My Faithful Wife

Warning: this title is sarcastic, so ya been warned. If you don’t like cuck porn, stop reading and get on with your life instead of bitching in the comments.

Sharon and I had been together since high school. Everyone had looked at me like a god for dating the hottest girl in the senior class when I was only a sophomore. Everyone assumed she would dump me when she went off to college but we did those two years long-distance and when I graduated I joined her. Of course I got her pregnant pretty much as soon as I arrived and we were married shortly thereafter. Since she already had two years towards her degree, she finished school while I was a stay-at-home dad to our little angel, Hannah. I was an artist so I didn’t really need a degree to succeed anyway, while she was going into software engineering. After she graduated her friend Sean (who had graduated a couple years earlier) invited her to work at his startup in California. I sold a painting or two here and there and even got a volume of poetry published, but when Sean’s company hit it big it was her job that made us millionaires.

I wanted to throw Sharon a huge surprise party for our twentieth anniversary. I knew it would be a surprise because it was the anniversary of when we started dating, not our marriage. Sharon always remembered our wedding anniversary but usually forgot the dating one. I figured Sean was the natural guy to help plan the party. He was literally a billionaire now and he valued Sharon as both an employee and a friend so he’d be more than willing to help out. My best friend in high school told me that Sean was the guy I needed to watch out for. I do think he had a bit of a crush on Sharon in college but I trusted her. Anyway if he’d been a threat in college he wasn’t one now. He was on wife number three: Lola Melançon. She was a 21-year-old former child actress. Hannah had loved her Nickelodeon show “Hi, Lo!” when she was little. Lola had grown since then into a social media personality who loved walking red carpets showing as much skin as possible without catching an indecent exposure charge. She had started dating Sean when she was 19 and he was still married to wife #2, who he started dating when she was 19 and he was married to wife #1… who he had started dating when she was 19. So I doubt he would still be pining for my wife at 40. Sharon is still a knockout, don’t get me wrong. She looks like a god damn supermodel but guys who consistently fuck teenagers don’t go for 40-year-old women. Quite frankly I was more worried about him taking an interest in Hannah.

“Anything for Shar!” Sean enthusiastically responded to my surprise party pitch. He’s the only one who still calls her that [pronounced like “Cher”], an old college nickname. “I have this place in Malibu. I work out of there a lot, so it’s perfect. She’ll just think it’s a work thing. Do you want me to make sure all her work friends are invited?”

“That would be great.”

“And some of our old college friend are in town too.”

“Honestly that’s great.” I had thought of around 20 people to invite so it’s great that Sean knew so many more.


The night of the party I socialized with Sharon’s friends while we waited for her to arrive. His Malibu “house” is actually a fucking mansion. I looked around at all the stuff Sean has. Artwork worth more than our car (and we have a nice ass car). There’s one photo of Sean with a woman who looks really familiar. I can’t put my finger on why. She looks like she’s in her forties so it’s probably not an ex of Sean’s. It’s not even that I think I know her it’s that she looks LIKE someone else but I can’t figure out who.

Finally I got the text from Sean: “ETA 1 minute.” We kill the lights and get quiet.

The door opens and I hear Sharon. “-tequila in the hot tub and you know what happens when-“


Sharon lets out a small scream. She has been genuinely caught off guard.

“Wh-what? My birthday’s not for three months?”

“Happy 20th Anniversary, babe” I say grinning ear to ear.

“We’ve only been married 19 years and that’s not until October!”

“You always forget about those first couple years before we got married.”

“Wow, Scott, you planned all this?”

“Well Sean helped. A lot.”

“Guilty as charged.” Sean grinned.

Sharon playfully smacked Sean. “Why didn’t you say anything? You know I almost-“

“I couldn’t spoil Scott’s surprise, Shar. And your reaction was worth it.”

Sharon walked over to me. “Than you so much for all this.” I kissed her and she almost seemed to hesitate. I guess she was self-conscious because she had something salty for lunch, I could still taste it in her mouth.


The party went on and the liquor was flowing. Sharon greeted all her old college friends. They all hugged her and all the guys snuck an ass squeeze in there. She did her playful slap thing afterwards but didn’t seem mad. I wasn’t going to sweat it if she wasn’t. Just goes with the territory when you’re married to a absolute goddess. If she got mad I would do something, but if she can laugh it off so can I.

Brigit, the cute intern from Sharon’s office, said “so what’s this I hear about a hot tub?”

“I have a hot tub.” Sean answered simply.

“He’s underselling it. He has THE hot tub,” one of the coders said. I think his name was Kevin but it might have been Ken.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Brigit asked.

“It’s a surprise party. I didn’t pack a swimsuit.” Sharon demurred.

“You’re going to let that stop you?” Kevin/Ken said.

“Ken, my husband is here.”

“That means she needs tequila. Brigit could you fetch the Don Julio 1942?”


A few minutes later Sharon pulled me aside. “Honey, seeing everyone from college… and the tequila is starting to go to my head. The party is getting a little wild. Are you okay with this?”

“Darling, I am okay with whatever you’re comfortable with. If anyone starts making you feel uncomfortable, just let me know.”

“You don’t mind me skinny dipping like a teenager?” She then laughed. “I mean Brigit practically IS a teenager.”

“I’m a pretty secure guy and I trust you.”

“You just want to see Brigit naked.”

I laughed. “I mean I wouldn’t hate that.”

“Okay… just… give me a few minutes before you come out. I’ll be way too self-conscious with you there.”


I head to the bathroom. I overhear a couple guys talking.

“If she’s that wild at the office, think how she’ll be at a party.” I assume they’re talking about Brigit. She did instigate the skinny-dipping and she’s college age so I’m sure she loves to party.

“No way, man, her husband is here.” Hmmm, guess not. Brigit isn’t married.

After I leave the bathroom, I run into Lola.

“Hi Scott.”

“Oh… hi, Lola.” I’m a bit nervous. I’ve had a bout of a crush on Lola since I met her. I keep trying to remind myself that my daughter and I watched her grow up on TV to stop myself from thinking inappropriate things.

“How are you holding up?”

“Um… fine?”

“It’s one thing knowing and another to have it rubbed in your face, right?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”

“Come with me.”

You follow Lola to the master bedroom and then out onto a balcony. She points down at the hot tub. Sure enough, Sean, Ken, Brigit, and Sharon are naked in the hot tub. Sharon and Brigit are making out. Brigit caresses my wife’s perfect tits. Sharon feels Brigit’s smaller but perky breasts.

“It’s shameless.” Lola says to me.

I sigh. “I know that… technically it’s cheating. But… and I hope this doesn’t sound sexist or homophobic or whatever but… with a woman, I don’t really mind. I think most guys would absolutely be down to watch their wives with someone like Brigit. The only things better is if I get down there for a closer look.” I try my best at flirting. “Maybe she’ll get you in on the action. That’d be a nice treat for Sean.”

“Look closer, Scott,” she tells me. “Sean’s getting enough of a treat.”

What is she going on about? Maybe it’s true that all former child stars are a bit fucked in the head. I look back at the hot tub. Then I see that Sharon is sitting on Sean’s lap. No, not just sitting… bouncing. Sean is fucking my wife while she kisses Brigit.

I look away and lean over. I think I’m going to throw up. “Oh my god.”

“The intern with the pixie cut, I could at least understand. But I’m a fucking trophy wife and my husband is cheating with someone my mom’s age.”

“How long?”

“No clue. I only found out a week ago. One of their ‘working lunches.’ It wasn’t the software they were working on. It was ten inches of Sean’s hardware.”

Ten inches? Jesus Christ, I’m seven inches and always though I was hung.

Sean throws his head back “Oh God, I’m gonna blow.”

“Fill me up with your cum, daddy!” My wife shouts.

Sean groans as he orgasms inside my wife, in front of my very eyes. “God, I love filling you up, Shar.”

“Let’s see if you can do it again before the night is over.”

“Hey, stop hogging him!” Brigit adds. “Or should I go kill some time with that husband of yours?”

“Scott wouldn’t know what do with you, Brig.” Sharon smiles. “Not like me.”

Brigit stands up and sits on the edge of the hot tub, spreading her legs. Sharon dives her face into her cute shaved pussy. She raises her ass above the water line.

“Well,” Ken says, standing up. Sharon’s hand goes to his dick and strokes it (it looks about nine inches…. fuck, is seven even big anymore?!?). “I love your cunt as much as the next guy Shar but the boys in marketing have been telling me about how great your ass feels.” Her ass?!? No no no no, Sharon doesn’t like anal. She let me try twice and when I was only an inch in she said it hurt too much and made me stop.

But she doesn’t make Ken stops and he rams all nine inches up her ass while she eats Brigit out. Not being included, Sean leaves. How many work friends is Sharon fucking? Sean, Ken, Brigit… the boys in marketing?

“Why are you hard?” Lola asks. I look down. I am fully erect. “Are you… into this?”

“What? No!” I protest, but watching this has made me so horny. And weirdly enough it makes me want to fuck Sharon harder than ever before.

“Well… they say living well is the best revenge. But I think fucking the husband of the whore fucking yours is better.” Lola hikes up her skirt and undoes my pants. My thick hard-on now feels the cool night air. “I don’t suck non-famous dick, so just get inside me.”

As much as I’ve fantasized about Lola the past couple years, I am watching Sharon as I slide into Lola’s waxed smooth cunt. My wife is such a giant whore. A filthy filthy slut. And I want her more than ever.

Brigit squirts into the tub from the magic Sharon’s tongue and fingers are working on her. She gets up afterwards and leaves, maybe to find Sean. She says something but I can’t hear her over Lola’s moans in my ear.

“You’re surprisingly good at this,” Lola says. Truth is I am barely paying attention to her. My eyes are locked on my wife getting pounded in the ass by a coworker. A coworker who has fucked her pussy before. A coworker who, if he’s like her boss, has maybe cum inside her pussy before. And now he’s about to cum in my wife’s ass. And right when he does she looks up and her eyes lock with mine. I immediately cum in Lola’s pussy.


Lola is mildly upset I came so quickly when she was really starting to enjoy it, but since it was more about the revenge for her she doesn’t kick up too much of a fuss. I zip up and head back down to the party. I look at that picture of Sean and that woman again. Trying to figure out who she looks like.

“My sister,” Sean says. He is wearing a bathrobe though a few inches of his dick are hanging out of it. “Siobhan.” Brigit is with him, still naked. “You like her?”

“She’s quite stunning.” Why am I making small talk with the man who just fucked my wife?!?!?

“Yeah, you should have seen her when she was young.” Sean pats me on the back and he and Brigit head off to find some private place.

When she was younger. That’s it.

Sean’s sister Siobhan looks exactly like an older version of my daughter Hannah.

Or, I’m guessing, Sean’s daughter Hannah.

Sharon comes in the room wearing a bathrobe. Our eyes meet.

We need to have one hell of a talk.


1 comment

  1. Sean set up the party at his house with her FWB in attendance.

    Hubby had not agreed to this FWB arrangement.

    Hubby dropped his college plans to support Sean’s child and his cheating wife.

    Naive hubby now finds out after 20 years of deceit.

    I always wonder if someone wants to live an open lifestyle, why get married to someone who doesn’t? 20 years of life living a lie. No way to get that time back. And Hubby and daughter Hannah are now caught in the middle of this…..

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