Movie night

We found ourselves at the entrance of the cinema, with the typical nerves of a first date, but with the guarantee that we would at least be entertained by the film, so it was not necessary, at least at first, to worry about the topic of conversation.

While we waited for the session to begin, we barely exchanged words, it may be that we did not know each other well enough, that he, like me, had come to the appointment out of sheer boredom, or that the nerves played a trick.

As soon as the credits began I relaxed, the next two hours would not have to force a topic of conversation or endure uncomfortable silences, and at the end there would be something to talk about, or everyone would go home without much drama.

The movie wasn’t turning out to be as entertaining as I thought it would be, and you could see on his face that he agreed with me. He looked around from time to time, looking for something more interesting to pay attention to, until his gaze met mine. A knowing smile aroused a bit of mutual empathy, we still had something in common, even if it was filmmaking taste.

I took advantage of one of those scenes that should have remained on the editing table to go to the bathroom and save myself at least a few minutes of artistic suffering. When I came out I found him at the door, holding out his hand while his gesture was between provocative and adventurous. I did not hesitate, I had nothing more interesting to do, so I shook his hand and followed his steps towards one of the rooms that seemed to be without a session, perhaps because of the hours.

We enter and stay in the small hall before the access door, where the dim darkness usually takes you to a few hours of HD emotions. I waited, I didn’t understand what we were doing there, until he brought his face close to mine, as if asking permission, and then he brought his lips to my cheek with a sweet kiss.

Honestly, I was off the hook. There hadn’t been a moment of those in which either of us made an insinuation, but the gesture, as well as the initiative, led me to kiss him back, this time on his lips.

What began sweet and delicate, turned into a strong outburst that had us with our hands eager to reach everything we could touch, caress, pinch or brush. The way she acted, and that security that seemed to envelop him suddenly, turned me on a lot and very quickly. I went from thinking about fading at the end of the movie, to wanting him inside of me. Without confidence, but also without expectations, I did not shut up and just as I asked.

He took half a second to react. He unbuttoned my pants, yanked them down, turned me against the access door, released his erection and penetrated me with just the right point of roughness.

A moan escaped my lips, and as he intensified the thrust higher than he did I moan. I could feel the pleasure trickling down my thighs, his body bouncing against mine with perfectly timed power and rhythm. A few minutes ago I would not have imagined like this with him in a million years, and now my vulva was screaming for more, harder, faster, more …

Arch your back to give him greater access and he got the message. He grabbed my hips with both hands and pumped as deep as possible. The moans were louder and louder, and I was finding it really morbid that someone, passing through the outer door, could hear us, or even from the next room with the boring movie we had fled from.

A loud whipping erased that thought, making me scream again, this time as I orgasmed between muscle spasms.

After that we didn’t have much conversation, so we translated that ours was pure sexual energy and we left it at that, which on the other hand, is not bad at all; We already had someone to go to the movies with and run away if the film didn’t convince us.

It had been a long time, if it had happened before, that I was not fucked with such intensity and skill. But yes, it was the first time I enjoyed missing a movie
