[MF]The table her sweaty ass was on ten minutes ago…was used for making sandwiches…Part 3

Part 1 is here: [Click it to read it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lu1eee/im_fucked_this_girlother_men_smelled_sex_from_her/)
Part 2 is here: [Click it to read it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/luhjt8/i_m_woke_up_and_could_not_believe_what_i_saw_on/)

After kissing Magda goodbye I left to catch a train.

It was around 10 pm and freezing cold, around -20C, and extremely windy.

The winters in Poland can be nasty.

All I wanted was to catch the train and go home as soon as possible.

When I arrived at the station I found out that the train I wanted to catch was not running on Sundays.

Dumb me, I hadn’t check that before.

I had no idea what to do.

I had no money to get a taxi or hotel. All I had was 8zl in my pocket (around $2)

My little town was located 40km away so walking home was out of the question.

I had two choices:

1.. Sleep at the train station with the homeless and risk being mugged.

2..Call Magda and ask her to let me crash at her place.

I whipped my Nokia 3210 out of my pocket and gave her a ring.

When she picked up the phone I explained my situation…she said “sleep with the homeless” – Just joking:)

She said “Hang on for a minute I will ask my roommate if she’s ok with you sleeping here”

They had some rules about visitors.

It was fine for them to have people coming into the flat during the day but no sleeping over.

After a minute of hanging on the line, she told me her roommate agreed but said we must be very quiet as she needs to get up very early the next morning and go to her university.

Around 11 pm, I called her phone again announcing my arrival.

I was frozen, tired, and just wanted to sleep.

She came outside and led me back to her apartment.

She told me to be very quiet because her roommate was already sleeping.

I got in, took my shoes off in the corridor, hanged my jacket. And went inside the room.

Then I started undressing in the darkness.

I quietly took off my trousers and socks put them down on the floor.

The room was small and the bed of her roommate was around 1 meter apart from Maga’s bed.

When I was in my underwear and t-shirt I slid under the duvet where Magda was already lying down.

She quietly whispered in my ear “we can’t be doing anything sexual because my friend is here”

To be honest I really was tired and did not care. I just wanted to sleep.

After lying for a few minutes facing each other, she turned on the other side and we were trying to fall asleep.

After around 10 minutes she said “put your hand in my panties and have a look”

As quietly as I could I slid my hand from behind in her panties.


Drenched, flood…broken tap

I had even not touched her before that and she was literally dripping.

Her things were wet halfway to her knees.

Her meat curtains were swimming in her panties.

She then grabbed my three fingers and pushed them inside her drenched cunt.

I started invading that wet territory with the passion of a great white going on a feeding frenzy.

She put her hand to cover her mount so the moans would not wake up her roommate.

It was impossible to be quiet at that point.

Her pussy was making sounds like a slipper stuck in the mud.

I am sure her roommate was awake at that point and listening to everything.

She reached back with her hand and grabbed my dick which was rock hard and saluting like a soldier.

I quietly reached back on the floor, grabbed my jeans, and tried to find the condom.

Despite being as careful as possible, the metal buckle of my belt was making clicking sounds.

It was so awkward with her friend being there but at that moment the only brain that was making the decisions was the head of my dick

I quietly ripped the condom out of the wrap with my teeth and as quickly as possible or rolled it down on my impatient soldier.

She stuck up her ass more towards me and I pushed it all the way in.

In fact, she was so wet and open there was no effort whats over.

Her cunt sucked my dick in less than a second.

For a moment I wondered if I was already inside or not because she was so wet and so open and I was wearing a condom which diminished sensation.

I started fucking her slowly but I was pushing in as deep as I could.

She was still covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself from moaning.

I am sure that her friend was listening. I sensed that but I no longer cared. All the shame went away. I was lost in the moment.

After around 10 minutes of deep fucking she told me to go to the kitchen as she wanted to fuck harder.

Quitely we sneaked out of the room and in the darkness we found our way to the kitchen.

At this point, it was around 1 am.

We did not turn the lights on but the curtains were not on and the street lamp was giving us some light.

At least we could see each other.

We closed the door to the kitchen and with no regard for her flatmates anymore we started fucking like animals.

We did not care about the sounds.

The gagging sounds of my dick in her mouth to the slapping of her butt cheeks in a doggy position were feeling up the kitchen and most likely the rest of the flat.

I fucked her in a standing position.

We fucked on the kitchen table.

We fucked in every possible way we could.

And to be honest it lasted around 4 hours with some breaks in between.

I had some difficulting cumming because of the condom, lack of sleep, and knowing that at any moment one of her flatmates could come to the kitchen.

We were sweating like crazy.

Her naked ass left a big sweaty stain on the kitchen table.

W finished around 5 am and went to her bed.

But at 6 am everyone started waking up in her flat, talking, making noises.

It was impossible to get some sleep so we decided to wake up and go to the kitchen.

After one hour of sleep, we were exhausted and needed some strong injection of caffeine.

I sat on the chair in the kitchen while Magda made us some coffee.

Then she sat on another chair and we started to drink it.

A few of her friends came inside the kitchen and said hi to me.

They were very polite and they have not made any allusions about our fucking session.

Then something crazy happened…

One of her friends grabbed a loaf of bread and started cutting it into slices to make sandwiches.

Why was it crazy?

Because she put the bread exactly in the same spot where the big sweat stain from Magda’s as was an hour ago.

But it has evaporated so she could not see it.

When we saw it, we looked at each other and burst into laugher.

She asked why were laughing and we said it was nothing.

I could not hold it together.

I felt a bit bad for her.

But what was I suppose to say? ” hey don’t make your sandwiches there because Magda’s naked ass was there an hours ago”

Then she started eating those sandwiches.

Seriously I did not know what to do.

Another sandwich she wrapped in a silver foil for a later launch at the university.

It was too much for me to see.

I finished my coffee.

I said to Magda it was a time for me to go.

Exhausted I went to catch a train.

When I arrived home I slept 12 hours straight.



P.S. I have some other crazy stories. How I nearly got caught by a group of grannies fucking a girl in the grass. And others as well. If you want, I can write it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/luj6hp/mfthe_table_her_sweaty_ass_was_on_ten_minutes