Step Sister Corruption Part 94 – Day 58 Ginger Visit (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Author’s notes: As our main character, Gabe, and his loves S&K are still sitting in Dr. Braxter’s office. Back at his home, his mother Sarah Michaels is on the phone.

*Sarah Michaels aka Ginger*

I spoke to the video phone, “Let me see them.”

The person on the other end who looked exhausted moved the phone so I could see triplet babies in their own little beds.  Triplet girl newborns.

I let out an exasperated high pitched “AAAWWWWW!!!!! They’re so cute!!!!”

Jesse spoke over the phone, “Yeah they’re cute now.  But mommy is exhausted.”

I laughed, “I bet.  So did you do natural or did you get cut?”

Jesse sighed, “I originally wanted to do natural birthing but that wasn’t in the cards for me once we found out I was carrying triplets.  They had to cut me and I’m still a little drugged.”

Jesse turned the phone from the newborns and turned it on her face.

I laughed, “Yeah I’d probably get cut too if I were carrying triplets.  So what are you naming them?”

Jesse looked at me, “I was thinking Rose, Rachael, and Robyn.”

I looked at her, “Why so many R names?”

Jesse sighed, “Rory and I agreed that all the girls would have R names.  Plus my grandmother before she passed was named Robin so I wanted to honor her with one my kids named Robyn.”

I shrugged, “Makes sense.”

I tried to look around, “So where’s your husband?”

Jesse didn’t bat an eye, “He’s probably off getting bars for the girls windows or getting a gun.  Something like that.”

I laughed, “Yeah Jason immediately went and got a shotgun when Samantha was born.  Then he got another gun when Jasmine was born.  I think he already had a couple of guns when I met him.  Why are guys so pro gun?”

Jesse laughed, “If they’re anything like me he’ll need them.  Though now that I say that maybe I should get them fixed now so I don’t have to worry about anything.”

I laughed, “Too bad that’s illegal.”

Jesse laughed then winced, “Please don’t make me laugh too much.  I’m still healing below.”

I blinked and completely forgot, “Oh right.  Sorry.  So how long will you need to heal before you’re active?”

Jesse thought about it, “I think they said about 16-22 weeks before I’m healed enough to be active again.”

I nodded, “Yeah it was about six months before I was ready for anything after Samantha. She kind of tore me.  I had to get four stitches.  And Jasmine was even worse.  I had to go nearly two years before I was ready for any activity again.”

Jesse smiled, “Speaking of tearing.  How was your *birthday gift* to your son Gabe?”

It was a good thing I was already sitting down.  I looked around to make sure the girls weren’t around to hear me.  Jason had come home and left again on another one of his *trips*.  

His trips were becoming more and more frequent.  If I were the jealous type I’d suspect he had a side girl or something.  But every time he leaves and tells me where he’s going I do a check on his phone seeing where it was and each time it tells me exactly where he says he’ll be.  Plus we video chat every night when he isn’t home.

But still it was becoming so frequent I was going from daily sex with Jason to if I’m lucky once a week.

For a nympho like me that was torture in itself.

I looked at her, “Hold on.”

I walked into my room from the living room where there wasn’t a camera or at least not as many cameras.  There was a camera hiding in the corner of the bedroom and another hiding in the bathroom.

I sat down at my laptop and quickly logged into the surveillance system, input my credentials, and immediately turned off the cameras in the bedroom and bathroom.

If Jason logs in and asks why I took down the videos I’ll just tell him I was talking to Jesse about some icky stuff about her birth and say he didn’t need to hear it.

That should be a good enough lie to where he wouldn’t question it….I hoped.

Once I confirmed that I was alone and I knew the girls were off playing I spoke in a low hushed tone so my voice wouldn’t travel very far, “Girl I should have done some exercising and training before I even tried out my plans.”

Jesse got wide eyed, “He’s that big?”

I spoke lowly, “Let me just say I needed an ice pack after.  I was that sore.”

Jesse started laughing and quickly winced, “Damn it.”

Jesse got herself under control before she spoke again, “Now I’m really intrigued.  Maybe once I’m healed I should try him out.  That’s if I get your blessing that is.”

I felt myself blush, “Girl if you think you can handle him then more power to you.  I just know he brought out a side of me I didn’t know I had.”

Jesse’s eyes went wide, “Ok now you really have to spill the beans.”

I spoke quietly, “Maybe another time.”

Jesse looked closely into the phone, “Why?”

I nearly whispered, “Because I don’t want anyone to hear just in case.”

Jesse nodded, “Gotch you.  Well you will still have to tell me all about it.”

I smiled, “When you’re all healed maybe I will.”  Then an idea hit me.  I looked into the phone giving Jesse my usual mischievous smile, “Actually I might come by and see the little ragamuffins if that’s ok.”

Jesse not missing the look, “Knock yourself out.  Just bring me a burger or something.  The food here sucks.”

I laughed, “You got it.”

And we hung up.


I walked into the hospital room after I dropped the kiddos off with their respective friends.  They originally wanted to come too to see Auntie Jesse but I told them that Auntie needed her rest and I wouldn’t be long.

Naturally they got all bummed that they couldn’t go but when I dropped them off at their respective friends house to play their thoughts of the Auntie quickly disappeared.

I knocked on the door seeing Jesse completely out holding two of the little ones against her chest as the third one was completely asleep in the bed.  I spoke softly, “Knock knock.”

Jesse stirred from her sleep and instantly smiled at me as she whispered, “Don’t be too loud Rose is still asleep and I don’t have a third tit for her to latch onto.”

I nodded and walked in holding up a brown paper bag that read ‘Victor’s Awesome Burgers’, “I come bearing gifts.”

Jesse smiled, “Oh my god you’re a god send.”

She looked down at holding the other two before muttering, “Do me a favor grab that bag over there.  There should be a big ass sash in there grab it for me.”

I nodded and put the paper bag on the tray where there was some water and a food tray with food unopened.

I tried to be as quiet as possible as I set down my own bag and shifted through the bag until I found the ‘big ass sash’.  I held up the pastel red fabric for Jesse to see and heard, “That’s it.”

I walked over to the bed handing the sash and was instantly handed one of the babies as Jesse spoke, “Here hold Robyn.”  

Jesse put Rachel down in between her legs carefully.  She quickly threw on the sash making little ties here and there folding the sash this way and that until she was satisfied with the work.

She grabbed Rachel putting her into the first fold that covered her left side and whispered, “Come on bitch latch on……there you go.”

She looked up at me, “Give me Robyn.”

I held her away, “No!”

Jesse looked at me, “Hand me Robyn.  You can hold Rose and feed her if you want.  There’s a bottle of my milk right over there.”

I frowned at her, “Fine!”  And handed her Robyn.  

Jesse quickly put Robyn in the fold on her right side grabbing her mound over Robyn’s head until she meekly smiled as she felt Robyn latch on.

Jesse sighed, “There we go.”

She reached over and grabbed the rolling table until it was mere inches away from Rachel and Robyn’s head.  She greedily rubbed her hands together, “What did you get me?”

I picked up Rose along with the bottle trying to coax the little one to accept the nipple.  

Took me a second to get it just right but I got the little bugger to quickly open her mouth and start sucking on the warm bottle of mother’s milk.

I looked up at Jesse happy I hadn’t lost my touch and spoke, “A hot pastrami with extra meat, extra cheese, light pink lettuce, extra criss cut fry, extra habanero mustard on a pumpernickel hoagie.”

Jesse had a tear well up in her eye, “Oh Sarah you shouldn’t have.”

She vigorously tore open the bag to retrieve the delectable sandwich that I knew Jesse loved.  I had watched her eat one of these sandwiches every week ever since I had known her.

It was her one vice she allowed herself weekly.  The rest of the week I watched her eat nothing but healthy food that she had prepped every single day.  After work she would religiously hit the gym for a couple of hours.

After she married Rory her habits changed a little bit but not by much.  She still prepped her meals.  She still had her heart clogging hoagie every week on Wednesdays.  She still hit the gym religiously after work.  But now she added her eccentricities, aka her swinger lifestyle, somewhere on the side.

How she had time to be so open and polygomy I had no idea.

Then she became pregnant and was a little irritated her new cravings kept her from her favorite vice, the hoagie, only to add a new vice which was buffalo wings with ice cream and peanut butter or hot cheetos with cream cheese.  She still tried to prep meals but that was thrown out the window when her random cravings kicked into high gear being more and more unhealthy.  Each time she tried her favorite vice once she bit into the delectable sandwich she would immediately run for the nearest receptacle and proceed to throw up eventually tossing the sandwich away being pissed off.  After the sixth time she simply gave up having her favorite vice and started counting down the days until the little ones were out just so she could have her vice back.

I couldn’t bitch much or frown on her weird eating habits or my own pregnancy food of pickles mayonnaise and cottage cheese would be considered just as weird.

First time I ate that in front of Jason he nearly threw up in his mouth and had to not be around when I had my pregnancy food.

Every once in a while when I want to be alone I’ll break out the pickles and mayonnaise.  Jason would freak out and run for the hills only to come back with a pregnancy test to make sure I wasn’t expecting.  Each time my tests come back negative.  But it’s still fun to watch him freak out.

Maybe that’s where my son gets his random eccentricities from?


Jesse held up the sandwich and lightly whispered, “Please be good please be good.”

And took her first bite.

She slowly chewed letting the food roll along her tongue for a second before moaning.  Through the mouthful she loudly spoke, “Thank fucks this is amazing.”

Once the first mouthful was enjoyed Jesse proceeded to vacuum the hoagie with amazing speed.

Granted if I loved a sandwich like she did and couldn’t have it for nearly seven months I would hoover the sandwich down too.

I didn’t have that problem with Gabe or Samantha or Jasmine.  I could eat anything I wanted without fear of running to the bathroom to immediately throw it up.  I just gained a comfort food that before Gabe I thought was completely disgusting.  Usually my cravings just had me mix and match weird combos that when I wasn’t pregnant even I thought was weird.  Usually when I’m not pregnant I’ll still have those weird combinations just not really often….especially if I wanted to keep my slim figure I didn’t dare do any of those weird combinations too often.

After she crammed the last remaining bite and swallowed she didn’t let out any shame as she proceeded to let out the longest loudest belch.

After the surprisingly guy sound coming from the unusual source she let out a long sigh with a big smile on her face, “Thanks Sarah I needed that.”

She moved the table to the side so there wouldn’t be any chance of the new ones banging their heads on the rolling tray.

From here I could hear faint light sucking coming from Jesse as Robyn and Rachel fed on mommy’s milk filled sources.  Not to be drowned out by Rose’s light sucking coming from the bottle.

I looked at Jesse, “So how long before you’re released?”

Jesse sighed, “Until I have a bowel movement.  But because of the drugs and everything I’m so constipated I don’t have the urge at the moment.”

She looked at me, “But enough about me and the kiddos with the random idle chit chat.  Show me what you came here to show me.”

I blinked at her, “What makes you think I came here other than to see you and the new ones?”

Jesse looked at me mischievously, “Because I saw your wicked smile earlier.”

I sighed, “Fine.  But this stays between you and me.”

Jesse sighed, “Come on Sarah I kept your secret when you shared your urge.  I’ll keep this one as well.  Now show me.”

I looked at her, “Fine.”

I walked over to where I put down my bag where I had my laptop hiding.  While still holding Rose, I pulled out the laptop with it’s charging cord and a pair of old headsets that was handed down to me from Gabe when he got a new one.

I set the laptop on the tray and moved it so it was on the other side of the bed so no one walking in would be able to see the screen.

I plugged the laptop in and powered it on.

Once I logged in, I plugged the headsets in and navigated to the location of my hidden file that I had edited down.  Thank you Jason for teaching me how to do elementary editing.

I plugged in the password I put on the shaved down file and it opened up in the assigned video player.

With everything set I handed Jesse the headphones so no one could hear what would come out of the video that I acquired by having Kelly hide for me on the day and simply let it record ALL day until I took Gabe, Summer, Kelly, and their friend Morgan out to dinner with me and the girls.

I stepped back and let Jesse watch uninterrupted as I looked down at her bundle of joy happy to have a baby in my arms again.

I faintly heard Jesse murmur *Oh my god* and the occasional *Oh my* with some light moans.

Eventually she stopped and took off the headphones.

She looked at me, “Holy shit Sarah you actually did it.”

I blushed but nodded.

Jesse gave me a wolfish smile, “How was it?”

I walked over to the door of her room looked both ways to make sure no one was coming before closing the door to her suite.

I walked back to Jesse careful not to be loud so no one would hear plus I didn’t want to wake up the new ones, “Amazing.”

I looked at the ground, “And horrible.”

I heard Jesse speak, “Ok…. you’re gonna have to explain that one to me.”

I sighed deciding to spill the beans, “It was amazing because Gabe was able to do something not my husband nor his deadbeat no good running father could do…..” I felt my face get hot as I spoke the next words, “made me cum fast, hard, and multiple times.”

Jesse blinked, “Honey my husband and other lovers always make me hit bliss multiple times.”

I spoke, “Not me. At best Jason has made me orgasmed three times in one session and that was from a lot of stimulation and teasing to get me there. With Gabe on his first thrust brought me to orgasm then afterwards he thrust himself in me I just couldn’t help as each orgasm hit me. And each one was stronger than the previous. By the time he filled me up I felt like I was goo.”

Jesse listened, “So you’re telling me all the times I’ve watched you do all these teasing sessions you’ve never orgasmed?”

I shrugged, “Maybe various mini orgasms but never a real orgasm no.”

She continued, “And with Jason have you ever had a big one like you’re describing with Gabe?”

I shook my head.

She looked up, “Interesting.” She looked back at me as she lightly groaned, “So what’s the bad side?”

I looked down, “Gabe was much larger than I expected.”

Jesse looked at me, “How is that bad?”

I mumbled, “Because I want it again.”



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