[MF] I [M21] fingered my GFs twin sister[F20] into a quivering puddle on the floor by accident but don’t care.

I had been dating Karen for about three months and had met her sister Kelly only once since they were going to different schools. Finally the summer break was here and we had all decided to take a camping trip up to my families cabin for two weeks. Karen and I were going to meet Kelly and her girlfriend Liz at the cabin.

Karen was a real girly type girl. Flowery dresses, very ladylike, quiet and demure. Her twin sister on the other hand was a biker chick type dressed in leather and a tomboy. From the messages we had all exchanged Kelly was looking forward to going fishing and riding our dirt-bikes etc. and Liz wanted to hang out getting sun and swimming.

Karen and I had headed up Thursday night and opened the cabin for the season. Cleaning and stocking supplies and airing out the stale air from the place. That evening we were beat but everything was ready for Kelly and Liz to show up Saturday.

I lit a fire in the fireplace and had popped a bottle of wine I had brought and Karen and I were relaxing on the couch watching the fire when I felt her hand under the blanket reach into my shorts and grab me so firm I thought she was going to try and crush me. ‘Do you like that? It certainly seems like you do.’ My voice was caught in my throat but my dick had gone from a comfortable chub to rock hard in seconds.

She smiled and said ‘Shhhhhh. Let me show how much I appreciate you having us over for a vacation.’ She started ever so slowly sliding her hand up and down my shaft, so lightly, and so slowly. I let out a low moan and she smiled again. ‘We can take all the time we want because we are on vacation. We can fuck for hours if we want. We can just make love over and over. Doesn’t that sound good?’

She normally didn’t engage to much into dirty talk so this took me by surprise, but what really surprised me was the fact that with such a light touch she was driving me out of my mind. So much so the only answer I could give her was a shudder and a much louder moan of pleasure.

I really lost track of all time so I’m not sure how much time passed when she stopped and reached under the blanket to pull my shorts off and started using both hands. Her one hand was still running up and down my length as the other cupped the head of my dick and started twisting back and forth barely touching me but every twist felt like lightning running up my penis and making my balls throb. It couldn’t have been long before I was starting to thrust into her hands and getting closer and closer to exploding. She was kissing my neck and chest and my entire body caught fire and the only thing that existed in the entire world was the two of us.

Just as I was getting ready to cum I grunted like an animal. I was so under her spell that I couldn’t even moan. Instead I grunted like and animal in heat and started to tense up.

That was when she stopped suddenly and licked my neck under my ear and whispered ‘Not yet. Not yet.’

The world came to a screeching halt and I suddenly was in a state of total confusion, panic, and longing. All I wanted was her hands back and her kisses and her voice whispering dirty things in my ear. I started shaking and couldn’t talk even though my body was screaming for her and I wanted to devour her but I could barely even make my arms move an inch.

She stood in front of me with the blanket over her shoulders and said. ‘Oh my. You really did enjoy that. Look at you, so long and hard with drops of precum at your tip. You want me to let you cum, don’t you?’ All I could do was shiver and desperately nod once.

She giggled and let the blanket drop and was standing there naked with the light of the fire dancing across her body breathing almost as heavy as I was. I could see a glisten coming from her slit as she lowered a hand and dragged a finger across herself, gathering her juices. “Maybe you want this too?’ she ask as she lowered her finger to my lips. I could smell her musk and it was the sweetest perfume that grabbed my brain and squeezed like she had done with my dick. Opening my mouth I licked her finger and tasted the perfection of her own version of wine and it filled my body with a renewed fire and caused me to moan once more and started sucking on her finger hard.

‘You are so good to me. You are the most thoughtful lover there is and you have always made it your mission to make me cum until I am a quivering ball and in heaven. Now it’s my turn. I’m going to fuck you until you soul catches fire with lust. Are you ready for me?’

All I could do is nod like a moron, grab my dick and point it towards her with what I’m sure was a begging whimper. She nodded at me and smiled and I could see wetness running down her thighs now and her nipples straining toward me as she stepped forward and firmly grasped my cock and straddled me.

She ran the tip of me up and down her soaking slit and she moaned with me, and shuddered with me as well. She leaned her mouth next to my ear and whispered to me. ‘I want to fuck like animals I want to devour you like an animal and keep going until we both explode like a sun.’

Something about what she said unlocked all my muscles and my hands grabbed her by the hips and yanked her down hard onto my cock like I was trying to climb inside her. I was buried inside her and I could feel her contracting around me and it was as if her pussy was milking me and trying to pull me in further.

She let out a primal grunt and her mouth was on my shoulder licking and sucking and as I let go of her hips and touched her breasts with a squeeze she bit my shoulder hard and started lifting and lowering her hips in the same slow motion she had used before. It must have been, at best, 30 seconds before I grabbed her hips again and started thrusting as hard and as fast as I could and it couldn’t have been more than three thrusts before I was exploding so hard I lost my vision and could only think about how perfect this was. I came hard and it seemed like it would never stop filling her and I was reduced to the animal she had wanted to fuck.

As I exploded in her she grabbed me and was digging her nails into my back and was biting my neck like a vampire getting her first meal in a century. She was shaking and making incoherent noises and her hips were grinding into me as if she was trying to climb through me.

As we finally slowly started to regain our senses she pulled her head up and looked me right in the eye and I could see the want in her soul and I pulled her onto her back on the couch and started moving in and out of her again without ever having left her. Not that the grip she had on my shaft would have let me.

I came two more times like that with her that night and she was climaxing over and over the entire time screaming and groaning and licking and biting like an animal.

I finally awoke to a light shining in my eyes and Karen next to me on the couch looking like she had been run over by a truck but with a smile on her sleeping face and an occasional sigh coming from her.

I untangled myself carefully from her and the blanket and made my way painfully to the bathroom. My dick felt like it had been beaten with a hammer when I grabbed it to piss and I didn’t think I would ever stop going. Finally I finished and headed for the kitchen in desperate need of juice and coffee.

Coffee was ready and I had just finished frying some eggs when Karen woke and slowly made her way to the bathroom bent over like I did just a half hour before.

I had a glass of juice ready for her as soon as she made it into the kitchen and slid a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. She smiled and quietly said thank you. I said that she was welcome and she grabbed my hand and said with conviction this time ‘No, I mean it. Thank you.’ I smiled at her and nodded kissing her on the neck.

I told her I was going to go outside and split some more firewood and, I grabbed my pants and boots then left her to her breakfast, and headed out back.

After about an hour I headed into the cabin after washing up in the ice cold rain bucket outside. And there she was leaning over the kitchen table in a short sundress. It unlocked all of the dirty thoughts from the night before and I crept up behind her and put my left hand over her mouth as I slipped my other hand under her dress and my ice cold had started caressing her though her panties. Seconds later she was soaked and dripping in my hand and she lowered her head into my other hand on her mouth and moaned quietly.

I slipped a couple of fingers around her panties and slid them into her bringing out another stronger moan. I twisted my fingers in her and started to rub the inside front of her vagina and after less than a minute she was quivering and bucking in my hand and only a few seconds later she was squirting like a river in my hand and covering the floor in her juices.

She slumped in my arms, and dropped to her knees and grabbing onto my arm. She turned her head slightly and said. ‘Hello to you too, big boy.’

I was stunned. I wasn’t Karen I had just fingered until she soaked the floor and couldn’t stand. It was her sister Kelly. I was holding her up and she finally managed to get to her feet with my help. She giggled and said. ‘Now I can see why my sister loves you.’

I started to apologize to her about the mistake in thinking she was her sister when she put a finger on my mouth and said to be quiet and not worry about it. She had just gotten there a day early and Karen had let her borrow the dress after a five hour drive up to the cabin and was happy to meet me again.

I grabbed a towel and cleaned up the puddle on the floor all the time telling her how sorry I was. I asked her if she wanted to go into the other room and sit. She shook her head and said that she doubted she could stand right now and she would be happy to get a cup of coffee.

We were sitting at the table and having coffee when Liz came in the room with Karen right behind her. Nothing was amiss, and we started our day by finishing off the coffee and going out onto the porch to get some sun.

I did tell Karen later that night about my mistake, and while she stiffened for a second, she reached over grabbed my dick hard and said ‘This is mine, so it’s ok.’

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m7i3ma/mf_i_m21_fingered_my_gfs_twin_sisterf20_into_a


  1. I’m surprised she didn’t demand to speak to your manager when you told her!

  2. Honestly this was pretty great throughout but I didn’t enjoy it as much with the title making you sound like a cheating POS. This was surprisingly more wholesome and that end was hot.

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