Drunk girls will do ANYTHING for late night food [mf]

Freshman year, spring 2012

Tuscaloosa, AL

The beauty of college is you never know when something completely new may occur. It was a random weeknight, and my roomates and I were playing Call of Duty. It was closing in on 1:00 AM, which wasn’t super late by college standards but I was getting ready to log off and hit the sack. Then I heard a bang on our front door followed by an explosion of profanity, giggling, and singing.

“Hey, yall move your fucking asses!” I heard from the doorway. “Mama needs her nachoooooooooooos!”

This was followed by a loud thud and an explosion of laughter. I hopped up from the game and found three of our four across the hall neighbors (our dorms were apartment style) in a state of euphoric intoxication.

Chelsea was laying in the floor laughing, while a moving cart was askew in the hallway. Guess that explains the crash. Abi and Laura were laughing at her as they helped her up, and as soon as the door was open all three came in without a pause in their conversation.

“You’re such a clutz Chels, how did you think that was a good idea?” asked Laura, who seemed to be the most sober of the three (although that was relative).

“Hey, I made it pretty far! Just didn’t think about brakes. Plus we gotta hustle if we’re going to eat!” she replied as she turned to me. “We decided on the way home, you’re taking us to get food.”

I let them know I wasn’t interested in going anywhere, but was completely ignored as their conversation continued.

“How far do you think Whitney is going to go with that guy?” asked Abi (Whitney was the missing roommate).

“That dude was definitely getting blown,” said Laura. “She might fuck him, depends on what he’s got down below. They were making out HARD. I bet they’ve already done it and right now she’s telling him how cool his whisky bottle collection looks on his dresser.”

Both girls laughed, and the girls carried on for another few minutes about their night. I heard another round of CoD start up down the hall, so I knew I was being left to handle our visitors. They were over all the time so this wasn’t exactly a special occasion.

Finally, I interjected “Sounds like yall had fun, but I’m tired. So, if yall are hungry I’ve got some cereal here…”

This was met with a chorus of boos. Abi responded first. “Absolutely not. We need some Taco Bell!” This started a chant from all three of them

“Ta-co Bell! Ta-co Bell! Ta-co Bell!”

“Yeah, I don’t really want Taco Bell, but I’d be up…”

Abi cut me off again. “No! We will only accept T-Bell! I demand nachos!”

“And tacos!” added Chelsea.

Laura made it clear they were resolute. “No, you’re going to take us. We’re starving and ugh I’m just craving it.”

I really didn’t want to go, and while I certainly didn’t want them to drive I didn’t want to chauffeur them to get their fourth meal either.

I shared my reluctance again. “I really don’t want to go get anything.”

Abi glanced at Laura and then looked at me. “Oh yes you do, you just don’t know it yet. Laura already told us on the walk back she’d ‘suck a dick for a taco’. Direct qutoe.” Then she winked.

“Abi! What the fuck?”

Now this intrigued me. Laura and I had hooked up a few times at the start of the year, but we didn’t see a real relationship forming so we called it off. Laura had a laid-back indie vibe to her that wasn’t what I typically went for (which is probably why we hadn’t become a real couple). But she was cool in a distinct way with a bit of a deadpan sense of humor. She had brown hair that fell past her shoulders, and despite being stick thin had a descent rack that brought back a few fond memories. She wore a beanie (even though it we lived in Alabama) and wore hipster glasses, plus had a half sleeve of tattoos down one arm from her shoulder to her elbow.

I ignored Laura for a second, leaned back against the wall, and spoke to Abi instead. “So you’re saying that your friend here will make it worth my time? What assurances do I have of her fulfilling her end of the deal if I do go?”

Laura made a snide remark along the lines of “nobody wants to see that tiny thing”, but Abi drowned her out, the alcohol in her system removing any sort of filter or volume control. “She’ll do anything you want big guy. I think she could really craving that hot sauce.”

“Yeah” Chelsea added, “she could really go for a big, meaty, burrito.”

I laughed while Laura rolled her eyes. “Are these the best sex puns you guys can come up with? Plus I can’t believe you’re pimping out your roommate for food.”

“Our commitment knows no bounds!” Abi replied, and then she and Chelsea fell out laughing.

I looked over at Laura, and we briefly made eye contact. I watched exhale, then my stomach fluttered as it seemed like she came to a resolution. She turned to the other two and she spoke to them sternly.

“You know what? Fuck it, I’m hungry and tired of waiting. Ok drunkies, you two stay here, and I’ll go with him and make sure everyone gets what they want. Once again Laura to the rescue.”

“Yeah Laura! Get that grande meal! Extra beef!”

I grabbed my keys and Laura and I escaped the howls of drunken laughter out into the hallway. As the chaos from the other two faded behind I felt a bit awkward, so I gave her an out.

“Hey, I’m not going to make you do whatever just to get yall some food. It’s not a big deal. I mean, not that I won’t take you up on it, I remember you being pretty skilled in that area, but it’s fine.”

We went into the stairwell to go down to the parking lot, and as I went in front of her she put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me. When I turned around we were face to face, and she leaned in and kissed me.

It caught me off guard a bit, but I responded to her and pulled her hips to bring her body into mine. Before I could really start getting into it, she pulled back but left her hands on my shoulders.

“I am for real super hungry, so I want to go to get some food, like now. But what if I gave you your thank you on the ride over there? You ever gotten road head before?”

I shook my head in the negative and it felt like I’d stuck my hand into a light socket. A current of excitement flowed through me, and suddenly my boxers were tighter than they’d been a moment before.

I had trouble concentrating on where my car was as she teased me as we walked through the parking lot. She draped my arm around her and pinched my ass as we walked, plus gave my crotch the occasional squeeze. We got to the car, and after a glance around to make sure no one was out there she lifted her shirt and gave me a quick flash.

“Just want to make sure you’re good and ready” she said slyly.

There was no concern there, at this point I was tenting my shorts pretty hard. Laura sat on her knees and came across the middle console and we kissed again. This time it was a full blown, tongues exploring, mouths mashing, hands groping make out.

I felt my shorts come off during our embrace and her fingers wrapped around my cock. She started to slowly pump me and then broke off our kiss and made intense eye contact, our noses almost touching.

“Do. Not. Wreck. I have no desire to die with a dick in my mouth.”

With that she lowered herself down and my world ceased to exist outside of her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around my tip and I let out an involuntary moan. Next her lips pushed apart on my head, and she slowly enveloped my top inch or two. She popped her lips off and I watched as her lips and tongue ran wild: up, down, and around me, coating me in her saliva.

Once she pully placed me back in her mouth I tore my eyes away and put my car in reverse. It took everything I had to pull my focus away from my lap to make it out of the parking lot and out onto the road. She began to bob up and down on my cock, taking it halfway in then pulling back off. She was in a slow rhythm, and with the radio turned off the car was filled with the sound of her slurping.

Now I was desperately trying to be cool about this situation, but I was 19, she definitely knew what she was doing, and it was just hot as fuck to be getting blown so casually and in a way totally different than anything I’d done before. She was sending waves of bliss through my body and I felt my control slipping quickly. My breath was coming in long, ragged draws, but I was determined to make it all the way there before I blew.

Thankfully the roads were pretty empty as I made my way through campus. My legs were weak and I’m not sure if I had needed to make a quick move that I’d have been able to. But I was barely aware of the danger, because Laura was putting on a masterclass. Her blowjob was sloppy, aggressive, and enthusiastic.

I managed to keep the car between the lines for another minute, then we came to a red light to turn left onto 15th street. I closed my eyes and let myself bask in the pleasure. As soon as we came to a stop she pushed herself down completely and took me into her throat. I groaned and my brain turned to complete mush. My foot started to slip, so I came back from the edge enough to make sure I kept a foot on the brake.

She quickly bobbed up and down several time and then completely inhaled me again, her head pushing into my legs. My control was gone, the pleasure was too much. The “I’m cumming” warning was on the tip of my tongue, but then I heard a honk. My eyes snapped open and I frantically looked around, thinking the light must have changed, but instead it was a dude in his truck in the other lane looking in on us.

“Oh shit” I gulped, and Laura glanced up at me and saw I was looking to the right. She sat up and turned to the guy, and to my surprise gave him a wave and a smile while still pumping my throbbing pole.

He laughed, and then his eyes went wide when she deep throated me again and I decided I didn’t care about what he thought. Then he gave me a thumbs up and I saw that the light had turned green.

I didn’t get to stay in her throat once we started moving again, but her pace increased and she worked me with her hand. The interruption had pulled me back from the edge, but her magic was rocketing me back toward it.

With no more lights between me and my goal, I pushed the accelerator down and flew down the road, gauging oncoming traffic as I approached our destination. I felt my balls tighten and used every ounce of resolve within me to hold on.

I hit the turn doing at least 35, and inertia pulled Laura off completely, which was good as I hit a dip pretty hard and careened into a parking spot. She was a champ though. She aggressively came back across the console and grabbed my drenched cock. As she dropped toward it she gave me explicit instruction:

“I want you to cum in my mouth. Now”

My dick disappeared as she sucked me in completely. “Oh fuuuuuuck” was all I could manage to groan. I reached over and began to grope one of her boobs, then let go completely. Within seconds I was painting her tonsils. Each burst I shot into her mouth she took with ease, and I unabashedly moaned as she sucked me through my orgasm and even as I started to shrink back down.

Laura pulled off when it was clear I was done and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I looked over at her, bleary eyed, and she smiled.

“Well, I think I handled that pretty well, don’t you think?”

I could only laugh in response.

“That was harder than I thought it would be, but I always wanted to give it a shot. Now go get us our damn food.”

I was in a daze as I pulled into the drive-thru, remembering to actually pull my shorts back up just in time to not how the attendant more than she bargained for. With the stupor I was in I’m sure she thought I was the drunk one. As we drove back to the dorms Laura questioned me on her technique and discussed ways she thought she could do it better with some different positioning. What a champ.

We got back to the room and were greeted cheers from the girls for the food and I got a few questioning looks from my roommates. We didn’t divulge any details that night, but Laura told Abi about it the next morning, so of course everyone knew about it pretty quickly. Laura and I hooked up 2-3 more times over the rest of the semester, but nothing serious ever came of it. But the car blow job was easily my favorite encounter with her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/m0s0zb/drunk_girls_will_do_anything_for_late_night_food


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