[F]ound a new [f]riend when away at a conference

A few weeks ago I was sent a few hours away to a conference. I posted around to try to find a woman to meet up with me for drinks and maybe some fun. To catch you up to speed, I'm a 40-year-old, married, bisexual, mom who several years ago opened our marriage. Over that time I have been with both men and women.

Anyway, back to the story. I had not been with a woman in awhile. It isn't as easy to find women when you get a little older and you have a "no one local" policy. Guys, on the other hand, are usually no problem. Go figure :)

I got two responses from my posts. One sounded really fishy and my husband said, "no way." The other had some promise. She was local, from the area, married, but was only nineteen. That threw me off. I had never been with someone even remotely that young. My husband more or less said it was up to me if I wanted to respond to her and I kicked around the idea a few hours before I figured I can at least get to know her better.

She was married right out of high school, she had a little boy (the reason she ended up married right out of high school…oops), she was always up for exploring women but it was hard because of her situation and she really wanted to meet up. We exchanged pics, she was pretty enough. Blonde hair, chubby in spots, pretty eyes, and nice large breasts. Plus, she really, really wanted to meet up with me. I figured why not.

The conference lasted the day and it was beyond dull. She texted me several times during to make sure we were still going to meet but she would have to meet me since she didn't want her husband to know. To be honest, if she hadn't texted me throughout the day I probably would have backed out. I wasn't feeling particularly sexy after listening to nine straight hours of lectures about, well, let's just say really dull shit. I finally told her let's meet for drinks and she reminded me she can't get into a bar because she was too young. I said fine, just meet me at my hotel and we can get to know one another.

She showed up and I was already changed into my pjs. She brought a half empty bottle of peppermint schnappes (wtf?!) since she knew I wanted to have a drink. We poured a couple of glasses of schnappes and chatted. She told me about her little boy and about her husband who wasn't very nice to her. She told me she was only with three guys in her life and only one woman so I would be woman number two.

After the nasty schnappes I could tell she was getting antsy so I sat next to her on the bed and started to run my fingers through her hair and we kissed a bit. She was a little nervous, that was obvious. I moved my hands over her body and felt her breasts and ran my fingers along her thighs. She more or less kept her hands to herself at first and let me take the reigns. I really wasn't in the mood to mess around so I started to undress her.

I really loved her body spray, it was very flowery and feminine but not as overpowering as perfume. That started to really get me going. I got her down to her unmatched bra and panties and worked her breasts out. I kissed down her neck and along her collar bone until I started to kiss along her breast. I teased her a bit before I took one of her nipples in my mouth. I worked my hand down and under her panties to touch her. She kept herself natural and my mind was curious what color since she was blonde. She was very wet and I had no trouble working a finger in her. I lubed my fingers and began to circle her clit. She began to moan and grind into my hand. I sped up until she was breathing heavily.

As I brought her close to orgasm, I stopped and took down her panties. My question was answered with a patch of brown hair that I kissed along and worked two fingers into her. I used my tongue against her clit and got her going again. Normally I do a bit more teasing before I would let her have any sort of release but I was getting really antsy and really warm. I was still completely clothed in really thick pajamas. I kept working my tongue on her and felt her begin to seize up and convulse pushing herself closer to me and working her hips up and down to make my tongue massage her faster. I worked my fingers faster and gave her what she wanted. She came loudly. I worked her body back down by massaging her belly and her breasts as I kissed along her thighs.

Once her body stilled a bit she asked if she did ok and I told her she did. I quickly moved back and started kissing her again. I wanted to get mine. Ha. She kissed me back and I began to undress myself. I didn't even wait for her to help, I just stripped myself completely nude and pressed against her. I rolled over and ushered her on top of me. She obliged and kissed my neck and moved to my nipple. She was going fast and was a bit clumsy. She went straight from my nipple to between my legs and started to lick me. She pulled my lips apart and licked inside me. To be honest, I didn't feel much. This went on for a bit and I faked moans as she kept going. I told her to use her fingers so she did and began to poke inside me. It was obvious she wasn't sure what to do and just kept going.

It was too long of this before I started to direct her. I put my hand on my clit and started to massage it. I began to really get myself going and told her to kiss me there. She took me too literally and started planting little kisses along my clit (which surprisingly wasn't terrible). I then told her to use her tongue and lick me there. She obliged and started to run her tongue along my clit. She tried to emulate what I did and used her fingers but was just poking me and not really doing a whole lot. I began to work my hips into a rythm and she got the idea. I told her to angle her fingers up a little towards my belly and she did and was now starting to hit a good spot. I used my hips to keep a good steady rythm and felt myself starting to build for an orgasm. I just hoped she wouldn't try to get creative or anything. I told her to lick me faster and she did. I worked my hips faster and knew that my orgasm was going to happen soon. She took it upon herself to use her other hand and start playing with my nipple and pulling it slightly. That plus her tongue was enough to bring me to a nice steady orgasm.

I came hard and she immediately started apologizing for not being "good" and that she was embarrassed. I comforted her for what felt like an eternity and told her she did great. We laid there a bit just melting into the bed when she got a text from her husband wondering where she was. That pretty much ended our night as she got really nervous and quickly started dressing herself. I have heard from her a few times since with random texts and e-mails. I'd like to think she learned a little something and hopefully the next woman she's with can thank me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/36j6lg/found_a_new_friend_when_away_at_a_conference