Tara’s training diary – Day Two, by Kay Callovan [fantasy, light BDSM, submissive, FM, anal, free use]

**Day Two**

The morning bell woke me. Though I knew at once where I was, it took a few moments to work out what was happening and what was expected from me. My head was foggy from sleep, and I couldn’t yet recall what we were supposed to do other than vacate our beds. I nearly stood up as I rolled off mine, but luckily I remembered just in time that standing was strictly forbidden. Instead, I crouched next to my bed. “Present yourselves, properly!” our guard yelled. He was staring angrily at me, though I’m sure the other inmates were as befuddled as myself. He then reminded us ‘properly’ meant kneeling by the iron bars at the front of our cages with our knees six inches apart and our hands held behind our heads.

“It’s not my work to tell you lot what to do, only to make sure you all do it,” the guard bellowed. He walked along the row of cages glaring at our naked bodies. When he started banging his paddled against the bars, I was worried he might start hitting us with it. He was right, of course – our two instructrixes had drilled us on our morning routine last night. But to be fair to us, it usually takes time for such things to become second nature.

The guard wore the same tight crimson uniform as yesterday, but now his breeches were open at the front. His upright cock was sheathed in a sort of padded silk tube the same colour as his clothing, and this sheath was held in place against his belly by straps tied around his hips. His balls, though, were left exposed.

When he reached my cage again, he thrust his hand through the bars and grabbed my chin. “Open your mouth, bint,” he said. I complied. “Have you forgotten that your lips must be kept parted when you have company?”

“Sorry, sir,” I heard myself whimper.

Grabbing the back of my head, he pushed my mouth onto his balls. “Yes, give them a good suck and lick,” he said. Well, there wasn’t much else I could do, so I sucked and licked until he unhanded me.

He went along the row of cages, doing the same to the other inmates. He stopped when Mistress Lydia – the taller of our two instructrixes – asked him to move away from our cages. She had walked into our stable wearing only a little black half-apron tied around her hips. Her chestnut brown hair was done up in a tight, neat bun behind her head. The guard bowed his head when she stepped up to him. She cupped his balls in her hand and kissed his forehead. “You may leave us now, Master Tom,” she said.

“Very good, my mistress,” he said with another nod. Once she was alone with us, she looked us over. We were all still kneeling by the bars of our cages with our hands still behind our heads. This position, she now told us, was called the First Pose. All four lads were holding this pose to her satisfaction, but she informed us lasses that we should lift our elbows further so our breasts were raised higher on our chests.

Mistress then ordered us – both lads and lasses alike – to turn round and get down on all fours. This, she told us, was the Second Pose. She walked along our cages telling us to lift our buttocks higher until she was satisfied.

Then we had to change our positions again. We now lay on our backs with our knees drawn up to our chests. This, Mistress said, was the Third Pose.

These, we learnt, are the three basic positions in which we will spend much of our waking hours. When in any of these poses, we had to remain as still as possible and keep our eyes fixed directly in front of us. We could, if we needed a rest, also recline on our beds or on the lawn for a short while. In time, Mistress told us, we will learn which poses are most appropriate for particular situations. Most of today, so it turned out, was spent on our hands and knees.

Mistress unlocked our cages but only asked the lasses to come out. We crawled to the middle of the room where we resumed the First Pose. Our instructrix went to the lass to my left, stood with her back to her and leaned over so her buttocks were right in the lass’s face. “Kiss the left cheek, then the right, and then put your lips to my arsehole and leave them there until I ask you to remove them,” she said quietly though firmly. The lass complied.

Mistress Lydia then presented her backside to me. I’d already noticed it’s incredible beauty, and now she was bending over, it was even more bewitching – each buttock perfectly smooth, firm and round as a hard-boiled egg. Her little winking anus, wet with the other lass’s saliva, wasn’t unattractive either. Without needing to be told, I leaned forward and kissed each cheek, then put my open lips squarely on her arsehole. As I kissed, she spoke softly. “Yes, you’ll do this to your masters and mistresses each morning and at other times throughout the day,” she said. “I won’t tell you now what the Kiss of Obedience exactly represents – instead, I’ll let each one of you come to your own understanding of it.”

After each of us lasses had kissed her, she taught us a variation of the First Pose. This was for us lasses only. While still kneeling, but with knees a couple more inches apart, we had to keep only our right hands behind our heads, but rising our elbow higher still, so tilting our shoulders. Our left hands, instead, had to be placed on our cunnies. “You may masturbate whenever you’re in this pose,” she said, “It’s up to you, lasses, but I do recommend it – even though you’re now dedicated to giving pleasure to others first, giving pleasure to yourselves comes a close second.”

I’m not sure about the others, but I fingered myself – it was hard not too – while behind us, our mistress attended to the lads. I presumed they were all giving her the Kiss of Obedience as we had done. Mistress then bid us lasses to adopt the second position again.

When we were back on our hands and knees, she commanded the lads to mount us. Almost at once, one of the lads was pressing himself against my backside – I imagine he had been waiting for some time for the chance to pounce on me. I had no idea who he was – while he was on me, I had my eyes fixed on the wall opposite in the way our mistresses had instructed us. This was the first time since dedicating myself to free use someone made full use of me. I guess from now on it’s going to happen a lot, so I better get used to it sooner rather than later. However, my soaking wet cunny was already very ready for him – even before I starting fingering myself I was getting turned on. The lad, whoever he was, now glided his cock up me with ease and proceeded to give me a truly good seeing to. It was frustrating though – not only was I sorely tempted to start touching myself again, but I really wanted to look back and see which one of the lads was fucking me. Soon I wanted to change my position and lie flat on the hay covered floor because I so much wanted to feel the lad’s whole heaving body on top of mine – but with our stern mistress brandishing her paddle nearby, I kept myself in Second Pose the best I could.

After our morning fornication, we crawled out the door, following our mistress like a line of ducklings. On the lawn, she permitted us to stand on our feet, then made us do various stretches and callisthenics, before having us run several circuits of the yard. We barely recovered from this workout, when we had to follow her again. She now led us to a nearby building where in the first room, a servant wearing only a glossy black apron gave us enemas. In the next room, white-clad servants fed us the same way we were fed the night before, with us kneeling side by side, while they inserted various morsels into our open mouths. Other servants held up cups of mead to our lips for us to sip. We then lapped tea from shallow bowls on the floor. When I first heard I wouldn’t be allowed to feed myself with my own hands, I wondered how strictly this would be enforced – it turns out very strictly indeed.

Before we were returned to our yard, we all took a spoonful of a red paste the staff called ‘pap’. The servant who fed me said it contained pulped love berries and mandrake juice and it was essential for the health and well-being of lap dollies like myself. This was the first time I heard someone call me a lap dolly. It was then when I began to understand and feel what it means truly to be one. Now I’ve surrendered all my civic rights and responsibilities, I’m entirely helpless – a mere plaything to be handed from household to household to be used according to my masters’ and mistresses’ whims.

A little later, Mistress Lydia resumed our instruction. Today the focus was on our anuses. She paired me off with a lad and told me to put my mouth to his arsehole and give it a good kiss. I obeyed more out of duty at first, but with my face jammed up against his taut, muscular buttocks, I couldn’t help but be aroused, and soon I was entirely lost in making my kiss. When Mistress was satisfied that I was kissing his hole like a lover’s mouth, she had me and lad switch places. For what seemed like all morning, we kept on like this until Mistress instructed us to start using our fingers. Taking turns, we thrust, wriggled and churned our fingers in each others’ backsides.

After the mid-afternoon bell, Mistress had us line up and present our backsides to her. Going along the line, she tested our arseholes with her fingers. She then told two lads and two lasses to go to the edge of the lawn and kneel in First Pose. The remaining lads and lasses, including myself, stayed on our hands and knees. Four male servants then joined us on the lawn – all stout, burly lads. They passed the kneeling lads and lasses, ignoring them. Instead, they headed straight for us, unbuttoning their breeches as they approached. As soon as they were behind us, they went to work on our rear ends. Without saying a word to me, the lad behind me started buggering me good and proper. He didn’t have much trouble getting inside, I guess the last few hours had prepared me well. I’ve been having lads fuck my arse for a few months now, but this was the first time it really felt good to have a big stiff cock stuffed up there.

All four servant lads were quick – mine was ejaculating inside me only after a few minutes. I then turned around and licked his cock clean. Still looking at his now semi-flaccid cock – not once did I look up at his face – I said “Thank you for using me, sir.” My words came out smaller and more pathetic than I intended. The lad ruffled my hair. I presumed that meant I had his approval. A wave of joy passed through me and for a moment I was genuinely grateful.

We had our second feeding, then the guards locked us again in our cages for the night. Before I started writing today’s entry, I had a long chat with the blond lad in the cage next to mine. We were careful to speak in whispers – one of our guards is still sitting in with us. Even if someone raises their voice a little, he bangs his paddle on the bars of our cages. The blond lad was one of those who was buggered alongside me, though funnily enough, we didn’t compare notes. Instead, we had a somewhat abstract conversation about the nature of true service. I remember this lad having long curly locks when we arrived yesterday. Now his hair is untidily cropped short like my own. He told me he had finished his studies at Adocentyn University a few months ago – I’m impressed, though of course, it means nothing now he’s become a lap boy. No one will ask his learned opinion about anything now unless perhaps it’s another lap dolly who’s doing the asking. After a while, our conversation dried up a little, but instead of thinking up more things to say, I sucked his cock through the bars. Afterwards, he fingered me, then we kissed.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lwfz5w/taras_training_diary_day_two_by_kay_callovan