Forbidden Fruit Pt.1

We all have that person that drives us wild. That one person that we all want to have, but things just never add up and we end up being left wanting. My guys, we all know whats its like. To have that one person, that we all want, but can’t have or touch; the Forbidden Fruit. That one person that we must have, if only things could be. Well once in a while, one of us gets that chance. One of us gets the chance to savor the Forbidden Fruit.

Til a few months ago, I was living in Florida. Enjoying life and cruising along. My best friend, for the sake of the story, I’ll call Daniel. Daniel and I had met while at work there. He was the life of any crowd, flirting with anyone and everyone naturally. A Florida native, which nothing came as a surprise to. Especially him introducing me to my future crush, Geraldine. Gorgeous girl, also a Florida native. Cuban, 5’5, petite, and sweet as could be. Daniel and I were always hanging together causing trouble, or getting others into trouble. Then Geraldine started hanging out with us.

Of course I didn’t mind, she was a beautiful girl. Gorgeously built, she was great eye candy to have around; just not around Daniel. Eventually he noticed my eye for her, and quickly started to play his games. I told him not to, but his catch phrase is “Where’s the fun in that?” He was dead set on making something happen, because he loved how awkward I got around her. “With everyone else, you’re untouchable. But this chick, is your kryptonite. Hah I’m exploiting this, because it’s what best friends do.” Just to avoid playing his games, I made sure not to give him anything.

Months pass, we take a vacation to Miami, and stay at a pretty expensive hotel. I stopped asking how he makes these things happen a while back, all i got was a “I’ll send the bill later, lets just go to the pool.” We come down to the pool, and guess who happens to be there; Geraldine. And not just her, but a group of our hottest friends. I look over to Daniel, as he’s now trying everything he can to grin hard. I know his game, I will not fall for it.

Time flies by, now its night time, and we have all been drinking. That is, everyone aside from Daniel, who has been watching Geraldine and I nurse our drinks slowly. The other 5 or so ladies are now on the drunk side. Despite Daniels best efforts, neither Geraldine or I were getting drunk, but we were getting hungry. I stand to order something at the bar, and she decides to walk with me. We begin talking, eventually sit down and have a plate of Mozzarella sticks. We finish the plate and our drinks talking about our lives, goals, and other nonsense. It actually felt like we were flirting. All during the time, where we completely lose our party; Daniel and the girls are no where to be found.

“Watch as this man-whore brought them upstairs to our room, i swear” I said. Geraldine notices the time and says she should be getting back anyways, I ask her to at least help me find the Man-whore. She agree’s reluctantly and we both head upstairs to try and find them. On the elevator, she goes silent, not a peep, and the tension rises again. I ask if she’s ok, and she refuses to acknowledge me. She just stared at the ground or her phone. Doors open, we walk over to the room, and open it to find it empty. Geraldine asks to use the bathroom after I check it for drunk/passed out people. I oblige, turning off some of the lights we had just turned on during our search. I go over the balcony to enjoy the view over the beach, the water, and the moon light; it was very peaceful.

Eventually Geraldine comes out and says she’s going to go. I ask her to come over to the balcony, “its a beautiful sight, c’mon.” She comes to the door and stops, “I don’t like heights” she tells me. I come inside the door to stand behind her. I take her by the arms, which she has loosely crossed over her abdomen, and tell her to look at the water. We enjoy the small moment of peace, and she rests her head on my shoulder. I reach around to embrace her, and she turns around to return the hug. I give her a kiss on her neck, when she lifts her head, looks me in the eyes, and kisses me back.

It was in that moment, two things became very apparent. We had both been drinking, and i was still in my swim shorts. We had both just gotten back from a pool, and my shorts did little more to hide my excitement than the light hoodie she wore to cover up her bikini underneath. I wasn’t going to ruin this moment though. The kisses started slow, and only got more passionate with time. I don’t know what happened to her, but she was a whole different person now. While still showing hesitation, she slowing wrapped her arms around my head. Like she didn’t want me to move, but I couldn’t resist. I lifted her off the ground, and pressed her up against a wall. Upon bumping, she pulled away to smile, and begin to full blown make out with me. Finally I crossed that line, I was loving it, and had no intention of stopping there.

After some time of wall play, I decide to take her to the couch. I come around the corner and let her sit on the arm rest. She looks up at me, eyes wide open and bright as she bite her lip with a grin. I reach down and pull up her hoodie. Over her head and off it came with her standing again before me to kiss me. She wasted no time in taking my shirt off, to begin kissing my neck and chest. Seeing the opportunity, the bikini top came off. But again the shy girl showed herself, as she caught the top. Holding it over her breasts, she did not want to let it drop yet. Seeing this, I give her a slow kiss on the neck, then cheek, then again down her throat. Her arms, again behind my head, as i felt the bikini top drop onto our feet. I pull her close with one arm behind her back, embracing her hard as we fell into sync. She stops kissing me just to smile, and bite her lip again.

I quickly take her to my bedroom. All lights are now off by now, so we were using nothing more than the moon light to guide our way. I lift her and toss her onto the bed. She was enjoying herself as much as I was, as I watched the moon light glistened off her skin. I was shocked by the person that was before me. The shy girl that I always before me, that couldn’t look me in the eyes. The shy girl that hesitated to even send a text, I was now about to have the time of my life with.




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