The Train…a woman has an orgasmic commute to work.

I board the 6:23am train in a rush with snow in my hair, my lungs heaving from running to catch it. I slept through my alarm again. Irritation pulses through my limbs when I see you sitting in my usual seat. I like the sideways seats that face the windows because no one else does and I can commute alone.

I plop down next to you in a huff, and set my purse on my thighs as you turn to look at me. The sleeves of our puffy coats are smashed together due to the tight proximity at which we’re seated.

You nod a hello, offering a sliver of chocolate brown eyes before closing them and leaning back against the wall that is encapsulating us. I steal an extra glance at you, admiring your handsome profile, noticing the stubble sprinkled along your distinct jaw, and your full, slightly parted lips. My irritation is fading rather quickly.

I check my phone to find the pile of emails I didn’t get to last night and immediately toss it into my purse as if it will cause me physical harm. I don’t have the brain capacity to deal with any of it before coffee which I didn’t have time to make this morning.

I look at you again, eyeing your delicious mouth. My mind entertains the idea of slipping my tongue between those lips. I imagine tasting toothpaste on your breath, and smelling soap on your skin as I melt into a daydream.

The train slams on its brakes nearly sending us out of our seats. Your body is shoved against mine with the force of coming to an abrupt stop.

“Sorry.” you say, astonished.

“’S ok.” I smile mischievously.

The conductor makes an announcement on the loudspeaker, but his words are jumbled with static. I’m mildly concerned with being late for work, but way more interested in touching you, in seeing what I can get away with right here.

You smile back, picking up on my flirting as the train slowly gets moving again.

Even though we’ve straightened ourselves, and you’ve returned to your nap still wearing the tiniest of smiles, your leg is touching mine, rubbing against it as we pick up speed. I move my hand closer to you, keeping my focus straight ahead, wondering what would happen if I touched your thigh.

Snow swirls around the window outside. I watch its erratic movement, while attempting to keep my breath steady. My heart pounds, chest flushing pink as I inch my hand to the edge of my thigh and set my pinky on your leg.

This catches your attention. I keep facing forward, watching the snow but I notice you turning to look at me, to see if I’m meaning to do this. When I don’t emote anything, you face forward again and place your pinky finger on top of mine.

I’m excited by your interest in playing my game, I place my entire hand on your leg and you place yours on mine, both of us hiding simultaneous grins. Your palm slides over my inner thigh, under my skirt, and between my legs. I chew on the inside of my cheek, silencing the urge to gasp. The warmth of your hand lights up my skin as I part my knees hoping my oversized purse and our puffy coats are enough to conceal us.

I slouch, and push my hips forward, offering full access to my dampening cunt. You lightly rub my clit as I struggle to keep my breath even. You cross your ankle over your knee which makes room for my hand to slide over your inner thigh and under the hem of your coat. I discover the rigidity straining against your jeans and I wonder how fast I can make you come.

It’s your turn to hide your surprise as my hand grips you through the fabric, squeezing your thick base, and working my way to the tip before your other hand joins mine, assisting me in unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans.

People are filing on and off the train at every stop. No one even glances in our direction. I push my hand into your jeans, excited to get at you. I pull your cock out, careful to keep it concealed under your coat. I discreetly stroke it exploring your length, feeling the ridge where the head meets the shaft against my fingers. A drop of pre-cum emerges from the tip and I rub it into your skin with my thumb, swirling it around the underside of your cock’s head. I hear you inhale and feel the muscles of your stomach tense.

You work your way inside my tights, fingers pushing between my wet pussy lips. You pause there, allowing me to relish the heat of your hand on my skin. I am filled with an aching desire to come while surrounded by these strangers in the middle of my daily commute. I want your fingers to break up the monotony of my life, to give me something to think back on and smile at when I feel I can’t do this another day.

Silky ribbons of pleasure snake through my swollen cunt, and down my legs as you caress me. I grind against your fingers as you press them against the pearl of my clit. I imagine putting your fingers in my mouth, tasting myself on your skin as you ease your cock inside me from behind. I picture you pulling my hair, your hips thrusting against me so hard that our bodies make slapping sounds as we fuck.

Your fingers push inside me. My stop is approaching. I’m desperate to come. I hold the image of your cock buried deep inside me as the rising of an orgasm threads its way through my cunt, the muscles of my ass and belly contracting. I no longer care I’m so blatantly getting off. I will never meet you for coffee. We will never take long walks through the snow, or share pints of beer at the dive bar down the street from my apartment. All that matters are your fingers sliding in and out of me, your palm pushing against my clit, the jolt of pressure releasing into a burst of exclamation that I can’t audibly emit. My teeth clamp down on my lower lip and my eyes squeeze shut as I come.

My body shudders beneath the pressure of your fingers before I settle for a moment, my hand is still wrapped around your cock. When I get my bearings I see that the doors are open and this is my stop. I let go of you and stand, a little lightheaded, and walk out into the snow.
