I think I found a magic hot tub – Incident 4 (of 4) [MF]. Now all I can do is hope for more.

[Link to Incidents 1 & 2 where things started.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lvu17n/i_think_i_found_a_magic_hot_tub_incidents_1_2_of/)

[Link to Incident 3 where something actually happened (the first time I’ve been naked with a girl and my first handjob and blowjob).](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lwky6o/i_think_i_found_a_magic_hot_tub_incident_3_of_4_mf/)

Quick background if you didn’t read my first two posts (though you should at least Incident 3 because it was pretty great): I just moved to a new city where the only person I know is my sister. I met up with her best friend who had also recently moved to town and we’ve started hanging out. She lives super close to me and her apartment complex has a hot tub, and every time she’s invited me over to use it there’s been nudity involved somewhere along the way (be it her or somebody else – see incident 1). I’m in my later 20s and have zero sexual experience and all the stuff that’s happened is brand new to me, so it’s been a fun and exciting few weeks.

**Hot Tub Incident 4 (the very next night)**

I had thought about the previous night A LOT the next day. The thing that was bothering me the most was that I didn’t return any of the favors that she had given to me, and I was really hoping I’d get the opportunity to. I felt bad because I hadn’t even offered the night before – I was so overwhelmed in the moment that it happened that I wasn’t thinking straight. She texted me in the afternoon asking what I was doing that night, and so I went over to her place again after work.

When I got there I wanted to go to the hot tub right away but she was hungry, so she dragged me to the bar across the street first where she got food and a margarita / shot of tequila. I just had a glass of water. When we got back from that though it was pretty much the same routine as the night before – hot tub for 15 minutes, then ran up to her bathroom without drying off. She wanted to take a bath instead of shower, so she took her suit off in front of me again (literally no hesitancy), turned the water on, and sat down in the tub as it was filling up. I wasn’t quite as nervous as the night before but it still felt weird taking my suit off in front of her. She added lots of bubbles so we had a nice bubble bath – it’s a big oval tub and so we each sat on one end pretzel legged facing each other and talked. I couldn’t see much of her body due to the bubbles but I was rubbing her legs under the water.

After a little while I straightened my legs out and told her to turn around and lay back against me. It felt really good sitting like that – this was directly inspired by that scene in Pretty Woman which has always been a fantasy of mine (though in the movie Julia Roberts is the one in the back). My dick was pressed against her back and I wrapped my arms around her. I felt up her boobs and played with her nipples and then moved one hand down between her legs and started rubbing her. She started to moan and her breathing got heavier. She reached her back behind her and grabbed my dick and stroked it a little. Then one of our feet hit the plug and the water started to drain, so that ended that position.

Luckily bathtub time didn’t end there though. She turned the shower on and we went back to sitting across from each other and talked some more with the water coming down between us. I was struggling to make eye contact because I kept wanting to look at her body – the tub was drained, there were no bubbles left, and I had a front row seat to her vagina and boobs. It took us a while but eventually we got to talking about what had happened the night before. She told me she liked hanging out with me but didn’t want to lead me on – she semi-recently got out of a long-term relationship, and a short rebound, and said she wasn’t looking to be in a relationship at all. And she told me she felt bad because she was worried I’d get attached to her if we kept spending time together. I told her not to be concerned because I didn’t think that would be an issue. I weirdly wasn’t feeling any emotional attachment – I mostly just wanted the stuff from the night before to continue. I don’t know if we really reached any conclusions or understandings, but it was a good talk.

Then we dried off. She put pajamas on again (no bra or underwear) but this time I didn’t get dressed. I just stayed in my towel and sat on her bed as she straightened things up around her apartment. When she finished she asked if I wanted to continue on with Gilmore Girls and I said absolutely! So we laid down in bed and started episode 3; she told me to take the towel off and then covered us up with the heated blanket. I was now completely naked under the covers. I wasted no time this night – I put my hand between her legs and asked if it was okay, and she said of course, so I slipped my hand into her pants and started rubbing her pussy.

Now the two other times I’ve had my hand between her legs has been in the shower. This was the first time outside of that and the first time I’ve gotten to feel the wetness. As soon as I got my hand in her pants she was wet and as I continued playing with her it just got wetter. She was letting out some moans that were really turning me on, and she moved tight up against me and started sucking my neck and gently biting my earlobe. I’d never felt either of those things before and they both felt pretty great. Eventually I slipped a finger or two inside of her and I kept thinking to myself how incredible it was that I was actually fingering a girl. I was finally feeling what the inside of a vagina felt like and loving it. At some point during this she had reached down and started stroking my dick as well. It felt good but all I was thinking about was wanting to make her come.

She was also attempting to work kissing into the mix during this – I have never kissed a girl before and had no idea what the fuck I was doing. There was so much else going on that I was really struggling with it. I felt her tongue go into my mouth a few times and had no idea if I was kissing her back or just sucking on her tongue. I don’t remember if my tongue went into her mouth at all. I even stopped and told her that I didn’t feel like I was doing it right and she laughed and said I was fine. I seriously doubted her though and would like some more practice in this area.

While fingering her I pulled her shirt up so her boobs were exposed and then propped myself up a bit and started licking/sucking on her nipple – she really started moaning at that and told me to bite them, so I gave them some gentle bites. I thought she was getting close to coming so I just continued rubbing/fingering her while her breathing got heavier. I asked her if she’d finished and she told me she had so I sort of slowed down at that point. My fingers were very wet when I brought my hand up which I found really hot. I pulled the blanket down past my waist so my hard dick was out in the open, and she sat up a little bit then and continued stroking me. She told me she wasn’t going to give me a blowjob and I felt slightly (okay, very) disappointed, but her just stroking it felt good so I was fine with it. Plus the only thing I had *really* wanted to do that night was make her come so I was already feeling satisfied.

Like the previous night, she said she wanted to have sex and asked me how I was feeling about it. I still just wasn’t feeling ready to go all the way yet, and I think she was disappointed but was understanding about my decision. She stopped stroking me but I had not come yet and needed to get off. I was gently rubbing myself with my dick pointing at my stomach and I asked her if she wanted me to come. She said she did and I told her it might be messy. I started stroking myself harder, and then she yelled at me and said if I was going to do that then she was going to climb on top of me and we were going to have sex. Also at this point too I remember wondering to myself where my nerves had gone – a day ago I had struggled to pull my suit down in front of her and now I’m laying naked in her bed masturbating in front of her. I’ve learned that horniness turns me into a much bolder person than I normally am. So anyways, I stopped and she took back over stroking me, and then I don’t know what changed her mind but she moved down between my legs and started blowing me. She was totally teasing me too. She’d go for a little bit and then stop. I felt like I was practically begging her to keep going because I was getting so close. I was able to last a lot longer tonight most likely due to the fact that I had come so many times the night before and wasn’t as sensitive.

Then she surprised me again – she opened her nightstand drawer and took out a small vibrator. She turned it on and put it between my legs and was moving it around my balls and taint area, then started sucking my dick at the same time. That was quite the sensation – it felt so fucking good. I remember thinking “*this girl is fucking wild*.” She told me to tell her when I was going to finish. When I got there I asked her if she was ready for me to come, and she said “mhmm” without taking my dick out of her mouth. That was enough to put me over the edge and so for the second night in a row I came in her mouth. I probably didn’t have much left in me seeing as I had come four times the previous day but it still felt incredible.

After that she went on the balcony to smoke and I got myself dressed and gathered my things to go home because I had to work in the morning. She came back inside and laid in her bed and I told her I was going to head home, but first asked if she needed anything. She looked really cute and was like “you could give me a kiss” which I was happy to do. So I kissed her (no tongues!) and then headed home with my mind still reeling over another crazy night and wondering where things would go next.

And that’s where things have left off. This happened about a week ago and we haven’t talked very much since then and I’m not sure what the deal is. I hope this keeps going though because I was having a lot of fun. And if we do get together again I’ll try and push myself to go all the way! I at least would really like to try going down and using her vibrator on her – I think she’d be up for that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lx9dx3/i_think_i_found_a_magic_hot_tub_incident_4_of_4


  1. Let her know that you are ready to go all the way. It might make her more interested in having you over again sooner.

  2. She seems like the perfect girl to be your first so you should definitely act on that. I recommend going down on her until she cums and then ask her if she wants to have sex.

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