The “How Well Do You Know Us?” Game [MFF]

[Originally published in April 2017]

Late last year I sponsored a threesome with two of my good friends, Ruby and Rose. Both of whom I’ve blogged about previously. We had gotten that particular group together a few times before, the first time being the six-some that is STILL on my list of stories to write. This was our holiday season get-together.

We met at an elegant nearby hotel, and started with drinks and a bite in the bar. The three of us had also met for a threesome at the same hotel several weeks previously, at which I set the tone with various toys and edibles. The two of them had decided that this time they would prepare the evening’s activities and I was to just show up and go along with what they had in store. Which I was delighted to do of course.

After some lovely conversation, food, and adult beverages, the three of us went upstairs to our room. The two of them unzipped their bags and quickly set up the first activity of the evening, which turned out to be a warm-up designed to get everyone’s clothes off.

It was a variation of beer pong, but was instead sort of “strip pong”. Each of us had to bounce a ping pong ball into one of twenty or so red plastic cups they had set up, and when you got one in a cup, there was a piece of paper in the cup telling you how many articles of clothing to remove. We took turns bouncing balls and peeling layers until eventually we were all pretty much naked.

But the girls were just getting warmed up. Once everyone was naked they told me I needed to sit in a chair, where they blindfolded me and tied my hands to the chair’s arms. They told me this was going to be the “how well do you know us?” game. Having an idea where this may be heading, I was excited, and just a tad worried that I might get some incorrect, as I didn’t want to offend my friends!  But I was definitely game and looking forward to the challenge.

First came the kiss test. They silently conferred to decide who would go first, then without making a sound, one of them leaned in and gave me a kiss. It was soft and sensual, and her tongue darted between my lips and tongue with an easy familiarity. I was pretty sure I recognized Ruby’s touch. After a moment she disengaged, and I felt my other friend lean in for her turn. Her lips also gave mine a delicious embrace, which definitely felt like Rose’s caress.

“The first was Ruby, the second was Rose” I ventured, and was gratified to hear that I was indeed correct. Score one for Dean! But I also knew the challenges were likely to get more difficult from here.

“Okay,” Ruby said, “that was the easy one. See if you can tell who is who now.”

I should mention that sitting in the chair, blindfolded and bound and being catered to by two beautiful, naked women, my cock was hard as a rock. It had been that way pretty much from the time we began playing strip pong. Which was a good thing because it meant I was appropriately prepared for the next task.

As I sat there, blindfolded and immobilized, I heard faint whispers as the girls decided who would go next, then felt a warm mouth enclose the head of my cock. Slowly she took the head into her mouth and moved down the length of my erect shaft. She stroked up and down, taking my erection deep into her throat until (I’m sure) there was almost nothing exposed of the shaft. After several delicious seconds of this, she pulled her mouth away, leaving me to ponder who had just given me the lovely blowjob.

There was no discernable feeling of teeth, and she had taken me very deep. While both of my friends give first-rate blowjobs, Ruby is a true master, and I was leaning toward that being her. But I had to wait and experience the other one before passing judgment.

I didn’t have to wait long; before I knew it I felt a second warm, wet embrace as my other friend took the hood of my cock into her mouth. She also took me slow and deep, stroking up and down as she got nearly the full shaft into her throat. As I suspected, it was another masterful blow job, but I thought I detected just a hint of teeth on the second one, which cinched it for me.

“First was Ruby, second was Rose,” I announced, only to hear Rose’s reply “No, you got it backward. The first one was me, the second was Ruby.”  Wow!  Okay, I had it wrong. Dean one, lovely dates one. We were all tied up.

Or at least I was. And blindfolded.

I was having a ton of fun, perhaps needless to say, and was excited for what seemed to be the logical concluding challenge. My suspicions were confirmed when the girls asked where my condoms were. I told them, and heard them peel away the wrapper and felt the tight embrace of a condom being put on my cock.

Once again I heard faint whispers as the girls chose the next contestant. Then I felt the hips and thighs of one of my friends as she sat on my lap, engulfing my fully erect cock in her warm, wet pussy.

I should mention that I had an unfair advantage when it came to the fuck test. Because even though my hands were bound, I could still feel each of their hips and ass on my legs, at least well enough to get a general idea of their bodies. Ruby has got crazy small – almost boyish – hips, while Rose’s are more generously, womanly, proportioned. For the record, I’m not saying I prefer one or the other – both have crazy sexy bodies. But they are very different.

And those were Ruby’s skinny hips, I had no doubt.

After stroking up and down several times, she removed her warm pussy. After they changed condoms I felt my other friend’s body as she sat on my lap and inserted my cock into her waiting pussy. Sure enough, I detected the more ample proportions of Rose’s beautiful backside.

“First Ruby, second Rose” I announced, and was informed that I was indeed correct.

Yay! Dean two, ladies one. I was redeeming myself.

Then I heard the women whispering again as they tried to figure out any other tests they wanted to subject me to. I think I may have been the one to suggest a boob test, and they laughed and agreed that would be a fun one. Note that the reason for their laughter was that all three of us assumed I should easily be able to tell the difference between the two women’s chests. Ruby’s is more petite with firmer nipples, and Rose has a more ample bosom with larger, softer nipples. I, and I’m sure each of them, was confident that this would be a piece of cake.

Again they did a brief consultation to decide who would go first, at which point I felt a warm, soft breast descend onto the upturned palm of my left hand. Being tied and blindfolded I had nothing more than the tactile quality of the flesh to go on, and to my surprise it wasn’t immediately obvious which lovely friend’s breast that was. It definitely filled my hand, and I could feel a nipple up against my palm, but I couldn’t tell whose. Her tit was warm and fun to squeeze, but that matched the description of both of my friends. Given the ampleness of the breast I suspected that it belonged to Rose, and expected the next handful to validate my suspicion.

After my first friend pulled her tit away, I felt the other one’s descend onto my upturned right palm. This one was also soft and warm and fun to play with, but to my surprise it felt very much like the first one. I certainly didn’t feel the harder, smaller nipple I had been expecting, nor did I feel an appreciable decrease in size compared to the first. It felt about the same, if not maybe a bit bigger.

I was thrown for a bit of a loop. Should I stick with my original guess or switch? This one felt like Rose’s (larger) breast, but I was pretty convinced I was touching hers originally. It was down to a coin flip, so I decided to stick with my first guess and blurted out “Rose first, Ruby second.”

I waited in suspense for a full beat as no one said anything at first, then both of them laughed and told me that no, in fact I had it backward. They were both a little incredulous that I didn’t know the difference between their breasts and teased me mercilessly about it for the rest of the night. Well, really they just teased me for the next few minutes. But I felt it to be completely deserved as that should have been the easiest of the tests, and instead it tied us all up, two for Dean to two for the ladies.

That turns out to have been the last test they came up with. (I know, you’re thinking of a million right now, like putting a nipple in my mouth, putting their pussies in my mouth, touching their asses. Maybe we’ll do that next time.) But I didn’t mind because at that point they untied me and removed the blindfold, and we moved on to the main course, which consisted of lots of kissing and sucking and fucking. It was a truly delicious evening and everyone went home satisfied that all was good in the world.

Well, maybe all was good except my cocksure confidence to tell my lovely friends apart by nothing more than touch. I think the main lesson coming out of all of this of course is that I need to do even more homework, and spend as much up close and personal tactile time with my lady friends’ breasts as possible.

That IS the main lesson you would draw, right?

#HowWellDoYouKnowUs? #BlindfoldedBlowjobContest #FuckingHimBlindfolded
