My [F] nude photo ended up taped inside a port-o-john door at a construction site

Sometime in late summer 2001 one of the nude photos that my husband had taken of me ended up taped to the door inside a construction site port-o-john on a jobsite near Kansas City. They were building a hotel near the highway, but when I visited they were only about halfway done. Still a lot of guys working outside, but only 3 toilets. Of course when I visited KC for a long weekend to check in on the long hours my husband had been putting in that summer, I had no idea that 1/3 of the time these tradesmen were in the can they were looking at a picture of me in my birthday suit smiling at the camera. Unknown to me, a week before my arrival my husband had taken one of the nude pictures from an old photo shoot I’d done for him and put it on display. To be fair, the guys on the job didn’t know the photo was of me either. The only construction guy on the job I’d ever met before that visit was my husband’s boss and apparently he only used the jobsite trailer john, so he was oblivious. As I later discovered, it was a regular thing to have a sexy pinup plastered to the outhouse doors. In fact, the other 2 toilets had torn out pages from playboys taped to them. Because the photo of me was clearly amateur the men took more notice.

So when my husband picked me up from the airport on that friday afternoon and took me for a tour of the jobsite it wasn’t long before I started hearing whistles. This didn’t surprise me, it had happened many times before. But the looks I was getting and the sudden burst of giggles I noticed were pretty unusual for these kind of guys. My husband did a good job keeping it under his hat until we were out at the weekly Friday Happy Hour at the Applebees near the jobsite. It was here after about 2 beers that one of the construction workers reached over the bar to hand me the [pinup of me cupping my breasts and barely concealing my kitty]( on the bed. He then sincerely asked if I would sign it because he was a fan. I was initially mortified. I was completely unprepared for a naked picture of me to be flashed around at 5:30pm at an Applebee’s – but there we were.

Before I could fully process what was happening, a shot of tequila was practically poured down my throat. Cheers! Then another shot. Pretty soon I was completely over the momentary embarrassment and suddenly very tipsy. I remember rubbing my booty against my husband and he squeezed my butt cheek and held it long enough for one of the other guys to ask him to “take one and pass it down”. Everyone laughed. Shortly after I disappeared to the bathroom and slipped off my bra leaving only a thin layer of cotton dress separating my hard nipples from a bunch of horny construction guys. I spent some period of time (maybe 20 minutes, maybe 2 hours) flashing little peaks at my nipples and uncrossing my legs on a barstool toward the group of guys before my man drove us back to the hotel. I was pretty well gone by then but I remember him daring me to ride up the elevator naked and run down the hallway to his room at the Ramada Inn. Keep in mind this was still only like 7 or 8pm on a Friday night in Kansas City. So of course an old couple was walking the other way to get on the elevator and saw everything (yes everything) as I sprinted down the corridor. I remember that part, not much else. Apparently I took a [long bath to sober up]( and almost drowned.



  1. I’ve never seen nude photos or pinup’s at the portajohns on the jobsites in my area. I need to get a job where your beau works

  2. What I got out of this story is that some Applebee’s are more fun than others…..

  3. hot… did you sign the photo? also, did any of the construction dudes hit on you?

  4. Of your ever back around KC I’m sure a lot of jobsite guys would appreciate you!

  5. As a guy who lives in kansas city when are you coming back id like an autograph too!

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