[MFF] How my wife and I got our new naughty nanny. Part 2 Discipline

Since so many people have asked, I’ll let you know more of how our nanny came to live with us.

I hope you enjoy. Warning: NSFW and this might be a bit long. (That’s what she said.) LOL


About 2 months after our first encounter the three of us had decided to talk to the kids about the possibility of Elaina moving into the spare room to help with things in the house and to help watch them. They lost their minds giggling and yelling how much they liked her and that she was so good helping them with schoolwork and playing games. So we got the green light there.

Next was to make sure there would be no problems with the department. I talked to my chief and he gave us the green light since he knew Elaina was having a hard time with her landlord and my wife could use the help, so he was happy to ok it. I was worried a bit because I was Elaina’s training officer for her EMT prep but he said it wasn’t a problem. So we planned the move in and started moving things right away.

We had the spare room and since Janet and Elaina got along so well everything went really well. Some stuff stored in the basement and all Elaina’s personal things moved into the spare room. We even got a hot tub out of it since Elaina had one and it would fit on our deck nicely. Bonus!

Well everything went really great for the first two weeks and then we hit a slight snag. I seems that we had forgotten that with an extra adult in the house there could be a bit of friction from time to time. Janet and Elaina had a silly disagreement about laundry. It was something really silly like the temperature settings for our uniforms or something like that. It was really no big deal but it had started them to take little jabs at each other. Nothing major but I could see where this was going to go so I called a meeting.

I told them that we would divide the tasks like laundry etc. and one person would be in charge of that. Period. There was to be no arguing about it and I wasn’t going to allow them to argue. If this was going to work we all needed to get along and not start bickering. They agreed and and said they would divide up things and I didn’t need to worry. They would take care of everything inside the house and the garage and outside was mine.

Things went back to peaceful and Elaina would join us in the bedroom when she wanted, which was almost every night since she had such a high drive. Sometimes I would be tired from work and I would just be in the bed when they had fun and sometimes Janet would be tired and decide to let Elaina and me have some fun. But mostly the three of us were active.

Things were great until about a month and a half after the move in. Elaina had forgotten to take out a chicken for dinner like she said she would and Janet was upset that she had to scramble to make dinner. The bickering started and I, after a half hour of this, walked into the kitchen and they both lit into me just because I was there. I listened for a bit and told them to ‘shut up’ about it and I would be right back. They were both in shock that I had said that but it quieted them down. I said I would be right back and to not worry about dinner tonight.

A half hour later we were all sitting at the table eating fried chicken with the girls laughing and telling us how nice it was to get a treat like this. We normally didn’t get takeout because my wife was a trained chef who always did a better job than anything we could order.

After dinner was cleaned up, Janet got the girls into the bath and Elaina helped get them dried off and into their pajamas. Then the two of them tucked them in kissed them goodnight and came out into the living room. I was sitting there watching the news and when they came in it looked like they might start with me for what I had said earlier. I nipped that in the bud by telling them to sit down because I wanted to talk to them.

They looked kind of stunned but sat on the couch next to each other. I got up and turned off the TV and looked at them without saying anything. I was worried a bit that what I had in mind might go wrong but I was going to try. Nothing ventured nothing earned as the saying goes.

“I told you two that there was to be no bickering in the house. We would sit down and rationally figure it out or this was going to go sideways.”

Janet was about to say something and I just put a finger over my mouth. They were both looking confused and a bit shocked again.

“This ends now. I want you both to follow me to the bedroom. I don’t want to hear a word until I tell you I’m done talking. Agreed?”

They both nodded and followed me into the bedroom and I asked them to lock the door behind them.

“Sit down, the both of you. I need to talk to you and I want your full attention.”

Here was the part I was a bit worried about. (Fingers crossed)

“You both have failed to respect each other and you disrespected me. There will be discipline or we are going to screw this up. Nod if you understand and agree.”

They looked at each other and then back to me nodding.

“Janet, I love you. You are everything to me and I don’t want to start having problems because of all this. Elaina, I love you as well. You have joined our family and filled a hole we didn’t even know we had. But the two of you need to understand that getting along with each other is going to take some patience. Something I think I will have to teach you.”

A look of confusion crosses Elaina’s face and a sudden understanding and a slight grin appears on my wife’s face. (She has an idea of what’s about to happen.)

“Elaina, you forgot to take out dinner and that started the incident tonight. You will need to be shown that there will be repercussions for your actions.”

At this she is slack jawed and looks completely confused and almost on the verge of getting angry. She starts to say something but Janet puts a finger to her lips and whispers that she should be quiet and obey me. After a second or two Elaina looks confused nods and looks at me.

“Elaina, please stand and turn around. Janet, I want you to help her remove her clothes. There is to be no fun unless I say so.”

Immediately Janet jumps up and as soon as Elaina is turned around starts help remove Elaina’s top. I turn and get the chair that’s in the corner, placing it behind her, and as soon as Elaina is naked I tell her to sit.

I tell Janet to get my bag from the closet and she rushes to get it as I sit on the edge of the bed facing Elaina. A moment later my bag is next to me on the bed and Janet is standing next to me with her hands crossed in front of her, head down.

“Elaina, I want you to listen to me. You will not be harmed and I want you to understand that it’s your actions that is making me do this. You will have your hands and feet tied to the chair and you will be belted in place as well. Your agreement to do this will be all you have to do, you will not talk unless I tell you to. Do you understand and agree?”

She nods and I open the bag. Pulling out a pair of leather cuffs and put them on her wrists then attach them to the arms of the chair. I reach back in and pull out another pair and attach them to her ankles and the legs of the chair. Finally I pull out a wide belt and finish strapping her in.

Elaina starts to look a bit nervous and says ‘What are you going to do?’

I cover her mouth with my hand and remind her she is not to talk.

“I guess since you have forgotten we should help you remember. Janet, I want you to put Elaina’s beautiful hair into a pony tail for me.”

Janet moves to her nightstand and gets a pink scrunchie and goes to Elaina and pulls her hair up and in a few seconds puts on the scrunchie. Finishing she moves back to the place she was standing and resumes her position.

I admire Elaina in the chair. Restrained, looking a little confused, and beautiful. Her hair up in the pony tail made her look even more beautiful and the pink scrunchie was a nice selection. Her large bare breasts rising and falling as she breathed and her nipples large nipples hardening with the excitement of the unknown gave me a tickle in just the right places. I could feel my erection starting and decided I better get back to business.

I reach back in the bag and Pull out a red ball gag and tell Elaina to open her mouth. She hesitates for a second but then opens her mouth and I put the gag on her, fastening it in the back under the pony tail.

Moving back around to the bed I sit on the edge and ask if she is uncomfortable and that a simple nod or shake will do. She shakes her head and her eyes go wide when I put my hands on her knees and softly caress them. She is obviously starting to get into it as I knew she would. She had admitted to being excited at the thought of being tied up when we had first talked and she had joined us for the first time.

I tell her that since she forgot her chores then I was going to correct her behavior and that I could assure her she wouldn’t harmed but she would never forget it.

She nodded and looked back at me and it looked like she was about to cry. I touched her face gently and told her that Janet loved her and I loved her as well. We would never allow any harm to come to her. I told her that she was going to watch what she could have had, but had decided to forget her chores and would now have to only watch.

I got up and told Janet to sit on the edge of the bed where I had been and I wanted her to get ready to start playing with herself. With that I moved behind Elaina and leaned down next to her ear whispering “I want you to watch as Janet enjoys herself. I want you to see how wet she gets. I want you to feel the pleasure radiating from her. I want you to do all that and understand that we can end this any time you want. All you have to say is pineapple. Nod if you understand.” Elaina nodded and we began.

Janet was already soaking wet as she had lain on the bed not even 3 feet away Elaina with her legs over the side and her pussy on full display. She was looking at me with longing and an animal gleam in her eyes. When I nodded to Janet she started running her fingers over her clit and let out a soft moan. She kept going and was soon dipping her fingers into herself with abandon.

I leaned in next to Janet and started to massage her shoulders whispering in her ear how wet Janet was and how she must be really enjoying putting on a show for her. I told her to listen to the way Janet was moaning and that it probably wouldn’t be long before she was going to cum. I slowly started massaging down Elaina’s arms and making sure to brush the sides of her breasts as I went. This caused a shiver to race through Elaina that started at her toes and caused goose bumps on her chest.

“Look close Elaina. See how she’s starting to tremble and her thighs are flexing and clenching on their own? She is really into it and must be enjoying putting on a show for you. You can tell how much she loves you. Hear her breathing changing to a faster and faster pace? I wonder how long it will be before she can’t hold back. Do you think she loves us enough to squirt for us or is she going to stop right before? I’m betting on her spraying like a fountain. Can you smell her from here? I can smell her sex from here and it smells so good. Don’t you think?”

At this Elaina moans a little and she is breaking out in a sweat. She is grabbing the arms of the chair and her fingers have gone white with the strain. She is soaking the chair and her pelvis is trying to move but straining against the belt holding her. Her eyes are watering and her eyes start to roll back as she get more and more excited. Drool is running freely between her huge breasts and running down to her pussy and making it even more wet.

I clap my hands in front of her face and her eyes snap back to me. There is an animal need in her eyes and she looks at me and I can feel her begging to cum.

“Not yet. You don’t get to have what you want until I am sure you will never argue about your chores again. I want to know that you respect us and have the discipline to own up to your mistakes without arguing. Do you think you can do that for me?” With that she starts nodding like crazy. and she tries to talk but the gag is in the way and all she gets out is some muffled noises and a fresh river of drool.

“I told you not to talk until I asked you to and you’ve already forgotten how to follow a simple instruction like that? I guess we need to help you learn your lessons properly. Janet stop! I want you over here please.” Janet shudders a bit but stops and slowly gets up pouting and stands next to Elaina.

“We need to teach her real control Janet. You remember how that is done right? Get the blindfold and the earmuffs please.” I see Janet’s eyes light up at the memory of this from when it was done with her and she fumbles in the bag eagerly to get them.

“I am going to put a blindfold on you Elaina so you can’t see what and where I will be doing things to you. I will also be putting on ear muffs that have a white noise generator in them so you can’t hear. You will be alone to wait for touches that might or might not happen. It will allow you to heighten your feelings of the things I do to your body and you will never know how long it will be between touches.”

I put the leather blindfold on and fitted the muffs over her ears and turned to Janet. “You can sit and watch for now. You can also touch yourself but do not cum. You can do that for me right?” She nodded eagerly and sat on the edge of the bed she already had soaked.

“This won’t take long but it will feel like an eternity between touches. You remember don’t you Janet?” In reply she lets out a long deep moan. Oh yes, she remembers.

I reach into the bag and pull out a long slim pheasants feather. When I lightly brush the end to Elaina’s left nipple she shudders and moans around the gag. I then start running the feather up her thigh and she immediately starts to clench her vagina in a pulsing rhythm. Her breathing gets heavier and by now sweat is just pouring off her body. I know she will orgasm if I keep it up and I stop to wait for her to relax for a moment.

I put my hand on her belly without moving and I feel her abdomen clench and flex under my hand. Her body is crying for release now and she starts to shudder all over. Every nerve is alive and singing out for my touch and the sweet reward she needs, but I’m not done.

Janet is sitting on the bed and rubbing herself with tears running down her face. She is begging me with her eyes for the bliss she now doesn’t want to wait for. She needs it like she needs oxygen to survive. I nod to her and she stands and comes to me. I tell her to move to straddle Elaina’s legs and be ready to cum for me.

Her eyes sparkle as she obeys and hovers her pussy over Elaina’s. I approach her from behind and lean in next to her ear and say. “I love you so much, and I am so happy that you love me so much.”

I place my hand on her pelvic mound and she moans and shudders as her legs start to shake. I kiss her on the neck bringing up another moan from deep inside and say “Cum for me my love, release it for me, show me your love.”

As I say this her entire body tenses up and she starts to shake. Her head snaps back and her eyes are pure white they are rolled so far back. Shaking harder she starts to squirt all over Elaina and covering her with her juices. Elaina shudders and starts to buck in the chair as much as she can. She knows Janet just came all over her and goosebumps break out all over her body as her nipples seem to harden even more. Elaina is breathing really heavy as the last shudders of Janet’s orgasm rocket through her body.

Janet starts to slump down and I have to catch her to keep her from falling over. I carry her to the bed and carefully put her on the bed with her head on the pillow and cover her with a blanket. She has had a hard night and did a great job and she deserves the rest.

I turn back to Elaina who is still bucking in the chair. Her body is begging for a touch any touch anywhere and she has been on the edge now for at least 15 minutes. She has learned her lesson. Her body is telling me so with every movement. So I move behind her one more time. this time I remove her ear muffs and the gag. leaving the blindfold in place.

I whisper in her ear that I love her and want her to have the biggest orgasm she has ever had but I want something from her as well. I tell her she can talk now but she must be quiet so she doesn’t wake Janet because she has done so much for Elaina and shown how much she loves her.

I ask Elaina is she wants my dick right now and she tries to say yes but at this point she is shuddering again and can only nod and let out a moan.

I tell her she is such a good girl and has learned her lessons well. I drop my pants and put my raging erection in front of her. She licks her lips and is looking at it like a predator waiting for just the right moment to pounce. I tell her to take it into her mouth and show me how badly she wants it.

Her head jumps forward and in half a second she has me balls deep down her throat. I can’t believe how good it feels and then her throat starts to contract and massage me. She starts rapidly bobbing her head on my shaft, and as much as I hate to admit it, I was exploding down her throat within seconds.

I came so hard I started to hear ringing in my ears and my legs started to quiver as well. When I was done she pulled her head back and was licking and sucking to make sure she got every drop desperately.

“Very good girl. Now it’s your turn. You can finally cum and let all that tension out. I’m going to release you from it. I am give you what you so badly need.”

With that I leaned down and kissed her neck and touched her quivering pussy.

It took only a second before she was moaning and squirting like a fire hose. shaking and tossing her head from side and slobbering drool. Just as she was starting to slow I pressed two fingers into her to the roof of he vagina and started tapping and rubbing. With that she froze completely and was staring right into my eyes when she was hit with another wave of orgasms this time clenching down on my fingers and pressing her head into my neck and kissing my neck as I kissed her nipple.

After a few minutes she was resting her head against my neck and I heard her breathing become slow and regular. She had passed out as well and I removed the blindfold and the cuffs that held her to the chair. I picked her up and carried her sleeping body to the bed and placed her next to Janet. I then covered her as well and carefully kissed the both of them on the forehead.

It only took a little bit before all the toys were cleaned and returned to the bag and I had put it away.

I carefully climbed into bed between them and got under the covers. As I was dozing off both of them moaned quietly and rolled over to place an arm over me. I knew we could still face small problems but I also knew we had a way to settle them that would make us all even closer than before.

More to cum???

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m1jxay/mff_how_my_wife_and_i_got_our_new_naughty_nanny


  1. Epic story – so well written too!! Very arousing, plus a few thoughts and plans for someone I know – MORE!!

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