GTA and Cockwarming, a love story

The pink robe to cover me after the hottest of baths. The one that traps all body heat.

You are on the couch. Playing that video game like it is the only thing that matters. How soon I will prove you wrong.

I crouch between your legs, eyes pleading. You will not see me.


With little purposeful movements I undo your belt. The end of the belt through the buckle. The buckle itself releasing.

I stop, look up. Your eyes never leave that game. Cars to steal and all that. Bad guys to kill. 

Through your shorts I run my fingers over where it rests. Gently but knowingly. Do you stir yet? I can’t tell. You are better at this than I am.

Through the fabric I kiss it. Caress it. You pause the game long enough to take your shirt off but still don’t look at me.

Unpause. Game on.

Hiding a smile I hook my thumbs on your belt loops and pull. Instantly you raise your hips so I can pull off these treacherous shorts and underwear.

I have unpeeled you like a ripe orange. Now my mouth will taste your sweetness and saltiness as I swirl my tongue. Give me my reward. Within my mouth I feel your storm building. It is my storm, I will have it upon me.

I stand up in front of you. Directly in front of you. You lean your head to the side, looking around me. Never breaking stride in that fucking game.

I undo my belt and let my robe fall open. You could glimpse a long exposed strip of my white body if only you would look. My dark mound quivering for you if only you would feel. Fool, you will pay.

I ooze onto your lap, the most eager of pets. Straddling you, I scoot in close. Feel my fire skin.

My robe envelopes us like an amniotic sac. Breasts rubbing against your chest as I begin to lay kisses on your blessed neck. The soft-firm ones where my tongue darts out long enough to wet each kiss quickly before moving on to the next. I gyrate my hips as I do this, getting my scent all over you. I will not be ignored. I am undeniable.

I raise my body up and shake off the robe. You give my nudity the briefest of glances. I see how this is to be, a level 50 challenge.

I stand up and turn my ass towards you. It is face level now. Wait for a beat. Will you touch me? Touch me.


So I will reverse straddle you. Sit down upon your lap as one would do at a picnic on a perfect summer day. But then I will lean forward, displayed before you. Will you eat yet?

Again you press the pause button. Great strides. I wait, watching the now still TV. Deliver me?

Then your hand is upon me, exploring. Do it, I cry inside. And then, you do. I feel the familiar tip pressing against my womanhood. Searching for its way in. I wiggle my hips as you raise yours. Contact is made, we are as one.

Your hand goes back to your controller and you resume playing. Now is the time where I try not to move except in little motions. I do sit up, fully engorged with you inside me. It is effortless, to be this way, both of us inhabiting the same space. My legs are spread wide, tucked next to yours. I lean against you and we coexist.

Sometimes we watch a whole movie this way. Once in a while, only sometimes unconsciously, I make little hip gestures. And have to remind myself to slow. We both must focus. You soak and stimulate.

And then, by some unknowable timepiece it is ready. Movement. A star ready to go supernova.

My clit is an exposed nerve and the most delicate of touches from your fingertips jangles. Let me taste myself upon those fingers. You taste me too.

You tap tap tap my barbell and I clench. You rub in circles and my hips follow. Like a clockface I squeeze at noon and release at six. Squeeze and release.

Now your hands blanket me. Pulling me back into you, grasping my stomach, my ribs. Your hands fill with my breasts and I shudder involuntarily as you squeeze.

Then your kill shot. My ears you eat like the most delicate of pastries. You savor, you taste, you devour. I am powerless to pull away. Please don’t let me pull away. Now put your sounds in my ear too. Your marrow. Your velvety voice, your raw gasps.

We should be face to face so I can have your dark eyes. I rise and turn around, taking my place back upon your throne of exquisite pleasure. Put your hands on me. Guide me but don’t be greedy. Watch my face redden as I rise and fall.

I will tell you how it feels for a woman to receive a man inside. Time slows and stops for just the briefest of seconds until the surface is broken. Until the membrane within her mind and body remembers elasticity and allows you entry. You are coming home. You are home.

The toys are for me. One inside, one upon my pearl. I want, I need you to share this with me. Can you feel the vibrations from the toy while you are inside me in your space as well? Watch what those vibrations do. Feel my earthquakes.

Now. Hold onto me, if you can. We are smoke in each other’s hands but I will be threaded inside before you go.

Let me show you my secrets. Lets empty ourselves into each other. Maybe we can make one whole person for a time. This moment belongs to no one in the world but us.



  1. Like it a lot! My favourite sentence is “I will not be ignored. I am undeniable.”

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