Part 4: The Optometrist Visit that rocked my world [MF]

Part 4: The Optometrist Visit that rocked my world

Before I continue with the rest of the story, I will paint a picture of what Dr. Robbins and I looked like since that came up a few times in comments.

Me: (in case anyone cares lol) I was about 6’1, 200 lbs, medium dark skin, black hair, brown eyes, fit body but not ripped or anything. Played sports and lifted weights but also liked to eat. Just a bit above average in the cock department. Wish I could say I was slinging a monster but no complaints!

Dr. Robbins (everyone wants to know this): In her 30s, found out later she was 36. 5’5, 140ish lbs. Her bra size as I found out later was 36 DD, nice toned legs with a round ass. She was thicc without being fat. Brown hair, blue eyes. Pretty face, like really pretty without that hot model look. That has been my ideal for what I like in women ever since.

Okay, on to the story..

I got home without any incidents which was amazing because once again I was floating. I didn’t want to seem overly desperate so I forced myself not to email her that night. I had to keep it together. I started thinking about how I could get her in a room with a bed or at least a couch. I figured it would make the next step a bit easier. As sexy as it was to get busy with her in the examination room, it was cramped and small and didn’t really make it easy to set a sexy mood. That night I dreamed about how I was going to get with her again and she would do anything I asked her to..till I woke up hard as a rock and still as confused as ever about how I was going to move to the next step.

I woke up and without thinking too much about it, I just started typing out an email. I was done overthinking and just wanted it over with.

***Dear Dr. Robbins,***

***I had a great time last night. I hope you did too. I also hope you had a great dinner with your friends. I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I have ever met and I really hope we can see each other soon and maybe somewhere other than the clinic.***



I hit send and then all the doubt and panic came roaring in. Why the hell did I say all that. She will think I am a total weirdo for coming on to her that strong. Where the hell could I see her other than the clinic anyway? She was married with kids and I lived at home with my parents. I felt dumb as a brick and got ready for school. I knew if she even bothered to respond to my email, it would be a gentle rejection. More likely, she would just tell me to fuck off. I went through school with those thoughts swimming in my mind and barely paid any attention to the classes. Thankfully I was a good student and the teachers didn’t seem to mind my absentmindedness. I had no way of checking if she had responded to my email so I just had to wait till I got home.

The bus ride home took forever and I raced into my room to my computer without even stopping to say hello to anyone. I think my family was used to me being a moody teenager and didn’t really say anything. I booted up my computer and connected using dial-up. Jesus Christ, you guys remember dial up?? I finally logged into my hotmail account and my heart leapt with fear and I guess excitement because there was an email from her!!!

I also found out that her first name was Kate! I always thought of her as Dr. Robbins or the sexy optometrist.

***Dear Sam,***

***First, you should call me Kate. I think we are past the formal stage don’t you? ;) Second, thank you for asking about my dinner with friends. I had a lovely time.***

***I know you had a great time! I have to say that I did also. You are a quick study and you are very..enthusiastic! I know it’s wrong what we have done and I am definitely going to hell but there is something about you that I like. It also helps that you make me feel young again because my husband certainly doesn’t.***

***I am not sure I am comfortable with meeting anywhere else to be honest. It would be too risky. Please don’t tell anyone about this because that will ruin my life. I have booked you in for Wednesday at 5 pm again so we can finish up our exam finally. I will see you then.***


My brain definitely exploded reading the response. It was honestly better than I ever expected. She didn’t tell me off. She didn’t agree with meeting me elsewhere but honestly that was a stupid idea. There were no good ways of going about doing that. Getting a hotel room may have worked but I was in high school with negative money and she was married. I was going to stop pushing that and just go with the flow.

I told my parents about my appointment and they seemed surprised that I was still going to the doctor. I explained saying that the glasses weren’t a perfect fit so she wanted to make sure it was done right. They seemed to buy that and I set off to scheme some more about how I would take things to the next step. Although, looking back at it, I probably needn’t have worried. She clearly liked what we did and she set up another after hours appointment. But..I was young and dumb and incredibly horny.

So, I went through scenario after scenario where I bend her over and slide inside her from behind making her moan. Or I lay her on the ground and mount her there or where she bounced on my cock cowgirl style. Needless to say, my poor cock was getting quite the workout on a daily basis. I once again stopped touching myself the day before and the day of the appointment. I wanted to be full of cum and testosterone. I knew if I popped too early, I’d be ready for round 2 soon anyway. This was of course wishful thinking because I had no idea if she would want to mess around with me or not.

That appointment couldn’t come fast enough. I did everything I could do get rid of all the pent up feelings in my head. I went for hard and long runs, I did workouts till I felt exhausted. I somewhat less passionately worked on my homework and spent time with my family and friends. They could tell I was not quite all there but no one made a point of it. I think they just thought I was going through a phase.

Finally, the day arrived and I went to school like normal. One thing I finally noticed but had been happening for a week or so was that more girls were making a point of looking at me and/or talking to me. Before that I think I was just kind of invisible. I am not sure if it was the confidence or at least the slight reduction in desperation that came with the sexual experience. Either way, I didn’t exactly capitalize on any of those things but I played it cool and talked to girls my age just as if they were boys. All of my sexual energy was focused on Kate! Such a sexy name! My somewhat cool response to the girls’ attention actually worked out for me because they were left feeling confused about why I wasn’t all over them like some of the other guys. I did end up with some fun times later with one of the girls but that’s a different story.

I didn’t have time to go home after school before my appointment because I had basketball practice right after school. I worked up quite the sweat so I showered off in the locker room and then caught the bus to the mall where the clinic was. I already had the condoms from last time and I figured the chocolates and flowers were appreciated so far so I went and got more chocolate and a caucus this time. I figured that was again better than flowers and easier to explain.

I was right on time at the clinic which was again locked so I knocked and waited patiently. I started getting a bit anxious when I didn’t see or hear anything for a few minutes. I started thinking maybe she changed her mind when I saw her coming from the back. I swear I heard music playing as she walked towards me. She was dressed up! She had on a short black dress, maybe a couple of inches above her knees. It was thin straps and her cleavage looked absolutely delicious. I must have been mouth breathing because she cocked her eyebrows at me and asked if I planned on coming in.

I closed my mouth with an effort and walked in, getting a whiff of her perfume and my cock came roaring to life right there. It was already at half chub so it wasn’t a huge difference. I tried to move my body in a way that hid it but I think it was a lost cause. I stuttered out a greeting and gave her the chocolates and placed the cactus on the reception counter.

She smiled at me and said, “You are so sweet but I am going to get fat if you keep bringing me chocolate! Thank you though, it’s very thoughtful!”

I grinned and told her it was my pleasure and that I liked bringing her gifts. So far so good.

She told me to follow her and we went past the exam room into the back of the clinic. This was new to me. I didn’t realize how big the actual space was. There was a break room and another office. We went into the office which obviously belonged to her since it had all of her things and more importantly, it had a nice looking couch. The atmosphere was definitely different now. I asked her if she had other dinner plans tonight since she was so nicely dressed. She turned to me and said, “Actually, No! I put this on just for you!”

My jaw must have hit the floor because she laughed and pushed me gently back till I fell backwards onto the couch and she straddled me and gave me a long and hard kiss. My hands naturally fell to her waist and then lower as her dress slid up so her ass was totally exposed. I rubbed my hands on her ass and realized she wasn’t wearing any panties! I just about busted right there but held it together. I kissed her back passionately as my hands explored her ass. I would circle her ass and get closer and closer to her pussy but not actually touch it fully, just glancing touches. I figured teasing was good. She was getting worked up and grinding into my hips when she finally pulled her lips off mine and said, “Quit teasing me and touch my pussy!”

I grinned and almost by instinct slapped her ass which left a nice red handprint on her pale skin. That definitely woke something up in me that day. She gasped and her face turned red, she said, “Uh, do that again but um also touch my pussy?” Her voice had gotten a bit less assertive and more soft. I said sure and pulled her back in for a kiss as both hands came down hard on her ass making her jump. I was in heaven! I alternated between smacking her ass cheeks and rubbing them until finally I sank two fingers into her quivering little pussy. She was soaked!

My cock was straining so hard that it was actually starting to hurt. I shifted my hips but couldn’t get comfortable. I tapped her shoulder and rolled her off me so she was on the couch with her legs spread while I stood up and pulled my shirt off and pushed my pants down. I wasn’t wearing underwear but I did remember to take my socks off. I stood there with my cock hard as a rock waving up and down as I took her in. I knew I wanted to fuck her but I wanted to take my time. I figured an orgasm for her would probably help.

I knelt down on the floor between her legs and slurped up her pussy like a man dying of thirst. I pushed her dress further up her body til she got the hint and pulled it over her head. She was now just in a pushup bra which was doing all it could to keep those puppies restrained. I pinched her nipples through the bra as my tongue explored her pussy. I told her to take her bra off and while she did that I slid two fingers into her pussy.

I remembered what she liked and I attacked her pussy relentlessly. I licked and sucked and fingered her pussy till she was a quivering moaning mess. I kept on going without any regard for my fingers and jaw getting sore. I started to feel her breathing and moaning change and she started to let out this long moan that didn’t stop and her pussy clamped down hard on my fingers and kept pulsing as she came. I stopped licking her clit because of what she had said and kept fingering her till she finished cumming and collapsed back. I gently withdrew my fingers and gave her pussy a gentle kiss.

I moved up and kissed her on the lips and whispered, “Your pussy tastes so good! I would eat it all day if you’d let me!” I kissed her again and then sat down on the couch and patted my lap indicating that I wanted her to straddle me again.

She smiled weakly and stood up on shaky legs and leaned over me and placed her hands on my shoulders. As she was lowering one knee on the couch I reached over and captured her nipple in my mouth making her gasp and arch her back. I didn’t let her straddle me fully because I had her nipple in my mouth. I licked, sucked and nipped at it while my other hand played with her other nipple. I switched back and forth and honestly could have kept going forever but my cock was not to be denied.

I felt her lower her body on me and trapping my cock against my stomach and her pussy rested at the base of my cock. That was such a wild sensation. She slowly grinded her pussy against my cock as we kissed some more. I didn’t know what to say or do so I kept kissing her as I squeezed and slapped her ass some more. I figured it was safe to just keep doing what she liked. She eventually broke the kiss off and looked me in the eyes. She said, “Do you want to fuck me?”

I swear I almost nutted right there. I looked her back in the eyes and said with as much conviction and passion as I could, “There is nothing in the world I want more than that.”

With a smile, she lifted her hips, reached out to grab my cock and guided her hot, wet, velvety pussy all the way down on my cock. She held me there fully sheathed inside her and gave me little kisses on my face and finally nuzzled my neck as her hips started to move. I was in heaven, her pussy felt absolutely amazing and I squeezed her ass hard as she rode me.

I am not sure where my stamina came from but I was in the zone. I met her riding motion with my own thrusts and hearing her moan as she kept kissing my neck was absolutely amazing. She kissed up my neck and started to lick and bite my ears. Oh my god! I had no idea how good that could feel. I moaned loud as my body shuddered at the sensations. I think she could tell that I wasn’t going to last forever so she quickly hopped off and told me to stand up. She knelt on the couch so her knees were on the cushions and her body was propped up on the back of the couch. I will never forget that visual of her bending over like that, looking back at me and asking me to fuck her hard. My cock leaked precum just from her words as I roughly grabbed her hips and slammed my cock home.

I held myself in just enjoying the sensation of being balls deep in this gorgeous milf that wanted my cock. I was still exploring my dominant side so I reached out and grabbed her hair in my fist and pulled her head back a bit, not too rough, and she moaned! I knew that was a good sign so I pulled a bit harder and started to move my hips. I wanted her to cum on my cock so I started to go harder but still under control. Her breathing was getting ragged though and she was starting to almost moan non stop where it was less a moan and more a continuous sound coming from her. I found that so incredibly sexy that I was getting close to cumming. I held on with all my willpower and kept fucking her. I didn’t know what the goal was but I wanted to feel her cum before I did.

I let go of her hair and grabbed her hips hard as my thrusts picked up the pace. I started to smack her ass every two or three thrusts, leaving dark red marks on her ass. She had lowered her body so that her head was in the cushions now and her back was arched. I knew I was close and then I realized I wasn’t wearing the condom I had bought. Fuck! I panicked hard and started to pull out, saying, “I didn’t put the condom on, I have to cum!”

She looked at me with wild eyes and said, “Don’t you dare stop! I am on the pill, cum in me! Cum in me! Cum in me please!”

My cock took over from there and it was a frenetic, hard and wild fuck, my breath was harsh and my body was full of sweat. I was almost there and still fucking her frantically, slapping her ass when I felt the amazing sensation of her pussy contracting around my cock. That pushed me entirely over the edge as I blasted her insides with my cum. I kept moving my hips as my cock continued to spew out the pent up cum.

I finally stopped moving and held myself still inside her as I gently caressed her ass, making her shiver. I gently pulled out and my cock was almost too sensitive for the air in the room. I sat on the couch and she gently rolled her body so we were snuggling.

We caught our breath together, not saying anything, just gently touching each other. We must have laid there for at least 10 minutes and my body was recovering and my cock started to stir. She arched her eyebrows and said, “Really? You just damn near fucked me silly and you’re getting hard again?”

I smiled and told her that she just had that effect on me. She looked at the time and kind of panicked again but relaxed herself. We had only spent about 40 minutes in the room. She told me that she was going to make sure I will never forget this night and slid down to her knees between my legs. I looked at her wide eyed as she lowered herself and started to lick my balls. I felt my cock harden completely as the blood rushed into my cock. She laughed at the almost comical way my cock went from softish to rock hard in a matter of 2 seconds.

She licked my balls while her hands gently played with my cock for a good while before finally licking her way up my shaft and closing her lips on my head. She sucked a bit to taste my precum before showing off her skills and going all the way down. I gasped at the sensation again as I placed my hands in her hair. She looked up at me with a very submissive look, almost begging for it. She quickly pulled off my cock and said, “This is for you! Use my face to cum and let me taste you!”

I didn’t need to be told twice as I grabbed her head in my hands and started to face fuck her. She had no real gag reflex and only choked a little but that only turned me on even more. I started to fuck her face harder when I felt her fingers tickle my balls and go lower. I wasn’t sure what she was doing when I felt her finger that was quite lubed up with her drool slide into my ass. I gasped but didn’t stop, I knew it was wrong but it felt so good. I kept face fucking her as she slide her finger deeper into my ass and started to massage it. It was kind of like how she had taught me to hit her gspot. It was starting to feel really good but having just cum I was expecting to last longer and just enjoy her work.

I was mistaken though as her fingers did things that my body was not prepared for and then almost without warning, I started to cum. I knew from jerking off that my second nut was always less but this was different. I spurted a huge load in her mouth surprising both of us equally. She choked a bit but dutifully swallowed it all and pulled off my cock with a pop and resumed licking my balls. I think she honestly ruined me for girls my age because my expectations were quite high after this experience.

She finally stopping sucking my balls and took my head her in mouth to suck the rest of my load. She did it in a way that didn’t make me overly sensitive and I could have probably gone for another blowjob but time was now starting to be a factor. She finally pushed herself off me and stood up with wobbly legs.

We got dressed in a comfortable silence and left her office. I wasn’t sure what to say or do really. I definitely wanted to see her again but we couldn’t really keep using the appointment as an excuse anymore. She quickly moved me to the exam room and actually did the eye exam. Obviously I felt up her tits while she did which made her laugh and shake her head.

She told me that as much as she enjoyed seeing me, it was too risky to keep doing so for both of us. I agreed but was kind of bummed out and she could tell.

“How about this? I will see you every 3 months, to check your prescription and make sure your glasses are still working properly for you.” she offered with a smile.

I nodded but was still not overly happy at only seeing her 4 times a year. I didn’t want to come off as pushy though so I agreed and gave her a big hug and picked her up off the ground and kissed her.

I knew I was going to see her again and it wasn’t going to be in 3 months. We just had too much chemistry. I put her down, reached down and smacked her ass hard. I squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples making her gasp. I was starting to get hard again but her smarter head prevailed as she almost had to push me out the door ;) She kissed me and told me to email her as she shut the door and walked back in, walking kind of bow legged. I could see some of my cum leaking and trailing down her legs as she rushed to the bathroom. I laughed and went home, thinking about when I could see her again!


That was the last time I saw Dr. Robbins. I think she realized that the course we were on was not sustainable. She took a job in another city when her husband was offered a promotion. She told me all this in an email and told me that she enjoyed her time with me but we can’t see each other anymore. I was heartbroken, kind of, but by now my new confidence had continued to get me attention from girls my age and I was able to move on. With assistance from this girl that didn’t like my cool reception to her attention. She made it her mission to basically “get me” and that led to some interesting experiences too.

Thanks for reading. I had wanted to write this all out for a long time but never found the time or motivation.




  1. The fact that she subtly admits that she’s going to hell in the email. That made me laugh LOL!

  2. Epic ‘eye tests’, not just the ones in your head!! ;)

    Great arousing writing – why not tell us about your next girlfriend, sounds interesting!

    Confidence is a trick of the mind – ‘think you can you can, think you can’t and you’re right!!


  3. Amazing story. Just read all 4 parts. I had such a crush on my optometrist through high school and beyond. I never made anything of it like you though.

  4. Ahh thank you for taking us on this ride. I now also have a crush on Dr. Robbins hehe And your memory has become ours too. What a wonderful story and thank you again!

  5. Bro when I was 20 I got a blow job from a 38 year old woman and when she slid that finger in my butt I cam so freaking hard never been with someone that good since lol

  6. This series was a fantastic read! So sexy and well written! Thanks for sharing

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