Building Security – CNC

***This is a fictional erotic story written by me, about me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18 in America, 21 in some other countries. I do not preface or end any of my stories with the explanation of how consent was given. Go to my page and read my pin with a full explanation as to why. This is my fantasy, not yours. You are not being forced to read this, so if you choose to then be nice and enjoy. ☺️***

I pull into the empty parking lot, ready to start surveying the area. I just started working here and it’s nice that government buildings have better hours then even banks do. I work as security, it isn’t too bad. I walk around 3 buildings all day and attend to situations I’m called to. As I’m getting my things together, I step out of my car and see the first employee pull into the parking lot. I grab my coffee from the cup holder and close the door, starting to walk to the building. I buzz myself in and get my things situated, then look at my watch. I notice that I’m here almost 30 minutes earlier then most employees start to show up so I walk back towards the parking lot to see if the person that pulled in is still there.

As I do, I see the woman walking towards the building. Her hands are full, lunch bag on one arm with her keys and a large water bottle in her hand and some books and then her phone in the other. She is almost to the building, not seeming to notice me at the entrance of the other building next to the one she is walking into. She manages to maneuver her way into the door, despite her full hands. I get a glimpse of her ass when she walks through, immediately feeling my dick respond. I headed towards the building she walked into and let myself in through the side entrance, hoping to “accidentally” run into her in the long hallway.

By the time I’m inside, she’s already out of the stairwell so I have no idea if she has gone to the second floor or through the door at ground level. I decide to open the door and start on the first floor. When I open the door, the lights flash on. They are motion activated, so this lets me know that they no one has gone through here recently or the light would already be on. I walk back through that same door and start to head up the stairs. When I get to the second floor, I see that the lights are already on. I start to walk towards the hallway when I hear a door from one of the break room being opened.

She exited and saw me, jumping and then laughing “oh god, you scared me. I’m so sorry” she laughed again. I could tell that once she saw my uniform, she visibly relaxed. I’m thinking to myself “yes, that’s it. Let your guard down.” I flash my best smile and laugh back at her “no worries, I was just doing my morning run through. I just started here though so I’m still getting used to the buildings.” She rested her body wait into one hip, her body language changing to more comfortable, “yeah this whole building is like maze” she responded. “You’re telling me, do you happen to know them closest door out of here?” I already knew that it was behind her and to the left but I was hoping that she would turn around and walk me that way. She did exactly that “oh yeah, I can show you. There is actually two different doors that-.” Before she could finish her sentence, I pulled her into the one person bathroom we had to walk past to get to the door. She tripped and fell onto the ground. I looked down at her confused and scared look as I closed the door behind me.

“Bet you weren’t expecting that” I told her. She started to sit up and crab walk backwards. I let her, not trying to stop her and then laughing when she was unable to go any further once she ran into the toilet. “Whaa- what’s your problem” she said. I crouched down so I could look directly at her “well you see, my problem is that looking at you gives me the impulse to ruin you. I considered ignoring that problem, but you’re here so early. That means you can also be the solution.”

She didn’t look happy with my answer. “Look please don’t do this. I’m married and we both work here.” I laughed at her “that just means you’re easier to access. Now take off your clothes.” She didn’t move, “no. You’re crazy if you think I’m going to do that.” I unclipped my gun holster, just looking at her. She still didn’t move. I wasn’t going to shoot her, guns are way too loud inside and I don’t want to. I pulled out my gun and started looking at it, playing with it. She took off her pants and shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra. “Good, now the rest.” Tears started to build in her eyes and I felt my dick get harder. She slipped off her panties. “Put those in your mouth.” She started to cry, but again did what she was told. “Mmm, perfect. Kneel on the toilet seat and hold onto the bars on the wall.”

This time she didn’t do it. She just looked back at me, tears streaming down her face “what, wh- why? That’s gross.” I grabbed her face roughy “because like I said, I want to ruin you. Break you. You’re right, it is gross and so are you. So be a good cock warmer and kneel on that toilet.” I pushed her towards it as I let my grip on her face go. She struggled to balance on the thin, hard surface. “This is hurting my knees a lot” she said. “I don’t care” I respond and take out my dick. Her knuckles are white from her grip on the wall bars. I slide my dick into her pussy. She cries more and I am almost embarrassed at how much I already want to cum. The build up for this couldn’t have been more perfect and I can tell she’s the type of woman that I can scare into silence.

She starts to slip the harder that I pound, falling over. Unfortunately for her, she lands on the floor, her face in the corner behind the toilet. Fortunately for me, her ass and pussy were straight up in the air, laid out over the toilet. Her pussy juices glistening and dripping down her leg. I continued, spitting on her face from above. She angrily wiped it off and I pulled out, exploding all over her ass and legs. She pushed off the floor and looked angrily at me. Her face was a mess from the crying. “I think you know it’s not a good idea to say anything.” She just stood there, finally responding “yeah, I won’t.” I’m not sure why, but I believed her and walked out.

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