Wisconsin [F]s introduced [m]e to the world of sex.

I have to warn you, this is not an individual ‘gone wild’ story as much as it is the story of how I had finally ‘gone wild.’ I felt it belonged here because it is the truth – my truth. Rarely is the whole truth glorious. It is often embarrassing, regrettable, or possesses some element one would prefer to ignore or forget. The truth of my sexual development is no exception to that rule.

The fact is I was an extreme late bloomer. I was shy around girls in high school in the early-mid ’90’s. When I tried to talk to them I had no game. Even if I became friends with girls, I was never able to seal the deal and hook up. I played out the textbook psychological defense mechanisms like: having crushes on girls that I would have no chance of getting; the moment a girl expressed or indicated interest in me I’d assume there must be something wrong/unattractive about her; and adopting the ridiculous rule of only hooking up if/when I was in a committed relationship. Hell, I went to my senior prom with an old friend, and thinking back, I’m certain she would have hooked up with me had I made a move, but, of course, I was too much of a pussy.

So, yes, I entered college at the University of Wisconsin not only a virgin, but I had never even kissed a girl. Though I resolved to change all this once in college, my freshman year was a continuation of this permanent dry spell. I wanted to experience sex or at least sex play, but I still had too much of that fear of rejection or dread of people knowing I was so inexperienced left over from high school.

My first semester sophomore year, I finally made that psychological leap. I decided I was going to experience sex/sex play, hopefully have a girlfriend. If these experiences materialized into a relationship, great. If not, I would just have to accept that. Interestingly, porn helped me get to this point. I had been watching 70’s porno tapes for a while, and I figured I’d at least be able to imitate John Leslie, Jamie Gillis, Harry Reems, and the like. I saw enough vaginas on film to know enough about the anatomy, where parts were located. .

So my mindset was altered, and I suppose that was half the battle. The other half, of course, were the women. It turned out the University of Wisconsin was an excellent choice for a guy with my background. Specifically, the women from Wisconsin attending their state school, were a godsend for me. From the first one, a Milwaukee girl, I took back from a bar my friends and I frequented, it was a whirlwind. These Wisconsin girls didn’t just let me kiss them on my rented couch. The night of my first kiss was also the first blow job I ever got. The only reason I couldn’t go down on her was she was on her period that night. But the second girl, also from Wisconsin, we 69’ed. Even though it was the ’90’s, all of these Wisconsin women had those same huge ’70’s bushes I had grown accustomed to from my pornos. (This may have been the case with coeds from other states because it was still early days for shaving/waxing, but I was exclusively hooking up with Wisconsin girls.) And, it might have been because I met a lot of girls from rural parts of Wisconsin, but their bodies were so nice and womanly. Of course, this may be due to what I am subjectively attracted to, but Wisconsin certainly had this body type in high supply. Tall, athletic, curvy. Big tits, big asses.

It was Wisconsin girls that taught me how much I would love eating pussy. And the wonderful thing was, as long as they weren’t on their period, even on a first hook-up, they all let me go down on them. And the cumming I was doing! If they hadn’t already gotten me off casually jerking me off while I’d eat them out, they’d blow me after I went down on them or (most likely) switch into 69. As generous as they were, individually, they were not really looking at me as a boyfriend, even though I tried to see most of them again and see where it could go. This did bother me to some degree, but it certainly didn’t deter me from meeting someone new the following week and eating a new Wisconsin pussy.

Eventually, I got the confidence to go up to other non-Wisconsin girls in college, but Wisconsinites, whether they be from Milwaukee, Steven’s Point, Eau Claire, Fort Atkinson, Appleton, Elkhorn, or Marquette, were always my favorites.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m2l7lp/wisconsin_fs_introduced_me_to_the_world_of_sex

1 comment

  1. I’ve had a very similar experience in Wisconsin. Something in the cheese…

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