done, I quickly changed in the room so something slightly more respectable to travel home in, my ass still red from Jake’s hand, pussy sore from his cock. In the lobby we all parted in different directions, never to see each other again. Or did we?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m86wl3/mf_my_real_thai_porn_debut_part_iii