Sorry for the length, but there’s a lot fucking and excitement to get to, so stick with it. Most of this is backstory so I’m not expecting this to get highly upvoted, but this sub lacks genuine stories and this is very real.
Alright so this starts all the way back to college when I was 20. I met a good friend of mine, Aaron in college. Same degree as me and was my lifting partner. Probably one of my best friends I’ve ever had. We look very similiar, and we got mistaken as brothers all of the time. Admittedly, he was broader and an inch taller than me with a deeper voice. All of the girls in my major were in love with him and it made sense. I did very well myself as well, i was a bit more in shape and a bit wittier tbh.
Its sophomore year and he invited me to his birthday party a few months after we started hanging and lifting together. I get to the party and there’s some people I don’t recognize playing flip cup, small game. I introduce myself as Aaron’s friend and everyone smiles and invites me to play, I could tell they were already drunk
I look more closely at one of the girls and the attraction hit me like a truck. Just immediate and raw. She was blonde, about 5’3 and had the most insane hip to ass ratio I’ve ever seen in a white girl. Extremely fit, and had a deadly smile. I’d never seen anything quite like it. She made me nervous tbh, the type of girl where your blood rises and you get hard without meaning to.
Well, 5 minutes later Aaron comes out and says “oh hell yeah, glad you could make it. This is my gf Sam by the way” and put his hand around the blonde girls waste and they both smiled at each other. It honestly didn’t bother me at the time, I was doing well for myself and was happy to be at a party that turned into a genuine rager. One of our friends was a music major and came by and did an insane daft punk/odeza mashup set. I left with a girl around my arm so it was a good time. Something about Sam stuck with me that night, though. Its been 5 years but I still remember her so vividly. Exactly what she was wearing, what her makeup looked like.
Fast forward, Aaron’s my roommate for the next two years and Sam becomes one of my best friends. We connect about nearly everything and are on the same page about a lot. She even helped me through my lowest point after getting cheated on my senior year. I blocked all sexual thoughts about her, but honestly would catch my self staring at her ass by accident. She was just so tight and put together, and genuinely beautiful.
Well, we all graduate and Aaron and Sam are still together, 3 years strong with no indication of slowing down. They move in together and I often visited them to watch a movie or go hiking. I eventually started dating a girl named Sarah who was admittedly a bit too much for me to handle.
Anyway, Aaron had started his grad school degree and I had stated working. 2 months into his degree we all agree to go out in the city, just the guys in our major. Its just him and I driving down, and I’ll be honest, Aaron isn’t the most in touch with emotions and doesn’t really know how to process stuff, which always aggravated me. He just ignores.
During our car ride, he tells me that he met a girl in his grad program, and that the sexual tension is like nothing he’s felt before. He goes on to tell me that she gets him going by just looking at him and that theyre so alike it’s insane. Her name is Erica, and Aaron proceeds to tell me he’s been spending a lot of alone time with her for school work and that she’ll give him signs like when she sits down with him to work on the floor she’ll be extra bouncy so her tits bounce and will give him fuck eyes at the same time or she’ll touch his arms when they’re talking.
I tensed up and told him outright “hey man, I love when a girl comes onto me like that, but you have to understand she’s coming onto you and that you’re reciprocating by not turning her down right ?” Aaron played dumb and said “nah dude I don’t know.
I repeated to him “look man, I’m friends with both you and Sam. What you’re doing right now is suspect. If you want to continue seeing Erica you need to end it with Sam, or just stop seeing Erica more than you see the woman you live with and stop sending signals you want to nut in this girl”
He just said “oh” … And then I cranked the stereo for the rest of the short ride. He was fairly stoned, and I want to say he repressed that conversation because he didn’t take my advice and kept on emotionally cheating on Sam. It ended terribly 3 months later, and he ended up dating Erica the day after Sam told him he had to stop being close friends with Erica or it was over. Apparently, he pleaded and said it could still work but it was clear to everyone but him that he was emotionally cheating on and neglecting Sam.
So fast forward 8 months, I’m dating Sarah. I hadn’t really reached out to Sam because deep down I had strong feelings for her and like Sarah a lot, and I maintained my friendship with Erica and Aaron because they were fun and it was nice to have a double date friend group with Sarah.
Well, Sarah dumped me, and about 2 months later I decided to just send a long text to Sam about how I missed her and that I was sorry for not reaching out and that I had a lot to say to her if she wanted to go out for dinner. Because I was close with Aaron, I told him outright “hey, just wanted to tell you I reached out to Sam, we were always close and I’d like to still be friends with her. Because you’re her ex and we’re still friends just thought you should know” His body language told me he wasn’t OK with it, but he said yeah man no big deal.
Sam was ecstatic, and said yes to the dinner. We met at a bar and got some food, and I told her everything about what I said to him. She told me she was over it, but not seeing anyone. I told her I got out of a relationship about 2 months ago.
I looked into her eyes and held her hand for a second, but pulled away pretty quickly…… It was very cringe. She didn’t say anything but it was awkward. I don’t know, we were both awkward that night. I think we knew we both really liked eachother in that moment but weren’t ready to just say it right there.
Well, we get back to her apartment, both pretty drunk. And I I’m just smiljng and said ” I missed talking to you. Just makes my head feel better” she got close to me, smiled and gave me a slight head nod and then flat out kissed me. Legit went 100% of the way. I was shocked and something woke in me. We pulled away after a gentle and perfect first kiss, and then I asked “can I see your room?” She smiled and nodded again, and turned around, holding my hand and guiding me to her room. Her bubble butt was bigger than I’d ever seen it. She’d been working on it hard, and I was genuinely surprised she wasn’t already milking some other guys cock.
We start making out in her room, and I grab her ass and push her up into my waist, pressing her lower stomach into my hard cock while our tongues are swirling in eachothers mouths. She was quick to the draw and took my belt off and unbuttoned my pants and said “I’m already wet, let’s just have sex right now”
I reacted by lifting up her shirt and sucking on her perfectly sized C cups, while using my other hand to push her ass and body into me. She asked “I’m clean, are you?” I said “yeah, I haven’t been with anyone since Sarah and actually got tested after being with her” Next thing I know I’m on top of her and her hands around my cock, guiding it into her perfectly shaved and pink pussy. I’ve fucked a fair amount of girls, but Sam’s pussy was made for my cock. I’m pretty girthy and 5.5 inches, so not huge but not small. Her pussy is genuinely very very small, and I can just barely hit her cervix. I’ve never bottomed out with a girl so it’s nice to know I can get as deep as possible for her but not hurt her at the same time. When I get inside her it’s like a chinese finger trap. This night was easily the hardest I’ve cum in my life. A perfect pussy for my cock, a girl I’ve been admiring and repressing my sexual desire about for years.
And what’s crazy is that a minute into being inside her in missionary, with both my hands under and pushing and grabbing her ass she tells me “I’m cumming” and I blurted out “what?” And then she started bucking and girating her hips into me and I felt her pussy throb HARD. I’ve never felt anything like it to be honest. Once I felt it throbbing I immediately moaned and said “Sam where do you want me to cum” she looked at me and said “I have an IUD just cum in me. Please, cum in me”… With that I immediately went off inside her, and she matched every pulse of cum with gentle hip movements while kissing me, and her orgasm lasted until my pulses stopped and we were left laughing at how insane that was for a first fuck. I asked her right after “do you normally cum like that from sex?” And she said “no. I’ve never had someone average sized. Honestly, you feel better than anyone Ive had before”
Fast forward a few weeks, I’m seeing Sam probably twice a week and we get to the point where we’re pretty much an item.
Now, I’m a bit of a sleezebag because I fucked her and started something with her without telling Aaron. But we were both single, and Aaron had moved in with Erica at this point. It was close to 10 months since Sam and Aaron had broken up. I know Id be changing the friendship, but I needed to do this for me.
So… After introducing Aaron to a ridiculous band and then seeing them live, we were both coming down on a moderate dosage of shrooms. I tell him that there was something worth pursuing between Sam and I and that I was going to start dating her.
He freaked out at me, and called me a piece of shit, and said I was a sneaky fuck. I asked him why does it matter if you’re happy with Erica. We can’t be as close as we are now but we can definitely still keep in touch.
He wasn’t having it, and shut down. Nearly started a fight with me. I left, pretty heartbroken. But it was obvious that he was struggling with his decision at that time. I can’t blame him, considering id felt first hand what he was missing.
There’s a lot more to this story. Let me know if you liked it and if you made it this far, thanks for reading.
I would love to hear more, and am extremely happy to hear your two are engaged :+)
It sounds like Aaron was a little bit of a toxic person, & after a while, the benefits didn’t outweigh the toxicity.
Glad you’re happy :-)
Leaving people like Aaron behind is part of growing up. Sounds like you’re in a good place with Sam. Enjoy, you deserve it. And definitely want to hear more.
Sounds great. Congrats to both you and Sam. Fire away with more….
I had the same situation with the girl that is now my wife. She dated my best friend, they broke up a year earlier, we started talking/dating, he flipped out, ruined the friendship. I’ve been with her 26 years and never regretted it, not once. Best of luck to you both.
I’m probably the weirdo who gets distracted by details in a sex story, but this really stuck out to me:
> She’d been working on it hard, and I was genuinely surprised she wasn’t already milking some other guys cock.
This is the way you describe the woman you are now engaged to?
Big yikes.
Aaron wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
Congrats on the engagement!
You had me until the I got tested after I broke up with her part. I dunno sounds fishy. What reason would you have to get tested for STDs after ending a long term relationship. That’s the kind of thing you do when you get into a new one so you can stop wearing condoms.
Not really sure why Aaron is mad at you. It’s been 10 months at that point since he and Sam split, then dates another girl the next day after. Kinda toxic
Congrats and can’t wait for more ??
Hey man – have been in a very similar position to you. Friends with two people at work who used to date – she broke it off before I met them. After like to years I me and her start dating, and he never talks to me again… Said I wasn’t a real man because I didn’t ask his permission first, even though I took the time to tell him to his face, 1on1, before anyone else knew.
I second-guessed myself so much for months afterwards, but if you two are happy that’s the main thing. Glad it worked out.
At the end of the day, no matter how you try to word it, you shagged your ‘best friends’ ex. On top of that you started shagging her within a year of them breaking up after their 3 year relationship. You have literally violated the meaning of being a friend.
To me, it is genuinely fucked up and that’s all there is to it. The incels on here will defend you but man you really need to reflect on yourself I have to say
I hate to be that guy, but when someone puts their arm around my waste it’s gross. Putting an arm around my waist is nice.
Looks I am not the only one with a situation like that.
A friend of mine got dumped and started going on a fuck boy spiral, using girls, not caring for them, etc.
He started a relationship with this really sweet girl, but he always came asking me to help him get her presents she might like since “she was a nerd like you” (his words, and not in a bad way).
Fast forward a couple of months, he dumped her and carried on. I was single and asked him if he was alright if I reached out, since she was a cool girl. He said yes, and I did just that. We had a coffee and things just went amazing. Of course when I told him, he got pissed, threatned to fight me, but never did. We went our seperate ways and 2 years later, still going strong with this girl.
The only thing I have to say it is, that you did nothing wrong you are the perfect gentleman around your buddies girlfriends. He was no longer with Sam and he felt guilty about how he ended it with her and moved on to Erica. And Sam was obviously into you, which is obvious by you to be engaged now. Your buddy is just being a dick head, doesn’t care about your needs with somebody that he’s no longer with for almost a year. Evidently he’s not a true friend. Make sure you invite him and Erica to the wedding… bahahahaha
I had a similar situation. My buddy ended up giving me his blessing and said, “treat her better than I did”. But we haven’t seen each other or spoken since and it’s been 8 years… He’s blocked me on every social media site available. Though I tend to think it’s not me he’s mad at but rather it’s hard to see her happier with me than she was with him. He cheated on her back in the day and she ended things after she found out. Best decision of my life though! We’re happily married, the sex is still mind blowing, and I can’t imagine what adventures will await us over the coming years!
I’d love to hear more. Please keep writing!
You seem like a genuinely good guy in the story but I also don’t think you should expect to be friends with him, especially if she that special and your friend has a long history with her. I think it’s a reasonable sacrifice to get this girl can’t eat your cake and have it too
For me it’s easier to find girls than it is to find best friends. Eventually you will regret this decision. Just my opinion.
very envious and congrats bro. i used to date a woman who was also a perfect pussy for my average/small 5×5 cock. their pussy grips your cock like a vice!!!! never had a pussy like that before or since. you got everything set bro
I can’t explain the situation you are in.But all i wanna say is you’re stuck.
Nah at the end of the day it’s fucked up that you started fucking your best mates ex within a year of them splitting. I’d imagine the majority of people would react the same way as Aaron did. U have effectively backstabbed him