I [F] posted provocative nudes on reddit to spite a girl who was rude to me because her boyfriend found my reddit account

To start:
1) Sorry if this is not allowed in this sub. For the first time I told this story in the another confession sub and figured I’d share it here also.

2) This is obviously a throwaway account and the original account in the story below has since been deleted due to creepy internet people.

So here goes nothing. I use to post photos on Tumblr before they went on their porn crusade. I did this just as a way to give the middle finger to society and what was considered “normal” or “acceptable”. Say what you want about me but it was freeing and exciting and got my heart pumping with every post. I LOVED the rush I got!!! I would post topless photos and suggestive stuff but never any hardcore material or pictures of my vagina. (I also never showed my face). I do have some tattoos and they would show up in the photos. They were easily identifiable and if you knew me in real life, there would be no doubt that those photos are of me. Truthfully, I was just banking on not being found. Within the first week of posting on tumblr a girl friend of mine came across one of my photos. She screen shot that photo and sent it to me asking if it was me because the tattoo looked like mine and if I was the one posting the photos. That was a bit awkward to say the least. I’m trying to do this discreetly and now my friend sends me a nude of myself. LOL. But I explained I was posting those photos and that she should not to be worried and to keep it between us, which she did. Once tumblr went PG I came to reddit where I posted a lot more. I did that for about a year and over that time i amassed over 12,000 followers and I got quite a few messages from people who seemed to know a little to much and definitely knew me in real life. These messages were never anything creepy and never tried to blackmail me so I just let them slide. I guess every guy dreams of finding someone they know online, so good for them, they found it. When I started posting photos online I really didn’t think anyone from my personal life would ever find me. I guess I was naive.

Also at that time I was enrolled in a cross fit gym and it was almost completely male dominated. I’d say a ratio of like 4 guys for every 1 girl. I went to class about 4 times a week and one day a girl from the gym pulled me aside before class and confronted me about my reddit profile and the topless photos I had posted on there. She was excessively mean with me about it and the whole situation could have definitely been brought up in a more calm way or preferably over text or phone call. After all there are people around and I don’t want the whole gym knowing. Ultimately she was mad at me because she somehow found out that her boyfriend (who also goes to the Cross Fit gym) found my reddit profile and was looking at my photos. During the exchange of words she “asked” in a very demanding way that I delete the profile and the pictures on there. I told her that I wouldn’t do that and she stormed away. I’m not sure how long before this confrontation the boyfriend found my profile but he never acted differently toward me, had any sexual comments, or looked at me different. Truth be told, because he wasn’t weird about it, I didn’t care that he knew. We’re all adults and it’s just a pair of breasts, all women have them, it’s nothing to be childish about. No harm no foul. But moving forward she always treated me rudely after. Sorry girl, it’s not my problem that your boyfriend found me publicly on the internet, it’s not like I was sending the pictures directly to him. I didn’t even know he had a reddit account.

I continued to post more photos over the next few weeks and her rudeness got worse during that time. She always had snarky and under the breath comments but I just continued with my workout. The gym was small so we would always line up in two lines during the workouts so that everybody could fit. I took my fitness very seriously and I was always in the front row. Being in a gym requires a certain level of maturity because the workout can lead to some otherwise sexual positions. Squats, dead lifts, stretch’s, thrusters, straight leg bent over push ups, etc… All of these positions and others show more then the average person would be willing to show. I mean, every class had its fair share of dick outlines in the sweatpants/shorts for the guys and camel toes/visible nipple bumps for the girls. Again a certain level of maturity is needed to work out in a group. Anyway, a few weeks after the original confrontation, it just so happened that her and her boyfriend were the ones in the second row right behind me. I didn’t plan this and I was already in my spot before they picked theirs. We made it through the workout and on the way out she confronted me AGAIN! I would assume that she saw that I continued to update my profile with new photos. She called me out for my visible camel toe and accused me of doing it on purpose because her boyfriend was behind me. Then again she demanded I delete my reddit and photos and again I told her no. I went home so heated that she would call me out for having a camel toe and have the audacity to tell me I did it purposely for her boyfriend. This irked me beyond belief for some reason.

Now this is where I did something I can’t believe and still shocks me to this day. She clearly was looking at my vagina during the workout, so in a blind hatred for her and the way she was treating me I decided I would post something to reddit way over the top to piss her off. That night after class and after my shower, I got on my bed and starting taking really provocative photos of myself with the intent of posting one of them to a very well known subreddit to spite her. The one I ended up posting was me in the downward doggy style pose and with the camera positioned against a pillow behind me. I mean, a well lit full view of my labia, clit, landing strip, and a smidge of my booty hole with absolutely nothing left for the imagination and posted it to reddit with a caption of “Imagine this next time I bend over infront of you during a workout”. The caption was clearly directed to them and what she had to say after that last class. Honestly, he was really cute, but I swear I didn’t post it for him. My intention was solely so she would see the post and become as angry as she caused me to be over the weeks before with all the rude things she had said to me. I didn’t think about the repercussions or how she could have shown others in the class, I was just so focused on spiting her.

The next day I headed to class not knowing what to expect. Did she text the photo around to others in the class? Would she be there even angrier then before? Would she fight me over this? I arrived to class and no one said anything and it was as if nobody knew what had happened. I didn’t see them there. I can only assume they both saw it because neither were ever back in that Cross Fit gym with me again.

I think back to this all the time. Over the course of the life of that account, I had 4 people online message me about how they knew me in real life and I had another 3 people in person say something to me about it. That’s 7 people that I knew about. I’m sure some of those anonymous messengers showed their friends because that’s just what guys do. And I’m also sure that out of the 12,000 followers there had to be some people who knew me and decided to stay in the shadows. I’m a very shy girl in person and a nsfw reddit is something that no one would ever expect from me. Looking back, I regret posting that photo because now when I talk to anyone I always wonder if they were one of the people who saw that picture because Imgur shows the view count and it had over 1 million views when I deleted it.

That account has since been deleted so no need to massage me asking for the link. I promise my vagina looks just like all the others on reddit!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m7ykcc/i_f_posted_provocative_nudes_on_reddit_to_spite_a


  1. What was she going to do? Hunt down every woman on the Internet and tell them to stop posting nudes so her boyfriend couldn’t look at them?

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