Inexperienced Henry (M18) has a different kind of nurse (F34) checkup. PART 1!

His gaze penetrated the clock on the classroom wall, watching time slowly tick away. Although bombarded with algebra and statistics, his mind was solely focused on his problem. He was finding his stress unworkable when concentrating in class. Every student was required to attend a yearly check-up, consisting of examinations to confirm students were growing to healthy heights and weights. Students could also regularly pop in for chats, or medical emergencies. But, standing at 185.5cm with a slim build, Henry never felt compulsion to attend his set appointments. He had missed this year’s one and ended up deeply regretting it: there was a small problem on his mind, which he desperately needed advice on. A problem which deeply affected him, making him feel inadequate, almost weak compared to the other males of his age. The soft murmurs of his male classmates discussing all the ‘fun’ they had with girls the other week only added to his distress. He felt embarrassed to admit his inexperience with girls to many people, and slowly began to ponder on whether something was truly wrong with him. He felt humiliated to admit it himself, but he knew of a safe space where his troubles and worries would be answered. Stuck in a bubble of despair, the school nurse was his only help.

The lunch-time bell rang throughout the hallway and echoed down Henry’s ears as he quickly paced in the direction of the nurse’s office. He had made up his mind; he was going to visit the nurse. However, his embarrassment over the topics to discuss with her perturbed him. Her personality wasn’t the reason why he was nervous, nor were her looks. Certainly not her looks. From the last time he saw her, which was 2 years ago now, he can clearly remember her appearance. He always found a liking to her blonde hair, which fell like ribbons of sunshine against her back. Her bright hazel eyes always managed to calm him, gazing at his blue ones gently. He would never forget her small, delicate and well-manicured hands which brushed against his occasionally throughout the examinations. She was always well dressed, too; her array of differently coloured pencil skirts hugging her legs, trailing from her small waist. He noticed other things- of course – but thinking of those made his cheeks burn with arousal. He knew that there would be no judgement from the nurse’s part. He simply lacked the confidence to immediately blurt out his problem and so as he trailed to her office, he decided that he needed a false reason to visit her. As the familiar oak door of the nurse’s office appears in clear view, he begins to panic. What could he say? Gulping nervously, he ambles to outside the door, hastily deciding what his visit could be about. His overcrowded mind selected an easy option, an arm. She would examine it, deduce that there was no problem, and send him away. At that moment, he’d shake his head and reveal the true motive of his visit. He runs a hand through his hair, collecting a small amount of sweat as his palm catches his forehead. He couldn’t decide whether it was from his nerves, or the harsh artificial light above him. Raising his arm, his ‘poorly’ arm, he leaves a trembling knock on the door.
* * *

‘’Just one more hour.’’ The nurse hums, transferring a handful of fresh plasters into a small first-aid kit, ‘’Until I can leave…’’ Her final sentence fades off into the desolate atmosphere which lacked any movement, sound or company. Her only friends seemed to be the children pasted onto the wall-posters, which contained sayings such as ‘’A healthy body equals a healthy mind!’’ or ‘’Have you eaten your vegetables today?’’ The only benefit to them was their condescending exuberance in a mundane room such as the nurse’s office. Not even her patients provided the room with excitement: what could she expect? Working in a high school filled with teenagers burdened with raging hormones and stacks of homework? It was bound to be a boring job, with little to no thrill. After a long pause, the nurse ambles over to her desk chair, her weary ankles thanking her as she settles down. The chair wheels weakly creak as she rests, and her fingers lightly trace the stacks of paper sprinkled across her desk. Her job wasn’t as bad as she credited it to be. There was lots of enjoyment to it. She simply needed to cease her complaining, and plaster on her concealed smile.

She sits at her desk, her mind boggled with tasks yet to complete. Her vacant stomach rumbles, causing her to lightly groan. Before she even manages to take hold of her mug, which happened to be filled with stone-cold coffee (albeit still enjoyable to her), there was a discreet knock on the office door.

“Just…” She gulps down the final droplets of flavourful coffee in her mug, the loud clink as it returns to the desk echoing around the room, “… a second!” She calls out to the, hopefully patient, person waiting quietly behind the wooden door. She was too rushed in tidying her disorganised desk to look up and see the face peeking through the circular window, a face full of bewilderment. The confused face peers from left to ride, unsure of when he would be allowed into the small nurse’s office. As he gazes through the circular window, he notices the nurse’s taupe skirt sliding slowly up her thighs. He feels his cheeks redden with fluster, his eyes diverting to the vinyl-tiled floor when the material continues to creep up her legs. His heart kicks against his seated ribs at the sight, unable to control his hard gulping. Was it wrong that he felt like this? He concluded that it was not, and his agitated response to seeing a women’s body was the sole reason wh-

“Come on in, is everything okay?” Interrupting his unruly thoughts, the nurse’s tender voice fills the awkward silence. She notices the boy’s flushed appearance, and hastily ushers him through the door, closing it with a gentle click. The nurse moves over to her chair, the leather squeaking as she settles down. The boy sits too, his hands falling to his sides and his eyes briefly moving to the posters on the wall.

“Can you remind me of your name?” The nurse smiles, murmuring as she sorts through the large pile of student medical reports. “Is it…Henry?” She asks, but before she can pull out the report the boy interrupts.

“Yes, Miss.” He jitters, the blush on his cheek steadily fading as he sinks into the small, cushioned chair positioned directly opposite the nurses. His sweaty palms rub against his jeans, and from his lips there is a troubled sigh. After a few moments of hesitation, he fills the silence.

“I’ve hurt my arm.” He untruthfully admits, awkwardly holding his elbow and straining his face. Full of concern, the nurse stands and walks to him. She leans down a fraction, bending over to his arm. Henry couldn’t help but peek at the sight of her round cleavage in front of his eyes, a small gulp travelling down his throat,

‘’May I feel it?” She asks, waiting for a sign of consent. He apprehensively nods, holding his arm out further to her hands Once the sign has been given, the nurse delicately prods at the area Henry presents to her. Her azure eyes occasionally divert to him, thankful that he was looking in another direction. Although he had missed his yearly check-up, the nurse could tell he was growing well; his once blonde hair had dimmed to a mousy brown, flopping against the top of his head in a clumsy mess. She noticed that his once bright, eager and wide blue eyes had faded in hue, transformed into a light grey. His skin, passed the point of acne and oiliness, glowed under the beige lighting. During her examination of his arm, she firmly pressed down on certain areas, arousing no response of pain and discomfort from him.

‘’How did you hurt it?’’ Curiosity fills her to the brim. She was unsure whether there was even an injury at all. But her job was to listen to her patients, so that is what she would do.

‘’I…fell on it. We played football in our PE class earlier.’’ His hesitance may have alarmed her, but Henry did have a truthful story. His morning PE class contained several football matches which he struggled to involve himself in. As much as his nerves prevented him from getting ‘stuck in’ to a tiring match of football, his enjoyment towards it was palpable, giving great pleasure to the nurse.

‘’I don’t feel any swelling. Your skin feels soft. Any tenderness when I press here?’’ She effortlessly rolls his shirt up so now her delicate fingertips could caress his warm skin. His skin was much warmer than before, and she observed a ruby glow on his cheeks.

‘’Umm…a bit. It isn’t so bad anymore.’’ He gulps.

‘’You seem to be reacting well to the pressure I’m placing on your arm. However, I’ll… need to observe your skin for any cuts, bruises.’’ Taking his arm in a tighter grip, she holds it above her eyes, running a slow trail against his elbow. She still couldn’t see any sign of injury. Henry contains his squirms as the nurse’s fingers fray closer to his armpit. Her touch was professional, so why did it cause his seated heart to knock against his ribs? His young, lust-filled imagination couldn’t cease the thought of the nurse peeling his shirt off, pressing her lips against his tingling skin and whispering how badly, how desperately she wanted to feel his c-

‘’Do you enjoy football? ‘’ She glances at him and keeps examining his arm. She brings it back down to his side, and her golden locks tickle his skin. Henry could feel a slight stir in his jeans, one so familiar yet so much more intense than he had ever felt before. He lets out a small sigh which quivers once it leaves his lips. The nurse, taking his building arousal for nerves, moves back to her leather seat. As she sits, her legs cross and her skirt trickles up her leg. Henry turns his head to the side.

‘’It can be okay. I’m kinda clumsy, so I’m not the best at it.’’ He gulps, thankful that his reaction to the nurse’s touch was steadily dwindles.

‘’Oh, that’s normal in your age! Many boys feel awkward after growing so tall.” The nurse presses her rose-tinted lips together and gently laughs, removing her white nurse’s coat. She drapes it down the back of her chair, revealing a white blouse underneath. The suited material shaped her hips and waist, emphasising her feminine figure which Henry adored so much. It was buttoned up to her cleavage, a small gap leaving a peek of her bra underneath. Henry smiles gently; he always thought laughter was a beautiful sight on women. His eyes glance from left to right as he struggles with what to say. Noticing his reluctance to talk, the nurse slides her chair closer, the small wheels creaking underneath her. She smiles at him, loosening her tight muscles.

‘’I never really enjoyed football. Don’t tell anyone, but I was lucky and always managed to find ways to skip PE.’’ She laughs, like a chime of bells humming in her mouth. Henry can’t help but copy, his cheeks blushing as he does so. The nurse’s ability to bring solace to Henry’s distress was attractive to him, inducing a compulsion towards her that he had never found before. The nurse smiles, observing his lax attitude. She fiddles with the folded collar of her blouse, opening it slightly. There goes my composure, Henry thinks.

‘’But I did find sports more enjoyable when I got older. I could exercise in my own time without having to wear tiny skirts and shorts!’’ As she speaks, the nurse reaches over for her mug. It was practically empty now, but it felt comfortable in her hand. Henry didn’t notice, however, as his over-imaginative mind was solely focused on the thought of the nurse clad in tight-fitting shorts, clinging to her behind. How he could imagine her breasts, the round shape of them beautifully emphasised by the fit of a sports top, the material clinging to her slim waist. Most importantly, her long, smooth legs on show for all of her old classmates to stare lustfully at. How he envied their lucky eyes… Before flashing him a comforting smile, she rolls away with her chair and looks at his medical data on her monitor. She types in a few details of today’s visit, summarising that there was no evidence of an injury. Deducing that the nurse’s typing meant the appointment was over, Henry pulls his shirt back over his arm.

‘’I didn’t see anything wrong with your arm.’’ The nurse turns back to Henry, sliding her chair closer to his side. Henry feels an irresistible urge to move closer to her side, but ignores it.

‘’But if you feel any pain later, take some medicine and try not to stress it too much! I can write a note of absence to Mr Roe and inform him of your injury?’’ Before patting her legs gently in search for a pen and notepad, the nurse slides back over to her desk, searching through the piles of student medical reports.

‘’umm…No, I don’t think so. I will be fine.’’ Henry mutters. He began to panic, realising that his time with the nurse would soon be over. He felt a decrease in his fear compared to earlier, but couldn’t bring himself to admit the real reason he was here. Helplessly searching for courage, he stares at the nurse.

‘’Okay. Well, it’s good that you came to get it checked. If there is nothing else, you may leave.’’ She stands, her skirt glued to a position further up her thigh. Once her back is to him, Henry’s eyes hastily roam the nurse’s body. He lets out a small sigh, his heart beating in quick successions. Henry sits silent and still for a few moments, waiting, thinking.

‘’There is something else!’’ He manages to mutter out, breathless once these four words left his lips.

His eyes quickly dart to his lap, his fingers awkwardly slipping into the pocket of his jeans. Taken aback, the nurse walks to his side, choosing to sink down on a quaint, wooden stool (which usually was used for support with foot injuries.) She could see the worry in his eyes, and it was her role to diminish that. Bringing his eyes up, Henry notices that the nurse’s behind barely fit onto the stool.

‘’Mhm, go ahead.’’ The nurse smiles, her hands embracing each other as she waits to offer support.

She smiles and looks at him, leaning towards the coffee table separating them. He still hesitates for a moment. Henry knew that the nurse’s kind nature would mean no judgement would be present. Looking back to his hands, Henry begins.

‘’I… um. I have…’’ Henry hums in annoyance, frustrated that he couldn’t manage to speak the truth. He wasn’t a young boy anymore, he was a man. There was an overwhelming need to prove that to the nurse.

‘’It’s okay, I’m here.’’ The nurse coos, placing a hand onto his shoulder. Henry’s muscles tighten, causing her to pull her hand away. Once it was gone, Henry missed her touch.

‘’I am having problems with… girls. I have trouble talking with them.’’ Henry feels wetness against his cheek, and pulls his sleeve close to his face. The nurse reaches over, placing her hand against his knee. Henry smiles gently and nods reassuringly. He felt embarrassment for seeming weak in front of the nurse, but she was comforting him. ‘’I feel like none of them want to talk to me.’’

The nurse steadily brushes her hand against Henry’s knee, watching his face as he admits a problem that clearly seemed to overwhelm him. She moves her head down, attempting to meet his gaze.

‘’Don’t be silly, I’m sure many girls would be happy to talk with you. Have you tried making small talk with them? Maybe ask about their hobbies or something about school…’’ She says.

‘’Yes, but they still ignore me!’’ Henry quickly interrupts, his voice snapping into the thin air. The nurse nods her head, sympathetic of the hurt he was feeling. She pulls her hand away, leaving it by her side.

Henry softens his voice, running a sweaty palm through his hair.
‘’I think… I think it’s because they know I’m still a virgin. My friends always like to point that out to girls I’m talking with.’’ His eyes flutter shut for a few seconds, before he breathes deeply through his nose.

‘’It’s completely okay to be a virgin, don’t worry about that. Everyone starts when they’re comfortable. There isn’t a right age to lose it.’’ She simpers and speaks in a delicate ,amiable voice. Her tone, however, quickly becomes sprinkled with sternness.

‘’Your friends on the other hand… They are in no position to comment things like that. You should mention about the bullying to your teachers or I can send them a message…’’ She quickly rises from the stool, strutting over to her desk and tapping on her computer keys. Henry rises too, shaking his head energetically.

‘’No, no! They are not as mean as they sound.’’ He briefly shrugs, a gentle smile on his face. The teasing wasn’t so bad as to make him upset, but it did act as a constant reminder of his failure at attracting girls- that was the unpleasant side. The nurse, respecting his choice to dismiss this, nods. She pauses and turns around to look at him.

‘’Well if it continues, talk to your teacher. Or me. You are always free to come and chat!’’ She smiles and picks up a pen, slipping it into the hem of her skirt. Henry watches, but pulls his eyes away once the nurse speaks again.

‘’ Remember there are many girls and other guys that are virgins and as nervous as you. The average age of starting sexual relationships is around 17 so most of the people in your school year will be virgins too. If you are worried about losing your virginity, I can offer support with that aspect also.’’ The nurse moves over to the door, but hesitates when Henry remains seated. Was there something she was missing?

Henry looks at her, before smiling nervously. He pauses for a second, clearing his throat of stutters and fear.

‘’There is one more thing… A physical thing.’’ He sighs. As soon as those words were spoken, he felt comfortable. The nurse smiles gently and nods, awaiting more information about this physical issue. Henry watches her, likewise waiting for her to reply.

‘’You can tell me.’’ The nurse hums.

‘’Umm..I have some problems with my…with my penis. It’s a bit sore and I’m not sure if it’s working right.’’ He mutters, his cheeks burning in embarrassment. The nurse’s eyes widen slightly, but not in an alarming manner. She adjusts her position, lengthening her height and moving back to her leather chair.

‘’Soreness on your penis? Well it can’t be an STD in your case.’’ Henry can’t help but chuckle from her comment, causing the nurse to smile. A warm, genuine smile. Henry notices how beautiful she looks.

‘’Have you been doing anything too…rough with it?’’ She asks professionally, but with a small stutter. Although she had been trained to handle problems such as this, it wasn’t the easiest subject for her either. Henry’s and the nurse’s mutual hesitation towards the topic united them.

‘’No…I don’t think so.’’ Henry wracks his brain, attempting to find a time in which he had been too rough with it. However, his mind was solely on the nurse. He shakes his head and shrugs.

‘’Hmm…Well, would you be okay if I took a look at it? I can’t force you, but we have to be sure that there are no infections.’’ The nurse looks at him. Henry holds her gaze.

‘’Yes…’’ He gasps, his feet clenching in his shoes. ‘’Yes, that’s fine…’’ He continues, his eyes on the floor. He hears the nurse slide her chair to her desk, pulling out a pair of gloves. His eyes trickle down to his jeans, his fingers picking at the zip.

‘’Okay, please take off your jeans and I’ll take a look at it.’’ The nurse smiles, and Henry lets out a small gasp. His voice shakes, filled with nerves but also arousal. A woman had never touched his penis, let alone a girl his age.Henry slowly rises, removing his shoes. His hands quiver as he undoes the laces. His jeans soon follow, leaving only his boxers and t-shirt on his body.
The nurse diverts her eyes for a few seconds, giving Henry his needed privacy as he peels all his jeans down. Once she hears a light cough, assuming that was Henry’s way of notifying her he was ready, she looks up into his eyes. Henry holds her amiable gaze, his lips parting at the sight of her large pupils gazing up into his. She looks good from this angle, Henry cogitates. Really, really good. He particularly enjoyed the sight of her large breasts pressed together, projected into his face. The slight peek at her plum-coloured bra cupping her breasts drove him wild. He presses his lips together and looks to the ceiling, fighting away the slight hardness he felt stirring in his boxer shorts. The material of his boxers start to feel tight, a slight restriction due to their lack of elasticity.

The nurse noticed Henry’s hardness. She had already noticed the natural, impressive bulge in his boxers, but the new addition to its already large size made the nurse press her thighs together in a slow snap. She smiles to herself.

A smile of meer gratification.

(Hi, everyone! I am FlushedCheeks and this is my first erotic story! I have been working on this with a friend of mine, and I am now wanting to share it with other people! I really hope you enjoy it!)



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