I kinda forgot that my wife is now a sub but some spanking quickly reminded me. [MF] (married, non-fiction)

The wife is home during the day with the kids as well as some neighbor kids she watches. As I often work long hours, we’re usually pretty tired in the evenings. We’ll make some hints and faces at each other indicating we’re both excited for when the kids get to bed so we can have a little fun but sometimes we just don’t have the energy to make it happen once we finally finish our day.

This night started no different. She was at the counter getting dinner ready for the savages when I got home. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and pulled her tight against me. As she melted into me for a moment, I could hear a soft murmer of hummed moan as I kissed her neck.

I whispered “I have plans for you later.”

She gave her butt a little wiggle, turned to give me a kiss and a wink. I washed up and helped dish out food. The evening progressed through dinner, spending time with the kids and trying to get them to pick up some of the day’s disaster. After the bed time stories had been read, blankets had been tucked and the normal amount of threatening for whoever didn’t stay in their bed, I came back down and had to do a few things for work. We both kept busy for a bit until I looked at the clock and told her we should really get to bed ourselves. After getting ready we both just kinda collapsed on the bed. As I pulled her in for a cuddle I realized that we were both pretty tired but I was still horny. We made out for a bit and she asked if I still wanted sex. I told her that was a bit of a dumb question but I’ll live if she’s too tired.

On nights when she’s tired and goes to bed before me, I’ll often joke about her sleeping with no underwear so I can just have my way when I get up there. This night she said she would be willing to have sex but was too tired to do much and asked if she could just lay there and take it (another running joke between us). Of course this wasn’t going to deter me at all so I pulled her panties off and pushed her over onto her stomach.

After giving her butt cheek a big kiss I rolled up on top of her. I laid on top of her and started slowly pushing against her ass as she could feel me start to get hard against her. We stayed like that for a minute while I kissed her cheek and nibbled her ear. I reached a hand down between her legs and started rubbing a little bit. I fingered her for a bit with my body still pressed on hers and loved feeling the vibrations through my body as she started moaning and pushing back against me. I decided it was time and started trying to slip the tip of my cock in. As she was still lying on her stomach and her legs were still mostly together and I was having a little trouble.

A little lube is always within reach for just such an occasion so I get a quick squirt and now we’re ready. There’s something magical about the way she moans with the first penetration and this night was no different. I started slowly sliding in and out, reveling in the feeling of her ass squishing against my hips with every thrust. I was still laying on top of her and really enjoying the closeness of it since we were literally touch from out heads all the way to our feet. It had such a beautiful, intimate feeling.

I got up on my arms and started going a bit harder and faster. I believe the kids call this “prone bone”. I just know I like it. With a little bit of adjustment you can either be sliding more back and forth so the cock goes deep up inside or straight up and down so it hits the G spot. As things continued, we were both getting more into it I noticed that there was starting to be a little more friction. Nothing too bad but sometimes the body doesn’t quite cooperate. Undeterred, I kept going and sat up behind her so I could start going harder. This exposed her butt cheeks that I love so much.

A quick side note for the readers: I mentioned in previous stories that we were very vanilla for many years and just started getting rougher and kinkier in recent months. Many years together has trained my brain and I sometimes forget that she’s really into me being rough now and it turns her on whereas before she wasn’t interested in that at all.

With her butt now right in front of me I can’t help but give it a little slap. I hear her say “harder” and it reminds me that this is on the table now.

I ask “What did you say?”

“Spank me again, harder.” She replied.

“Still can’t hear you. What was that?”

“Spank me harder!”

I made her repeat it a couple more times before giving her a hard, resounding SMACK on her ass cheek. Her reaction was instantaneous: I felt a wet gush all around my cock and then all friction was gone. Now it was game on with lots of spanking and hair pulling. She was begging me to let her cum but I told her that her lack of enthusiasm when we started would limit her to only 1 tonight. As I was getting close I leaned up and told her she could cum with me. I wrapped my hand around her throat and squeezed. This caused her to immediately buck and push against me harder as we came together. After winding down and riding the waves, I collapsed on top of her and enjoyed our sweaty bodies squished together.

Due to a recent medical procedure, our normally very active sex life had taken a week off and then a couple weeks of only once or twice to be careful.
As we basked in the afterglow her comment was “I didn’t realize how badly I needed that”

I just laughed and told her “You say that every time you just always forget. Maybe you should try to remember and have a little more enthusiasm next time.”

Stay tuned for more stories. I have some more that I have in mind but this one was just fresh from the other night so I decided to knock it out real quick.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m307jl/i_kinda_forgot_that_my_wife_is_now_a_sub_but_some