[incest] Let’s hold off on the lawyers?

Throwaway name just for this because incest is so dangerous.

Wife and I have a marriage on the rocks. All pretenses of civility are slipping away. We each have consulted an attorney, and separation seemed inevitable. Two adult children, Jonathan and Vanessa, and they’ve chosen sides.

Only reason our household is still together is that my wife and I don’t love each other enough to hate each other. More like roommates. We don’t even fight anymore, not like before. Bicker a lot, about almost everything, but not much emotion in it. Kids took sides many years ago. Daddy’s girl and Mommy’s boy. In fact, they fight more than my wife and I.

And here’s a snapshot for you – wife and I at dining room table disagreeing about something. Everything, really. Jon comes over and stands behind her. Like he’s her wingman. Standing behind her chair, he puts his hands on her shoulders, encouraging her, support in her struggle. She visibly relaxes, the contact soothing her. She reaches up and across her chest and pats his hand with hers, then leaves hers there on top of his. It is almost an embrace. Then he gives her shoulders little squeezes, slight rubs. The little shit is caressing his mother right in front of me, and she starts to smile, then tries not to. The boy she loves has her back as she deals with the man she doesn’t love anymore. His hands are openly massaging her now, stroking her, and she loves it. She leans back into him, away from me.

My daughter isn’t brazen enough to do anything like that. Her support for me is private, just between the two of us. Vanessa saves her love for me until we’re alone. Which is a lot these days. My son and wife play tennis together at least twice a week. They always shower at the club, returning home with wet hair and a change of clothes. I hear a double-entendre in their banter: “You really wore me out today, Mom.” “You get better every week, Jonathan.” Maybe they don’t play tennis. I’m almost certain my son is having sex with his mother. I guess somebody has to. Lord knows I don’t fuck her anymore, haven’t for a year or more. Maybe I don’t care who took my place?

Because while they’re playing whatever, when they are away, my daughter and I cuddle on the sofa, or her bed. My wife and I long ago bought separate beds, and the only physical contact I have now is with my daughter. We hug and talk and massage each other in our magic place all by ourselves. She’s 19 and so sweet and tender and she adores her father so much. If her mother doesn’t want me then she does, twice as much. We make it a point to be decent and in the living room again before the other couple return. Once or twice she forgot to put her bra back on.

Last night Vanessa mimicked her brother with the wingman behavior. She stood behind me and matched his shoulder massage with one for me. I know my wife like a book, and I know I could see that she noticed her daughter’s behavior. So did Jonathan. I was so proud of Nessa for being brazen, marking her territory, declaring her allegiance. It was like the youngest of us was the only one to have the guts to risk putting the truth on the table. I reached up and patted her hand, held it.

Soon, later, in our separate beds, my wife and I had the tersest conversation ever. She spoke first.

“So. You two now?”


“Thought so. Took you a while.”

“I believed in tennis for a while.”

“But not now?”

“Not lately. We OK?”

“Yeah, you OK?”

“I think I am. She is, too. Does he know?”

“He predicted it weeks ago, but I didn’t believe you had the balls.”

“I didn’t. Your daughter did.”

“I’ll fill him in next time we play tennis.”

“Before or after he fills you?”

“Don’t complain. She’s a treasure.”

“I know. You were once.”

“Shit happens, Donald.”

“Rebecca, can we call off the lawyers?”

“Live like this?”

“For a while?”

“It does suit us.”

“I think the kids are happy.”

“Yeah. I think we all are, right?”

“We have to be careful.”

“Can you and I talk tomorrow?”

“Sure. About?”


“Yeah, that would be great, right?’

“Night dear.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m60q71/incest_lets_hold_off_on_the_lawyers


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