A new life part 1 [Heel worship] [Femdom contract] [Dominate woman]

I was in her office. It was had wooden plank walls made of expensive oak and leather seats. I was in front of her large oak desk made me feel small as it was raised up. It was Jessica’s office she uses it for her law practice. I was told by her to wait until she got the papers together. I looked around the room looking at the panting of a winning horse from the Darby. It was a lovely horse beautiful and white with grey specks all over her body.

I had never felt more uncomfortable except maybe waiting to see the principle in his office. That was everything with Jessica however she had one of those commanding presences and I guess that’s why I liked her. She was very dominant and successful not very much like me. I got up and started to walk around her office and look at her fine hand made oak filling cabinets and fancy carpets.

I went over to the window we were on the third floor of the law firm it was an old building very fancy. I then heard the door open. Jessica walked in holding papers and she went around behind her desk. “Sit down on the chair” Her voice was stern and commanding. She was beautiful in her business suit her black hair was tied up in a bun behind her head. Her slender body and her long legs. She worked out I done it with her once or twice but she always took charge and showed me how to do everything. I went quickly over and sit down. “Good” she said she then sat down.

Started to sort though the papers putting some in different areas of her desk in a very orderly way. I was not like that I could hardly read anything without checking over it 3 times. “Ok right. Babe you and I both know what this is” She shakes a booklet of papers that she found near the bottom of her pile. “Yes I do Jessica” I said in a quiet way. I did not want to really talk I was nervous and I knew what this was about. She knew this was a dream of mine. All the play we have done has been great.

She had two copies. She handed one down to me. “Read along with me.” Jessica took out her reading glasses and licked her thumb before opening the booklet well contract. I opened. “Contract of submission and slavery” Jessica read. She went on and on. I watched her lips as she read the contract to me. She talked about the limits that the contracts had and the things that she would have control over me. The food I ate, the place I slept, the things I done with my day, she would basically own me and control me. This is what we both wanted it was kind of our thing.

“Sign at the bottom as everything seems to be in order.” Jessica said holding out a gold highlighted twilight pen. “Yes it does” I replied. She gave me a stern look. “You know you call me Mistress Jessica” She then walked around the desk and went behind the chair I was on. I could hear her heels click and clack on the ground as she walked. She forced the pen into my hand. “Sign slave you and I both know this is what you want what you need.” Mistress Jessica whispered into my ear.

I signed my name on the contract. I felt my blood leave my hands and they went cold and went straight to my face and my dick. “There Mistress Jessica that is it.” I was red with embarrassment and my face was hot to the touch. Suddenly her hand came from behind me. She grabbed my hard cock though my trousers. “Naughty boy… I will fix this soon. Get on your knees. I think my heels need cleaning” She said while whispering into my ear. At the end I felt her teeth bite my ear. It was a sudden shock. But I obeyed and fell from my chair and got on all fours. She started to walk over to her desk. I followed on all fours.

I licked the back of her heels and the heel trying to work my way around to the front of them as I could hear her write something. I kept licking trying to clean her heels. “Stop slave. In front of the chair position 1.” I quickly stopped and crawled over to the chair. I started to get into position 1 I was taught 5 positions by her as she likes to have easy commands as an owner but she has always said that these 5 are the only ones I get until everything is official.

Position 1 was kneeling with knees together and my hands on my knees with my palms facing up with my head tilted down. I quickly got into the position. Mistress Jessica came and sat in the chair in front of me and crossed her legs. In her hand was a piece of paper folded 2 times. She put a finger on my chin and raised my chin up. “Open” I obeyed and opened my mouth. She put the paper in just about as far as my teeth. “Close” I obeyed without hesitation. I kept my head in the raised position.

“Now slave on that sheet of paper you will find my address. Tomorrow is Saturday so I am off work until Monday. Tomorrow will be the start of your true slavery. Being my property and being mine to do with as I please. Understand? “I nodded. I can’t believe it I have not been to Mistress’s house before I mean it made sense but I was exited to see were such beautiful and dominate and powerful woman would live. I pictured a palace in my head like a castle with modern furnishings.

“Good boy” Mistress said in response it made me feel good being told that. “Now I expect you to arrive at about 7 o’clock sharp. They key will be under the matt I expect you to let yourself in. You will then strip nude at the door and wait in position 2 facing the door until I let you move. You will have your cloths neatly folded and placed on the cabinet in the hallway. Understand?” I nodded again. I ran it though my head. Key under the matt and strip position 2 facing the door neatly folded cloths on the cabinet. Ohhh god I thought to myself after years of dreaming it is finally true tomorrow I could hardly keep my face from getting bright red I was so happy.

Mistress smiled a lovely pleasant smile at me as she knew I wanted this badly. “Now slave I know that you are no longer part of your apartments agreement and tonight is the last night that you can stay. I have your cloths at my house and I know that you also quit your job last week to prepare for your slavery. Good boy. There is nothing else. ” I was smiling my heart was fluttering and I stood up and left Mistress’s office with the paper still in my house. I then walked home with the piece of paper lovingly in my hand. I could hardly sleep waiting for tomorrow.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1h0xz/a_new_life_part_1_heel_worship_femdom_contract