Mom disgraced in public in front of me (Part-02)

Once he was done dressing her up, mom looked just gorgeous. Prim, proper but in a sexy way like a teacher or a powerful businesswoman. No one would ever imagine that just 10 minutes ago she had basically flashed a whole village. Maybe that’s all they wanted? Just to dress her up? Boy, was I wrong.

He signaled the other guy who turned back and without warning pulled me onto the seat ahead. Both the guys went to the back so that it was only mom and I on the seat. This was the first time mom and I looked at each other and while her eyes were filled with shame and worry, it soon changed to shock. She must have noticed that mine were brimming with only one thing. Lust. I was so horny and angry at this point that I had given up trying to fight it.

Meanwhile their leader had got down and was standing on mom’s side. Noticing my state he ripped the tape of my face and grabbing my collar gave me a rough shake. “So, boy did you like what happened.” I was frozen and didn’t move a muscle. He asked again this time more fiercely, hearing no response from me he grabbed my neck and gave a really violent jerk. “Answer me boy!”. I could barely utter a weak yes but that was enough to draw cheers. “So, do you think your mom is hot?”. I once again uttered a weak yes. “Say it.” He told. “C’mon! Say your mom is hot”. “Hey, say it” he repeated lightly slapping me. Furious I nearly screamed, “My mom is hot!”.

Yeah she is he muttered as he grabbed mom and forced his lips on her, lips passionately locked on he leaned on her till she was near lying with her head on my raging boner. It seemed to last forever before he let her go and turned to me. “Well boy, it’s a crime not to share a hot lady like your mom for everyone’s pleasure”! “So, here’s what we are going to do”. “We are going to be passing through a couple of farms now and you are going to do exactly what I tell you. Follow my instructions to the letter. Both of you!” “Got it”? As if we had any choice but nevertheless we said nodded yes. Even he climbed back into the back and nearly shut the partition. From the small slit that remained he pushed a knife so that it was just by my neck. For anyone looking from outside we might as well be a lady and her son with a driver.

We soon approached one of the farm and the driver slowed down. There was an old guy and and a couple of farmhands. The driver wolfwhistled and beckoned them over. My mind filled with dread. A whisper came from behind “Ask them if they have seen such a beauty before”. Of course they said no. “Now introduce yourself” “Tell them its your mom”. With a sense of possession, I did. Obviously surprised by that they became more interested. “Now ask him, what will make her more beautiful” The old men let out a toothy grin and pointing at her hair said, she will look better in loose her. “Do it” “Let her hair down”. I reached up and let her hair down, as it tumbled down the farmhands whistled in appreciation. Throughout this mom was just completely silent as her son showed her off to random strangers. “Now unbutton her shirt” I hesitated but a gentle push of the knife moved my hands. All of them watched in rapt attention as button after button came loose.

With her bra already gone, her nipples were poking out from her tank top. Their eyes were fixed on her tits undressing the thin fabric with their eyes. “Now let one of them grab one tit”. The old guy beamed as I let him grab mom’s dick and sqeeze it. His dirty paw on my mom’s sweet tit was just wrong and hot. After a couple of sqeezes the driver got out and pulling him away declared the show over. I was relieved but then he suddenly announced, “come to the last barn for more” and my heart sank. Grabbing mom’s shirt he tossed it aside and started the car.

We went like that from farm to farm, at each farm mom was enjoyed by random people and went on losing one clothing after another. By the time we reached the last farm she was completely naked. Her tits and pussy on fire, having been ravished by a dozen odd men. All her cloths strewn on the road somewhere. Except her panties which I saw the driver put in his pocket. At the last farm, all the men we passed and some more had gathered. Stopping the car, all of them got out, one of them removed my belt and tied it around my mom’s neck like a leash. He told me to go out and handed the end to me. He pointed out a barn behind the farm and pushed me along.

And so, head hung in shame I led my completely naked mom on a leash through a field, surrounded by at least 20 men who whistled and cheered as mom passed them. By this point mom was trying to cover her tits with her arm but one of the guys quickly tied them behind her. As we paraded my naked mom, everyone started following and after what felt like an eternity we finally reached the barn. As if they knew the script, all of them formed a circle. One of the earlier guys, forced mom on her knees while their leader put an arm around me and quietly explained, “now all these men haven’t had a woman like your mom ever, all of them are as horny as fuck and waiting to pounce on her” “if we leave her with them, there’s no telling what can happen”. “So you are going to make sure that your mom pleasures each and every one of them, if she doesn’t, we will just leave her here.” Seeing two dozen cocks whipped out, I believed him.

Gulping down, I led mom to one of the dicks, she pushed her head away but knowing what I had to do I grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced her mouth down on the dick. After a while I pulled her over to the next one and then the next. But the fourth one though something changed and she jerked my hand away. I thought she was going to stop but to my shock she went down even more fiercely on the dick. She really was a slut when aroused. It was too much for me and I screamed and tried to pull her away but was immediately grabbed from behind, one of them shoved mom’s panties down my mouth and tied my hands. Knowing that the slut had been unleashed, they untied mom and her hands immediately jumped to two nearby dicks. The circle had tightened now and mom bobbed from dick to dick pleasuring three at a time.

And I was right next to her gagged and tied up watching my mom suck dick after dick. Breathless, her chest heaving, hair flying wildly around and skin glistening with sweat and cum, she was a fantastic sight. The guys seemed to have an endless libido as not a single one had cum yet. Mom was doing her best to release them as soon as possible. Her hair was whipping all around with lose strands going in her mouth. She quickly made up a lose bun and made on of the men hold it but it just wasn’t working. She looked around for something to tie her hair up and having found nothing she suddenly snatched her panties from my mouth. “You. Stay shut” she barked at me as she quickly put her hair up with her panties and doubled her vigor of going down.

With nothing constricting her, she became a godess of blowjobs, serving 20 dicks like that’s what she was meant for. There was no coordinating the release and dicks started spewing out long ropes of cum. Some landed in her mouth which she rapidly gulped down, some on her face, her tits, her back, her head until by the time the last guy came, there wasn’t a single inch of her body that wasn’t covered in cum. Exhausted she fell back on her back, gasping for air.

One by one the men left, some patting on my back and thanking me or just grinning. It was bloody humiliating. They were leaving my mom drenched in 20 people’s cum and thanking me for letting them do so. The guys were kind enough to drag her to a nearby well and hosed her down but then to my horror they just left her there, bare naked and passed out from exhaustion. Dragging me to the car they pushed me in the back and disappeared for the night. From where I was I could clearly see my mom, they had made sure of it.

As the sun rose, the villagers coming out for their morning business were greeted with the sight of my naked mom. Some just ignored her while some groped her naked body. When the sun shined on her face, she stirred awake and the jumped up in horror, realizing her predicament. Spotting the car she ran towards it, giving them all a nice view of her running ass. She gave a sigh of relief on reaching the car.

Who would have thought that the SUV in which she was first violated in would now feel safe. Little did she know that soon even the barn would feel safe.

Hang on for Part-03!
