A twice told tale, with less emphasis on her opinion of my [M] floral shirts

Years after these events, I was casually surfing stories on student-teacher hookups (not on Reddit), and one started to seem very familiar. I remembered it differently—less pontificating, no Nat King Cole. Since Elizabeth told her version, here’s mine.

I was a graduate student living as an RA in a large dorm of about 400 during my final year before finishing my degree. My best friend there, Thomas, was in the same position. I came to think of him as a talent spotter. He had an eye for the undergrad women, and saw and appreciated their various charms keenly. He never behaved inappropriately. In fact, all the girls found him delightful, and not creepy at all.

Thomas’s eye would often change my view, and I’d start to notice a girl I hadn’t before. That was the case with Elizabeth. He pointed her out. She was a sophomore, 19, new to the place, 5’5”, brown hair, white. She’d move around, but was a Midwesterner. She had a big mouth, in an attractive way. Her breasts fit her perfectly, noticeable on her frame and contrasted nicely with her waist. What really made the difference though was her personality. It had a bit of a male current running through it. She had some dark streaks, and a subversive sensibility.

We gradually got to know each other, and had a common job in the dorm that brought us into a bit of contact.

I’d thought about having her, and knew it was a bad or at least dangerous idea, since it could cost me my cushy gig that provided housing.

I invited her to an event I had to regularly host anyway—a sort of social meet and greet, in my rooms. These were typically boozy and messy and fun. They were also probably unlike a lot of the other mingles held at the time. Most of the students were seniors with a few juniors sprinkled in.

She gamely came, and had more than a few drinks. We flirted, with some covert touches welcomed both ways. She stayed late—long enough to be the last attendee. We just went at each other. Full on touching, grouping, mouths on each others’ bodies. In what felt like no time we were naked on my bed doing everything just short of penetration.

She expressed hesitation. I was grateful. I’d felt the dim worry but hadn’t spoken up. I agreed. We dressed, and she left. Thank god. Her nosey, anxious roommates got wind of our connection and made their feelings known. I stayed away for my own good for the weeks until graduation.

After a year away I returned for work and our paths again crossed in 2011. Elizabeth was a senior by this time, still looking good, self-possessed. We met for drinks.

On our second meeting, she came back to my apartment. This time we went at each other without restraint. I was working a lot at the time, and it was such a wonderful uncomplicated stress relief. Her body was supple but I most enjoyed her breasts, seeing them move and sway as I pushed into her. That first time, doing her doggy I loved watching them hang down with her nipples grazing the bed.

After I came, I popped to the bathroom and returned to her cutely confessing she’d rifled through my things to find out my age. We were separated by a decade, and it felt exciting and fun. I fucked her regularly until her own graduation. It was simple and good. I think sleeping over in a man’s bed and getting a diner breakfast made her feel more grown up and less a college student. I was happy to oblige.

Later, she moved to New York and I’d see her when I passed through. It was just as simple and good as before, with a few highlights: when she let me bareback her, or when I fucked her on her roommate’s bed.

In the end, I think I had started to overlap with a boyfriend. We stopped sleeping together, and later she married him. From what little I know she chose a great guy and I wish them well. They’re a young couple that gives me hope.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m3mys1/a_twice_told_tale_with_less_emphasis_on_her