Listening to my flatmate fuck [F] (28f)

Is there anything more curious, unknowable, or indeed *fascinating* than other people’s sex lives?

Given the particular subreddit you’re reading this in, I’m going to take it as read that you’re inclined to agree. Sex is, arguably, the most diverse and interesting topic we can engage in and, especially when we’re not getting any ourselves, learning of the sex lives of others goes some way to filling that void – whether it be merely scratching the itch of interest and fascination, or outright providing arousal and titillation.

I’ve posted recently (and at some length) as to my current lockdown enforced dry spell. Which is to say that, thanks to national restrictions and social distancing rules, I’m currently enduring the longest duration of sexual absence since the bygone days of losing my virginity.

And I’m not dealing with it at all well.

My libido is in perpetual overdrive and loins perpetually fired. Arousal is near instant and can be caused by something as lowly and insignificant as a socially distanced stranger smiling in the street, to reading a particularly charged word from an unsuspecting source. I can only imagine this is the nearest I’ll ever get to understanding the mind of a teenage male. While of a similar age at school a friend once told me after I’d idly enquired whether near-constant erections were ever an issue; “You just don’t understand. It’s crazy. My dick doesn’t know the difference between a hot girl or a bike ride down a bumpy road – it pops up to say hello either way!” I didn’t understand back then. But now I feel a similar bike ride would be something I’d very much enjoy…

I’ve always enjoyed talking and deconstructing sex with friends. There’s little more gratifying or cathartic (other than perhaps the act itself) than breaking down and discussing the various ups and downs (or indeed, ins and outs) of a sexual session – to whatever degree of graphic detail or vague euphemism as your particular friendship group is comfortable with.

Usually this is, on my part at least, borne out of genuine interest and enjoyment. Whilst there’s often been an aspect of arousal to the discussions – it can be challenging not to find the imagery somewhat stimulating when graphic details are shared regarding individuals you’d very much enjoy sharing the same experience with – it’s always been secondary to the general enjoyment of participating in the conversation.

But now, no longer. While I’m not getting any myself, all I have are the escapades of others. And therein lies the issue.

Because the only thing more stimulating than hearing *about* the sex lives of others, is actually *hearing* the sex lives of others.

Which is where my flatmate and her boyfriend come in.

Because I’m hearing them a lot. And it’s driving me wild.

It’s not that they’re excessively loud. Or especially kinky. Or even exceptionally attractive.

It’s just enough to know that it’s happening. And usually only a wall away.

Prior to the last year I’d have been entirely capable of smiling to myself; delighted they’re enjoying each other’s company, but otherwise ignore the sounds of muffled action drifting into my bedroom. Or, given half the chance, drown it out with my own partner in crime.

But now – when all it takes is a half stolen glimpse at a handsome weatherman to spark the immediate need for self gratification – it’s wholly impossible to ignore.

Now, whether it be the lowly gentle rhythmic squeak of a mattress, a hushed and muffled gasping for breath, the energetic impact of a headboard against wall, or the sounds of whispered urgent dirty talk, I can’t help but feel inspired.

Which is to say that, like the true pervert I’ve become, I listen in, and I masturbate.

I know this compulsion will disappear immediately once the world gets back on track and I’m fortunate enough to no longer have only self satisfaction to fall back upon. But in the meantime I’ve become somewhat obsessed and genuinely (and ironically) can’t help myself.

There have been instances over the past few weeks where I’ve found myself quite literally with my ear to my bedroom wall, searching for greater volume and better acoustics, all the while masturbating furiously to the sounds of two people I know well fucking.

It’s mostly a time and somewhat functional affair, but every so often he’ll apparently be filled with a greater sense of urgency or inspiration and will become surprisingly commanding. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to enjoying those sessions most. My flatmate meanwhile is equally happy to take the lead, but given I’m more than familiar with her passive aggressive tone when it comes to household maintenance, this surprises me less.

I’ll usually try – though often fail – to time my orgasm with his. I’ve become better at it as time as gone on, but it’s a tricky task through a wall when things can often be quiet before the final glorious knowing grunt.

On these occasions – because if you’re going to be a pervert, you might as well do it properly – I’ll usually then peak through the crack in my door to see if he takes his turn to do the naked walk to the bathroom. Something I’ve now caught him doing on multiple occasions. Twice quite literally, where I’ve been emboldened to literally step out and catch him in the act.

You take the limited thrills where you can these days.

To head off what I strongly suspect will be the first question you may wish to ask: No, a threesome is most definitely *NOT* on the cards. As much as I’m a fan of the humble ménage à trois, myself and my flatmate simply don’t have that kind of a relationship. She’s not in *that* circle of friends. Plus, to put it bluntly, she’s not my type anyway.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that, in my less than morally upright moments, I’ve entertained a great many thoughts about making all manner of moves on just *him*. In all honesty he’s not much my type either, but what he lacks in type-appeal, he makes up for in simple presence. But, ultimately, it’s a line of thinking that can’t lead anywhere. If I was inclined to lean away from my morals I’d be better diverting such thoughts towards lockdown breaking than I would be towards actively sabotaging a household relationship.

Even if he does make the most satisfying sound when he cums.



  1. >>But now I feel a similar bike ride would be something I’d very much enjoy…

    Made me smile from ear to ear. I enjoy your way with words. It’s sexy as much as it is intellectually stimulating.

  2. See, the real move is to give her deviant sexual advice. If you don’t want to fuck *her*, and you can’t reasonably fuck *him*, the only remaining option is to have her fuck him in more interesting ways as a kind of proxy.

    It’s entirely possible to be sexually deviant and borderline immoral in ways that benefit everyone!

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