[F] My (F 45) husband had an incest fantasy which eventually led to me sleeping with our virgin son (F 20).

I will try to keep it as simple as possible. My husband has a severe incest fetish since I have known him. We included this aspect into our sex life and we used to role play back in the days. Since I was exposed to this idea for such a long time, it felt very natural to me, not something disgusting or wrong. Two years ago, my husband suggested this idea to me, of me having sex with my son and I out rightly rejected this idea. However, my sex life with my husband was going downhill as well. He was no longer that interested in having sex as he didn’t have the libido. Also he had trouble with his back and pelvis which made resent sex even more. Basically, his idea was to have our son replace him, in bed.

He kept on pushing this idea and I kept ton rejecting it, but every time that he suggested this to me, I was getting more used to this until that day when I myself started thinking about the possibilities of having such a relationship with my own son. And I will be honest, when I thought about it, it really turned me on. So, I confessed this to my husband and he was really happy to hear this. Yet, I didn’t put my hopes high because we still had to persuade the biggest variable in this equation-our son.

It was at this time that the pandemic struck and our son moved in with us as his Uni was closed. Last February, to be precise. I looked for some suggestions in the internet, including this subreddit and some of the suggestions I got were ‘catch him jerking off’, ‘go naked in front of him’, ‘suck him off when he sleeps and wake him like that’ etc etc… you get the picture. I stopped looking for any because this is not how these things work in real life. So I let my husband decide what to do next and held the view that we should talk with our son like adults without any filter. And I liked this idea, even though confessing this to him like this frightened me a bit.

So one fine evening, my husband and I sat down with our son and we had the talk. My husband told him what this was all about, I told him what I thought about it and what I was expecting from it. Fortunately, my son wasn’t grossed out upon hearing this from us. He rather listed to us carefully and asked for some time to think about it in the end and we were totally fine with it. We didn’t talked about it for two days and on the second day, my son came to my room and said that if we are really serious about what we told him, then he is in for it. I couldn’t believe my ears for a while. I did expected a yes from him but when I heard it for real, it felt a lot different. I could literally hear my heartbeat from thinking about the possibilities of that one ‘yes’ from him. I texted my husband about it.

We decided to have sex that weekend, when my husband was to go to business tour. My son and I had sex that night. Next day, neither of us felt any guilt and we both were totally comfortable in facing each other and we decided to continue this. It’s been just over a year now, since we both have gotten active. We have sex when my husband travels or isn’t at home so my husband has never seen us in action yet and he says he doesn’t want to. We usually have sex in my bedroom or his’ and we go back to our respective bedrooms post sex. I have started taking birth control pills once again upon being active with my son so he is allowed to cum inside me or basically anywhere he wants to.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m4t1ne/f_my_f_45_husband_had_an_incest_fantasy_which