Step Sister Corruption Part 91 – Day 49 Girl’s Gift Pt. 3 (fiction, M/F/F/F/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con, momentary harem, orgy)


I accidentally thrusted too hard on my slutty birthday present and sent the poor girl flying over the couch to collide with my mom’s present.


I had spent the last few minutes pounding my *gift* otherwise known as Karinna.

I had unpackaged Karinna in her slut-robe as she had been dressed as a police officer. Bent her over the sofa and started pounding her nice wet tight slit causing all sorts of sounds equal to Summer with the usual sounds.

Sounds like *Oh God*, *harder*, *fuck*, *spank my ass*, and various other sounds ranging from moans, groans, and pleading.

Then in my lust filled pounding I decided to be an ass and give Karinna one nice hard thrust.

This was a mistake.

Or funny depending on your view.

I let go of Karinna’s hips that I had firmly held onto with my tip barely touching Karinna’s quivering pussy and thrusted with all my might that I had in my hips…..still not holding onto her hips.

WHAT? I wasn’t thinking.

How could I? I currently didn’t have any blood in my brain to use any cognitive thinking.

And in retrospect could have gone a lot wronger than it did if I did any logical thinking.

I thrusted and Karinna’s legs weren’t exactly sturdy after her own orgasms made her balance walk…..and the final thrust just made her balance go out on Karinna as she tumbled over the couch with a loud *WOOF* and a “Oh shit!”

I looked over the couch at the failed flyer to see my mom’s gift had moved a fair amount and my poor gift was laying on the ground shaking and breathing hard.

Mia spoke, “Fuck! You ok girl?”

Karinna shook for half a second before answering, “I-I-I’m ok.”

She looked around and spoke, “How’d I get here?”

Kel started laughing, “You got launched…..” she tried finishing her sentence but couldn’t contain herself from laughing so hard she herself has been propped up on the couch suddenly yelled out “OH SHIT!!!” and rolled backwards and fell to the ground landing next to would be police officer.

I looked at Summer, “We need a nurse.”

Summer groaned still in orgasm bliss, “Nurse can’t move.”

I laughed and looked at the two girl’s, “You two ok?”

Karinna murmured, “Legs can’t move.”

Mia spoke, “That’s because Kelly’s on them.”

Karinna lifted her head and looked before putting her head back on the ground, “Oh.”

Karinna spoke, “At first I thought Gabe fucked me so hard that I’m now handicapped.”

I laughed……hard.

If Karinna was making jokes then she’ll be fine.

I looked at Mia, “You ready?”

Mia looked at my stiff member that was leaking precum and starting it’s deflating process. She spoke, “Have you cum yet?”

I shook my head.

Mia looked at me wild bewilderment, “How?”

I looked at her and smiled, “This isn’t my first nut.”

She gave me a weird look as I said I waved my hand at her like I was a fucking Jedi saying “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”

Yes I’m that big of a nerd.

And I couldn’t help myself.

Obviously that whole thing went over her head but she still squirmed.

She looked at me completely confused and held herself, “I don’t think I should play.”

I looked at her confused, “Why?”

She rubbed her hands and said, “I’m afraid if you nut in me you’ll just guarantee getting me pregnant by shooting past my plug.”

I laughed, “You do realize that’s not how it works right?”

She blushed, “I know but I just watched you fuck two girl’s and still haven’t cum.”

I smiled, “Oh trust me I was ready to fire inside Karinna but I decided to be an asshole and well you know the rest.”

She looked at me, “Ok but I would feel better being on top. I don’t want to fly like Karinna did.”

I smiled, “Ok.”

And I proceeded to lay on the ground.

Instantly Kel jumped up, “Oh no bitch it’s my turn. Karinna went and we agreed it’s my turn.”

Mia shot back, “Come on you get to fuck him whenever you want.”

Kel moved forward, “It’s my turn.”

Mia, “No it’s mine.”

Mia quickly straddled me looking Kel directly in the eye, “Besides I doubt I’ll last long.”

Before she grabbed my dick she looked over her shoulder at me, “Please don’t break me I want to actually enjoy this.”

I looked at her, “No promises.”

Mia shook her head, “No I want a promise you won’t break me.”

Kel looked at her, “Just stick it in Mia.”

Morgan grumbled, “Lucky.”

I looked up at Morgan who just stood there trying to keep calm but her eyes looked completely unfocused.

I completely forgot she was here.

Maybe I should include her…..more than she had been included.

I looked over at her *Mistress* to see she was finally beginning to stir by getting up and blinking her eyes trying to refocus from her orgasm stupor.

Summer looked at me in time to watch Mia impale herself as I felt my flesh rocket start getting squeezed as it entered Mia’s tight insides.

My tip was greeted by Mia’s tightness so much her opening tried to squeeze the foreign object so much to accommodate the willing opening but it was a useless fight. The nearly steel flesh wouldn’t give as the opening eventually gave to the object allowing the tip to go in.

Mia grunted as she got the hardest part inside her. Now she just had to keep going down.

Mia continued lowering herself and the tightness gripped my flesh so much it was like her insides though wet wasn’t enough lubrication to give the flesh enough viscosity to allow much slippage she her insides kept going accepting my dick. Threatening the rip the skin off as she tried to get more of the pleasing device in her.

If it weren’t for the previous lubrication donors the flesh spelunking would be very very painful.

Mia got to the point of no return as she stopped just a little over half had entered in her body.

Note to self keep some real lube handy around Mia because this whole trying to rip the skin off my dick as it went down her tight confines has to fucking stop.

Mia started bouncing always stopping at the same spot she could only accept.

I let Mia go knowing from my previous little sessions that once Mia was thoroughly worked up the whole slippage will increase so the threat of skin ripping will become a non issue. It’s always the beginning that the skin ripping was the big issue.

Eventually Mia started her usual moans and ‘oh fucks’.

Summer had finally stood up and wobbly walked over to look down on me.

She smiled down on me, “My my the birthday boy has been busy.”

I grunted holding Mia’s ass as she bounced up and down on my pole silently hoping one of her bounces would get her to go lower.

The mixture of pain and pleasure was a weird combination.

Like my dick wanted to fire off after being in two deliciously wet warm nice snug pussies. And now it is one that is almost too tight with the skin roughly pulled forward and back so much it hurt.

Summer laughed seeing the look on my face as if she knew my dilemma but knowing Summer having me in pain just furthered her cause to start doing more bdsm to her.

She smiled, “Enjoying your gifts?”

I grunted feeling my skin rub more along my shaft secretly praying that it doesn’t fucking tear until I felt Mia’s muscles tighten as her orgasm took and made her just wet enough to where the pain started subsiding and could finally enjoy having my dick in her.

I just had to ride out her orgasm so I could have my own orgasm.

Though knowing Mia she was exactly like Kel only a few orgasms and she was done.

Only difference between Mia and Kel was that though Kel might be an orgasm lump of goo you can keep going and her body just goes into auto pilot….accepting all sensations.

Mia’s auto pilot naturally wants to run away like her body is saying the flesh needed time. As witnessed some time back when I forced Mia to fully take my dragon and she was done for some time.

Plus she chewed me out for destroying her from accepting any normalcy of liking regular dicks aka average small Joe’s as she called it.

Honestly I think I already destroyed that inclination that she would be happy with normal boys. Which I think I’m normal as the next guy though the girl’s keep telling me I’m not normal.

What makes me think she’s already corrupted?


When I first put my dick in her she was tighter than she is now.

Not saying she’s loose…..far from it.

But when she first accepted me she could only accept half…..barely.

Now she was accepting like five eighths of me. Just a little over half…..once again…..barely.

Finally Mia’s orgasm subsided enough to where her muscles relaxed enough to where she could accept more of me and her lubrication was just right so it no longer feeling like her insides were trying to rip off my skin giving me an unwanted lower circumcision.

And just like that Mia slid herself deeper and deeper until she at the root but alas the sudden shock of watching Mia give me the best gift of accepting all of me was short lived.

As soon as Mia accepted me she rocketed herself so fast off me I barely registered it caused another orgasm in her.

The only way I could tell she had another orgasm was her laying on the ground quivering so violently the only thing that escaped her was a mix of a groan and a long “Fffffffffuuuu…..”.

I looked over the flopping fish as she enjoyed her orgasm wondering……Mia was officially broken.

And by her hand no less.

I looked up at Summer who watched the last portion and replied, “I didn’t do it.”

I had just spoke to Summer saying, “I didn’t do it.”

When we heard a clapping coming from the door.

All of us looked at the door to see my mom standing at the door clapping her hands with a bright smile on her face.

As soon as Karinna and Mia saw my mom they immediately booked it to the closest room to hide…..Kel’s room.

Well Mia didn’t bolt exactly more like looked at my mom confused as to why there was another person then her brain had fully rebooted to recognize that she needed to hide and pretty much crawled on all fours into Kel‘s room.

Once all the girl’s who wanted to hide were safely in Kel’s room the door slammed shut.

Morgan didn’t move she just blankly stared at my mom before looking at Summer, “Mistress?”

Summer looked at Morgan who was still in her skimpy maid outfit and chastity belt like she had forgotten Morgan was there. Summer sighed and spoke, “It’s ok pet. She knows.”

Morgan bowed her head, “Yes Mistress.”

My mom rose her eyebrow at Summer, “Mistress?”

Summer shrugged, “Long story.”

My mom waved her hand, “You can tell me later.” She looked at me, “Come on we’re going to be late.”

I looked at mom and said, “Late for what?”

My mom blinked at me like I should have figured it out, “I’m here to remind you we’re going to dinner for your birthday. Remember?”

I vaguely remember that.

I spoke, “What time is it?”

She didn’t even look at the phone, “It’s nearly 6pm. Come on we have a reservation at AC’s.”

I looked at the time, “Shit!!!”

I looked at Summer, “Go get dressed.”

My mom spoke, “And if the other girls want to come too that’s fine as well.”

I ran up stairs a little pissed off I had so many girl’s visit orgasm town and I hadn’t.

Stupid supplements.

I got up to my room and did a hop, roll, toss, spray and jump. Essentially I hopped into some jeans, rolled on some deodorant, tossed on a shirt, sprayed some smell good on me, and jumped into some shoes. Grabbing my hoodie on my way out of my room along with my wallet, keys, and cell phone to see if the girl’s were still in Kel’s room.

And naturally my mom was standing at the door tapping her foot.

My mom yelled, “Come on girls we don’t have time to dilly dally.”

Kel yelled out, “Almost done.”

Eventually the girl’s came out dressed in their respective attire.

My mom spoke, “You girl’s joining us?”

Karinna blushed, “Unfortunately no we have work in the morning.”

Mia spoke, “Besides we had our fun.”

I looked at the Karinna and Mia, “Really you’re not sticking around?”

Karinna shook, “Thanks but no thanks.”

Mia added, “If we stick around we probably won’t get any shut eye.”

Karinna laughed, “I need down time so I can actually function tomorrow.”

Mia chuckled, “Plus I’m sure Leslie will be pissed at us if we show up to work unable to walk and have a big bag of ice on our pussy’s tomorrow.”

Karinna muttered, “Again.”

Mia smiled, “Well it was fun.”

She came up and kissed me on the cheek, “Happy birthday Gabe.”

Karinna smiled and kissed me on the cheek, “Yeah it was fun Birthday Boy.”

Both girl’s walked out the door.

I looked at Morgan, “How about you? You going?”

Morgan shook her head, “No this pet doesn’t have to be at work until tomorrow afternoon so this pet is good.”

My mom smiled, “Perfect well we should get going.”

I spoke, “I doubt all of us can fit in your SUV mom.”

Mom spoke, “Nonsense I can seat eight. It’s just me the girls, you, Kelly, Summer, and Summer’s pet. We should be good.”

I spoke, “No we four will take my car and follow you.”

My mom looked at me confused and then got my meaning by smiling at me, “Fine have it your way.”

I nodded and all of us walked outside.

Once outside I handed my keys to Morgan, “You drive.”

I grabbed Summer and Kel, “You two are going into the back with me.”

Kel tucked herself under my arm, “Do I get the finish?”

Summer tucked herself under my other arm, “Or are we sharing your birthday present?”

I smiled, “Both.”

We walked to my car with a huge smile on my face with a single thought… hell of a birthday indeed.



1 comment

  1. Definitely a great birthday!! Damn that sounds fun as fuck!!! Bravo!!!!

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